diet soda is HORRIBLE



  • Froggy1976
    Froggy1976 Posts: 472
    I don't know why you're all laughing, diet drinks are a serious issue over here. They're the number one cause of alcoholism, drug abuse, and knife crime in this country. The diet pepsi vs. diet coke gang wars have become so extreme that people are too scared to leave their houses for fear of being caught in the crossfire.
    ^^love it!
    oHhhhhh noez I finna die

    This one too!
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member

    *drinks Diet Mountain Dew in peace*
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Actually, the American Diabetic Association lobbied for the ban on aspartame to be lifted after the FDA found links to bladder cancer in rats and it was taken off the market. At the time it was the only artificial sweetener available. Originally those pink packets had warning labels, but after years without being able to replicate that data and seeing no instances of the linkage in humans, the warning label was taken off.

    Truth bomb! BOOM!

    I remember being little and adding Sweet & Low to my iced tea, and showing my Mom the packet, saying "Look Mom! Am I gonna get cancer now?!"

    Haha, yup! And it's not there anymore.

    Great job on the weight loss btw! :)

    Thanks! :smile:
  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    Yeah, I have heard this one plenty. Off to drink a Coke Zero.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member

    *drinks Diet Mountain Dew in peace*
    OMG have you tried the new ones? SO good
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    Yes, we all will die someday, but it please be aware that "diet" soda will hinder your wieghtloss efforts. The body does not know how to break it down and it will still act as if it is sugar in your body. I challlenge anybody to give up diet soda and watch their body drop 5 lbs within a couple weeks just by that change.

    so tired of the "diet soda will make you fat" posts. I have been drinking diet soda for 6.5 years. During that time I lost 165 pounds and have maintained that loss. Donuts and cookies make me fat, diet soda keeps me sane and off the cookies and donuts.
  • timeforme23
    timeforme23 Posts: 461
    I was planning to never die. This changes everything.

  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    Yes, we all will die someday, but it please be aware that "diet" soda will hinder your wieghtloss efforts. The body does not know how to break it down and it will still act as if it is sugar in your body. I challlenge anybody to give up diet soda and watch their body drop 5 lbs within a couple weeks just by that change.

    so tired of the "diet soda will make you fat" posts. I have been drinking diet soda for 6.5 years. During that time I lost 165 pounds and have maintained that loss. Donuts and cookies make me fat, diet soda keeps me sane and off the cookies and donuts.

    I think all of these things come with caveats that most people ignore(not you). In most of the population, the people probably not watching their diet, people are giving in to sweet attacks due to the soda, and it probably will cause them to gain. I think that for anyone who has a handle on their fitness, calories and whatnot, probably won't see a gain. Diet soda doesn't make anyone mysteriously gain weight. It encourages weight gain through what most people do after they indulge in diet sodas. I think too many people read stuff and don't entirely process what's being said. They hear diet soda=weight gain, and then can't separate out the two.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    I'm going on a diet soda HCG diet. I'll never hit the 500 calories a day mark if I do that:-) Wonder if that means I'm gonna die? oh well cheers to WINNING!!
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    You can get it in powder and in liquid in a glycerin base. The liquid glycerin base stevia I bought had a slight bitter after taste but the powdered one was great. There has also been some reported problems with stevia especially for men's reproduction. I think this is with the processed form of it not the plant itself. It's been so long since I've read up on it by I found this article if anyone is interested.
    Agave is very low on the glycemic index and I love honey too.
    I think moderation and waying out options is important. I love Fresca but I try to keep it down to a few times a week instead of everyday. I can't drink coffee which I adore. :(

    Thank you for the link! I know Truvia is a Stevia derivative, but we have a little Stevia plant at home and I was trying to see if I can cultivate it into anything :D

    As for the men's reproduction thing, ehhh... me and my husband don't want babies anyway, works for me :)
  • mynameisnutz
    mynameisnutz Posts: 123
    You can get it in powder and in liquid in a glycerin base. The liquid glycerin base stevia I bought had a slight bitter after taste but the powdered one was great. There has also been some reported problems with stevia especially for men's reproduction. I think this is with the processed form of it not the plant itself. It's been so long since I've read up on it by I found this article if anyone is interested.
    Agave is very low on the glycemic index and I love honey too.
    I think moderation and waying out options is important. I love Fresca but I try to keep it down to a few times a week instead of everyday. I can't drink coffee which I adore. :(

    The name of the toxicologist quoted in this internet article is Dr. Huxtable. I smell another govt. conspiracy here, backed by the powerful Jello pudding pop lobby.
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    I will check this out later - thanks.
  • 4jenniferk
    4jenniferk Posts: 307 Member
    If you never drink a diet soda, you are still gonna die :laugh:

    PAHA. True Story. Diet Dr. Pepper addict, right here! I try to limit it; the key is everything in moderation!

    I'm an addict as well! Diet Dr. Pepper and me go back a ways! You can't take that last thing from me. I won't let you.
  • windybaer
    windybaer Posts: 47 Member
    I drink diet soda every day, but it;s not "cola".
    It's tonic water with quinine, and it's a good sustitute.
  • cupajoe
    cupajoe Posts: 155
    Sometimes a diet soda gets me through a sweet craving without using up my oh so valuable daily calories. I shall continue to partake and enjoy.

    My thoughts exactly. I have never been a big soda drinker because it gives me a gut ache...but would drink fountain sodas while eating out because I like it better and since it's kinda watered down, it doesn't hurt my stomach as much. Now that I have been watching my weight I find that I actually drink MORE diet soda than I did before. When I am craving something bad like a candy bar, I find that a diet soda is often just "bad" enough that I will skip on the Snickers:) I don't think that I drink it often enough for it to be considered a problem.
  • zonah
    zonah Posts: 216 Member
    You can get it in powder and in liquid in a glycerin base. The liquid glycerin base stevia I bought had a slight bitter after taste but the powdered one was great. There has also been some reported problems with stevia especially for men's reproduction. I think this is with the processed form of it not the plant itself. It's been so long since I've read up on it by I found this article if anyone is interested.
    Agave is very low on the glycemic index and I love honey too.
    I think moderation and waying out options is important. I love Fresca but I try to keep it down to a few times a week instead of everyday. I can't drink coffee which I adore. :(

    Thank you for the link! I know Truvia is a Stevia derivative, but we have a little Stevia plant at home and I was trying to see if I can cultivate it into anything :D

    As for the men's reproduction thing, ehhh... me and my husband don't want babies anyway, works for me :)

    I've tasted dry stevia leaves and they are surprisingly sweet. I think you could dry the leaves. They would be great in tea.
  • kelleypf
    kelleypf Posts: 152 Member
    this is the best thing i have read all week. its like a train wreck that i cant take my eyes off, except without the burning death of an actual trainwreck. so thank you, person who posted this, from the bottom of my heart. you have made my crappy thursday so much better.