Hey You 30' Something - Swimsuit Challenge



  • taurie
    taurie Posts: 225 Member
    Had a heck of a week... food poisoning, getting stepped on by a stelletto while wearing sandals (OUCH! foot is black and blue), should spasm during spinning, then a Charlie Horse in the middle of the night but still managed to burn 3,765 calories... mostly walking though. My body has been through a lot this week.
  • taurie
    taurie Posts: 225 Member
    ooops. I meant shoulder spasm.
  • gjspiller
    gjspiller Posts: 115 Member
    Had a heck of a week... food poisoning, getting stepped on by a stelletto while wearing sandals (OUCH! foot is black and blue), should spasm during spinning, then a Charlie Horse in the middle of the night but still managed to burn 3,765 calories... mostly walking though. My body has been through a lot this week.

    i thought i had a rough week!!! yikes!!!

    my only excuse is that i had to spend a week commuting back and forth to my mom's house, taking care of her while she recovers from chemo, and coming in late to do "work-related" stuff until 2-3a each morning.

    and you managed to meet your goal!!! AWESOME!! okay, no excuses for me!!

  • katharos3
    katharos3 Posts: 154 Member
    Checking in for Drop It Like It's Hot - 3898 burned this week!! :)
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Checking in for Jalapeno Hotties.. 3519.. just made it this week. Woohoo Go JH!
  • seventysix06
    seventysix06 Posts: 88 Member
    Checking in for DILIH--3600 for the week.
  • newmrsdec10
    newmrsdec10 Posts: 361 Member
    Hey Hotties!

    Thanks to everyone who has sent me totals so far! I am taking totals for week 2: 7.4 - 7.10. I need week 2 even if you sent them to Tamiesue2 because she does not have access to them!
    You can also send me your total for week 3 that ends today if you already have it. (7.11 - 7.17)

    Again, if you're friends with any team members, let 'em know to get those numbers in.
  • imgone324
    imgone324 Posts: 84
    You mean 45 points total? What did the other team get for last week?

    Drop it like it's hot!! :)

    Actually, we earned 45 points, but once you remove the point that we lost, the net points was only 33 :(
  • imgone324
    imgone324 Posts: 84
    DILIH-I made it!! Little one was feeling better & we spent 5 hours in the pool today! I've made my goal with one day to go!! Woo hoo! I have no idea how I'll make up all those calories burned food wise, as I didn't start out the day eating enough to make up for it....but I'll get in some of it!

    Way to go Karen. Nice job getting that work-out in.
  • reyna99
    reyna99 Posts: 489 Member
    OH MY I DID IT!! didn't log this weekend, but did two a days saturday and sunday for a total of 3553, barely, Drop Like It's Hot!!
    gotta kick it up some more! I don't want to barely make it....
  • Andee08
    Andee08 Posts: 147 Member
    I am checking in for DILIH...3585! I managed to handle this past week even with a crazy work schedule!
  • taurie
    taurie Posts: 225 Member

    i thought i had a rough week!!! yikes!!!

    my only excuse is that i had to spend a week commuting back and forth to my mom's house, taking care of her while she recovers from chemo, and coming in late to do "work-related" stuff until 2-3a each morning.

    and you managed to meet your goal!!! AWESOME!! okay, no excuses for me!!


    Gosh, I hope she's alright now. When days are that hectic (going to bed around 2 - 3am) getting enough sleep trumps making time for working out.
  • EJanine
    EJanine Posts: 23
    Team DLIH, my total burn for week 7/11 - 7/17 = 5,238
  • imgone324
    imgone324 Posts: 84
    Team DLIH, my total burn for week 7/11 - 7/17 = 5,238
    Wow....nicely done.
  • newmrsdec10
    newmrsdec10 Posts: 361 Member
    Alright, Jalapeno Hotties, I'm just missing updates from 3 people! I'll post what I have for weeks 2 and 3 tomorrow. I hope everyone is off to a good start for week 3!

    I do NOT plan on putting up a pic of me in my swimsuit yet, so I hope everyone is up for the challenge this week! Let's burn dilih!!
  • lovecola06
    lovecola06 Posts: 180 Member
    Hey fellow hotties!

    I just got the okay from the doctor to resume light exercise today... Of course, I'm gonna try my best to get to 3500 calories burned this week. I got 582 this morning - hopefully I can get the same or better every day until Sunday.. fingers crossed! It's a lot harder without the ridiculous Insanity program burns that I'm used to.. Go team!!!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Argh! I was all set to go get in a swim last night & BURN! And the people at my mom's apt complex decide that it was a good night to add chemicals to the pool! So I hadn't gotten on elliptical, anticipating the swim, and splurged on Taco Bell. Thank goodness I managed SOME burn to stay under calories, but not much, as the trip to mom's & not wanting to be rude & just leave, took up what time I would have had to at least get in a Zumba. *sigh* I'll be swimming on Saturday, but still. Not wanting to try & burn it all in one day again! LOL! Need my own pool!
  • newmrsdec10
    newmrsdec10 Posts: 361 Member
    Hey fellow hotties!

    I just got the okay from the doctor to resume light exercise today... Of course, I'm gonna try my best to get to 3500 calories burned this week. I got 582 this morning - hopefully I can get the same or better every day until Sunday.. fingers crossed! It's a lot harder without the ridiculous Insanity program burns that I'm used to.. Go team!!!

    Glad to hear it, but don't overdo it! I had outpatient surgery in June and remember how eager I was to get back to it.
  • newmrsdec10
    newmrsdec10 Posts: 361 Member
    Alright, here are the weekly updates for the Jalapeno Hotties! I don't think I've missed anyone, but if there are any mistakes, just let me know.

    Week 2: 7.4 - 7.10
    MissingMinnesota -3
    balston2010 5800/3
    Takotorau 6035
    gjspiller -3
    taurie 3824/3
    andipandi ???
    mosneakers 4097/3
    getnfitn2011 ???
    angelacasey736 4029/3
    latoyabooker -3
    lovecola06 -3
    swanny320 4296/3
    emariec78 3537/3
    newmrsdec10 -3
    drcarrier 3532/3
    Mnk777 4340/3
    MamaMonkey -3
    Pursleygirl08 -3
    Kremsergirl 3898/3

    19 members (I don't have Tamiesue2 listed; she makes 20) 17 reporting = +30 (10 made goal) -21 (7 did not)
    so 9 points? is that the way we are doing the totals?
  • newmrsdec10
    newmrsdec10 Posts: 361 Member
    And week 3: 7.11 ~ 7.17

    MissingMinnesota -3
    balston2010 4657/3
    Takotorau 5663
    gjspiller -3
    taurie 3765/3
    andipandi ???
    mosneakers 5088/3
    getnfitn2011 ???
    angelacasey736 3595/3
    latoyabooker 3/3525
    lovecola06 -3
    swanny320 -3
    emariec78 3853/3
    newmrsdec10 3599/3
    drcarrier 3519/3
    Mnk777 3904/3
    MamaMonkey 3820/3
    Pursleygirl08 3591/3
    Kremsergirl 3520/3

    19 members (I don't have Tamiesue2 listed; she makes 20) 17 reporting = +39 (13 made goal) -12 (4 did not)
    27 points for week 3

    Alright folks, it's time for us to take this challenge back! We rocked week 1, sucked week 2 and improved week 3. We have a couple members who had life issues that set them back, so think positive thoughts for them. We have one member who will not make goal all challenge because of changes to his/her training schedule by his/her trainer - that's a -3 per week that we know we need to account for!

    If anyone is friends with andipandi and/or getnfitn2011, see if you can get some info on their progress please and thank you.