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Senior Golden Sneakers..........July, 2011



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    BUZZ. .. Oh dear, big hugs going your way.

    KOTY .. Welcome. This is such a fun supportive group. You'll like it here.

    SANDY .. I was pleased tob your bio. It's nice to get to know more about your friends. This is my 2nd marriage too, only no kids from the first. Just my two girls that my dh and I have. They are both so nice and I love them dearly. My oldest personality is more like me .. Goofy, caring, domestic and messy. Our youngest is like my husband, so thoughtful but worries about what people think about her and what she does. And she shouldn't as she is wonderful. Ironically my oldest looks like my dh and our youngest more like me. I am so proud of the both of them.

    BARBIE. I've never got on to liking my exercise bike but like the treadmill best. However I love walking outside best of all.

    I've only gone back this page. Hello to the restvof you and sorry not to comment. I don't know how some of you do it without losing everything.

    MARIE. I agree, at times I want to be left on my own too.

    IRENE. Good to hear from you too

    Oh, here's a CANADA DAY photo from my backyard.

    Lupines from my Backyard by FancyLady, on Flickr
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hello All my Sneaker Pals:smile:
    I'VE FINALLY ARRIVED IN IDAHO. WELL ACTUALLY I ARRIVED ABOUT A WEEK AGO BUT AT MY MOM'S HOUSE I COULDN'T GET INTERNET. Just got up to my mom's other house about 2 hours North and there is internet here. I have been reading and reading all the past posts. So much has happened. It's good to get all updated on everyone and WELCOME to the new comers.


    I've been out walking and jogging every morning for at least an hour a day. Out in the farm lands passing cows and horses every morning. and one morning I even say a DEER. Where is my camera when I want to talk an awesome picture. ????

    Well now it is very late and I should sleep cause my sister invited me to get up early and go for a 10 mile jog in the morning. I think 6 will be my limit. maybe 7 but I have not done 10 so far for months and I am building up gradually as not to KILL MY KNEES.
    Good night and have a great day. Love PHYLJEN:yawn:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi all. It is ridicuously late so I won't be here long!! Thank you for all the Canada Day wishes. We had a quiet day except for the cheering for men's semi-finals (tennis). Awesome games!! Wish I was there.
    Loved the joke. Giggled out loud to myself!

    Welcome to Koty. Looking forward to learning more about you. I will fill you in on my home and family very soon.

    Nice to hear from you Irene. I hope things are going well.

    Buzz -- Sorry you ended up with so much 'damage'!! I hope it doesn't take too long to get you looking your gorgeous self!

    Phylis -- Glad you got safely to Idaho. What a journey! I can only imagine how hard it would be to live so far from family. Enjoy!

    I must turn in before Dave comes looking for me. (like he would -- he is well into dreamland)!!

    Take care, sleep well. Gayla :heart: :yawn:
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Happy Canada Day. Thanks all for the wishesbb 4th of July coming up soon.

    I was surprised to see your post here as your status says you haven't logged in in three days! I just don't understand how MFP works, sometimes.

    My son and granddaughter are up in your part of the world on a short holiday. Don't tell anyone, but Brian has taken some of his late wife's cremains to the Bellingham, Washington area. It is where they began their married life and bought their first home together and where Savannah was conceived. They loved it there and always planned to move back someday. It was only after Lori was diagnosed with MS that they returned to Wisconsin to be close to their families for support. When she was losing her battle with lung cancer last year, it was her request that he take her back to the mountains and lakes. It will be the first time Savannah has traveled there and she was so excited. They're also going to visit with Brian's younger brother who lives in Vancouver Washington. When Brian lived out there, he worked in Vancouver, BC.

    Hope your recovery is continuing to be a "non-event." Sometimes we build these things up in our minds so much that when all goes smoothly, it is almost a let down. I remember when I had a malignant melanoma surgically removed. The very word melanoma gets the adrenalin going mach-speed! When it was removed and I walked out of the surgi-center, the adrenalin drop, not the procedure, almost put me in bed! All the friends who were so solicitous before hand forgot about it (and me) very quickly.

    Anyway - we're here, we care and please keep us posted.
  • piquilter
    piquilter Posts: 119
    Hi all!

    Haven't kept up on post/posting the last couple of days, been going like crazy to get ready for vacation! I'll definitely need one! :yawn: This is a 'laptop free' vacation so I probably won't post during this next week, but will try to log with the phone app. I've been doing some 'preventative maintainance' with exercise and I won't have many options while I'm gone. Walking doesn't work because of my back, but there is a paddle boat I could take out to get some cardio in and we usually play beanbags every day (not exactly a 'workout' but at least movement:laugh: ):laugh: :laugh: . If we have a day where the lake is like 'glass' I may get a chance to water ski once. I don't dare do it more than that. Sometimes we put on our life jackets and just float around in the middle of the lake :happy: and its a good time to tread water.:happy: We've had a really slow start to summer so the lakes may not be warmed up as much as usual. We are headed to a resort in northern MN that is on a chain of lakes. There are 11 lakes interconnected so we can boat from one to another. It's fun to just ride around and look at the beautiful scenery and the gorgeous homes. It is quite an affluent area and there are some spectacular 'vacation' homes and year around homes there. Only way we could afford one is if we win the lottery :laugh: :laugh: We do a little fishing too, I got a new rod and reel the other day, it's purple!:happy: :happy: Food typically isn't a problem during this week, because I'm a 'closet eater' and with people always around I don't have the opportunity to graze. It's the 'beverages' that tend to be my downfall. Well, I better have some lunch and get back to work. I have 2 of dh's shirts in the dryer and want to get them ironed. My goal is to leave with just the concrete floor below the clothes chute :smile: Happy belated Canada day to our Canadian friends, my college roomate was and still is from Windsor, Ontario; there is a Canadian beverage traveling with us :laugh: :happy: To those celebrating the 4th of July, have fun and be safe! To those of you who don't have a day with a 'name', just celebrate another day :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    jeri am envy of all your pretty flowers. OWrS HAVE COME AND GONE. . BOTHING BUT HOT WEATHER Garden about all dry up too. I have been under the weather today, MY HEEL IS HURTING AND CAN BEARLY PUT MY FOOT DOWN. jERRY GOT MY EKLECRIC WHEeL CHAIr OUT BUT BATTERY WAS DOWN AND COULDN' D USED IT. Been in bed most of he day. Alice is due out tomorrow but I DON'T THINK I CAN GET OUT. sEE YOU GUYS LATER
  • piquilter
    piquilter Posts: 119
    Marie, I hope you are feeling better soon!!:flowerforyou:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    The darn post disappeared AGAIN!!! GRRRrrrr! I'm ready to give up posting when a completely different website takes over our page! I just thanked SANDY again for this link; Sandy, my 1st husband was in the Peace Corp in the South Pacific. Wonderful thing to volunteer for! I wish her luck!

    FIRESIGN (I have a daughter in The Triangle, too), DONNA whose Bada-bing is the cutest name, and KOTY, who is doing the brightest thing joining MFP though she certainly makes me envious with her figure!

    JUDY, I think I mentioned LOL at your latest contribution!:laugh: Where on earth do you find these things? They are all new to me!

    MARILYN, hope the pain in the butt has lessened. That can be a real P.I.T.B!!!

    Nice to see JERI and IRENE, who also hasn't posted much lately, but her excuse is better than mine!

    MARIE asked:
    Buzz are you still resting up ? I have a grandaughter gettin married in August. But we wont be able to make it up there. I am just not able to take that long of a trip. would love to go but It will be in Missouri,In St. louis
    ...MARIE, I don't know that we'll get to Hawaii, either, but I'd love to see her wedding. It will be very Islandish, which means informal, at a house overlooking Kaneohe Bay, and we love her AND the area. But it's over 5000 miles and we hate flying the way the airlines are today.! Perhaps my DD will make one of many receptions for the couple when they move stateside, and it would be easier on us geezers to fly to NY. I also notice in a later post that you are having heel pain, and we all surely want to wish that away for you! I keep saying the Golden Years are a bit more tarnished than we were promised! :ohwell:

    BARBIE, I didn't recall the story of your exercise bike, but I gave mine away awhile back, and I think the only kind I would get now would be the reclining bike, since all the padding on my butt has disappeared, and no seats I invested in were comfortable to sit on! 10 minutes sitting was torture for me, and I really need 60!

    JERI, again, your photography id magnificent! Never realized how beautiful Lupines are! You're right about repeating our backgrounds for newer folk, and some of us older ones who forget things! And thanks for the hug!

    PHYLLIS, how wonderful to be with your family again! It makes me all swooshie just imagining it! And do be careful about your running mileage. You know you should not add more than 10% extra every several days to avoid injury! Just have a great time with family as it will be awhile before you see them again!

    GAYLA, glad you enjoyed Canada Day, and hope you got to sleep as nicely as Dave! And I really won't have too much damage, I'm sure. Just looks funny right now. Hope Neil also enjoyed the day!

    CONNIE, between the lines, I read that just remembering about Lori is a very painful trauma still (it really hasn't been all that long, has it?). Vancouver is such a lovely area for them to be travelling for such a difficult ceremony. (I remember too well going to Walden Pond with my 2nd husband's cremains for the same purpose. OUCH!) I hope it eases some of the mourning pain! By the way, CONNIE, I no longer can figure out how MFP works most of the time. It keeps losing my posts so close to the finish , I could scream! Maybe it's something I'm doing, but it's darn frustrating for a non-typist!

    JEANNE, your vacation sound dreamy; wishing you a very happy time up there in MN on you lakes! We'll miss you, but don't give it a thought!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    jeanne have a wonderful vacation.

    I know deb is tied up today. with her husband uncle.

    Buss good to hear from you today.
    I will send sone money up to the wedding gal. When her sister got Married i meant to send some but failed to get it in the enelope i WOULD sWORE i DID. BUT after checking my records no sign of it. I didn't even write it out. I don' do any shopping now a days.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    I made a really tasty casserole for dinner using Mung beans I've had in the cupboard for months! I posted the recipe on the Sneakers Recipe page. I used chicken, but if you are looking for a vegetarian dish, just leave it out. It is still very tasty and satisfying. Low in calories, too. The recipe made 10 cups, but believe me, you can eat three or four cups, feel satisfied and its 119 calories per cup.

    I've never cooked with Mung beans before. I bought these when I was in my "sprout" phase but never got around to sprouting them. I understand once sprouted, they're very good in stir fry or other chinese-style dishes. Good source of protein.
  • KotyTyler
    KotyTyler Posts: 3,677 Member
    Good evening SGSers~Today was kind of a bust because it was 112 and just too hot to do anything but stay inside so that's what I did. It was 82 at 6 a.m. this morning, and usually I walk first thing, but didn't even do that! Having trouble the last two days getting in all of my calories....ho hum. Just too hot and I don't want to eat, not even watermelon or pineapple slices. So I'm going to count this as a rest day and crank it back up tomorrow. Only suppose to be 104 and that IS liveable!

    Thanks again for the warm welcomes! I appreciate it!

    See you all tomorrow~
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Welcome, Koty, the great thing about MFP is that you can be as anonymous or as open as you want……some people never post pictures or even say where they live and others give lots of personal info and either way we can build great friendships.

    :flowerforyou: I am another of the “doggy mamas” on this thread. My girls are standard poodles, Brandy and Sasha. They provide a lot of my exercise. I walk them individually first thing every morning thenI walk them on leashes for an hour or more after breakfast and sometimes in the afternoon or evening. I take them to the off leash dog park for about an hour every afternoon and walk around the park while they chase birds and run around. I have two cats, Bernie and Haifa, who entertain me in more sedentary ways. My husband, Jake, is my best friend. We have been married for 22 years (my second marriage and his fourth) and love spending time together. I go to line dance classes three mornings a week and Jake plays golf, otherwise we are together.

    :flowerforyou: Buzz, I’m sorry you’re in pain and bruised…:sad: …if I were closer I’d give you a big hug:heart: ….the back story about my exercise bike is that Jake bought it in February 2009 and I thought it was a waste of money, but once I used it, I loved it and would ride it for 20 minutes three or more times a day…when it broke I felt like I’d lost a dear friend

    :flowerforyou: Phyllis, I’m happy to hear that you got home safely. Your 10 mile jog sounds challenging. Are there rest rooms along the way…….the length of my walks seem to be determined by rest stops along the way rather than actual distance, of course, I walk not jog, so it takes me longer

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, do you have favorite tennis players or do you like watching all of them?

    :flowerforyou: Connie, Bellingham, Washington is just a few hours away from where I live

    :flowerforyou: Jeanne, your vacation sounds like it is going to be a lot of fun…..I went to college in Minnesota and thought it was a beautiful state.

    Marie, I’m sorry to hear about your sore heel and all your hot weather:cry:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: We had the warmest day of the summer so far……it went up to 72 degrees…..the dogs spent a lot of time in the shade at the dog park……I spent time in the yard pulling weeds and enjoying the sunshine
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Thanks for all the comments on my post. to report in on my jog today with my sister, I must say that I only did 6 miles. I was doing about a 12.5 minute mile. so not too fast. Actually I just have a slow steady pace I run or jog at and that is as fast as I can go. My sister jogged with me and then at 6 miles I stopped and came back home to prepare breakfast for my parents. she continues for 4 miles more. She is preparing for a half marathon. so she has been working up to that. I usually just jog 3 and walk 3. so it was a stretch for me to jog 6 today but I did it. slow but sure. I was tired by the end and glad to stop at 6. 10 would have been too much for me since I have not built up to it. Thanks for the advice Barbie,:wink:

    Marie, I am so sorry about your heels. Take it easy. My poor mom has sugar diabetes on top of having his broken arm that has slowed her down. I am so glad to be here and to be able to help her out for a month. She is doing much better but can't put on her bra and clothes without my help. and since it was her right arm that got broken she has had to learn to do things with the left hand but it is hard to cook so I do all the cooking and cleaning. I hope she heals soon. This happened 4 weeks ago. It is taking a long time for her bones to heal. they put in a plate in her upper arm. It was a bad break! :sad:

    A little info about me: I have 5 sisters. 4 of them live here in Idaho, one in Arizona. I have a brother in Idaho too. We have an annual family reunion and camp for 4 days and just have a blast. I love the outdoors and nature but I'm preferring to sleep in a camper or trailer rather than a tent these days. But I don't have a trailer or camper!!! My daughter and her new husband are flying over from Saudi to attend this reunion too. It will be his first time in the states. We all are so excited. last night one sister invited us over for a cook out of hamburgers and hot dogs... tonight a different sister invited us over for a hot dog roast and marshmellows. I find it a lot harder to stay on top of the calories when I am invited to places and not in charge of cooking all the meals. But it is so nice of them to invite us and good to visit after not seeing them all year! the weather here is PERFECT!

    Well everyone so glad to keep up on your lives . Sorry I am not so good at responding to everyone personally.
    LOVE Phyljen
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from sunny Saskatchewan. I did a tour of my yard today and the weeds are calling me. I have some strawberries starting to ripen and the rest is progressing as expected. My rose bush that I dug out last year is healthy and blooming beautifully. I guess I didn't do a good job. My white rose died and was sad about that. The orange lilies look gorgeous. Wish I was better at posting photos so I could share my yard and my renovations with you.

    For the new folks, I am 61 and a born and raised prairie girl. I love to travel although haven't done much lately. However when we get back to the prairies something inside just seems to let me know I am home. I see the beauty of the flat golden land, the sky that goes forever and the gorgeous lakes. Our rainbows are amazing and I am delighted by the sun dogs. And wind, well as they say if you're not from the prairies you don't know wind. Personally I could do without the wind although I do like it drying my clothes and it is helpful for sailing!
    I try to be a positive person but I can't really say that I am one as so many here have seen me at my worst! I am thankful everyday to have found this sensational group of women and men.
    I am Mom to 3 sons, 1 is married, 1 is in a long term relationship and our middle son is Neil. I single him out as you will hear me mention him so often. He is both mentally and physically challenged. Last fall he moved in to a group home but is home with my husband and I most weekends. He has a fairly severe seizure disorder and has recently had surgery attempting to decrease his seizures. It has done that but he still has several seizures a day which he finds very disturbing.
    I retired about a year and a half ago and have gone back one day a week for periods when they need help. I think I am done now. I really like being at home. I mostly follow the Weight Watcher program but fall off the wagon frequently. Slow and kind of steady will someday win the race is my motto. So that is me.

    Marie -- I hope your heel feels better tonight. Do you have a bone spur? I have one and it becomes painful from time to time. The therapist gave me some stretches to do which was helpful.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    I wasn't finished posting but guess they thought I had written enough!! Thankfully it posted instead of disappearing. Sorry you are having so much trouble with that, Buzz!

    Barbie -- you asked about who I liked in tennis. I enjoy watching the men more than the women, mostly because the women scream so much. Today I watched them with the sound off! My favorite is Nadal but I also really like Federer. There are some amazing men coming up and watching Andy Rodyck (misspelled because my ipad will not let me spell his name correctly) and Mardy Fish is always a pleasure. I do watch most of them. Novak Djokovich used to be so irritable. What a change in his personality and stamina now that he has switched to a gluton free diet! He is now the #1 seed. It should be a great match tomorrow.

    Take care all. Gayla :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY JERI!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: WE LOVE YOU!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • KotyTyler
    KotyTyler Posts: 3,677 Member
    :heart: :heart: Happy Birthday Jeri :heart: :heart:
  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeri July 3
    Pam....July 12
    Connie--July 14, 1941
    Phoebe---July 26
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member

    Happy Birthday, Jeri
