Senior Golden Sneakers..........July, 2011



  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Sandy, just where do you find these???

    :flowerforyou: Marilyn, can you move your back at all. I mean..can you do easy exercising? I would be concerned that if you stay down too long you will get stiff. Sometimes a little activity can help. In the meantime, though, the ice should help with the pain.

    :flowerforyou: CALIECAT, your breakfast sounds wonderful. Have you ever tried Greek yogurt? It is thicker so a lot of people don't like it. I love it. The reason I am here so early is that my husband and I work at the same place. He has to be here by 5:30 AM. I don't have to be here til 8. But, we have only one car. So, I ride in with him and have two and a half hours to kill.

    I am at lunch now. So, that is why I check in at this time.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yes becky I do eat fage greek yogurt, Love it. Thats Why I usally have it far breakfast. I have learn to eat it without the artificial sugar . just plain greek yogurt and fresh or frozen fruit. With the protein in yogurt it keeps me full till lunchtime and keep my blood sugar under control. I am trying a plant diet now and seems to be working out great. I am leaving off all beef and cheese. For lunch it was 1 cup of pinto beans season with peppers, onion and celery. and had a vovely Peach I found at Walmart Wed. so juicy andsweet. lan on going back and get some more tomrrow at 79 cents a lb a good buy too!I want to freeze some for later........Have a nice day at work. Need to go and research some more on the Plant diet. My hobby is trying new diets out. Since I don't care for meat this is a + for me.see you later Marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Busy day today with my meeting and then some shopping. I made dinner and then took Daisy for a walk. It is now 8:00pm and I do not know where the day went.

    Marie, glad your tests came back ok, you are our monarch so take care of yourself.

    Becky, people send me so many jokes through email, but those that make me laugh out loud I share with my friends.

    Birdie, glad you found us.

    To everyone else, no individual posts tonight, I am tired and want to get to my couch.

    Have a good night.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    SANDY -- That is just sooo funny.

    Well another very busy day for me. Again, I'm pooped. Our company is a good distraction for me but I'm still on edge once we get home. We phoned the doctor's office today to see if the results were back, but they aren't. Their office is closed tomorrow as it is the start of the Calgary Stampede and with the other closure due to the holiday for Canada Day, I don't expect to hear any results until mid next week. In one way I'm glad I don't have to expect getting a phone call for the next few days but on the other hand I JUST WANT TO KNOW if the surgery went well and whether or not I need to have more. That is the anxiety of it all. But I'll make it for sure. Tomorrow we'll spend the day with Bob and Joyce again and Saturday my girls are having us over to celebrate my birthday and my Mom's which was July 1st. I think we may go down to the Stampede Grounds on Sunday. That should be a good distraction for sure.

    As for the Calgary Stampede, it is always fun. We got up early to go to the CBC Stampede Breakfast -- well okay I couldn't eat it, but my dh did. (pancakes and sausage). It was fun just the same.

    We loved watching the Royals, Will and Kate, at the Stampede tonight. They seem so nice and so real. This is their last night in Canada. They'll open the Stampede Parade and then will fly to the US where I am sure they will charm everyone as much as they have charmed us Canadians.

    Have a good night all.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    .More about “The Thin Commandments”----the fourth commandment “Structure Gives Control”
    Structure is about the timing and frequency of your eating, the type of meal you eat (real meal or quickie, adequate for nutrition or a low nutrition “treat”) , when you shop for food and what you buy, the way you eat (family style or served portions, standing up or seated and attentive)

    “Your eating structure is either a bridge to control or it promotes failure in weight loss. People with weight problems are most often people who have no structure at all in the critical areas of eating behavior”

    There are lots of strategies
    eating a nutritious breakfast, eating on a schedule, bringing your own healthy snacks with you to events, shopping after a meal instead of when you are starving.

    I’ve learned a lot of strategies from people on MFP. New strategies are like new habits and they take time to put in place……taking baby steps certainly applies here.

    “Structure empowers you to do the right thing”
    the first structure I put in place was planning my meals ahead of time and sticking to the plan no matter what. That meant that I refused food that was offered to me no matter what it was (a bite of something from my DH, the bagel and cream cheese a friend brought me when she picked me up the first day I put this structure in place, and a surprise dessert that was served at an event)…..this allowed me to say no to everything and not debate every food situation.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone. No personals here either. I keep falling asleep in my chair. Dave and I were running errands today. I have a bunch of blood work that needs to be done from my Dr. Appt. Yesterday. However I need to fast so will likely do it next week. Yesterday I went to the office to clean out my desk. As much as I am ready not to go back it felt a bit sad. After that we went to see the movie Bridesmaids. It was very raunchy but silly and often laugh ot loud funny.

    Have a wonderful Friday. The forecast is for stormy weather here tonight. Take care. :yawn: :heart:
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Gayla wrote:
    Yesterday I went to the office to clean out my desk. As much as I am ready not to go back it felt a bit sad.

    I missed something. Did you quit your job or retire?
  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    Hello to evryone from wintry NZ.

    'OLD' IS WHEN...
    You don't care where your spouse goes, just as long as you don't have to go along.

    'OLD' IS WHEN...
    You are cautioned to slow down by the doctor instead of by the police

    'OLD' IS WHEN...
    'Getting lucky' means you find your car in the car park.

    'OLD' IS WHEN...
    An 'all-nighter' means not getting up to use the bathroom.


    'OLD' IS WHEN...
    You are not sure these are jokes?
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Judy, that is sooo me!!! Thanks for sharing it.

    I am really not feeling well. Runny nose and eyes, sore throat, sneezing and coughing. It is probably an allergy to something. Not sure if I want to take anything as it is making me feel woozie also.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Happy Friday!! :bigsmile: Once again a beautiful day!! Meeting some friends for lunch today but hope to sit out this morning for an hour to keep up with my tan. :tongue: We are going to a restaurant where everything on the menu is less than 470 calories so it sounds like my kind of place. Of course having a glass of wine or two won't keep those calories down but maybe Daisy and I can walk a little longer tonight. She gets so tired in this heat and starts lagging behind me so we can't go too far. :noway:

    Judy, love the joke!! :laugh: It was a joke right?? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Becky, hope you feel better soon, hopefully it is a one day allergy type thing. :sick:

    Have a wonderful Friday!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Yes, I definately have allergies. My youngest daughter just called to say the her allergies are really bothering her. And, I have the same symptoms. I guess this is better than being ill. At least I won't be infecting others. Well, my alarm has gone off so I have to get back to work. Lunch really flew today.::grumble:
  • KotyTyler
    KotyTyler Posts: 3,684 Member
    Good Morning Girls! I can't believe where this week has gone! Next week is going to be a long one isn't it? All is well here in Vegas. It's monsoon season and we have a tendency to flood easily even with one light rain. Here we're use to 4% humidity and it's been 24% and we are suffering! I have to laugh because with being a native Californian, we had 24% all the time. The only good thing about this weather is that my hair looks 'puffy', frizzy is the real word :wink: , and I'm kind of liking that since my hair doesn't look so thin!!
    Gotta run. Got back from Curves and Zumba and need to have a snack. Take care all and I'll see you soon!
  • Jake45
    Jake45 Posts: 146 Member
    Hi all and now for the joke f the week!! (drum roll):laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Brian invited his mother over for dinner. During the course of the meal, Brian's mother couldn't help but notice how beautiful Brian's roommate Jennifer was. Brian's Mom had long been suspicious of the platonic relationship between Brian and Jennifer, and this had only made her more curious.

    Over the course of the evening, while watching the two interact, she started to wonder if there was more between Brian and Jennifer than met the eye.

    Reading his mom's thoughts, Brian volunteered, 'I know what you must be thinking, but I assure you Jennifer and I are just roommates.'

    About a week later, Jennifer came to Brian saying, 'Ever since your mother came to dinner, I've been unable to find the beautiful silver gravy ladle. You don't suppose she took it, do you?'

    Brian said, 'Well, I doubt it, but I'll send her an e-mail just to be sure.. So he sat down and wrote:


    Dear Mom,

    I'm not saying that you 'did' take the gravy ladle from the house,
    I'm not saying that you 'did not' take the gravy ladle. But the fact
    remains that one has been missing ever since you were here for



    Several days later, Brian received an email back from his mother
    that read:


    Dear Son,

    I'm not saying that you 'do' sleep with Jennifer, I'm not saying
    that you 'do not' sleep with Jennifer. But the fact remains that if
    Jennifer is sleeping in her own bed, she would have found the gravy ladle by now.
  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Hello Lovely Ladies,

    Just popping in to say Hello. My bed is calling. Had a busy day with the grandchildren today. Off to work to tomorrow then out in the evening with my sisters and a wedding on Sunday, so I shall find it difficult to get on here. Can't wait to get a smartphone, but have to wait til November for an update. Then I can post wherever I like!! Connie sounds like she's having a great time with hers.

    I loved all the jokes on here. Just what the doctor ordered.

    I am trying hard to get back on track and went to Zumba on Thursday eve. I found it so hard. My body felt like it kept running into a wall lol. I will not give up though. I am going to try to plan my food and exercise for next week. I don't usually do this, so maybe it will help. Thanks Barbie.

    You all have a lovely weekend. Love ya's
    P.S my smileys are'nt working so.. xxxxx
  • Hello, everyone! I'm still here, just not too inpired most of the time. Chemo does crazy things. Now I am dealing with foot pain as a side effect. It is so painful to walk that my poor (sweet, wonderful) husband is helping me with things. Today he washed the dishes. I don't remember him ever washing dishes before!! :laugh:

    I do enjoy the posts, especially the neat jokes. We're a cheery bunch, and I'm trying to get cheery again.

    I'm on a really healthy strict diet which is anti-inflammitory. At first it was hard for me to eat everyhthing, but I'm getting used to it now. Because there are lots of vegetables and fruits there is lot of volume. Also lots of green tea and water. After a week or so on this my blood glucose is perfectly normal and I've lost a few pounds. Blood glucose will probably go up for awhile after my next chemo, but I think that it will go down again after a couple of days.

    Mariah spends a few hours in the afternoon with me two or three days a week. Our favorite thing to do is: she sits on my lap and we watch cartoons on Netflix while I rub her back. I told her, "Mariah, I spoil you rotten." She said, "Spoiling is good.!"
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Irene so good tohear rom you. Glad you are stickin to your diet and helping your blood cugar control. It s wonderful that littlee Mariah keep you company for I know you adored her so.And it is good that your husband is helping you out around the house. My husband help me out a lot But dishes he refuse to do. and cook.Take care . I am trying to get invoved in quilting but It is kind of hard with my bad eyesite.But I have discovers quilting vidioes on the internet and i have been reading a lot of it. Till My eyes get tired. Love to you and your family. My prayers are with you to get thru his ordeal in fine shape. How long do you have to do chemo?

    Deb I am rooting for you to get back on track. You can do it , I know.

    Sandy watch it out walking and don't let Daisy get too hot. Or you either for that matter. Bout all I do is go to the grocer store.early in the morning .Walking is complete out till it gets cooler. can't remember when we have had rain. Jerry even built the birds a cover for there birds bath outside.It helps but I know that wate is terrible hot. The water in our cold fawcet feel like it is from the hot water heater.

    All of you sneaker keep cool.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone. We had a great day, hot but enough wind to make it feel great. Of course it isn't anywhere near as hot as Marie 's heat!, stay cool my friend.

    Jeri -- how are you doing? You didn't miss anything. I actually retired over a year ago but was going back for a half-day each week to see the long term hospitalized babies. I haven't had any babies to see since Feb. so figured it was time to say good-bye and let them use my desk for someone else. If they get a hospital referral I may go back but I don't think so. I am too spoiled now.

    Becky -- get well. So many people seem to have bugs lately. It is so hard being sick in the summer.

    Sandy -- you are doing great with your exercise. Thanks for the joke, very funny and true!

    Irene -- so glad you popped in. I hope the foot pain is very temporary. Glad the diet is working for you.

    Deb -- you will get back on track. We all have moments of weakness and sometimes it is hard to jump back on the wagon. Glad you got your exercise in.

    Jake -- thanks for the joke. Nearly inhaled my water!

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :yawn: we got up at 3 to leave the house at 5 to catch the ferry at 6:30 to be at an all day meeting that starts at 8:30.....there will probably be food that's not so great and not get much exercise :cry: but we'll see some great friends, have two great ferry rides, and enjoy some time without animals.:bigsmile: we boarded the animals for the weekend so the realtor could show the house......what will I do without my dogs to take me to exercise ?:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    :flowerforyou: after one day of warm weather, we're back to cool, gray, and windy :laugh:
  • KotyTyler
    KotyTyler Posts: 3,684 Member
    :yawn: we got up at 3 to leave the house at 5 to catch the ferry at 6:30 to be at an all day meeting that starts at 8:30.....there will probably be food that's not so great and not get much exercise :cry: but we'll see some great friends, have two great ferry rides, and enjoy some time without animals.:bigsmile: we boarded the animals for the weekend so the realtor could show the house......what will I do without my dogs to take me to exercise ?:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    :flowerforyou: after one day of warm weather, we're back to cool, gray, and windy :laugh:

    Sounds like you're off to a great start of your weekend! Enjoy!

    Happy Saturday everyone!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Happy Saturday!! :bigsmile: Another great day, will get some sun today, hopefully at the pool. :flowerforyou:

    After waiting for over six weeks for my new computer I cancelled the order yesterday. :mad: They postponed delivery for the third time and when I called to find out why after three of four different numbers being passed down to me, they said they couldn't get my graphic card. They couldn't call me and tell me that???? I was going to order a new card, but when the guy went to transfer me to yet another person he cut me off. Done with Dell. :explode: My son is going to find a comparable computer where I can go to the store to pick it up. :love: I still haven't ruled out a Mac, but I have used a PC since day one and I am afraid I won't know how to use the Mac as far as transferring VHS tapes to DVD. I am a quick learner but a Mac would be double the price of a PC. :noway:
    Glad I have a laptop or I would have been committed for withdrawal a long time ago. :laugh:

    Barbie, my husband woke up around 2:30am and I said to him who gets up at that time? Evidently, you and Jake do but you had some where to go, he just goes to the couch. :tongue: Hope you have a great time with your friends and don't worry about one slacker day. :laugh:

    Gayla, you make me laugh with some of your comments on the home page. :laugh: Without Daisy I am not sure I would get all this exercise in so she is good for my health. Your weather did sound perfect, so I hope you were outside to enjoy. :flowerforyou:

    Marie, your weather is so hot, our weatherman is always taking about it. You stay inside and stay as cool as you can. I wouldn't be taking Daisy for walks in 100 degree weather but after dinner it is about 80 most days. Phoebe gave me a good suggestion to put a cool wrap on her neck while walking or wet her down first, that is not an option because she would be one big mat if I did that. I am going to look into the neck thing, she might really like that. Thanks Phoebe.

    Irene, I probably shouldn't say this but when I read your posts I can't help but tear up :cry: . You are such a fighter and have endured so much, but always with a positive attitude. :love: Your husband sounds like a wonderful man who loves you very much :heart: .
    And I cannot say enough about Mariah, she is your guardian angel to help guide you through this time of your life. The bond between you sounds so incredible it makes me cry. :cry: Your diet sounds healthy and I am glad your blood glucose is normal.
    I wish I could be there to give you and Mariah big hugs but you can hug each other and know one is from me. God bless you Irene.

    Deb, a lot of MFP is mind over matter, if you record your food and exercise it keeps you fairly honest. You don't want to look at those numbers and see you are consistently over, so before eating record your calories to know exactly where you are. Make sense? Never give up, this doesn't happen over night, it took me two years to lose 20 pounds, mostly because I wasn't honest with myself the first year. Once I lost the first ten or so pounds I thought the rest would come off easy so I had lots of cheat days. This January I got really serious and have nothing but success and yes I do have a cheat day now and then, but get right back on track. :drinker: You can do this, just keep coming back. :tongue:

    Jake, I swear we must get our jokes from the same people. I loved this one!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Koty, I have never been to Vegas when it has rained, but I have been in a dust storm, which is awful. My son just got hit with a big dust storm in Phoenix last week, but they seem to be used to them. Come to Chicago where the humidity is sometimes 90%. Talk about sticky and wet. :laugh:

    Becky, sorry about your allergies. As far as I know I don't have any but my hubby and I both take Zyrtec( the generic) every morning because a nurse once told me she took Zyrtec as a preventive. My husband used to get so many respiratory infections and now he doesn't since taking the Zyrtec. :tongue:

    Hope everyone else is doing great, enjoy the day and be grateful for what you have.