Sexy in Six Challenge: Week 1



  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Oh I have a question for all the ladies that were part of the previous challenge.

    Since we have so many new people ( me included) is there a way we can check in with maybe 5 members throughout the week.... or something like that? Just an idea. I thought it could be a way we can stay involved w/ each other. Of course this is in addition to our posts.

    Enjoy your sunday!! :flowerforyou:
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hi ladies,

    Well the weekend has gone fairly well. Today I had a couple poppyseed muffins for breakfast, homemade stir fry with lots of veggies and brown rice for lunch, and for dinner I think I'm going to just have some soup. My jaw has been acting up (i grind my teeth at night and it gets worse when I'm stressed) so I don't think I can handle more than soup tonight.

    I'm going for a run this evening. Whether it is outside or on the treadmill at the gym will depend on how soon i get this paper written and if it is dark out yet! :tongue:

    I am also going to buy my own scale this week before weigh-in on tuesday. I've been weighing myself at the gym and I think physically having the reminder in my house might be good. I don't plan on weighing every day or anything, just the idea of it being here will help.

    OH and I took everyone's advice and ordered the Jillian Michales 30-Day Shred DVD!!! Amazon said it shipped yesterday so I'm hoping to get it Monday or Tuesday!!! YAY!!!!!

    Happy Sunday,

    p.s. drtamm, I like the idea of the check-in in addition to the posts. it could give us a more personal connection. What does everyone else think?
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hi All,

    Welcome RunningRatty2 and anyone I may have missed. I like the idea of the addtional check in, but don't know how that would work. I really messed up this weekend. It started off so good, but someone mentioned chinese food and that blew it for me. That one meal was the same amount of calories that I usually eat in a whole day. Luckily it is rare for us to get chinese food, so this won't be happening again for awhile and that craving is out of the way. Today I did get a longer workout in, but didn't wear the HRM so I don't know how many cals. I burned. It must have been close to double my usual.

    I have a tradition of baking lots of loaves of pumpkin bread this time of the year to freeze for the upcoming months and give away during holidays. I did my baking and had a few pieces. I did make a few positive changes. I switched to mini loaf size pans, cut down on the amount of bread I usually make, and tried a new "light" version of my old family recipe. I did like the new version, but will make a few more changes to it next time I make it.

    I will post tomorrows menu now since it is my early early morning to get up and out of the house.

    1: homemade egg mcmuffin, coffee
    2: apple
    3: protein bar & skim milk
    4:natural peanut butter on brownberry carb counting bread sand
    6:lean cuising

    Exercise if I don't get home too late will be Shred dvd

    Have a great start to your Monday Morning everyone. I will be looking forward to checking in later in the day.:happy:
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Well I went to the gym today and did an hour of cardio and the 20 minutes of weights.

    BF-- Blueberry oatmeal
    Lunch--- 4 slices of whole wheat bread, 4 slices of sara lee turkey and 4 slices of sara lee honey ham, and 2 slices of sargento swiss cheese. I ate one sandwich and half of the second one.
    Dinner--- Spaghetti.... I even weighed it for one serving and a salad.

    I already have hit all my water for today so I am sure I will drink more.
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Hey all-

    Lots of new pple..Sorry I cant remember anyone cept pple from our old challenge..Ill try to learn some others later..

    Pedal- That is SO freakin AWESOME!!! CONGRATS :drinker: :happy:
    Kristin- Miss u girl, hope your weekend is goin great!
    chipper- I am totally loving this cold weather as much better to exercise in for me, I dont get as exhausted as I do when it is 90degrees outside!!
    Deb- Would you PLEASE send me your recipe for pumpkin bread?? That sounds so DELISH!!
    pdxMom- the beach..I am jealous lol. My next beach trip isnt until after xmas!

    And the check in thing...we check in on Tuesdays, a new post is started by Kristin on check in days. As far as checking in with individual members that are part of this challenge, go for it! If the post is too long and scattered for ya then by all means get a check in partner to tag up with! Me personally, I like checking in on the posts, and as you will find..each week the number of participants in this specific challenge will lessen. (Hoping it wont, but trying to be realistic lol) And the board posts will be easier to keep up with!

    So for me this weekend..No exercise yesterday, today walked and jogged already this morning before going to relatives for lunch. Good food at lunch, totally not healthy of course- only had a spoonful of each dish...drank 4 glasses of h2o there while I ate to help fill me up too. About to go get some exercise clothes on and go to the park and walk/jog again or go up and down the stairs here. I also have been doing my PT exercises with the ball - "core stabilization and back strengthening" exercises.

    I am noticing that the past 2-3 weeks my scale hasnt been budging alot..but I am losing inches! I believe that is because I started hitting the weights in therapy about 2 weeks ago pretty intensely so Im starting to build up the muscles now and not just losing fat..and muscle weighs more than fat hence my scale not budging a whole lot lately lol..Its hard to not have the numbers on the scale move more, but I try to enjoy the fact that my clothes are continuing to get larger and larger feeling on me...:bigsmile:

    Hope everyone is enjoying the last of the weekend..Check in with ya later


    Created by - Easy Calorie Counting
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hi Katy,
    I assume you want the new revised recipe rather than the old family one that has 1 Cup of Shortening in it. If you want that one let me know.

    I made only 1/2 of this recipe in 4-3" X 5" pans, and if you cut each loaf into 8 slices they should be about 76 calories per slice. This is very good as is, but I would try to get rid of the chocolate chips and add 2 tsp. of nutmeg (before cutting in half) and add a few walnuts. Eventually, I would like to substitute some oatmeal or whole wheat flour for some of the all-purpose flour, but I do not want the taste to get to far away from the old traditional recipe we love. Let me know if you like it and if you tried any of these changes.


    Pumpkin bread with Chocolate chips
    32 servings (serving size: 1 slice)
    2 cups sugar
    2 cups canned pumpkin
    1/2 cup canola oil
    1/2 cup fat-free vanilla pudding
    4 large egg whites
    3 cups all-purpose flour
    2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
    1 1/4 teaspoons salt
    1 teaspoon baking soda
    1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
    Cooking spray
    Preheat oven to 350°.
    Combine first 5 ingredients in a large bowl, stirring well with a whisk. Lightly spoon flour into dry measuring cups; level with a knife. Combine flour, cinnamon, salt, and baking soda in a medium bowl, stirring well with a whisk. Add flour mixture to pumpkin mixture, stirring just until moist. Stir in chocolate chips.
    Spoon batter into 2 (8 x 4-inch) loaf pans coated with cooking spray. Bake at 350° for 1 hour and 15 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes in pans on a wire rack, and remove from pans. Cool completely on wire rack.
    Nutritional Information
    152 (30% from fat)
    5g (sat 1.2g,mono 2.5g,poly 1.1g)
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Okay Cass, where the heck are you?? Check in with me girl!
    Katy, great that you're losing inches! That's the really important part, right? :happy: I'm glad you're having fun baking. I LOVE baking. We do so much of it. Always something on the go.. Hey, and I thought I'd let you know that you can actually cut the amount of sugar you're using in half without losing much of the taste. Also you could substitute cane sugar or agave nectar to help make it healthier too. AND, you can substitute half of the oil for unsweetened apple sauce without any changes. These are all things you can do "invisibly" in recipes.
    Deb, life happens!! I hope you enjoyed it and back on track :flowerforyou:
    Cathy, great that your yard work offers you such good exercise! I was doing a little gardening at my in-laws' place yesterday - they have a huge property - and thinking it really is good exercise!
    Kristin, looking forward to hearing about your weekend!
    Amy, sorry the beach wasn't more fun... :flowerforyou:
    Okay, well we just got home from my daughter's best friend's birthday party which was at a farm here that does a harvest fest. It was such fun!! I had a small slice of birthday cake and a corn on the cob and that's it since breakfast (multi-grain porridge) so I need to go get some food in my body!!
    Tomorrow I won't be on because we're going over to the mainland to take the children to the aquarium so I will be back with the new thread on Tuesday for our first weigh-in!!! Excited! :bigsmile:

    Start the week off right ladies!! One down, 5 to go!!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    yea!!!:drinker: :bigsmile: finished my weekend on track. had 130ish calories left each day. got in some exercise on each day. got my water in on each day. i did the mini challenge....
    yes, if you would like some personal checkins with other people.
    katy....don't those BIG clothes feel SO GOOD. i was just telling DH that i am noticing a change in my belly shape when i was putting on my jammies. i too have been doing BL cardio max with weights. amazing how much doing some weights can tone the body.
    deb....going to try that pumkin bread looks good.
    connie...doing great keep it up.
    pedal...have fun tomorrow. didn't cass say she was going away for the weekend? the new pic...'d your date go???
    bunny...doing great.'d today at bbq go???'d your first day go??
    to all others...hope you made it through the first mini challenge and are doing great on your wagons. new week coming up, hop back on your wagons, if you are falling off.
    check back later.
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Well, I totally blew it today.:grumble: I went way over my calories and barely ate anything to really show for it. In fact for dinner I just had toast and butter. Oh well. I enjoyed the day. Tomorrow is a new week, though I do need to do some grocery shopping. I got half my water in, couldn't get anymore because I was at the inlaws and he has nasty water and forgot to get some at Wal-Mart, glad I brought something to drink.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful night.
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Oh, I loved the beach. Always do. Just didnt get the exercise I wanted and the food choices where not great. I didnt overeat or anything but things where not healthy at all! I am spoiled in the fact that my husband's family has a house. We go once every month or 2. Usually its not like this weekend but we happened to get together with some other of our beach friends and press apples for cider. The weather was great with the exception of just one morning and I thought it might rain all day. But it didnt. We did a hotdog roast lunch while pressing apples and then potluck for dinner. Potluck food is never good. I also made pumpkin bread. It is not lowfat in anyway but doesnt have chocolate chips. I do love to bake and this time of the year especially!

    An idea on the checking in with a smaller group..... if you see that someone has similar goals or struggles as you, you could personally message them and make a deal to be accountibility partners. I have done this in the past. you can message eachother daily about your struggles and try to motivate and encourage eachother! Just an idea.....

    I am planning a "start fresh" Monday! My personal mini goals for this week are the following...
    1.drink all my water!
    2.stay within my weight watchers points without using the reserve points they give me.
    3. exercise for at least 1 hour 5 days this week(will be a big challenge. DH leaves on Tuesday for hunting for the rest of the week)
    :happy: Amy
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Hmm.. maybe Cass is away. I can't remember with all of these posts!! lol

    Nell, sorry to hear you went off track but these things happen. You can get back up!

    Cathy, GOOD WORK!!! Feels great to make it through the weekend!

    Amy, glad you had fun!! Yum, fresh apple cider!!

    Okay, back to making soup and baking for tomorrow. I don't want to be stuck having to buy food on the ferry or at the aquarium!!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Wow... I'm awake at midnight because I went on my kitchen frenzy. I made a massive pot of pea soup to freeze (& some of which to have tomorrow), a batch of porridge muffins, and a tray of protein bars. I love to cook but I also love to sleep. The house sure smells good though! My kiddos will be bummed in the morning however. I just know my daughter will be sad that I was busy in the kitchen without her :heart: I'll let you guys know how these protein bars turn out because they're healthy as can be, VERY easy to make, way better than the processed protein bars you can buy, and WAY less expensive.

    Okay, done talking to myself for the night! Ciao for now!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good mornin'

    were is everyone?

    today is:
    b: bunches of chocolate w/1% milk
    l: wrap of some sort, fruit, chips
    d: chicken, veggies, starch
    s: don't know
    e: 60 mins treadmill walk/run burned 587

    tomorrow is weigh in day. so need to be great today. we need a new mini challenge any ideas. i like these mini challenges. it keeps me on my toes...
    i hope everyone had a great weekend. i did. i am loving this weather. i like spring and fall, sometimes winter. county fair starts next week. going to go see three dog night. i will cheat that night. we go and get dinner, play some games, watch the show and leave. dinner is a gyro. the best around. need to see what the calories are on that. and some fries. i normally don't eat the fried things, like, snickers, twinkies, oreo, the list goes on. every year there is a new item. i will be doing some walking that's for sure.
    well, off to the bank and store to get stuff to make the punpkin bread from deb. sounds so good. i like to smell up the house in good food...

    ttyl, cathy
  • mamakitty
    mamakitty Posts: 249
    Glad to hear from everyone!
    To those who's weekend was not so good, today is a new day and a fresh start. This is also directed at me.
    To those who's weekend was good, WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I was on call this weekend so my eating was sparatic and not the greatest choices. I had a hard time resisting chocolate at work. I ate a few peices. I also snacked more than I needed to. On Saturday I ran 3.75 miles and then had to go directly to work for a few hours. I let myself get too hungry and ate way too much when I got home. Sunday I did run 4.5 miles but choices of food were okay but too many cals.

    I feel a little discouraged and disappoined I did not met my goal before my vacation to Mexico. I leave Wednesday. But I am determined not to let the way I look in a swimsuit affect my good time.

    My morning at work has not been good so far and I am trying not to eat because I feel stressed.

    My goals after I return from vacation are:
    -lose 4lbs by Thanksgiving
    -eat more vegetables and not so many empty cals
    -watch carb intake
    -decrease sweets
    -make food my friend and not my enemy

    I know this is a lot and I think I will tackle these one at a time and not try to overwhelm myself. I hope to come back from vacation with a rested, renewed and positive attitude and motivation.

    Have a great day. I will check in later.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Is it too late for me to join? Its a monday perfect day to start week 1 for me. I really need to get motivated in my weight loss
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Good morning everyone.

    MK- I am right there with you! Today is a new day. I just hope that I get away from having to say that at some point. Enjoy your vacation. I will be in Mexico this time next year for my BFF wedding. I have alot to loose before getting there and being able to even wear a bathing suit.

    I am not ready to weigh in tomorrow but I will do it anyways. I decided that I will start doing 2 weigh ins each week...Tuesdays for this challenge and BWL Challenge. And Thursdays for Weight Watchers. Otherwise I am staying off that scale!

    Ok... recap of my goals for the week..
    1. drink , drink , drink water. I am a good water drinker but I have felt myself slacking lately
    2. stay within WW points without using reserve points
    3. exercise 5 times this week for 1 hour each. I want to set a calorie burn goal next week but need to get a better idea of the calorie burn for my exercise.

    Today it is raining but I am going to go ahead and do my walk. Then tonight I am going to try and hit the gym.

    Breakfast was 3/4 c. Kashi Cinnamon Harvest cereal w/ 1/2 cup Fat Free Milk. 4 points total for WW. 23 points left for the day. I will check back at lunch time.

  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Hello everyone!

    Amylou24.... I'm a dentist so when I read about your grinding I wanted to help. :wink: If you know its when you are getting stressed you can buy an inexpensive sport bite guard( from a sporting good store) that registers your natural tooth position and try to wear that at night. It might save your jaws from clicking later. Also, If you would like to check in lets give it a try.

    Now for today!!!

    BF: oatmeal and an apple and grapefruit juice
    S: either nuts or granola
    L: soup w/ salad or a sandwich
    S: fruit
    D: Meatloaf w/ veggies and baked potato
    dessert.... jello

    Fitness: hula abs & buns 40 mins, 30 min walk
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    MK it seems like you have a great attitude even through the stress. The biggest challenge for me was what you just did. You were able to see how and when you were off course. That takes skills :wink: I hope your day goes better at work. Enjoy your vacation too!!!
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Today is my rest day so I wont be exercising today. It is just an easy day to rest. I usually do really good workouts on the weekend and I have cubscouts tonight so I dont have the time after hubby gets home to make it to the gym. I was doing crunches yesterday at home and my 15 mth old kept climbing up on my stomach. That makes it a little hard to do and everytime I would move she would laugh. She had me laughing so hard I am not sure they really did any good.

  • cassangelidy
    YOU GUYS ARE NUTS!! LOL There is NOOOO WAY I can catch up with all these posts! YIKES!!

    Thanks Amy for the nice private message. And Thanks Deb and Rhiannon for wondering where I was. My girls (you know who you are) know I'm having a tough couple of weeks and I had a tough day yesterday too. So getting on this morning and feeling missed was very very nice. :smooched: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    I'm going to commit to getting my butt in gear no matter what happens around me...
    OH AND good news....I got on the scale this morning just to see what the damage was....I lost .9 pounds. hahaha woo hoo! So I'm gonna drink lots of water and eat good today and see what my weigh in weight is for tomorrow!!

    Come on baby.... 188.3.....I hope I can get to 188.3 by tomorrow!!! hahaha