Sexy in Six Challenge: Week 1



  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Morning All,

    Robin, (Bunny) Are you out there?? Still hoping to get the brand name & place you purchase your cake batter protein shake mix.

    Lauryn, "Yea" for needing a smaller dress size.

    Cathy, I wish my son could afford his own house. Lately, he takes for granted how good he has it here and I just keep showing him where the door is. LOL, My kids are awesome to be around, but occasionally I do get annoyed with them.:grumble:

    I am confused about this weekends challenge. :ohwell: Was there one for staying on track and/or one for comming up with a recipe drink/indulge that is satisfying with lower calories?

    Another thing I would like to know is what exactly does DH mean? ???Husband

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend.:laugh: I'll be home studying the whole time:grumble:

    Today :
    1: instant oatmeal, 4oz. oj., coffee
    2:banana, & natural pb
    3: homemade chicken enchilada (leftovers)
    4: apple
    5: not sure yet.. Kind of craving chinese.. Does anyone have ideas for a low cal homemade meal that would work?
    6: ??

    Exercise: walk & study today
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Thanks Bunny, Did not see your post until too late.:blushing: :flowerforyou:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    DH = in the same category as LOL and all those other funny internet-isms. "Darling Husband".

    I wanted to challenge everyone to stay on track this weekend and thought that finding a recipe of some kind could help out :wink:

    Time for dance class! Have a great one folks!
  • mamakitty
    mamakitty Posts: 249
    Hey sexy sixers!
    I hope everyone is doing well so far. I am doing okay. I did exercise for 40 minutes this morning and plan to do a little more later. I did indulge in half of a pumpkin scone for bf, I shared it with my son. It was guilt free because I was taking my son out for a treat, and I only ate half. it was so good I could have eaten two.

    Keep up the good work. Remember your goals and that we are strong healthy women that deserve the best. Strive to continually improve inside and out while loving yourself along the way.

  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Good Afternoon everyone,
    Today I got out and took the kids to a little fly in type of thing they were having at our airport. Its just a small little thing but the kids loved it. My oldest got to go and fly in a plane they middle one was to scared to do it. The smallest one would jsut watch the planes take off and land and she would laugh. After my hubby gets home I will then go and work out. I did a little bit of the weights last night but not a whole bunch. Maybe today I will try and do some more. Yesterday wasnt a good food day for me but at least I didnt go over my calories. I ate a spicy chicken go wrap earlier in the day and then last night the kids wanted to go to mcdonalds so I had chicken nuggets and apple dippers. I will make sure I do better today.

  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Hello to everyone. We are at the beach this weekend so eating well is a challenge for me. We got here too late last night to hit the grocery store so I had toast this morning with butter only. No peanut butter for me. I miss it too, but it gives me lots of heartburn.

    I dont have any exercise in store other than walks between the rain. Tomorrow morning I am going to give it a go at running. It should be interesting to say the least. I have not ran in a long, long time! I figure the beach is the perfect place. There are not alot of people down in the little community that our house is in and that way I dont make a fool of myself too much!

    That Cake Batter Protein shake is sounding pretty yummy!

    And I hear ya on the Pumpkin Scone. Starbucks has a really good one. We have a potluck dinner tonight and I am bringing desert....pumpkin bread. Yum! I could eat a whole load myself but luckily there will be about 20 other people with the same thoughts!

    There are just so many new people on this challenge that it is hard to address everyone specifically! Have a wonderful day everyone! Chat soon...

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    hope everyone is having a good weekend. i have eaten within my calorie count for today. i still have hundred in something left. already took out for my evening snack.
    cold and rainy here today. but, still son found a house and put in a contract. now the sellers accecpt his term, but, want close asap. son can't do that, he is using his VA and they take 45 days to close on a house. and son's lease isn't even up until jan. 1. so working that out. we just put it out there and what ever happens happens. there is a reason for everything.
    tomorrow if the lawns are dry my exercise will be mowing. that burns some calories.
    well, i think i am going to go in and put my jammies on and close up the house. it's almost 7 here.
    talk to you later.
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    OK today has been a very lazy day for me. Like my Momma said it has been cold and wet today. I mowed the front yard yesterday and WAS planning on doing the back today, but can't. So, I did nothing but laundry, play on the putter, read, and watch TV. Stayed within my calories today. Still have 100 or so left, but I'm done eating tonight.

    B-2 packets of instant grits
    L-Wendy's, had the number 2 combo, but only ate 5 fries, but ate the whole burger.
    S-SF Jello pudding
    D-Baked chicken nuggets and french fries
    S-100 calorie cheesecake

    Tomorrow we have a little BBQ at the FIL's house. I'll be good I promise. Everyone have a good evening. Later.
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Hello Everyone

    I hope that everything is going well for you.
    I have not logged my calories yet because I'm scared
    But the only thing I've eaten today is abox of chinese rice
    I've been running around all day that I forgot to eat.
    I missed tennis this morning cause my partner bailed on me so I will have to make up my workout tomorrow

    Happy Losing
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Cass, haven't heard from you! How are you?

    Just a quick hello before bed. I, too, find it a lot to get personals in for everyone with such a big group. Sorry about that! Have a great Sunday everyone!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morin' all,
    stayed on track yesturday. so far today also. it's cold and now i am cold. i have lost my insulation, i get real cold now. DH laughs at me, he thinks it's cute, fine buy me warmer clothes!!!!:tongue::bigsmile: and he would if i asked. need to get in some exercise today, so when it gets a little warmer out i will go mow the lawns. it's now only needing it every few weeks. will need to pull down my work outside winter clothes. i love this time of year.
    shanell just have about 1/2 cup of everything. if he goes southern bbq. if it's bugers and hotdog. try not to eat the whole bun. there are lots of calories in that. maybe walk with the girls from his house up to the 176 and back. than you get in some exercise. the girls would like that. just have fun and enjoy, even with family around you don't care for.
    i hope everyone is having a great weekend. today is the last day of mini challenge. how are you doing??? just a few days before our first weigh in.
    well, better go do some diggin' for some winter clothes.
    ttyl, cathy
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Cathy, good for you for being on track! I can completely empathize with losing your insulation. I've always been warm all the time. These days I'm always feeling chilly and it's definitely due to being smaller!

    I'm having a great weekend so far! We were at the in-laws' for supper last night unexpectedly so once again we didn't have our healthy pizzas, but we had turkey burgers with baked yam fries and steamed peas so good anyway. Also, I tried on some clothes at Old Navy yesterday just to see how my sizes were going. Last time I did that about a month before my plateau I was able to do up a 12 but it was too tight to actually wear. Yesterday I tried on a bunch of pants and a shirt. I wasn't shopping to buy (although I did end up buying the shirt) but I tried on a medium shirt since the only other size they had in the style was XL. It looked so small to me but I tried it anyway it bought it because it fit wonderfully. That was SO weird. AND.... if they'd had one of the pair of pants I liked in the right colour I would have bought a size TEN. Slightly snug still but totally appropriate to wear out in public! :bigsmile: Sadly I had to leave without them but since I'm still changing it's just as well. VERY morale-boosting though :bigsmile:

    Okay, must run ... kiddos are at each other!
  • mamakitty
    mamakitty Posts: 249
    Good morning sixers.

    I did well in exercise yesterday, but went way over my calories. I was doing fine until I bought this bag of trail mix. I was only going to have one serving. Well I almost ate the whole bag. So needless to say I am disappointed in myself today.
    I probably do some sort of exercise later.
    I will check in later because I need to vent but I have to get ready for work.

    Have a great morning.

  • lynzz
    lynzz Posts: 45

    Its Sunday now and I haven't had too terrible of a weekend, but let tell you it could of been disastrous! FIL birthday yesterday, they hostred a big lunch of spaghetti, huge meatballs, garlic toast, antipasto salad and a chocolate birthday cake for dessert. They at least used whole wheat pasta. Ate 1 meatball and a 1/4 cup pasta and shared a tiny piece of cake with DH--could have done better but oh well. Then, then......I went directly to a house warming party last night. There was sooo much food, just stuff that I NEVER have at home, so I couldn't resist - like hummus, crab dip, chicken wings, eggrolls, dumplings. I really tried to eat in moderation and finally begged hubby to leave before I did myself in. I MUST make a mental note to stay away from these types of events in the meantime. At least I didn't go over calories...

    On a good note, DH and I rode our bicycles to and from in-law's house yesterday, so racked up a little over 30 miles pushing it as hard as we could. Now I am off to spin class to spin off that last eggroll!!! hehehe...
  • MrsDanceBartley
    MrsDanceBartley Posts: 78 Member
    Can I join in? I am a few days behind but if it's ok with you all I'll jump in. :smile:
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Cathy- love this time of the year too! I love the cold crisp days! I am cold though!

    Pedal- yahoo on the size 10 pants and medium shirt. That had to feel wonderful! It motivates me, I am sure you are on cloud 9!

    MZ- "put down the trail mix" ..... I am a sucker for over eating things like that. It always costs more to buy things in individual serving sizes vs. bulk but these are the times when they come in handy!

    Lynzz- Potlucks are my worst enemy. I left one myself last night without eating dinner because I would have pigged out! Better to eat at home.

    Well, wrapping up the weekend at the beach. There has not been any exercise other than a few short walks with the dogs. We made alot of apple cider! Yum yum but full of natural sugar. Wont be able to drink much but can give away to other for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. I am still hoping to put in a run before we leave. Shouldnt be a problem. It is not raining so I have no excuse.

    Everyone have a nice Sunday!

  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Can I join in? I am a few days behind but if it's ok with you all I'll jump in. :smile:

    RunningRaty! Of course you can join in. We just need to have you set a personal goal and tell us a little about yourself. You goal would be 15 or 20 % of your remaining weight that you want to loose. So for instance I want to loose 60 more pounds. 20% of that is 12 pounds.

    You will love it here! Welcome!

  • MrsDanceBartley
    MrsDanceBartley Posts: 78 Member

    I have 34lbs to lose so I am going to say 7lbs.

    I have rcently been told by a doc that I can't run due to knee problems, so it's a challenge to do other stuff as running was great for weight loss.

    I am looking forward to the challenge and getting to know you all.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    welcome ratty..... we are weigh in on tuesday mornings. this challenge is 6 weeks long. it ends the tuesday before thanksgiving.
    pedal...doesn't it feel SOOOOO good to put on small size clothes.... sound like you aren't enjoying yourself on the beach this weekend??? weather giving you the blues?
    mowed the lawns burned 650/700 calories. tried running pushing the mower. but, didn't work, it's cold and i had an asthma attact. so had to stop mowing for awhile, son took over until i could catch my breath than took back over.
    tired being out in the cold and working. like what i use to do with the kids, take them outside while it was chilly and play, it wore them out for a good nap.:wink:
    well, time to get something done around here.
    ttyl, cathy
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Sorry ladies my wireless wouldn't come up since friday.

    On friday I worked out 4 different times : 1hr walk, 40 min hula dvd and 52 min dance dvd and 40 min crunch belly butt and thighs.

    Saturday... yesterday I took a rest!! I ate grits for breakfast, chili for lunch and dinner was complicated... I went to a retirement party.... they had sliced turkey, roast beef and corn and green beans and rice. And a slice of cake.

    Today I am back to the planning business

    BF: fried egg, turkey bacon (2 slices)
    S: granola and fruit
    L: soup and a salad.... (if I still have lettuce)

    I'm not sure about later yet.....

    Fitness.... Taebo :happy: