Sexy in Six Challenge: Week 1



  • Lynnmarie234
    Lynnmarie234 Posts: 8 Member
    Yay! Count me in! I need some support - I can't seem to stick to anything!! I have great intentions, but then I go crazy and binge :grumble: Not this time! I am 132 today and my goal is 2 pounds per week for 120 as my 6 week goal. No crazy diets for me either - atleast 1200 calories per day and cardio atleast 3 times per week! Hopefully if I feel accountable to you guys I won't cheat myself!! I recently went to the doctor, and at the age of 23 I have 320 cholesterol!! I have a family history of heart disease so this is my chance to beat the odds and get healthy!! If any one wants a weight loss buddy, I'd definately like someone to share the journey with!! Bring it on! Lets go ladies!!

    B: 1c Kashi Cereal, Yoplait Whips Yogurt, 1c Skim Milk
    S: Red Delicious Apple and 94% Fat Free Popcorn
    L: 2 c Chili with Whole Wheat Crackers and 1.5 Chocolate Chip Cookies (Yeah, kinda got out of hand)
    S: Diet Dr. Pepper Can
    D: 3oz Water Packed Tuna, 2 c salad, 2 tsp Fat Free Italian
    S: Sugar Free Popsicle

    No Exercise today - Taking a Night Class after work.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    Come on baby.... 188.3.....I hope I can get to 188.3 by tomorrow!!! hahaha


    glad you are feeling better. i thought you said you were going away. there have been so many posts that i think i was getting people mixed up. sorry :( .
    you sound like you are rolling the dice to hit your number....

    my whole menu for today went out the window. breakfast was cereal, lunch was a flat out pizza, and dinner is beef stew. i have my pumpking bread in the oven now, with stew on stove. my house smells yummy. DH is walking through with his nose in the air. and i am smelling up the outside too, my windows are open.....want a bread shanell? i am freezing some of it. made 4 small and 1 large.

    off to check on my food.

    ttyl, cathy
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    So another not great day. But tomorrow is a new day and weigh in and I'm going to end this day on a high note by getting a good work out in at my apartment gym. intervals on the treadmill and strength training with free weights and abs.

    I have gotten all my water in today though which is a first so I'm pretty excited about that!!

    oh and chipper now I'm getting hungry for that pumpkin bread too!! I bet your house smells amazing, that is my favorite part of cooking/baking.

    Hope everyone has started their week off well!
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hi Ladies,

    Posted my meals yesterday and pretty much stuck to it. I probably went over in calories a little, because I didn't get in any exercise today. Starting to feel more stress from the homework load of these classes.

    I don't think I will see a loss tomorrow. (I weighed in this morning) I think I ate about 2500 calories too many this week. I was set up for losing 2 pounds per week, so I really should be down, if 3500 calories is equal to one pound. I hope it will show up tomorrow, but I doubt it.:noway:

    Welcome Lynnmarie, :flowerforyou: Setting a goal to get your cholesterol down is probably a good thing. I just got my results back and my total 198. It is under 200 for the first time in a long time. When will you get your cholesterol checked again?

    Cathy, How's the pumpkin bread? I do love it when my house smells like all the wonderful foods I've been cooking. The mini loaves are the way too go. We finished what I cut up and the rest is now frozen.

    Cass, catching up is hard to do with how popular "Sexy in six" is. Hope your having a good day.

    Hi Kristen, Pedal, Katy, and anyone else I missed.

    Have a great evening, I'll check back tomorrow.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    the bread was SSSSOOOOOOO good, thanks for sharing. i put some cool whip on top. i will give a small loaf to shanell, son, MIL. freeze one, eat the last one.....

    WEIGH IN TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!! kisitin should start a new thread, if she doesn't someone will. sure hope everyone had a great first week. one down, 5 to go....

    i need to go back and find out what i wanted to lose both weekly and total...don't remember.

    time for relax time....

    see ya tomorrow..
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Deb, you are so good to figure out the calories and all the nutrient counts. I usually just guestimate...

    This weekend, didn't do so good with my goals, I missed putting in my foods after Saturday afternoon. I did workout on Saturday, but blew off Sunday completely. Mostly stuck to good healthy foods though, so I didn't see a gain today.

    Today was a good day, no exercise, but stayed within my calories, still have a bit over a hundred for a snack if I want one.

    B: Special K Red Berries, with skim milk
    S: Cottage cheese and red grapes
    L: Shaved beef with spinach and tomatoes wrapped in a sundried tomato wrap.
    D: Tuna steak and butternut squash and big glass of skim milk

    Hope everyone has a wonderful night!
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Had a much better day today. I drank all my water today, YAY!!!

    B- 2 slices of light wheat toast w/ light butter
    S- Newtons berry bars
    L- Hot pocket pizza sticks (2) and a 100 cal cheesecake bar
    S- Sun chips
    D- Fiesta Chicken Pasta
    S- Ice cream

    I actually ate a snack between each meal today. YAY!!
  • MrsDanceBartley
    MrsDanceBartley Posts: 78 Member
    So we weigh in tomorrow is that right?
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Hello Everyone

    I FAILED TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel gross. I allowed my job and lack of prep to hurt me today.
    B- quaker mini rice cakes
    L Jack's frozen pizza
    D Taco Bell carmel empanada, 2 chicken soft tacos, and cinnamon twist

    I allowed stress to control my eating today and I know that's a red flag. I]'m glad I recognize it but sad that I didn't drive a few more blocks to get a salad or something until I am able to make it home.

    I Have to finish work but Happy Losing to you
  • mamakitty
    mamakitty Posts: 249
    Hey sixers

    pdx- how was your new start with a new day?

    drtamm- thanks for the encouragement.

    lynnmarie- welcome!

    Tomorrow is weigh in! I am nervous. I don't think I have lost, but we will see. Today I did pretty good. I did weight lifting at the gym and am going to do an exercise dvd (as soon as I get the motivation). I did give in to a chocolate craving when I got my coffee on the way to work tonight. I ate 3/4 of a hersheys dark chocolate bar (it was good, but not really worth the 170 calories).

    *****************I NEED YOUR HELP*************************

    I look at your menus and most of you don't seem to be eating a lot. I feel like I am hungry and want to munch all day. I do tend to eat out of boredom but I am getting better at that. Do you really only eat that much. I log everything,even little bits of things, but it just seems like I am eating way too much. How do you keep from munching? How do you stay satisfied with just a small snack? Afternoon and after dinner snacking is the worst for me. I am very frustrated. Anyone have any advice?

    Good night all. See you at the weigh in tomorrow.

  • Lynnmarie234
    Lynnmarie234 Posts: 8 Member
    Ok so I have to confess.... I had a oreo blizzard yesterday. First day of my new diet and I already gave in. But now I'm totally back on and I'm not going to let it happen again unless I deserve it! My problem is that 3 days a week I leave home at 6am and don't get home til 9pm. So I have to pack all my meals and snacks the night before. Breakfast and lunch can go in the fridge at work, but dinner can sit in the fridge some of the day but then i leave work and go to class at 3 and needs to last until 6 when i have time to eat again (and not get soggy after 20 hrs, like a PB sandwich would.) Any body have any suggestions of good on-the-go food? I know that I have to be prepared with food, because the fast food is horrible for me!! PLEASE HELP!

    PS. The horse in my picture is my new baby!! Shes almost all black and sweet as pie, just wants to be loved on! But she needs a name.... I was thinking Aubrey (like Hepburn) or Phoebe?? Suggestions?!

    Thanks ladies!!

    Have a great day!
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Remember to go to Motivation and look for Week 2.:flowerforyou: