C25K Support Group Starting 6/27



  • laurstarks
    laurstarks Posts: 35
    finally finished week 2... after a week long break...:embarassed:

    it's been too hot and i've been unmotivated. but hopefully i'm back on track now.
  • Cccaroline
    Cccaroline Posts: 196 Member
    Hey guys, today was my last day of week 4. Once again, I tried to push myself. I did the last 8 minute run at 5mph the entire time. For me that was a HUGE deal and I feel pretty damn proud of myself. I could have never done that just 4 weeks ago. I'm not going to lie and say it was easy. I wanted to slow the speed on the treadmill plenty of times. I tried really hard not to look at the time because I think when I look at the time and I see that I still have a long way to go, it frustrates me. I'm like, "why is the timer moving so darn slow when I feel like I've been running forever". So I just tried to get in the zone while I jammed to a Michael Jackson podcast. When Suz came in on the podcast and said "okay now it's time for your cooldown walk", I said "THANK YOU JESUS" LOL. By the time the cooldown walk was over, I was completely pooped. I was up to 1.9 miles but I just kept walking to make it an even 2 pooped or not. It felt great! Now I'm ready for week 5. Excited and nervous at the same time. :smile:

    Well done, you're doing great, and I'm sure everyone would join you in thanking you for maintaining this thread and giving us all your encouragement!
    I finished week 3 on Friday. I did OK, did some extra running after the programmed runs. It seems to take me a really long time to warm up, I feel at my best after all the set runs! I do only go slowly, thinking if I should try and go faster instead of doing extra runs at the end of the set ones. Anyway, week 4 on Monday, bring it on!!
  • Leafeh
    Leafeh Posts: 37 Member
    alright! finnished week 4 today!
    can't continue on w5 yet though, on tuseday I will be away for 10 days, but I'll catch up as soon as I come home again
  • loverstreet
    loverstreet Posts: 227 Member
    Hey guys, today was my last day of week 4. Once again, I tried to push myself. I did the last 8 minute run at 5mph the entire time. For me that was a HUGE deal and I feel pretty damn proud of myself. I could have never done that just 4 weeks ago. I'm not going to lie and say it was easy. I wanted to slow the speed on the treadmill plenty of times. I tried really hard not to look at the time because I think when I look at the time and I see that I still have a long way to go, it frustrates me. I'm like, "why is the timer moving so darn slow when I feel like I've been running forever". So I just tried to get in the zone while I jammed to a Michael Jackson podcast. When Suz came in on the podcast and said "okay now it's time for your cooldown walk", I said "THANK YOU JESUS" LOL. By the time the cooldown walk was over, I was completely pooped. I was up to 1.9 miles but I just kept walking to make it an even 2 pooped or not. It felt great! Now I'm ready for week 5. Excited and nervous at the same time. :smile:

    You're doing great! Way to stick it out and work through it. You'll do just fine for week 5. My week 4 day 3 was harder than week 5 day 1. Thanks for keeping this thread going with all your encouraging words. Its keeping me motivated!
  • thisismynewmindset
    thisismynewmindset Posts: 273 Member
    Hey! Just checking in!!

    So I FINISHED Week 5 on Saturday!!! (I haven't logged in since... so I thought I would update you now).

    I was soooooo scared about it. Driving up to my path I was so nervous, like I was about to write a big exam or something.

    I did it though... the full 20 minutes without stopping. I looked at my watch a lot and sometimes went a little slow, but I was always running!

    Yay back to intervals today for Week6Day1... a little break is good!
  • loverstreet
    loverstreet Posts: 227 Member
    Hey! Just checking in!!

    So I FINISHED Week 5 on Saturday!!! (I haven't logged in since... so I thought I would update you now).

    I was soooooo scared about it. Driving up to my path I was so nervous, like I was about to write a big exam or something.

    I did it though... the full 20 minutes without stopping. I looked at my watch a lot and sometimes went a little slow, but I was always running!

    Yay back to intervals today for Week6Day1... a little break is good!

    Congrats! I'm happy for you!
  • laurstarks
    laurstarks Posts: 35
    started week 3 today. it's funny how the same amount of running can feel like so much less when you only do two of each interval. i was over the second 3 minute run with a minute and 15 seconds to go, but told myself to suck it up and GET OVER IT. :grumble:

    very hard to believe that i should be able to run for 20 minutes in two weeks. i'm slightly terrified, haha.
  • jtp5184
    jtp5184 Posts: 138 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Brytesmile dont worry you'll kick w5d3's butt! And you're going to feel awesome after! i still get a kick everytime i run for more than 20 minutes! I think trying it on the treadmill first is a good option. This program isnt about rushing its about conditioning yourself to preform this task comfortably. And repeating it well thats just even better. if you do it more than once that it must not have been that bad :)

    I started with my running group this weekend. it was over a 100 degrees that day so it wasn't a good run for distance. Also something IRONIC has happened...i used to want to run with someone to make the time go faster but now i find i like to run alone. I made my friend and my mom join and they wanted to walk and talk the whole time and i actually wanted to run (i never thought i would think like that) but on a good note it was TOO hot to run that long so i guess it was a blessing. I told my mom how i felt and she said she would high jack the conversation so i could be free to run. I am hoping i enjoy the company more when my runs get longer.

    With that being said i was very excited to do w7d1 today and have a nice long run by myself at 6am. i love running at that hour its quiet and the roads arent busy. It felt great! i pushed myself to get passed the 4 mile mark. I ran 25 minutes then walked for 5 then ran another mile which was 12 minutes then cooldown. i love when you find your pace and you can just keep going.

    ok everyone keep up the good work! i love all the motivation!
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    I made a mistake. :embarassed:

    I said I ran the last 8 minute interval straight at 5mph. I guess it must've felt like 8 minutes LOL. But actually I was on week 4 so it would have been 5 minutes. Either way, that's a huge accomplishment for me. I start week 5 today and maybe by day 2, I will be able to run for 8 minutes straight at 5mph. :happy:
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Thanks guys for your support and you are all very welcome (re your comments about maintaining this thread). I really do enjoy seeing how everyone is doing and helping to motivate everyone to keep going with the program no matter how hard it gets. You are all doing a fantastic job! :drinker:

    @Caroline - good for you on the extra runs. I'm noticing a lot of us are getting stronger and our endurance is really improving so we are putting in extra walks or runs. I think that is fantastic. About whether or not you should try to go faster instead of the extra runs, I really think that will depend on how you feel. For me, I gradually increase my speed throughout the run and throughout each interval. But I do sometimes do extra intervals if I feel super pumped.

    @Leafeh - Great job and hope you will get right back on track as soon as you get back. :)

    @Legs - Girl, I am so proud of you for getting through week 5. I think I am going to feel the same way you did driving to the park lol. I'm going to be so nervous I might not even be able to drive and will have to ask my fiance to take me lol.

    @Laura - I have had to say the same thing to myself so many times. I keep telling myself not to look at the time but I always end up looking and then getting pissed off lol. I know exactly how you feel about that and about the 20 minute run. But seeing so many of the ladies in this group go from where we are now to completing that run surely gives me hope and I hope it does the same for you. By the way, thanks for not giving up after your break and coming back.

    @Jtp - I think I like to run alone too. I listen to my music and just get in the zone. It's hard to run and talk and listen to music at the same time lol. I think the company would just slow me down. I just love to see how far you have come, now you are able to do 4 miles. You are doing even better than a 5K. You go girl!
  • Cccaroline
    Cccaroline Posts: 196 Member
    I did week 4 day 1 today. I did a very slow jog instead of a walk to warm up and down which I found warmed me up better. Did one extra run at the end. I did the shorter runs jogging faster than usual, and I managed the 5 mins runs ok, and feel I really pushed myself today! Had fun, and can't wait 'till the next run. I'm not sure when I can do it, I'm away for a conference on Wednesday, so we'll see. :)
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    I did week 4 day 1 today. I did a very slow jog instead of a walk to warm up and down which I found warmed me up better. Did one extra run at the end. I did the shorter runs jogging faster than usual, and I managed the 5 mins runs ok, and feel I really pushed myself today! Had fun, and can't wait 'till the next run. I'm not sure when I can do it, I'm away for a conference on Wednesday, so we'll see. :)

    Wow that is really awesome Caroline! What a great accomplishment! I haven't tried warming up with a jog instead of a run but it sure sounds like you did really push yourself today and the best part is that you had fun. Great job! :smile:
  • kalcide
    kalcide Posts: 120 Member
    Hi everyone!!


    Ive had a terrible week! well not terrible as such, but havent managed to get out much to do any excerise. but ive promised myself to get back on it today!!

    i just spent the last half hour getting up to date on everyones progress!! your all doing so well, its just bloody great!

    Ive just completed wk4!! yay!! hadnt run since last monday, so i thought i would struggle. but the intervals seem to come sooner than i expected. i actually stopped once to make sure i was on the right day!! i also managed the hills without thinking i was gona die!! i kept thinking about reporting back to this group and it kept me going!!

    so seems a few of us are starting the dreaded wk5, im kinda looking forward to it now. i really want to crack this.

    Im also a loner when running. i go back to work next week as my Mat leave finishes! boo!! i know the girls in the office run at lunch and will try to get me to go with them. but i like to work/challenge my own pace.

    keep up the good work everyone!!
  • Wuzzlicious
    For everybody who's worried about week five?

    I promise you, you can do it.

    I promise.

    I wouldn't lie to y'all, now would I??

    You can totally do it and you will be SO proud of yourself afterwards. Just go and do it and feel great. I know you can.

    I'm looking forward to starting week six as soon as my ankle is all better. It's already feeling miles (har har har) better than Thursday, so I'm hoping by this coming Thursday that I can be back up and on the treadmill.

    I never thought that I would MISS running so much!! Never in a million years...
  • MistyDC29
    MistyDC29 Posts: 99 Member
    I finished Week 2 yesterday. I ran it on the trail with my Nike+ sensor and found that I definitely run faster outside...but I am also running too fast as I can't catch my breath at the end of it most times. Still looking for my pace out there, I guess. But it was good and I am interested to start Week 3 tomorrow. I will let you know how it goes! :-)
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    @Kal - I like how you start off your message with a flower for us before giving us the bad news lol. We all have bad days or weeks and like I always say, tomorrow is a new day and I'm so happy when you guys don't give up and get right back on track. Great job on completing week 4! I'm glad the thought of this group helped you to keep going. The same thing happens to me. I'm always thinking about you guys. I did week 5, day 1 yesterday and like someone else said it did feel easier than week 4, day 3. Maybe because there were less running intervals. I even did an extra 1 minute run after the session ended. I was pretty sore yesterday from my bootcamp training the day before so my legs felt extremely heavy and I kept my runs at 4-4.5mph instead of 5mph. Hopefully I can push a little harder for day 2. I too am starting to look forward to the big 20 minute run. I think I can do it.

    @Wuzz - Sorry about the ankle and hope it feels better soon so you can get back to running! It's really funny how a lot of us who hated running are starting to love it and miss it when we don't get to do it. It's addictive. :)

    @Misty - Yea I never really know how fast I'm going when I run outside so I just gotta go off how I feel. I really want to get a gadget that will tell me these things. I went to the running store this weekend and checked out the Nike+ sensor but they said I needed all this extra stuff to be able to get the info from the sensor real time and it got to be more than I wanted to spend so I didn't get it. :(
  • froggy77064
    froggy77064 Posts: 49 Member
    did w2d1 monday,doing w2d2 tomorrow.sure hope it goes better than monday did.i couldn't get into a descent rythem with my breathing or jogging(bad night at work didn't help i'm sure) i pushed through it though.i kept telling myself that i had to keep going and how much better i'll feel when i get to post here that i got it done.

    the upbeat and positive posts everybody has on this topic, makes it all worthwhile. EVERYBODY KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK :)
  • loverstreet
    loverstreet Posts: 227 Member
    I will be starting week 6 day 1, hopefully tonight. I haven't run since Friday and it seems like a long time...too long. My kids started swim lessons up again yesterday evening and they continue all week and through Wed of next week. This really screws up my treadmill time because the kids don't want to leave the pool after the lessons are over! I didn't get home until 9pm and I was too tired to run that late. Hopefully I can get them home earlier tonight and get on the treadmill. I don't want to be off the program for too long!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Like Kalcide said I have read all the posts since I last posted and there alot since I didn't run this weekend. It is great since at least 3 of you have completed Week5 Day 3 and Thursday I am going to do it. Today I did day 2 and it went well. After the 1st 8 minute run I felt like I could continue. I had already planned to add a minute onto the second one to make 17 minutes of run which is how many minutes I am up to now going around the lake. The second 8 minutes was harder to complete but I did make it through the 9 minutes planned. So the 1st interval made me feel OK about the 20 minute run next time and the 2nd made me worry but I figure that I was fresher on the 1st one and that will be the same as when I run the 20 minute run. I am actually looking forward to it. I am proud of all of you. We are all saying we like running alone but we are thinking about this group while we run. I love it. Also some of you said to start each interval slowly which is just what my brother-in-law told me too. He has run around the Greenlake for years 3 days a week until he got arthritis in his toe and now he bikes for even longer. I think I am starting to like it too and think I would miss it. Since I can't always run during the weekend. Some of you may be catching up with me soon.

    Anyway I love this group.
  • loverstreet
    loverstreet Posts: 227 Member
    Much to my kid's dismay, we didn't stay at the pool after swim lessons. I got to come home, make dinner and get my behind on the treadmill. The four day break was too long. I had to fight through the week 6 day 1 run, which shouldn't have been as hard as it was for me. However, I was *not* going to give up. I had my support group to think about!

    For anyone approaching week 5 day 3 - you can do it! :smile:

    Keep running! You can do it!