Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - July Challenge!!



  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Hey everyone! Quick post... We're about to sit down for dinner but I am packing up and heading out for a 4 day camping trip tonight/tomorrow so I wanted to just say a quick goodbye and good luck!

    You all have posted fabulous goals so far and I am really eager to see how well everyone fares this month. July is going to be awesome and all of you are going to do your part to make it happen :bigsmile: I can just feel it!

    I have been really, really struggling with food and over-eating these days. Really just eating and eating because of extreme exhaustion and an inability to recognize the difference between hunger, exhaustion, irritation and other emotions. I just eat without thinking. Last night driving to and from work I actually ate just to keep myself awake. It's a struggle mainly because of how sh*tty it makes me feel about my lack of dedication lately... I don't know how I've fallen so far off track and where all of my gung-ho steadfast commitment to this lifestyle business has gone, but it's definitely not where it used to be (ie: here!)

    Camping should be an interesting mix of challenges and victories. I know we are going to exercise a LOT but I am very concerned that I will end up in a position where I'm starving and all we have to eat is fruits/vegetables and a whole tons of junk and carbs. I am trying to pack lots of protein options but it's hard, and I'm starting to get bored with all my options and eating the same things every day. The hardest part is going to be not logging and self-sabotage. I tend to eat whatever I want when I don't log - it's hard to stay accountable. I could log by hand or whatever but it's just not the same... I also won't have any access to the database or my support system online. Talk about roughing it! :tongue: The tenting will be the easy part!

    Alright gotta run - Good luck my lovelies! I know you're going to KICK *kitten*!! :drinker:

    I totally hear you on the eating part. It's my birthday weekend (which I have been denying it's my birthday) not to mention it's a holiday weekend, it's hot, and I am LAZY! All I have wanted to do is sleep and eat. I broke down and had McDonald's for breakfast with the hubby on our way to church today...*grimaces at thought of calories*. Plus I have a bruised bicep (no clue how that happened) so I'm really thinking a nap instead of housework right now.

    I don't feel motivated anymore either. Oy...we're quite the pair!
  • glitterballv
    glitterballv Posts: 133 Member
    Hey ladies

    Can I join? Ive been MIA from this site for a while due to some major relationship issues.

    I've been within 11lb of my target weight but now managed to put 5lb back on in the last two months thanks to some serious overeating/comfort eating and also working far too much.

    However I did manage to run my first 5K at the start of June in 25 min 40s so that was a high point at least!

    So my challenge is:
    1. To stop overeating with sweets and cake!
    2. Run three times a week, try and start bridge to 10k.
    3. Try to get to at least one spin class a week.

    I need to be accountable so hopefully this will help!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    updating...welcome glitter!

    Allie7383- Finally finish the 30DS, get into the 130's, start and keep up with the bridge to 10k program!
    Black_Swan - eat back all exercise calories and keep up with my running plan
    Teee2- Lose these next pounds the healthy way with no self harming involved for the next month!!!! (Baby steps!)
    marshallj86 - hit 135, ditch the scale, and stick with clean eating (and turn 25! my bday is July 30!)
    mkingraham (Megan)- Create a succesful healthy delicious food plan and stick to it, do 30DS with my hubby at least 3 times a week, average at least 6 miles a week of running, own the scale don't let it own me (meaning take my no scale challenge and actually learn and apply the lessons it taught me), get back to my optimistic self!
    meagalayne- find time twice a week for strength and make it a priority - don't cut it short!; continue with 1/2 Marathon training plan and make it fit, even when life gets in the way; stop giving myself permission to binge/junk because of training or stress - be accountable and plan out indulgences; drink more water than coffee and sleep >6 hours a night, 5 times a week.
    imarunner890s- 155lbs, 10k walkings program, wake up at 8am and get 8 hrs of sleep
    guamgrly (Bethany) - no scale!! Focus on the lifestyle, the routine, and meal planning. Work out 3x per week. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Eat more fruits and veggies
    lostalykat- Stick to my calories as best as I can with training, Focus on training these last 4 weeks, Don't worry about the number on the scale but check it weekly to keep me accountable.
    Ashleypeterson37- Move into new house on the 15th and wear my HRM, gym 3x a week minimum, try 3 new recipes and drop 8 more pounds, be more active on this page so: post 2x a week!
    Mariababe81 (mariam): finish the 30ds and start round 2, zumba once a week and running once a week. once weekly weigh in.allow myself some rest days if i need them! enjoy maintainance!!!
    ~~KanCrav.... NO SCALE until August 1st!~!~!~!~ Workout 5 times a week, enjoy my trips!
    luv_lea~Drink more water-aiming for the general 8 glasses (64 oz.) of water a day, Start 6 Week 6 Pack video and do at least 4 days a week! Continue running 1 mile (or more?) 3 times a week, and lastly, lose 2.5 lbs. for the month of July!
    Elmersglue (Ellie): Train for Sept 5k at least once a week, at least 7 hours of sleep 5x a week (!!), no emotional binging (mainly Sunday nights, when life and things tend to catch up), get to know everyone here^^
    cmg2008- Finish c25k and continue running at least 3 times a week, finish 30DS, accumulate 1200mintues of exercise, and get down into the low 140s.
    tjradd73(Tara)-to lose 4lbs, 30/35 days of 30DS, 10,000 steps/day (Sun-Tue), Tues stretch/yoga, <1400 avg cals,< 4 days over cals total, and try to get <180g carbs, and >60g protein.
    tobemotivated - do the 30ds (first day was today!), lose 5lbs, drink more water, eat less sugar!
    glitterballv-1. To stop overeating with sweets and cake! 2. Run three times a week, try and start bridge to 10k. 3. Try to get to at least one spin class a week.

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Mariam-*cheers* to you too!!! WTG on that 900 cals....I only do that while I am hiking! enjoy the week with your hubby and your baby girl!!

    Kandace-I am sorry to hear that you are on a "down day" but pick your head back up girl!!! Take this alone time and use it for you....start the day with a great breakfast, a nice workout, and a hot bath,...then curl up and watch a chick flick and have some popcorn!!! look at this as a break instead of a curse! good luck on your dinner tonight...and no shame in crying...that's what they are there for! :)

    ima-come on girl....start your next year of life with a bang!!! Sometimes when I am feeling less than motivated I push myself even a cleanse, add a workout, do some major cleaning....just something to force me to get out of the funk!! You can do it!

    AFM-still eating decently....a lil higher than I would like on average...but I will adjust this week again and I am still under my cal goals! Got L1D5 of the shred done...the strength is still tough(but I also raised my weights) but the cardio is gettin way easier! and I have decided that high protein and low cardio is not my thing...but I will keep on trying to hit my markers for this month and see what's up :)
  • anitanz
    anitanz Posts: 72
    Hi Ladies,

    I’ve been MIA the last couple of days, because I weighed in on the 30th of June and I had lost almost 1kg, but then when I weighed in on the 1st of July most of it was back on! So I was feeling kind of disheartened and stayed away for the weekend. My July goals were to loose 3kg to get down to 63kg / 139lb. Drink less alcohol and look and feel great at my 30th. I haven’t got down to 63kg yet, I am sitting around 65.5 (that’s 144lb’s), but I am still loosing so I’m happy. I definitely drank less, and my 30th is this Saturday, but I’m pretty sure I’ll feel good!

    Very excited to be part of the July challenge! Right now I’m at work and should be working, so I’ll post a proper email tonight.

    Allie7383- Finally finish the 30DS, get into the 130's, start and keep up with the bridge to 10k program!
    Black_Swan - eat back all exercise calories and keep up with my running plan
    Teee2- Lose these next pounds the healthy way with no self harming involved for the next month!!!! (Baby steps!)
    marshallj86 - hit 135, ditch the scale, and stick with clean eating (and turn 25! my bday is July 30!)
    mkingraham (Megan)- Create a succesful healthy delicious food plan and stick to it, do 30DS with my hubby at least 3 times a week, average at least 6 miles a week of running, own the scale don't let it own me (meaning take my no scale challenge and actually learn and apply the lessons it taught me), get back to my optimistic self!
    meagalayne- find time twice a week for strength and make it a priority - don't cut it short!; continue with 1/2 Marathon training plan and make it fit, even when life gets in the way; stop giving myself permission to binge/junk because of training or stress - be accountable and plan out indulgences; drink more water than coffee and sleep >6 hours a night, 5 times a week.
    imarunner890s- 155lbs, 10k walkings program, wake up at 8am and get 8 hrs of sleep
    guamgrly (Bethany) - no scale!! Focus on the lifestyle, the routine, and meal planning. Work out 3x per week. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Eat more fruits and veggies
    lostalykat- Stick to my calories as best as I can with training, Focus on training these last 4 weeks, Don't worry about the number on the scale but check it weekly to keep me accountable.
    Ashleypeterson37- Move into new house on the 15th and wear my HRM, gym 3x a week minimum, try 3 new recipes and drop 8 more pounds, be more active on this page so: post 2x a week!
    Mariababe81 (mariam): finish the 30ds and start round 2, zumba once a week and running once a week. once weekly weigh in.allow myself some rest days if i need them! enjoy maintainance!!!
    ~~KanCrav.... NO SCALE until August 1st!~!~!~!~ Workout 5 times a week, enjoy my trips!
    luv_lea~Drink more water-aiming for the general 8 glasses (64 oz.) of water a day, Start 6 Week 6 Pack video and do at least 4 days a week! Continue running 1 mile (or more?) 3 times a week, and lastly, lose 2.5 lbs. for the month of July!
    Elmersglue (Ellie): Train for Sept 5k at least once a week, at least 7 hours of sleep 5x a week (!!), no emotional binging (mainly Sunday nights, when life and things tend to catch up), get to know everyone here^^
    cmg2008- Finish c25k and continue running at least 3 times a week, finish 30DS, accumulate 1200mintues of exercise, and get down into the low 140s.
    tjradd73(Tara)-to lose 4lbs, 30/35 days of 30DS, 10,000 steps/day (Sun-Tue), Tues stretch/yoga, <1400 avg cals,< 4 days over cals total, and try to get <180g carbs, and >60g protein.
    tobemotivated - do the 30ds (first day was today!), lose 5lbs, drink more water, eat less sugar!
    glitterballv-1. To stop overeating with sweets and cake! 2. Run three times a week, try and start bridge to 10k. 3. Try to get to at least one spin class a week.
    Anitanz- Get to 64kg’s. Drink less alcohol. Limit chocolate at work to <100 cals per day.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,035 Member
    So I was doing so well today- avoided getting anything too unhealthy for breakfast on my surprise trip into the office today (yay... happy... :|), did my yoga and 30ds workouts, have had 3 glasses of water so far, have been thinking about what to have for lunch (well, a very late lunch :\) and then BAM.... lil bro comes knocking on my door with a melting vanilla soft serve covered in chocolate dip and I CAVED. I took it, and it went straight to my mouth. But, I did manage to control myself and only ate half... of course it was the top half with the chocolate, the cone and the rest of the ice cream are sitting in a bowl in my bathroom, behind a closed door so I can't get to it.
    But really. Good bye sugar goal for the day :(

    But, after reading some of the other posts, my day doesn't seem so bad...Meag, I know you'll get this when you're back, but try not to stress too much about your food goals/the damage done.... If you stress it'll just make you feel guilty and keep you up even longer at night, which will only add to exhaustion and back into that cycle again... I don't remember if sleeping properly was part of your goals, but maybe try to make that your focus for a bit and see if that helps. I think it should, seeing as that's a huge part of the reason behind why you're overeating right now.

    Kav, hope you're feeling better... I'm sorry, I don't really know what to say but just stay strong- this is going to sound cheesy but being alone doesn't mean you're alone! Just enjoy being able to do whatever you want! Blast whatever music you want, watch the shows/movies you want, pick up a hobby you used to enjoy and just enjoy being yourself :)

    Tara- I absolutely love your positivity :) You're awesome :D

    For all the ladies feeling bad about how the months started.... I'm willing to bet more people than not have had bbq's and other get-togethers this weekend that really did nothing for their diets... the difference is between who stays down and who gets back up ;)

    Ok, I'm done pretending I'm a coach now :) Later all :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Anita-way to get back up and dust off!! You did great in June and you will do even greater in July!!! *cheers* to greatness all around!

    tobemotivated-thanks girl!! you are sounding pretty positive over there yourself! LOVE IT!! and don't fret about the ice cream...not only can you still stay under your CAL goals with it...but you had way more will power than most...I would have had to flush it down the toilet in order to not eat the whole thing! LOL so nice job!

    AFM-tonight starts my 10,000 steps/work night...and I've got my pedometer on and reading!! I even took 10min, after my rounds and before my snack, to walk around the hospital and get some extra steps in!! LOL After my 2nd rounds I will hook it up to my DS and see how many I've got to get for the rest of the night still! Feelin so healthy about this goal!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    toobemotivated: dont worry to much about the ice cream! you did well! id have eaten the whole thing! lol! oh and loving the pep talks!

    tara: good luck with the pedometer. you know i never asked, are u a nurse or doc? as you always mention hospital and the nightshifts and now my brain has only just kicked in! (im a nurse practitioner btw )i was tempted to get a pedometer myself as im constantly up and down stairs from one ward to another plus we had a challenge a month ago through occu health to reward the team with the mst steps! We needed 5 participants but my team is made of 4 nurses so we couldnt!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    toobemotivated: dont worry to much about the ice cream! you did well! id have eaten the whole thing! lol! oh and loving the pep talks!

    tara: good luck with the pedometer. you know i never asked, are u a nurse or doc? as you always mention hospital and the nightshifts and now my brain has only just kicked in! (im a nurse practitioner btw )i was tempted to get a pedometer myself as im constantly up and down stairs from one ward to another plus we had a challenge a month ago through occu health to reward the team with the mst steps! We needed 5 participants but my team is made of 4 nurses so we couldnt!

    AFM: got my 15th day of the shred in yesterday- day 16 today and i think i will even go running even if its just for 15-20 mins! didnt run last week! first day pf hols today s getting this in early incase i cant log on later! have a good monday everyone!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Mariam-great job on the shred again, you are killin it! I am an RT btw...I work in a huge hospital here in Vegas, so I do a ton of far my shift is just barely half over and I have over 9,300 steps already (my goal was 10,000) so only 700 to go! I wore the pedometer last week on a "normal" work day to see how many I did, and got 8, that's why I shot for the 10,000, but I think I should have shot even higher! I have been taking 10min walk breaks after each round though and so I am sure that I will blast that number out of the water tonight (and as long as I keep doing this!) They say that 10,000 steps equals about 5 miles though, and I will for sure be over that tonight!
  • ElmersGlue
    ElmersGlue Posts: 13
    Happy fourth of July, everyone! I've made it through most of the holiday weekend without being, uh, too much of a glutton (something about that bbq smell is just sooooo irresistable) and there's only today left. A few of you are feeling bad about how this month is starting off, honestly I was this morning too. I couldn't resist weighing in even though I knew it was not going to be a pretty number, it sucked. But hey, today is a new day and a new week. I'm just not going to dwell on that number too much, it's just one weekend and I feel like I shouldn't feel that much guilt over that. For one, it's already done, and two, I should be able to be social and eat without freaking out the next day about it, right? I'm going to hopefully balance out the eating later today with some hot yoga this morning (waking up at 6am on my day off, woot woot!) and then I'm going to hit the pavement! (That was grrreat advice about training 3x a week, this is my first 5k so I totally had no idea how much is good).
  • glitterballv
    glitterballv Posts: 133 Member
    Well, feeling proud of myself for being back on th wagon today. I had a really busy day at work, wasn't done until 6.45 even tho I'm supposed to finish at 5pm. And I'll be honest, as I was driving home I would have happily stopped and bought some sugary junk to eat because I was so tired and hadnt eaten since 12.30. But not today! I'm normally good at eating healthily but those first couple of days are always the hardest!

    And I ran tonight. First time in two weeks and my endurance is way down but it's kind of weird because I ran my fastest mile tonight even though I only managed 2 miles at that pace and then had to walk for a bit.

    Anyway hope you all had a good Monday! :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Elmers(Ellie right?!)-I'm glad to hear that you are moving past the weekend, and not looking back!! You are right about being able to enjoy yourself for a special occassion without feeling too down about it the next day...but be warned that any day can turn into some sort of special day or reason and temptation or overindulging will eventually need to be under control (no matter what circumstances are placed in front of you!) I am just saying from experience (New Years, Valentines, St. Pattys, Easter, Birthdays, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Potlucks, 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, X-mas) We are all set up for failure with this many special occassions!! LOL

    glitter-great jon on staying on track!

    AFM-L1D6 of the shred done!! Still deciding whether or not to take my planned yoga/stretch day tomorrow OR if I should just do the shred...since I know that I can!? What do you ladies think? My goal was to do 30 out of 35 days and that included 1 "rest" day per week and 1 spare for a just in case day!
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    Hello everyone!
    So last three days I did not have my run and I had some delicious food on Saturday, and I simply could not stop myself... so I was over by 500cals last three days.
    I know thats not horrible but Im not used to it, since I was really under for a while now.
    Today I will RUN. I already had a dream about another race, with my parents there to support me...
    I will run 3.5miles...
    On a good side, with all this eating, I have not gained at all and I lost another 0.5cm in my waist:)!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Black-go get that run girl...and take the NO gain, and the shrunk waist as a gift! if ya know what i mean?! LOL
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Hey everyone and good morning!!

    I didn't spend anytime replying or really reading this weekend because I was too busy outside enjoying the amazing weather! I had some delicious food and probably a few to many drinks, but it was very enjoyable and now I am ready to tackle July head on! I was brutally tired this morning but I still managed to make my lazy bum get out of bed and go to spin. It was totally worth it. I think today the Hubby and I will do 30DS tonight which will be 1/3 for the week. I also need to go grocery shopping which means planning my meals... YIPPEE!! Any ways I am going to do my best to stay up with you ladies today! Have a wonderful Tuesday!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Wow... looks like I missed alot. !~!~!

    ~Glitter... good job with the self control! Can you share some with me please????

    ~Tara... do the shred do shred!~!~!~! Believe me.. later on your gonna NEED that rest day, so keep up with Level one if you got it already!~!

    AFM.... Got in a good workout today and yesterday... thinking about doing shred tonight or just some ab stuff. I leave at the end of the week for my cruise and I feel like my stomach just keeps getting flabbier and flabbier!~! Im sure its all in my head.. or just bloating from my TOM... but still, its freakin me out!~!~!~! I havent gotten on the scale yet.. and I am pretty happy about my decision not to do so. I have been getting in pretty good workouts but I am not happy with my stomach and the way its been looking. I guess I just gotta get over it!~!~! If I keep up the good work, then I will keep seeing results!~!

    Thank you to everyone who was supportive when I was having a bad day... sorry I cant comment to everyone right now.. i have to go make dinner!~!~ Have a great tuesday everyone!~!
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Okay, so much stuff has been going on that I lost track of being able to read post and log in... which also affected my ability to stay on track. As for my June goals:

    64 oz water/day-with about 2 days I didnt
    jog/run 35 miles-try about 8 lol
    walk dogs at least 10-my poor babies only got walked about 4 times
    No sodas-good except for 2 days
    fit in size 12 pants with comfort- nowhere close
    sleep at least 6 hrs 5x/wk- success!
    create and follow a workout plan with at least 90% success! Plus overall eating healthier :D- well I stuck to most of my workout classes but not the entire schedule... and ate more fruits and veggies... tried to monitor amounts too.... as for July.....
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Allie7383- Finally finish the 30DS, get into the 130's, start and keep up with the bridge to 10k program!
    Black_Swan - eat back all exercise calories and keep up with my running plan
    Teee2- Lose these next pounds the healthy way with no self harming involved for the next month!!!! (Baby steps!)
    marshallj86 - hit 135, ditch the scale, and stick with clean eating (and turn 25! my bday is July 30!)
    mkingraham (Megan)- Create a succesful healthy delicious food plan and stick to it, do 30DS with my hubby at least 3 times a week, average at least 6 miles a week of running, own the scale don't let it own me (meaning take my no scale challenge and actually learn and apply the lessons it taught me), get back to my optimistic self!
    meagalayne- find time twice a week for strength and make it a priority - don't cut it short!; continue with 1/2 Marathon training plan and make it fit, even when life gets in the way; stop giving myself permission to binge/junk because of training or stress - be accountable and plan out indulgences; drink more water than coffee and sleep >6 hours a night, 5 times a week.
    imarunner890s- 155lbs, 10k walkings program, wake up at 8am and get 8 hrs of sleep
    guamgrly (Bethany) - no scale!! Focus on the lifestyle, the routine, and meal planning. Work out 3x per week. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Eat more fruits and veggies
    lostalykat- Stick to my calories as best as I can with training, Focus on training these last 4 weeks, Don't worry about the number on the scale but check it weekly to keep me accountable.
    Ashleypeterson37- Move into new house on the 15th and wear my HRM, gym 3x a week minimum, try 3 new recipes and drop 8 more pounds, be more active on this page so: post 2x a week!
    Mariababe81 (mariam): finish the 30ds and start round 2, zumba once a week and running once a week. once weekly weigh in.allow myself some rest days if i need them! enjoy maintainance!!!
    ~~KanCrav.... NO SCALE until August 1st!~!~!~!~ Workout 5 times a week, enjoy my trips!
    luv_lea~Drink more water-aiming for the general 8 glasses (64 oz.) of water a day, Start 6 Week 6 Pack video and do at least 4 days a week! Continue running 1 mile (or more?) 3 times a week, and lastly, lose 2.5 lbs. for the month of July!
    Elmersglue (Ellie): Train for Sept 5k at least once a week, at least 7 hours of sleep 5x a week (!!), no emotional binging (mainly Sunday nights, when life and things tend to catch up), get to know everyone here^^
    cmg2008- Finish c25k and continue running at least 3 times a week, finish 30DS, accumulate 1200mintues of exercise, and get down into the low 140s.
    tjradd73(Tara)-to lose 4lbs, 30/35 days of 30DS, 10,000 steps/day (Sun-Tue), Tues stretch/yoga, <1400 avg cals,< 4 days over cals total, and try to get <180g carbs, and >60g protein.
    tobemotivated - do the 30ds (first day was today!), lose 5lbs, drink more water, eat less sugar!
    glitterballv-1. To stop overeating with sweets and cake! 2. Run three times a week, try and start bridge to 10k. 3. Try to get to at least one spin class a week.
    Anitanz- Get to 64kg’s. Drink less alcohol. Limit chocolate at work to <100 cals per day.
    ComfortFoodAddict: 64 oz water/day, No sodas!, sleep 6 hours 5x/wk, workout at least 4x/wk, drop below 170 *at least* again, log food without omitting anything 6x/wk
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    Haha I did my run and my groove is back, I missed it so much for the last three days... it was great!
This discussion has been closed.