Senior Golden Sneakers..........July, 2011



  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I hope you get your computer situation straightened out. I have had so much trouble with stores and the computers. I am using a Sony Vaio at this time. And, I love it. This is my second one. First one, someone (and no one will say who) spilled a drink on it.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie, I am sorry that you couldn't take the dogs with you. I imagine you will really miss them.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, my mother-in-law had the perfect job. She didn't even have to have a training back when she started. Her job was to sit in the hospital newborn nursery and hold the babies. And to think...she was getting paid to do this.:heart:

    I mentioned that I think I am having symptoms of allergies. Well, not to sure now. The meds that our company nurse said to get is doing abolutely nothing for me. My daugher, who has the same thing, didn't get any relief from the meds, either. Maybe it is a cold. I am so tired and I don't think we get tired with allergies. I could be wrong though. Waiting for husband to get home with another med for us to try.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :sad: Becky, I'm sorry to hear that your symptoms are still with you. I hope you are getting a lot of rest and drinking a lot of water

    :sad: Marie, your weather sounds overwhelming and exhausting. when we lived in a hot climate I hardly left the house after seven AM :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, there is an old English sheepdog that comes to the dog park a lot and when I pet him and feel his thick fur I think about how hot Daisy must be in, the temperature hasn't gone above 75 so far this summer.

    :flowerforyou: Irene, your fabulous positive attitude tells me that you are a person who knows a lot about gratitude

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I love it when you talk about how much you love living on the prairie. it is so interesting how we all have different passions about where to live. how great that you get to live where you want to be.

    :bigsmile: Deb, having a plan for eating keeps me from getting out of control. Our plan today included lunch at Subway because we knew the catered meal at the event would have too many unknowns and probably too much food......we brought our own snacks so we wouldn't get tired or bored or hungry and grab one of the muffins on the food table...........I took the opportunity to walk whenever I could.......if Zumba is too strenuous, try adding some more walking to your day.,and never, never never give up......slow and steady wins the race.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Koty, this weekend has started off great.:bigsmile: we had beautiful weather today

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I took a vacation from logging food and exercise. I had my usual Isagenix shake for breakfast and snacks of Isagenix bars, Greek yogurt, and a banana, veggie delight sandwich at Subway for lunch, and a moderate serving of one spring roll and chicken curry at a Chinese restaurant for dinner. :bigsmile: I walked over 16000 steps including about 20 minutes on the outdoor upper deck on the ferry between Whidbey Island and Port Townsend.:bigsmile: After getting up so early, we'll be in bed before dark.:yawn: tomorrow I have a long list of chores to do and no dogs to walk :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: we can't pick the dogs and cats up until after 8 AM on Monday.
  • Hi! I had a nice laid back day. Went out for breakfast with the "gang" and then spent the rest of the day at home. I've stayed off my feet almost completely and they aren't so painful today. Maybe tomorrow they will be even better. :smile:

    Sandy, I will take all the hugs I can get...even long distance.

    My good friend who has been living in Arizona emailed me that she is moving back to Lewiston, Idaho. That is close enough that we may get to see one another from time to time.

    I first met Joan when she started attending the church where my husband was pastor in Idaho. Then when we started a Christian school in the church she volunteered for office duty. When the school needed an Idaho history course (not available from our curriculum source) I decided to write our own and Joan became my collaborator and typist. What a time we had. I got to travel to Boise a couple of times to do research at such places as the Idaho Historical Society. That was in 1978. We self-published, and it was used in several Idaho Christian schools for a number of years.

    Then when we were in Bethel, Alaska, (Ralph pastoring a church there) Joan moved there, got a job with the city (I was working for the state) and we had several more good years together. I'm so excited to have a chance to see her again. It's been a long time! She is a cancer survivor.

    I appreciate all you lovely people. Thanks for being there.
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Good morning gals, just checking in, a bit of desk work to do. Not feeling well today. Began my exercises yesterday, all went well, so I will do them every other day until next weekend then I will start them every day as I was doing. Body is not loosing, I think I am swelling up instead. Noticed my left side was larger in the "rolls" compared to the right side. May need to get an overhaul soon!

    Keep well and hard at it...

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :bigsmile: Another hot day, no walk unless it cools down. :noway:

    Marilyn, hope you feel better soon, don't over do on the exercise. What is your doctor saying?

    Irene, you and your husband are amazing people, you have done such good for the world. I am so happy we all got the pleasure of meeting you here on MFP. You inspire our lives and send such wonderful vibes. (((((((hugs)))))) I really hope you get to connect with your friend Joan, it sounds like you are very close. :heart:

    Barbie, no matter where you are you manage to get in some sort of exercise, you are amazing. I presume you are home now but with no critters, does that mean you will be walking Jake this morning? :laugh:

    Becky, if you aren't feeling well by tomorrow, maybe a trip to the doctor will be in order. I do hope you are getting better.
    I will eventually get a new computer, my son knows exactly what I want so he will let me know which to buy. I keep leaning toward that Mac but just don't want to spend that kind of money. :noway:

    Marie, hope you are staying in and staying cool, it is so hot in Dallas. We are in the 90's and that is hot enough for me.
    Thank goodness for air conditioning, makes me think of my granddaughter in Africa with no electricity or running water. I don't know how she does survives. :noway:

    Have a great Sunday everyone!!
  • Jake45
    Jake45 Posts: 146 Member
    Well, there is no way better to start of the week than with a joke, we'll get some walking in today also, Barbie already has, I slept til 7:00 so I'm the late guy. Oh yeah time for the joke. Sandy this is for you since you and I were both born in Illinois, I'm from Waukegan.

    Mrs. Murphy and Mrs. Cohen had been longtime close friends. But, being old-fashioned, each went to a retirement home of her own respective religion.

    It was not long before Mrs. Murphy felt lonesome for Mrs. Cohen, so one day she asked to be driven to the Jewish Home to visit her old friend.

    When she arrived she was greeted with open arms, hugs, and kisses.

    Mrs. Murphy said, "Don't be holdin' back , Mrs. Cohen, how do you like it here?"

    Mrs. Cohen went on and on about the wonderful food, the facility and the caretakers. Then, with a twinkle in her eye, she said, "But the best thing is that I now have a boyfriend."

    Mrs. Murphy said, "Now isn't that wonderful! Tell me all about it."
    Mrs. Cohen said, "After lunch, we go up to my room and sit on the edge of the bed. I let him touch me on the top, and then on the bottom, and then we sing Jewish songs."

    Mrs. Murphy said, "For sure it's a blessing. I'm so glad for you, Mrs. Cohen."

    Mrs. Cohen said, "And how is it with you, Mrs. Murphy?"

    Mrs. Murphy said it was also wonderful at her new facility, and that she also had a boyfriend.

    Mrs. Cohen said, "Good for you! So what do you do?"

    Mrs. Murphy said, "We also go up to my room after lunch and sit on the edge of the bed. I let him touch me on top, and then I let him touch me down below."

    Mrs. Cohen said, "Yes? And then...?"

    Mrs. Murphy said, "Well, since we don't know any Jewish songs, we just screw."
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Jake.............:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Never heard this one.......:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Back from vacation. Doing laundry and gardening today and back to work tomorrow. Great time, visited 3 ports and weather was great, only one night of rain and we were sleeping. ;) Our parties went off without a hitch and everyone commented that we did a good job. Couldn't get internet in several places so my tracking was null and void. Back at it today. Didn't weigh myself until tomorrow. The boat was great and we love it!! We did use our folding bikes twice and walked alot. The bike trails were amazing.
    Will catch up on all your posts later. Glad to be back.

    Weigh in will be on Monday.

    Canada Day was great fun !!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Shirley, with a vacation like that I think you must have lost some weight.:smile:

    Jake....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, how is your day going? I am feeling better than yesterday. Darn, I guess I will have to go to work in the morning.:smile: Still taking it easy, though. As for my computer...came upon another problem today. Tried what I had done before to no avail. So, went to a trouble shooting area and got it fixed. I am learning how to work this new contraptions.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Marilyn, do you think you just may be holding on to water?

    I am home all alone. :smile: Am an happy. Doesn't happen too often.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Sandy, the meds I am taking is the generic Zyrtec. Not helping.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh, JAKE!...:blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :noway: :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :blushing: :devil: :devil: :devil: Oh Now Jake:devil: :devil::blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Welcome back Shirley!!!

    Went to the pool today and it was so hot I actually had to get in the water. :laugh: :laugh: Tried to swim a lap or two but since I am a self taught swimmer I get tired easily and have to stop and rest. :laugh: :laugh: Kicking my legs around a little while sitting on the edge so I burnt some calories. :tongue:

    Time to go to the step sons, will get back to you later.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Sandy, my parents actually paid for me to have swimming lessons. I am not a fan of water so I am not a very good swimmer at all. So, I can emphasize with you.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Many of you know how much I love my pets and how much of my day is spent doing things for them and with them. We boarded them for the weekend because we had an all day meeting to go to yesterday and both of our neighbors were involved in the all day neighborhood garage sale. We didn’t want to leave the dogs home to bark all day at the people outside. And a realtor was bringing someone to look at our house. Unfortunately when we board the animals for the weekend, we can’t pick them up until Monday morning. Jake talked me into this plan by saying that we could do things on Sunday that we couldn’t do while the pets were here. So I got up this morning at my usual time (I can’t blame Bernie, the cat for waking me because I woke up at 4:30 without his help today). I got dressed, had breakfast, and was out the door to walk before the sun came up. I walked for two and half hours on the Olympic Discovery Trail. I can’t walk that far away from the house with the dogs in case I need to bring them home quickly. I saw the sun come up over the bay, walked through the campground at the state park while people were still asleep, stopped and danced a bit on the trail when a good line dance song was playing on my mp3 player, and contemplated serious things in my life. Jake and I puttered with little projects together after I got home. It has been a long time since I walked that far on the discovery trail and they’ve added a new porta potty along the way which makes it easier to walk a longer distance. I would have walked farther but Jake woke up at 7:00 and called and asked when I’d be coming home.

    One of the things I’ve been working on is sorting through pictures from the last almost thirty years. I got to see how thin I was when hubby and I met and how quickly we gained weight together.. As successful we’ve been the last two and half years, it took us a long time being “Roly and Poly” before we had the awakening that started us on this weight loss journey. So what I want to say to anyone who is struggling is that is might time awhile, but there is hope for everyone. We are the ones who left the hospital the night my mother died and bought a half gallon of ice cream for each of us and ate all of it before going to bed that night. Our eating is history is not worthy of admiration but the time came when we made a change and it has been working for a long time. :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, the only time I like the pool is when it is blistering hot, otherwise it doesn't interest me. I don't like sunbathing, either. I'm one of the people who welcomed the news that too much sun was bad for you. It freed me from trying to get a tan :laugh: :laugh: I'm sorry to hear about your computer problems. We have two computers and when one isn't working we are both slightly crazy.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Koty, Jake used to live in Las Vegas and he has told me about the weather. it sounds very weird.

    :cry: Marilyn, sorry you aren't feeling well today.

    :bigsmile: Shirley, welcome back.......not tracking isn't a big thing if you're getting a lot of exercise.:bigsmile: glad you had fun.

    :bigsmile: Becky, I was never a good swimmer even though my mother had my take swimming lessons, get a bunch of Red Cross swimming certifications, and join the local swim team when I was junior high age. I tried lap swimming for exercise a few times and found it one of the most boring things I've ever done. I went to water aerobics once and liked it because of the movement and the catchy music, but I don't want to be bothered with exercise that requires all that changing of clothes

    :flowerforyou: Irene, it sounds so wonderful that you are going to reconnect with your old friend. I smile just thinking about it :bigsmile:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    A quick good night to you all. All is well and will write a little more tomorrow. Gayla :heart:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Barbie, I had the same thing growing up. My parents had me take swimming lessons and I also got a certificate. But, I almost didn't pass. I was refusing to dive off the high dive and this was required to pass. Well, I finally got up the nerve and did it. Have never done it again since.:laugh: And, I have to agree about the changing of the clothes. Yes, I do change for other exercise classes but I am not changing out of a soaking wet suit.

    Good morning to all. Hope everyone's day is productive and light.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Happy Monday!! :bigsmile: Woke up to thunder and a small power outage for about 5 minutes. It is supposed to clear up and get into the high 90's. No pool today, we have a belated graduation party tonight. I will try to get on the bike since Daisy probably won't be walking me tonight. :laugh:

    Barbie, it sounds like you had a good Sunday and got things accomplished that you wouldn't do with your critters. When I look back at pictures from when I was in my 20's I laugh a lot at our hairstyles. Big french buns, updo's, big hair, false eyelashes....:laugh: I really stayed thin until I quit smoking in 1992, then I gained almost 20 pounds and yoyoed up and down until I came to MFP. I did slim fast and other types of fad diets but nothing kept my weight off until I came here. I have learned to think about what I am eating and even on days that I cheat the calories are always thought about, so I don't get completely out of control. You and Birdie have the most self control I have ever seen and I really admire both of you. :flowerforyou:
    It was my aunt who taught me how to swim since we had a little trailer on a lake in Indiana. She just taught me well enough so as not to drown since my cousin and I almost did by panicking when we went accidentally walked into deep water and were hanging onto each other and thrashing. We finally managed to get back onto the sand that had the shallow water, so it was quite scary. My parents did not know how to swim and we had a boat, they would go in the boat without life jackets and it scared the heck out of me. When I was with them I would worry about the boat overturning and ask myself who do I save? Too much pressure for a kid. :tongue: I do like water today but prefer a pool, love the ocean only because it is rare for me to go in the ocean, but I hate sand in my suit.:laugh:

    With the help of my computer son I have made a decision on a new desktop and will be ordering it today. For those who care I am getting a Lenovo - IdeaCentre K330 Desktop / Intel® Core™ i7 Processor / 12GB Memory / 1.5TB Hard Drive. It will be fast and will have lots of memory for me to put my VHS tapes on DVD. Thank goodness that decision has finally been made. :laugh:

    I might go get a mani/pedi but I am enjoying this nice quiet day at home. Have a good day everyone.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Sneakers enjoy reading about all of your swimming experences. . I never did learn to swim. I learn to float withe my face in the water. Don't think I could survieved long like that. And yes I am terrified of water. I want my feet touching something.

    We have no plans today. Stay in and keep cool in this heat spell we are having. Got to fix me some more beans for a few meals. Will be doing a little sewing later on.

    Welcome back Shirley. Sounds like you had a wonderful trip.

    Sandy. You are always on top of things. So glad to have the prilidge of knowing you.

    Jeri. Hope you get good news today.

    Irene thanks for popping in. you are such a sweetheart

    Buzz, We don't hear too much from you these days. Don't love us no more?

    Judy. i know you have got you mind on your trip and getting into that bikini..

    Barbiecat. You always makes such good time of your free time.

    Gayla I have bought me a pattern for a prairie doll pattern with a bonnet. I have one I bought in an antiqueshop. Made out of old quilts. i have started so many quilts blocks and thought I would used them up. Made me think of you for you always talk of being a prairie girl. I order it on line so should get it this week. I love being able to buy things on line but hate the shipping cost. Walmart did away with their fabric and put inpkg stuff and would have to buy 2 yds at a time. But look like they are bringing it back. They took all the pkg stuff out and got lots of empty sheves now for bolts of fabric. Can hardly wait till we go Wed . for our shopping and see what they are doing to it.

    Becky Good morning to you and look like you have been at MFP the ongest here. I came in Dec 1908 So did Phoebe, Gayla, and Jeffrey. Then in early 1909 came Sandy, Barbiecat, Barbs And all of the rest came along after that. So glad you all did. Becky How come it took you so long to find us. Oh I know you were waiting to turn into a Senior citizen. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I don't think I got all of you but you know how the memory is
    Have a good day.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :laugh: CALIECAT...I was here for a while and then went to other sites. Don't know why...this is the best one. Then when I came back I posted about being so old, or something like that. Barbie then told me about this group.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, that is too much pressure for a child. I feel so sorry for you.:cry:

    I really should get me jump rope out instead of sitting typing.