Sexy in Six Challenge: Week 1



  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Ok I will join but I will do 10% which is 12.3 lbs. My scale only does full pounds so I will say 12 lbs.

    SW 273
    Challenge goal 261
    MFP goal 150

    I will do my measurements later. So are we supposed to put what we eat on here also?

  • cassangelidy
    yeah yeah...welcome Monica and Connie!!!!!!!!!!!

    WOO HOO!!
  • cassangelidy
    Ok Sexy Ladies...Here is who we have and their goals...I like to be organized, can you tell?


    Tammi and Monica are going to weigh in tonight and set their goals then.

    I think these are totally realistic and look...healthy one is over 2 pounds a week!! Nice action! :glasses:

    Instead of salad dressing, I put my rice and chiken on top of my salad....its kinda like a taco salad...but not really. actually tastes ok. :happy:

    Connie, you can put your food if you want. Some of us do, some of us don't. But I think you will find that more than not we do. Not only does it give others ideas about what to eat...but it keeps you accountable. :tongue:
  • mamakitty
    mamakitty Posts: 249
    I'm in! I am new and sooooo excited to join such an enthusiastic group. I am also going on vacation, Mexico next week.
    My current weight is 138
    goal wt 134
    I will give my measurements tomorrow.
    I have had a not so good eating day (pot luck at work), but with my exercise calories I will not go over.
    So my plan for the rest of the day is to not go over on cals. Chicken fajitas for dinner and to do 1hour of kickboxing tonight.

    Another goal for me is decrease alcohol (I love my wine) and eating more fruits and veggies instead of junk. A lot of my calories have been from empty calories.
    I exercise a lot. I have recently increased my exercise to 1 1/2 hour a day. So another goal is to stick with it.

    Good luck to all and I am happy to be in this challenge. I always need support and accountability.

    P.S. where do you measure your waist, above, below or at the belly button?
  • cassangelidy
    Welcome MamKitty!!!

    What type of kickboxing do you do? I looooove kickboxing!! I used to do Body Combat religously!!

    How I measure my waist is I put it just an inch or so below my belly button. I have a long torso and love handles are my I figure this will give me a good indication if they are going down or not. :happy:


    Tammi and Monica are going to weigh in tonight and set their goals then.

    Look at our fun group!!! WOOO HOOO...Oh and just something to keep in mind....we are doing another 6 week challenge from 11/25/08-1/6/09....that will take us through the holidays and keep us accountable to each other!! But one challenge at a time. :wink:

    Woot Woot
  • mamakitty
    mamakitty Posts: 249
    I do kickboxing videos. I try all kinds from netflix. One of my favorites is Amy Bento!

    Does anyone have any ideas for a light dinner?
  • mamakitty
    mamakitty Posts: 249
    I do kickboxing videos. I try all kinds from netflix. One of my favorites is Amy Bento!

    Does anyone have any ideas for a light dinner?
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    :noway: Well, we knew this new challenge would attract a lot of people :drinker:

    Cass, thx for keeping it organized babe :wink:

    Welcome MK, TL, Monica... ahhhh! Everyone new! Katy said she'd be on here later.

    So I just got back from a great weight training session at the gym. LOVE that feeling! My husband came from work on his lunch break (he works 1 block from our gym) and he and my little ones had lunch in the cafe at the gym during my work out. I'll hopefully also get a chance to do Turbo Jam for some extra cardio but I've got my awesome step choreography class tomorrow and that is always super-intense. I'm also going to take my dog for a big walk this afternoon.

    Well, just wanted to check-in and say hi to all the new faces! There's a woman I referred to the group so I'm hoping she'll join too! ttfn :bigsmile:
  • monica5237
    I went and weighed in and I was 195.8 that means I have lost 3.6 pounds so my goal is for Thanksgiving to lose 6.1 pounds so 6 pounds so that will put me at 190 for thanksgiving. so lets see what happens
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I'm game.
    My ulcer acted up last week, so my diet and exercise were way off base. Gotta get back into the swing of things. This is a great day for me to start a challenge since I'm back on track as of this morning!

    Week 1: 167 pounds
    That leaves me with 29 pounds remaining to hit my goal weight of 138 pounds.

    Goal: 15% of 29= 4.35 pounds (so we will say 5 pounds or 0.8 pounds per week).
    Goal weight in 6 weeks: 162 pounds (final weigh in will be November 25th).
    Goal: 20% of 29= 5.8 pounds (so we will say 6 pounds or 1 pounds per week).
    Goal weight in 6 weeks: 161 pounds (final weigh in will be November 25th).

    I'm shooting for either of those two. The end result is a one pound different. I'll be happy to reach either or both.

    Oooooooh, Halloween falls in those weeks. Hmm, that will be tough. Luckily, this challenge ends the Tuesday before Thanksgiving :laugh:
  • cassangelidy
    Rhiannon, that sounds like a great way to get your workout in and have the hubby spend time with the kiddos!!

    Welcome Lauryn!! I'm gonna put you down for 6 pounds...Cause I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    MK-I've never heard of Amy Bento...(Cassidy's fingers start to smoke and she feverishly types in Amy Bento kickboxing into Google)


    Tammi is going to weigh in tonight and set her goal then.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    boy oh boy. lookie at all the new comers. WELCOME, WELCOME, WELCOME,

    i want to list what i ate today to see if it changs anything:
    Breakfast: 1 egg, 2 lite toast, 1/2 c. grapes
    lunch: grilled cheese sandwich, v-8 cream of broccoli soup
    dinner: rotissierie chicken, 1/2 c. mashed potatoes, zuccini casserole, cottage cheese.
    snacks: 100cal pack turkey jerky bites.
    70 mins treadmill burned 640 cals.

    well, off to get some more house hunting work done. running out of time.

    be back later.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Welcome Lauryn!! I'm gonna put you down for 6 pounds...Cause I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    Thanks! :flowerforyou:

    This is my first challenge, btw, and I'm super excited!!!

    Ooooh, food list. I almost forgot.

    Breakfast: half a whole wheat bagel, 3tbsp fat free garden veggie cream cheese, my coffee w/ creamer
    Lunch: Smart Ones Santa Fe Rice and Beans (yummy!)
    After workout snack: Quaker Cheddar Rice Cake

    Lots of water throughout the day, a Diet Lipton green tea. Already met my 8 glasses, will have between 3-4 more glasses tonight (in the form of sugar free kool aid).

    Not sure about dinner yet, but thanks to exercise and all day moderation, I have about 750 calories to expend, which is GREAT. I am a late night eater, a craver of sweets at 9pm. I have to save calories for those late night snacks and cravings.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Yay for the newcomers!

    Lauryn...this is your first challenge? Well, you've joined a FABULOUS group!!!

    Monica...6 pounds in 6 weeks, that's what I'm doing also!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!!:drinker: (Oh...and Lauryn is doing this also so the three of us can REALLY keep each other on track!!!)

    You gals have some good goals! I'm WAY excited for this challenge, and yes, we will be doing another 6 week challenge following this one to get us through those tough holidays and into the new year!!!! I'm getting ready to leave work here in just a few and head to the gym for my workout. Since I skipped yesterday, I'm actually really excited to go tonight...weird, huh? That's good I guess...I LOVE a good workout!!! :wink:

    I think since there are so many new-comers, we should all introduce ourselves again so we can all get to know one another. I'll start:

    My name is Kristin. I'm 25 years old living in Iowa with my husband, Michael, 2 brittanys (Dakota and Cheyenne) and 2 cats (Harley and Stewie). I was born in Canada and have lived in Iowa now for about 18 years. I was a swimmer most of my childhood and into highschool, but a shoulder injury stopped this sport and I quickly gained weight. I yo-yoed for years but never was able to keep the weight off. I did weight-watchers, slim fast, every diet pill in the book, Adkins, LA Weight loss...they were all just a temporary fix and never were anything I could stick to. I managed to lose a bunch of weight for my wedding (7-7-07) but then quickly gained again with my husband and I becoming quite lazy. I found and started MFP in November 2007 at 183 pounds and quickly was able to lose 20 pounds. Then I went on vacation, came home early due to my father-in-law having a heart attack, and totally fell off the wagon. The weight crept back up and the day after my one year wedding anniversary, and 174 pounds, I decided it was time for a change. So, I started back on MFP on July 8th, 2008 and have since lost 12.5 pounds (my ticker says 13). So I am VERY serious and there have been many obstacles that I have faced and I tend to bounce back much quicker! That's one thing I've learned, I may fall off every once and a while, but if I pull myself back up, I can get back to normal rather quick! My overall goal is to get to 135 pounds. I want to reach this and maintain by July 2009 when I am going back to Canada for my cousins wedding. I think this gives me plenty of time and will have been a full year of holidays and obstacles. So...I am here until the end, but I'm counting on you guys to help me through it! It's a life-long change and WE CAN DO THIS!!!!

    Everyone, please share a little about yourselves... I'd love to get to know you all!!!:flowerforyou:
  • cassangelidy
    You know all have shared about yourselves a couple times...and me....nope, I don't think I have...always thinking I'll come back and do that....but today is the day. LOL

    Ok me....Cassidy...28...wife of 3.5 years, mother of a beautiful 3 year old daughter!! So here is the low life was out of control....I was 22 and going crazy...I decided to do Body For Life to gain some stability and routine and found out that I LOVED working out!! I quickly became a bodybuilder(very feminine) and working out was my life(I was 147lb)...two sometimes three times a day! I met my now husband and once we started dating (RIGHT after I turned 24 Aug 2004) I was still working out, just not as intensely. I got pregnant Nov. 2004 (I was about 162)and we got married March 2005(172lbs when we got married). I worked out about 4 days a week until I was 7 months pregnant. Reagan was born Aug 2005 (I was 198lbs when she was born) and I got Turbo Jam a few months later. I was SHOCKED at how easy it was to lose weight!!! Nursing, being busy....I lost most of my pregnancy weight right away!!! However, after I stopped breast feeding, I didn't adjust my eating....we bought a business March 2007 and it was very stressful. We sold the business in Dec 2007 and I was up over 185 at the time. I went back to accounting (office job) and my highest is 193lbs. I've had some major stresses (husband and I almost divorced, $75,000 in debt, ect.) and I gained and gained. Its been harder this time to lose than any other. I am a mom and a wife now and I don't just have to worry about only me anymore.

    So here I am...189.8lbs...motivated after my last little set back and ready to go through these holidays without doing the damage I've done in the past years.

    Oh...and my goal is 150lbs. I might have to re-evaluate that once I get there because I'm not going to be concentrating on muscle building like I have in my past...and I was 147 then. So, we'll see. But to be 150 again, I will be in heaven! lol

    These ladies are wonderful. Motivated and encouraging. I love that I'm apart of this group. So lets do this together!!
  • monica5237
    Yay for the newcomers!

    Lauryn...this is your first challenge? Well, you've joined a FABULOUS group!!!

    Monica...6 pounds in 6 weeks, that's what I'm doing also!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!!:drinker: (Oh...and Lauryn is doing this also so the three of us can REALLY keep each other on track!!!)

    You gals have some good goals! I'm WAY excited for this challenge, and yes, we will be doing another 6 week challenge following this one to get us through those tough holidays and into the new year!!!! I'm getting ready to leave work here in just a few and head to the gym for my workout. Since I skipped yesterday, I'm actually really excited to go tonight...weird, huh? That's good I guess...I LOVE a good workout!!! :wink:

    I think since there are so many new-comers, we should all introduce ourselves again so we can all get to know one another. I'll start:

    My name is Kristin. I'm 25 years old living in Iowa with my husband, Michael, 2 brittanys (Dakota and Cheyenne) and 2 cats (Harley and Stewie). I was born in Canada and have lived in Iowa now for about 18 years. I was a swimmer most of my childhood and into highschool, but a shoulder injury stopped this sport and I quickly gained weight. I yo-yoed for years but never was able to keep the weight off. I did weight-watchers, slim fast, every diet pill in the book, Adkins, LA Weight loss...they were all just a temporary fix and never were anything I could stick to. I managed to lose a bunch of weight for my wedding (7-7-07) but then quickly gained again with my husband and I becoming quite lazy. I found and started MFP in November 2007 at 183 pounds and quickly was able to lose 20 pounds. Then I went on vacation, came home early due to my father-in-law having a heart attack, and totally fell off the wagon. The weight crept back up and the day after my one year wedding anniversary, and 174 pounds, I decided it was time for a change. So, I started back on MFP on July 8th, 2008 and have since lost 12.5 pounds (my ticker says 13). So I am VERY serious and there have been many obstacles that I have faced and I tend to bounce back much quicker! That's one thing I've learned, I may fall off every once and a while, but if I pull myself back up, I can get back to normal rather quick! My overall goal is to get to 135 pounds. I want to reach this and maintain by July 2009 when I am going back to Canada for my cousins wedding. I think this gives me plenty of time and will have been a full year of holidays and obstacles. So...I am here until the end, but I'm counting on you guys to help me through it! It's a life-long change and WE CAN DO THIS!!!!

    Everyone, please share a little about yourselves... I'd love to get to know you all!!!:flowerforyou:

    I am a single mom and I want to be a great looking woman for myself. When I started my top weight was 263 pounds I have made it down to 196. I have a ways to go but I have been working on this for a little over a year and so far it is working!!! My name is Monica. I have been seeing a DR. I have lost 40 pounds since I started seeing him. I was 263 pounds in April of 2007, that is when my dr said I needed to lose 10 pounds, because my blood pressure was up. I started to lose the weight and when I lost the 10 I was like I am going to keep going. I have kept going but I hit a slump, so that is when I talked to my boss and she told me about a DR. she had been seeing and she losty 40 pounds. So I went to see him and I am very happy. When I started seeing him I was 239.8 pounds. I am now 196. I am 5'9 so I can weigh more than some people can, but I want to better my looks for me. I was a size 24 and now I am down to a 14-16. I need to keep going.

    I have 3 teenage daughters ages 14-18 and one wonderful grandson. he is 4

    I work in a bank so i want to look good.

    I am single however I am seeing a great guy
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Cass, girl you and I have so much in common... sheesh :heart: We'll talk some time :wink:

    Me! My name is Rhiannon, I'm 28 and live in British Columbia (lucky me! :bigsmile: ) with my husband of 5 years and my beautiful daughter who will be 4 in November and my beautiful son who is 20 months old. I own a business but it doesn't take up a huge amount of my time during the day (very little in fact) so I get to do what I love most - be a Mama, do homeschool with my daughter, and get outside all together!
    I'm very outdoorsy, love camping, hiking, canoeing, swimming... and I LOVE working out. I'm a certified personal trainer and birth doula but I'm not doing either of those things right now as I'm intent on savouring these fleeting years with my children!
    I was always a bit chubby as a kid although I was always healthy as a horse. I've been dancing for 25 years and danced seriously competitively for years in my teens. When I was 18 I was in the height of my dance schedule and I rode my bike everywhere, lived in the gym favouring bodybuilding, but I started to gain a lot of weight. My Dr. suggested I must be eating more than I thought or making bad choices. I have always been very health-conscious and good with nutrition but when you're 18 and a doctor tells you something, you believe it. My biological father's family is all morbidly obese so I always figured it was just part of my fate to be a little heavy. The weight kept creeping on and as that happened I got depressed about it. I also moved away from my home town in with a very emotionally abusive boyfriend who was also a total junk food addict. It's all about personal choice, but I allowed him to bully me into eating and then he used my weight to keep me feeling insecure. I got pretty heavy by then, above about 210lbs. Stayed like this. Right after I got married I suffered a miscarriage. When this happens they always check thyroid and mine was WAY off. Dr. said I shouldn't have even been able to conceive. It also explained symptoms that I'd had for 6 years that came on at the same time as the weight gain (a huge symptom of hypothyroidism!). I got on the meds, got pregnant with my daughter, got pregnant with my son when she was 17 months, and got SICK of my weight on June 8th 2008. Found MFP, finally got my confidence in my athleticism back, and started kicking serious butt! Had a cruel plateau that stalled things out and got me down a bit in September but I'm back baby, and ready for the fight!!! My top weight was just over 220lbs but my ticker reflects the day I started MFP at 217lbs. I had tried on and off on my own since fall '07 to shed the lbs but didn't have the right tools and was NOT eating often enough!! Should I change my ticker do you think? I've considered it...

    Anyway, that's my somewhat long story! My goal is to be about 145lbs but I'll have to see what that looks like on me. The lowest I've weighed at this height is 163lbs when I was 16. But I'm very muscular and I love the world of body building (not beefcake women, just nicely sculpted fitness figure model type body building) and will definitely be getting back to that when my body fat levels are down.

    Lauren, welcome to the group! You've picked a GREAT first challenge :flowerforyou:

    Monica, nice to get to know you a little better. Yay for another tall gal in the challenge :wink: It does make a difference to weight!

    Okay, back to my monkeys! Later Skaters!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Alright, I did opt to change my ticker. Even though it was on and off, I did work at losing those lbs.. in fact, I had to work more than ONCE to lose those lbs! hahahaha :laugh: :laugh: Looks like I'll pass my half way point if all goes well this week!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    here we goooo.
    my name is cathy. i think i am the oldest in this group. i am 49. married 31 yrs. have 2 grown kids. boy 27, girl 29(nellienell12 on here). i have 2 granddaughters(5,7) in my ticker, they belong to DD and son-in-law. my highest weight was 286 in june 06. i was dx diabetic in june 06. i started eating right and losing weight right away. it scared me. i had lost 74 pounds (212) when doc told me to quit smoking i had the diabeties under control. i quit 2/07. i went back up in weight to highest 239/240. i yo yoed for over a year. it just finally clicked that i was a nonsmoker and i needed to get on with my weight loss. i joined mfp 7/08 and have since lost 22 pounds since being on here. my diabetes in now again under control. i also have asthma, high blood pressure, and high choles. i am going to make a deal with my doc when i have my 3 month check up in dec. that i want to start coming off medication for bp. and if i contiune to behave to back off on others. i just want to try it. i think that's it in nut shell. my 1st goal is to get back to 212 which i am just 5 away, than to get below 200 and to end somewhere around 145. we'll see when i get there.

    time to put on jammies and night snack and down for the evening.

    check back tomorrow.
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    I want to join!!! This will be fun to do a challenge with my Mommy (Chipper).:happy:

    I had weighed yesterday and weighed in at 213.5. I have not done my measurements, but will tomorrow morning. I want to try to lose 10 lbs in 6 weeks. This is high for me, but good motivation. It would be better if I could lose 14 to be under 200, but I'll have that goal done before the end of the year, maybe my birthday.


    So, my name is Shanell (Nellienell is my nickname). I am 29 and will be celabrating my 30th birthday on 12/04. I have been married 8 yrs and have 2 little girls ages 5 and almost 8. We live in South Carolina near the Charleston area. I have been on this site since the end of Aug/08. I have lost over 10lbs using this plan. My start wgt is 236.5 in March/08. I want to weigh 145 about what I did in high school.

    Thanks for listening. Hope to get to know ya'll better.