Sexy in Six Challenge: Week 1



  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Nice to meet you after getting to know your Mom these last couple of months!! You'll do great here :flowerforyou:
  • tamazinglee
    tamazinglee Posts: 186 Member
    OK..I've only got about 30 seconds to check in. Don't you hate it when life gets in the way of...well, life.

    Height- 5'6"
    Upper arm- 11.5"
    Bust- 48"
    Waist- 37"
    Hips- 42"
    Thigh- 22"

    I am 162 now. I will aim to lose 5 pounds during this challenge.

    My goal weight is 140.

    A real quick story about me.....My name is Tammi, age 32. Two sons, Tyler age 16 and Travis age 14. I married Dean on 7/7/07 in Vegas (me and Kristen have the same anniversary!). I dated Dean for 10 years before we finally got married. I have four dogs and one cat. I don't remember when I got so overweight...It just happened. I want to be healthy and look in clothes! I love to workout but I have the hardest time finding the time to do it. With a full time job, a husband, house, two teenagers and my pets I am always on the go. I wish I had more "me" time!

    I got to go now to watch the biggest loser and walk on the treadmill.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Yay Shanell...we were hoping to get you to join us one of these days! You can do it girl!!!:flowerforyou:

    Tammi...Yay! We're gonna look HOTT for our 2 year anniversary, right?! RIGHT!!!!! Maybe some new lingerie...:wink:

    Okay, here are my measurements:

    Upper arm-12.5"

    I measured at the thickest spot everywhere, waist a little below bellybutton with love handles, hips at the thickest spot on my body, bust while wearing my lounging bra (so I wear it next time I measure in 6 weeks). WOW...Tammi, we are pretty close! So, I will report back with new measurements at the end of the challenge. Tonight was some yummy chicken tacos and I had a GREAT workout! Now, gonna relax for a bit and then off to bed. I'll check back tomorrow! Have a FABULOUS evening and I am SO happy to have you all join this challenge! WE CAN DO IT!!!!!:drinker:

    Sleep tight friends!:yawn:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    hey sweetie (shanell) glad to see you. you will do fine.
    love ya, momma
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Welcome to all the new members of the challenge. It is exciting to see all these people wanting to join in!

    Here is my story.

    I am 34 years old. Turning 35 on 12/15. I have been married for 6 years to a man I have known most of my life. His mother and my aunt where best of friends and also responsible for us getting together. We dated for 4 years before getting married. Prior to dating him I was a single mother of an adorable little boy who is now 13 years old! He is in the Autism Spectrum. Everyday is a new and exciting day for him. The smallest accomplishment he makes can melt my heart. Before getting pregnant with him I weighed 130 pounds and didnt worry about weight at all. I am 5 ft 7 1/2 inches so looking back at pictures, I was pretty thin. I had gestational diabetes with my pregnancy and gained 55 pounds! I lost that so easily. I dont even remember really trying. Slowly my weight crept up. When I got married I weighed 160 pounds. Then had baby # 2 and guess what. I put those same 55 pounds on! I got up to 215 pounds. My youngest is now 5 years old. I have never really lost that weight. I did loose 20 pounds doing LA Weightloss but I hated the program. My Aunt(the one previously mentioned) was then diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. I live 2 blocks from her house and was a big part of her care. She lived 18 mths after her diagnosis. I could not concentrate on anything for myself while she was sick. Then a horrible thing happened in May of 2007, my father died at the young age of 55 of a massive heart attack in his sleep. I had to make sure that I was not heading down that road. I have since lost 13 pounds. Its not alot but it is something. My goal weight is 135. I may stop at 140 but ultimately I was happy at 130 but it was a little too low. I have a love hate relationship with exercise and food. I am working on this. I want to love food and exercise! So here I am with a great bunch of ladies who are helping me love food and exercise!

    Again, welcome to all the new challenge members! Lets do this and get through the Holidays!

  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Am soooo tuckered out, so I'll post more about me tomorrow.... Pretty good day today-

    Breakfast: cinnamon protein shake made with almond milk and for a change, I blended an apple into it.
    Snack: An hour late, stopped at the store on the way home from the Y, so it's bigger than normal-two eggs fried (in Pam) on two slices of marble rye bread with a slice of pepper jack cheese.
    Lunch: (About 3:30 pm lol) center cut pork chop and spaghetti squash left from dinner last night. I ate big now, because I had a dentist appt. and then would be at the pool for my son's practice through dinner.
    Dinner: (9:00 PM) Chocolate protein shake made with 2 TBSP peanut butter and a banana. Tasted like a yummy dessert!

    Unfortunately, I still have a little over 200 calories I'm supposed to eat. There's no way it's going to happen though. Have gotten in over a gallon of water today. And went to the Y, did an hour on the treadmill, walking up an 8% incline. Then did half an hour of weight lifting. Dang! No wonder I'm tired! Am actually thinking of starting up an exercise challenge along the way, because I am really feeling my legs after the treadmill. Something like adding in a new exercise ever day, or make more than a week, and try a new exercise each week. What do you guys think?
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    After dinner (pizza and salad) and my late night sweet treat (a frosted strawberry poptart), I have exceeded my daily caloric intake limit by 4 whole calories:bigsmile: . Yay for sticking to it today! Today is a great start to my next six weeks!! I am so excited by this challenge!

    A little about me:
    Skinny kid. Until hormones and middle school. PLUMP.Thinned out in high school. Never "skinny", but in shape. Great figure. 138lbs through high school. Around a size 10.

    College. Freshman year in October they found a tumor the size of a football in my abdomen (near ovaries and uterus). Surgery to have that removed. (Tumor free 9 years now, yay!) My body never recovered correctly. Gained and gained and gained.
    Sophomore year. Got married at a size 16 (June 2001).

    Thinned down to 185lbs and a size 14. Got pregnant. BALLOONED up to 245lbs full term (Aug 2005).
    Pre-eclampsia, lingering high blood pressure, asthma, acid relux, migraines. I was a mess.

    Lost weight slowly, without rhyme or reason. Settled at 201lbs.
    March 2007, began a committed weight loss journey. Hand written journal counting calories and yoga. Weight began to drop off. So did my motivation.
    June 2008, discovered MFP at 179 lbs.

    Before my ulcer began to rear its ugly head last week, I was at 164lbs. When my ulcer hurts, I tend to over feed it, to attempt to quiet it. (I now have meds to control it, thank goodness!) That is how I'm starting this challenge at 167lbs.
  • mamakitty
    mamakitty Posts: 249
    My name is Shelly.I am 28 years old. My main goal in life is to be happy, but life gets in the way of that sometimes. I am have been married to my best friend and soul mate for 2.5 years. I have a 10 year old son. I had my son when I was 17 and had to grow up very fast. I worked my way through college and got my degree. Now I am supporting our family while my husband is going to school full time. My baseline stress level has been pretty high for 10 years, so I am used to the pressure. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. He has 2 years left and will graduate with an engineering degree. Then I will only have to work part time. We plan to have a baby then too.
    I have never been small, mostly on the thick side of normal. I gained 50 pounds with my son. I lost it pretty quick. That is when I started working out. I have been a religious exerciser since. My weight has gone up and down between 134 and 150 since. My diet has improved over time, portion control not so much. I also like my beer and wine. I'm from Wisconsin and that is a big part of the social culture. Weight has become harder to keep off. This summer I was back up to 142 and could not get it off, regardless of how much I exercised. I went to a dietitian and she told me I was eating way too much and recommended MFP. Since then I have been addicted. I have lost 4 pounds since. My goal weight is 130. Portion control and eating when I am not hungry is my big obstacles. Keeping track of my calories has helped out tremendously.
    I believe that I must love myself but continually strive to improve. I am always trying to improve the outside and the inside as well.

    It is so nice to meet you all and I look forward to getting to know everyone better throughout our challenge.

    Have a great night.
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Hey partners :happy:

    Its late, I know..

    Glad to see so many new people and everyone from our previous challenge YAY!! :smooched:

    I start this "Sexy in Six" at 198lbs. I have my main goal set at 140lbs, so I have about 58lbs remaining. 20% is 11.6lbs(1.93lb/wk) and 15% is 8.7lbs(1.45lb/wk).

    I believe I will shoot for the 20% and round it up to 12lbs even and make it 2lbs/wk. So, in 6 weeks I am planning to be at 186lbs. That would be fantastic because I have a wedding to go to on Nov. 22 that I really want to look delish for :wink: Im not going to post my measurements now, bc I normally take them at the end of every month - I will post the difference from Sept 30 to Oct 30 when we get there!

    I just finished my shred dvd- 1st time since the car accident :tongue: Thats all the exercise I did today..Still been in my rut- but starting to improve I believe...Burned 326 cals in 25 min so its all good!

    Food today:
    bfast-fiber one cereal, skim milk and protein shake
    snack-(cant remember lol)
    lunch- mixed baby green and spinach leaves salad with turkey and shredded FF chz and roma tomatoe
    snack- protein bar
    dinner- 1/2 quesadilla made with RF provolone chz, high fiber tortilla and about 1/2 cup of healthy choice ckn soup. (Getting a cold so wasnt very hungry this evening)

    Have PT tomorrow morning..will burn 500+ cals proly so that is good.

    Lil about me:

    Name is Katy, Im 23 and live in Northern Georgia. I am a full time college student studying biology but transferring to UGA next year to begin my upper level classes to get my Bachelors of Science in Microbiology degree. I have two options from there- go for my masters as a Physicians Assistant or go for my masters then PhD in Microbiology. I have a daughter who is 4 and she is my entire world.I work PRN for myself (meaning I work when I want to work) as a CNA for a private home care company. I was never skinny, but I was around 135-140 in HS until my junior year. By graduation I was up to about 165-170. From there just kept gaining, then pregnancy, lost some but gained it back..lost about 8lbs and lotsa inches through diet and exercise summer of '07 but started school back and dropped my routine. From there gained back the 8lbs and about 15 more so I was at 250lbs this past July. I began to have bad blood pressure problems and was taken off birth control bc of it. 250lbs-Highest ever, and I saw a photo of my daughter and I and I was mortified I looked so huge. Was referred by a friend to a weight loss doctor and started that beginning of July. Yes I do take medication but trust me it takes alot more than the medicine to lose weight- I bust my hump and have DRAMATICALLY changed how and what I eat.

    Since July 1st, I have lost 52lbs and will work hard to never add them back. This isnt a diet for me, this is a lifestyle change :wink:

    I hope everyone enjoys this challenge - there are some amazing supportive motivational gals here :love:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Man, I have to say that this new challenge is exactly what I needed. I know it's the same format and type of goal as the last one but something about starting fresh has me feeling a lot more will power. I made GREAT choices today and I feel really good about it. Wednesdays are pretty much always great because I have my favourite step class so I look forward to that during the day (plus I get a good chunk of extra calories!).

    We can SO do this ladies :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: WE ROCK!!!!! :drinker: :glasses: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :heart:
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Hey Ladies

    I want to join!:smile: I will post my stats in the morning. I just got back from a weekend trip to Chicago so I need to weigh in the am!!!

    Sounds like fun!

    Good luck!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Okay, so I'm on my way to bed but I wanted to check in with my meals now so I don't take time away from my little ones in the morning!

    1: homemade porridge of steel cut oats, brown rice, millet, flax seeds, flax meal, raisins, goji berries, cinnamon, nutmeg & apple sauce
    2: 1/2 a chocolate protein drink
    3: steamed broccoli & carrots w/ olive oil, balsamic vinegar and toasted sesame seeds
    4: med. banana, vanilla ice cream protein shake made w/ skim milk
    5: homemade butternut squash soup (from thanksgiving left-over squash)
    6: 1 slice Ezekiel sodium-free toast w/ hummus, alfalfa sprouts & tomato
    7: protein drink (post-work out)
    8: 2 c. homemade turkey soup & 1 homemade fruit cookie for dessert.

    Work-out: advanced step class & ab work at home.

    On high daily calorie days like this I have to really space out lots of balanced meals so I don't get too hungry in the evening after my work-out and so I can get close to my calories. I usually try to eat every couple of hours anyway.

    Alright, I'm going to get the yummy-smelling turkey broth into the fridge for the night so I can make the soup tomorrow. I LOVE making soup. So creative and warm and productive! My little ones really love to cook with me too so it's always good family time. We'll be baking the fruit cookies tomorrow as well so we'll have a nice day in the kitchen together. They're great cookies - loaded with flax, nuts, fruit, whole grain... They're relatively calorie-dense but very nutritionally sound!

    Good night everyone (although you're all in a different time zone and fast asleep...)! Kick @$$ tomorrow!!! :bigsmile:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Hey Ladies

    I want to join!:smile: I will post my stats in the morning. I just got back from a weekend trip to Chicago so I need to weigh in the am!!!

    Sounds like fun!

    Good luck!

    WELCOME! So someone else IS awake right now... :happy: You'll love it here and we'll all reach our goals! Nice to meet you and welcome to the challenge!! :flowerforyou:

    Okay seriously, GOOD NIGHT!! :yawn:
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Yes I am a serious nite owl.... that is such a problem. Before I forget can one of the early birds tell me everything that is needed. I think its start measurements , goal weight in 6 wks w/ current weight and also Food for the current day!

    Let me tell you about me! I am Tammara. I feel like my life was really hectic for so long I forgot how to not have stress. I recently finished dental school, so I am a dentist, but, I don't work because I want a break. I have been in school for 8 yrs and I am just tired of it all.... so I have a 7 month old puppy and a boyfriend of 15 months and I am getting my life back in order. Most of my life since about 16 I remember worrying about my weight, but then I played soccer and the weight was off 150 lbs at the end of high school. Then college ended and I was 179 after losing weight my senior year w/ fitness and measuring my foods. Dental school, I was working out constantly until the last year (08) and I reached 242. I know..... So I started a challenge w a friend in Aug to lose 25 lbs by Dec 9th. Well I first lost 7lbs and now I am stuck at 9lbs off (which is prob. less since my chicago trip (great food)). My friend has lost the 25 lbs already and it was discouraging at first because some days I was doing 5 workouts a day... BUT I am not giving up. I finished Dr. Peeke's Body for life book recently and I am ready to begin the challenge and then commit to my 1st 6 week goal.... updates tomorrow.

    Currently I worry about getting a job because everyone else in my class has BUT I think I deserve some me time.... that is until my money runs out... and it always does.

  • hgam1
    hgam1 Posts: 237 Member
    I'll like to join this but my prob will be calculating what I need to lose for the 6 weeks. Hands up I know zilt about calculating %s. :blushing: So, if there is anyone out there that can kindly work that one out for me am in. My starting weight is 168lbs.
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    I want to join!!! This will be fun to do a challenge with my Mommy (Chipper).:happy:

    I had weighed yesterday and weighed in at 213.5. I have not done my measurements, but will tomorrow morning. I want to try to lose 10 lbs in 6 weeks. This is high for me, but good motivation. It would be better if I could lose 14 to be under 200, but I'll have that goal done before the end of the year, maybe my birthday.


    So, my name is Shanell (Nellienell is my nickname). I am 29 and will be celabrating my 30th birthday on 12/04. I have been married 8 yrs and have 2 little girls ages 5 and almost 8. We live in South Carolina near the Charleston area. I have been on this site since the end of Aug/08. I have lost over 10lbs using this plan. My start wgt is 236.5 in March/08. I want to weigh 145 about what I did in high school.

    Thanks for listening. Hope to get to know ya'll better.

    Well, I did my measurements today. Here they are:

    Chest: 43"
    Waist: 40.5
    Thigh: 27.25
    Arm: 14.25
    Hip: 47.75
    Total= 172.75
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I'll like to join this but my prob will be calculating what I need to lose for the 6 weeks. Hands up I know zilt about calculating %s. :blushing: So, if there is anyone out there that can kindly work that one out for me am in. My starting weight is 168lbs.

    What is your remaining weight loss goal?
    It's 15%-20% of the remaining weight.
    Example: 30lbs left to goal x 0.15 = 4.5lbs weight loss goal.
    Just multiple your weight loss left times 0.15 or 0.2 to get your six week goal weight for the challenge.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    my goodness lookie at all the new wonderful people on here. :flowerforyou: WELCOME:bigsmile:

    today is a not normal routine for me. can't exercise until DH gets up. we are expecting a fedex package that needs signed. he works nights. i normally have my workout done before he gets up. i might be able to work somethng out. i have the ganddaughters for the night. mom & dad are going out. i don't like being out of routine until around 2. after that all my daily things are done and i am opened up. that's life, it gets in the way of some sort almost everyday for everyone. it's part of this weight loss road to learn how to deal with LIFE, and not let food deal with LIFE. because when food deals with life we become depressed and food runs our lives instead of us running our lives.
    ok, that's my thought for today.

    have a great day everyone.
    breakfast: 1 egg, 1 2%cheese, 1 100cal english muffin, 1 tbps butter.
    lunch: homemade chicken salad wrap, grapes, chips
    dinner: depends on if i have grandbabies for dinner.
    snacks: unsure

    check back later,
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Good Morning All,

    Welcome all newcomers, it will take a little time to remember who is who. Special Hello to Shanelle, Cathy's daughter, nice to have that extra family support from eachother.

    My name is Deb, I am 46 years old, married 24.5 years with 2 kids. Both still at home. I have worked as a glass artist for over 20 years and I have loved it. It let me stay home with my kids, but now I am trying something new. Another challenge for me is I want to get into nursing. So I am taking some classes, anatomy & phisiology, is one that is very hard and I am studying for this class 35 hours per week.

    I was never skinny, but in fairly good shape. Never ate very good growing up. My mom didn't like fish or veggies, but loved sweets, so I still have some bad eating habits I have to overcome. I gained a lot of weight during both pregnancies. I lost some, gained it back, lost it again, ect... Now that I'm a little older it seems just a little harder. I've tried several times to lose weight over the last two years and never got very far, until about eight weeks ago. That is when I joined mfp and found this group. It helped me so much. I have lost 13 pounds so far and would like to lose 50 more. If I can lose 10 for this challenge I will be so very happy.

    Anyway, for today:

    1: oatmeal, banana, oj
    2: apple
    3: soup
    4: banana & peanut butter
    5: grilled cheese
    6: skim milk & 100 cal pack snack (bad habit, still gotta have a sweet snack)

    Exercise: 1 hour at community center aerobic & strength

    Have a great day everyone!!!:happy: :happy:
  • hgam1
    hgam1 Posts: 237 Member
    I'll like to join this but my prob will be calculating what I need to lose for the 6 weeks. Hands up I know zilt about calculating %s. :blushing: So, if there is anyone out there that can kindly work that one out for me am in. My starting weight is 168lbs.

    What is your remaining weight loss goal?
    It's 15%-20% of the remaining weight.
    Example: 30lbs left to goal x 0.15 = 4.5lbs weight loss goal.
    Just multiple your weight loss left times 0.15 or 0.2 to get your six week goal weight for the challenge.