Sexy in Six Challenge: Week 1

Okay friends, I am starting a challenge. I will have other people joining me from my previous group. Here's the info: We will work to lose 15-20% of the weight we have remaining to lose in a six week period. (So if you still have 30 pounds to lose before reaching your goal, take 30- X ether .15 or .2 and that is what you want to lose. So, 4.5 or 6 can decide based on your weight-loss goals.) We will also be taking measurements today and then on our final weigh in day. Let's measure upper arms, bust, hips, waist, and thighs. This challenge will take us to the Tuesday before US Thanksgiving. I start a new post every Tuesday in this Motivation and Support Forum. We weigh-in every Tueday and report daily with food consumed and exercise completed. We are a pretty intense group and a GREAT motivational tool! Our last challenge gave some EXCELLENT results! (Check out our Twenty Pound Somethings Final Weigh In under General Discussion Forum). I usually start these threads early on Tuesdays and then actually give my stats and what-not a little later...just so the thread is started early for anyone on. So...I will check back in a while with my starting weight and goals for the challenge. Plus my meal/exercise plan for today. Feel free to ask questions and let's SEE SOME RESULTS!!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!!!:drinker:


  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Okay friends, I am starting a challenge. I will have other people joining me from my previous group. Here's the info: We will work to lose 15-20% of the weight we have remaining to lose in a six week period. (So if you still have 30 pounds to lose before reaching your goal, take 30- X ether .15 or .2 and that is what you want to lose. So, 4.5 or 6 can decide based on your weight-loss goals.) We will also be taking measurements today and then on our final weigh in day. Let's measure upper arms, bust, hips, waist, and thighs. This challenge will take us to the Tuesday before US Thanksgiving. I start a new post every Tuesday in this Motivation and Support Forum. We weigh-in every Tueday and report daily with food consumed and exercise completed. We are a pretty intense group and a GREAT motivational tool! Our last challenge gave some EXCELLENT results! (Check out our Twenty Pound Somethings Final Weigh In under General Discussion Forum). I usually start these threads early on Tuesdays and then actually give my stats and what-not a little later...just so the thread is started early for anyone on. So...I will check back in a while with my starting weight and goals for the challenge. Plus my meal/exercise plan for today. Feel free to ask questions and let's SEE SOME RESULTS!!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!!!:drinker:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    "LET'S DO ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" gosh i feel like tye.:smile::tongue:

    my beginning weight is 217.2. i am aiming for 1.8 to 2 pound lose a week. that seems a little high for a weekly loss. it can be done. i will be happy to at lose a pound a week. i have taken my measurements, but i perfer not to post them.

    we can do this girls. we want to be on the losing side come this holiday season and not on the whinning side of having to lose gained holiday weight. we now have 6 weeks to get our willpower and strategy, tricks together to get us through the most difficult time of the year.
    my first willpower advise is: "remember you can always have it again another time. you don't have to eat the whole thing now" example: a slice of pumpkin pie (since it's holiday time), you have a sliver of a slice. you can always make or buy pumpkin pie again when you want. it won't be the last time you will ever have it.
    now what are your tricks, willpower, strategies.

    off to wake up a little more and get on the treadmill today. 60 min. workout, breakfast is done and over don't know about lunch or dinner yet.

    have a great first day.
  • kkeegan11
    kkeegan11 Posts: 29 Member
    this is a great idea! i needed a little extra boost to get my workouts up a level! I am starting at 212, and the goal is to lose 8 pounds, but more importantly to actually stick to something and finish my goals! so 204 in 6 weeks!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Okay...welcome kkeegan and Good morning Cathy!

    Here's the stats for me:
    Week 1: 161.5 pounds
    That leaves me with 26.5 pounds remaining to hit my goal weight of 135 pouds.
    Goal: 20% of 26.5=5.3 pounds (so we will say 6 pounds or 1 pound per week).
    Goal weight in 6 weeks: 155.5 pounds(final weigh in will be November 25th).

    WE CAN DO IT!!!!

    I will take measurements tonight, but anyone who wants to take them this morning, measure:

    Upper arm-
    And then Total-

    I think this will give us great measurements and we will all be looking at the same things.

    I will post meal/exercise plan during my lunch break today...have to get to work! Hope to have some more people join!!! Have
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Okay...welcome kkeegan and Good morning Cathy!

    Here's the stats for me:
    Week 1: 161.5 pounds
    That leaves me with 26.5 pounds remaining to hit my goal weight of 135 pouds.
    Goal: 20% of 26.5=5.3 pounds (so we will say 6 pounds or 1 pound per week).
    Goal weight in 6 weeks: 155.5 pounds(final weigh in will be November 25th).

    WE CAN DO IT!!!!

    I will take measurements tonight, but anyone who wants to take them this morning, measure:

    Upper arm-
    And then Total-

    I think this will give us great measurements and we will all be looking at the same things.

    I will post meal/exercise plan during my lunch break today...have to get to work! Hope to have some more people join!!! Have a FABULOUS day!!!
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I would love to do it but I dont think I can do it.
    My goal is to lose 123 more pounds and so to lose 15% is 18.45 lbs and that is just to much before Thanksgiving. I have lost 24 pounds so far in 2 months but doing that I just cant do yet.
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Good morning ladies! I am so excited that our new challenge has started!

    Here are my starting stats(:grumble: )

    Weight - 195
    20% = 12 pounds
    Goal weight on 11/25 183
    Upperarm-11 3/4
    waist-41(at the belly button)
    hips-42(around center on bottom)
    thighs-23 /12(top of thigh)

    total-158.25 inches

    I measured around my thickest places, because, lets face it...those are my problems areas and that is where I want to see the inches come off. So , as ugly as they may be, they are the cold hard truth! I plan on making that number much smaller by the end of this 6 weeks.

    Good luck everyone! I am so glad to be in another challenge with all of you! You are the best !!!
    Oh and welcome to any newbies! You will love it here!

  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hi Ladies,

    My goal is to lose another 50 pounds, so 20% would be 10 pounds over the next six weeks and I think that is a perfect goal for me.

    I'm with Cathy about not feeling comfortable posting my measurements right now.:blushing:

    Connie, Please join the group, you do not HAVE to do 15-20%. Set your goal where you feed comfortable.

    Amy, Good luck with this challenge. You can do it. Nice start with the 3.4 loss from last week.

    Kristen, I know you can do it. (Get to your goal of 5.3 loss for this challenge)

    KKeegan, Good luck with your goal of 8 pounds.

    My plan for today:

    1: Atkins protein bar
    2:banana & natural peanut butter
    3: Sweet potato & salad w/ turkey
    4: watermelon
    5: stuffed pepper soup
    6: skim milk & 100 cal. pack snack

    Exercise: Depends on weather when I'm done with homework. Bike ride, walk, or shred DVD

    I'll check in later. Good luck everyone!
  • cassangelidy
    What's up my SEXY CHICAS!!!!

    So my OFFICIAL weight for this AWESOME challenge is 189.8lbs...under 190 WOO HOO!! hehehehe So that leaves me 39.8lbs to lose. So my goal is 8 lbs in 6 weeks.

    SW 189.8
    CW 189.8
    GW 181.8

    I'm actually going to try to hit 180lbs, but officially it will be 181.8 lbs. :tongue:

    I will measure tonight when I get home and post my measurements.

    Food today:
    Homemade egg sandwich
    Activia Yogart and hard boiled egg
    Small salad and chicken and rice
    cottage cheese and apple
    I think I'll make chicken fajitas tonight...WE LOVE CHICKEN FAJITAS
    depending on how many calories I have left I might make a protein smoothie for late snack.

    We can totally do this ladies!!! 6 weeks isn't long, so we really need to stay focused!!!!!

    :heart: :smooched: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I'm SO excited we're all joining in for another challenge! Don't you just LOVE fresh starts?? and welcome newbies! Don't be intimidated by the fact that we've all gotten to know each other already... we're so happy to have new faces too!

    SO! My official starting weight for this challenge is 181 lbs. Sadly my September plateau has somewhat derailed my weight loss goal timeline but I'm hoping I can recover the progress. I just have to bust my butt!!! My goal for this challenge is officially to lose 8.2lbs but I'd love to see 12lbs go which would leave me only 1lb off from my timeline. We'll see! I'll take whatever I can get!!!

    This is going to be HARD for me but I'm going to post my measurements. I'm also going to add height because I think it's relevant to measurements!
    Height- 5'10"
    Upper arm- 12"
    Bust- 41.5"
    Waist- 39"
    Hips- 40.75"
    Thigh- 21"
    And then Total- 154.25"

    Unofficial goal for next week's weigh-in is 179lbs. I'm not checking inches again until the final week.


    1: home made porridge with steel cut oats, brown rice, millet, flax, raisins and goji berries
    2: vanilla ice cream protein shake
    3: steamed broccoli & carrots w/ olive oil, balsamic vinegar and toasted sesame seeds
    4: homemade porridge muffin (made from porridge left-overs)
    5: 1 med. banana
    6: sprouted grain bagel w/ hummus, turkey (yay for thanksgiving left-overs!), alfalfa sprouts, tomato

    work out: power walk to the gym then weights session, possibly turbo jam later on.

    Well, hooray for this new challenge and may we all meet and BEAT our own hopes and expectations!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    can't seem to edit my post. i didn't say what i wanted to lose in total it's 10/12 pounds in the six weeks.

    welcome all newbies :flowerforyou:

    the rest of you guys are just doing so great. everyone seems so happy to begin anew. i think we need that sometimes. i can burn out on things after awhile. i too am very pround of everyone's loses. from the smallest to the largest. it's all the same. it's not on us anymore.

    check back later.
  • cassangelidy
    I totally agree with Kathy...."From the smallest to the largest. It's all the same. It's not on us anymore"!! LOVE IT!!!

    So my weekly goals are as follows:
    1 gallon of water everyday.
    Track all calories taken in.
    Burn 3000 exercise calories.
    Lose 1.5 pounds.

    I figured it out. If I can lose 1.5 lbs each week that will be a 9 pounds for the 6 weeks...1 pound more than my goal. So here's to making big AND small things happen!!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey chicas! SO excited to see everyone on here.

    Quick note **You don't HAVE to lose can decide, I just thought to use 15-20% as a guideline...others please feel free to join and come up with your own goal to suit your needs**

    Okay...Rhiannon, great idea about posting height. I will post all measurements tonight.

    My meal plans:
    B-1 c. multigrain cheerios, 1/2 c. skim milk, 1 med. banana, 1/2 c. sliced strawberries, 8 oz. plumsmart light juice, 1 multivitamin.
    S-2 c. coffee, 2 tbsp. sugar-free creamer, Kashi TLC soft-baked breakfast bar.
    L-Turkey and Cheese sandwich with baby carrots and 1/2 small cucumber, AE YoLite yogurt, Coke Zero.
    S-1 med. apple, Kashi TLC Honey Almond Flax granola bar.
    D-Homemade chicken tacos with 1 Carb Balance wheat fajita, black beans, fat free shredded cheese and a green salad.
    S-???Depends on remaining calories.

    Exercise plan--45 minute Step class, 15 minute Ab workout.
    Everyone is doing such a good job! Keep up the good work!!! AND...let's try and not peek at the scale until next week. WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!

    BTW, Cass...YAY on being under 190!!!!!!:drinker:
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    I'm in, I'm in, I'm in!
    Starting weight, 201.5, 15% would be 10 pounds in the next six weeks. Sounds like a lot, but I am going to bust some *** and see what happens!

    U. Arm 14.25 (L) 13.9 (R)
    Bust 42
    Waist 39.75
    Hips 46.75
    Thigh 29.75 (L) 30 (R)
    total inches= 216.4

    Goals for the week:
    Put in all my foods for the day, even dinner, even weekends
    Exercise every day, Monday is a rest day (I get lazy on weekends)
    Take time to stretch each day. Not the quick 10 minutes at the end of workouts, but some really good long ones in the evening while watching TV.
  • tamazinglee
    tamazinglee Posts: 186 Member
    I'd like to join. I'll have to post my starting weight and measurements tonight. I am a little nervous since I am going to be on vacation in Aruba for a week during this 6 week challenge. But hopefully, I won't gain too much weight while I'm there.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    I'd like to join. I'll have to post my starting weight and measurements tonight. I am a little nervous since I am going to be on vacation in Aruba for a week during this 6 week challenge. But hopefully, I won't gain too much weight while I'm there.

    We would LOVE to have you join! You can do it! Don't worry about the vaca...we all have obstacles! I am going to be out of town this Friday through Monday visiting my sister who is away for we already have Chinese take out and Cosmos planned the first night while we watch Sex in the City BIG challenge for me already this weekend. But I know I will be fine and will bounce back quickly! So no worries, are NOT alone!

    bunny...happy to see you are joining us! Hope to keep EVERYone from the Twenty Something Challenge!!!
  • cassangelidy
    Yeah. Welcome Tammi! :wink: You can get through your vacation without gaining!! YOU CAN DO IT!!! Aruba...lots of beaches? Lots of walking? See burning calories just thinking about it. hehehe

    Super excited to see everyone joining in....So Katy still needs to check I missing anyone from the Twenty Somethings?

    I am freeeezing....I think I'm starting to get a cold...GRRRR...I'm drinking tea and my water...I"m going to try to flush this out of my system! I already told hubby its to bed early tonight. :yawn:

    Hugs to you all!!

    OH and Shred tonight....maybe even some Ab Jam from Turbo Jam. I gotta start this out on the right foot!!!!
  • monica5237
    OKay I am in cause the challange that i am in for thanksgiving I don't see me making it. I wanted to get downto 186 by thanksgiving but I am still at 199.4 (but i go weigh in today and see where i am) if i lose 1 pound a week like i have been then I would only be at 192 by thanksgiving and that is 6 pounds more than my original goal. But if i have lost more weight at my weigh in then i might be able too do it AND my % will be different.

    Okay here are my measurements

    Upper arm- 11.5
    Bust- 36
    Waist- 32
    Hips- 42.5
    Thigh- 21.5
    And then Total-I think my weight is 199.4 but I will revise this weight # later this afternoon.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Welcome Monica!!!:flowerforyou:
  • monica5237
    Welcome Monica!!!:flowerforyou:

    Thank you sooooo Much I will be back about 3 pm Central time with my weight and my for sure number to be at by thanksgiving