H20~ Keeping the Pounds Falling Off



  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    cazz - why only a few more months with the slave driver?

    everyone- my happies for today are

    only 1 more time to do the 30DS and I will have completed it!!!!!!

    only 1 more time to do the 30DS and I will have completed it!!!!!!
    only 1 more time to do the 30DS and I will have completed it!!!!!!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hi ladies!! I'm so sorry I haven't been in here recently. :( I will hopefully be able to catch up and give some commenting love tomorrow morning before I'm off to start my day.

    Quick update on my end - celebrated my third wedding anniversary on Monday the 8th (yes, we got hitched on 8-8-08). Thanks to an awesome friend, we spent the afternoon at Disneyland and had dinner at Club 33! We had not been for dinner, or by ourselves, at the club yet so this was such a treat. If you don't know what Club 33 is, do a little google search and you'll understand why this Disney geek was all aglow. We are pretty sure we were seated behind a politician and his family, and next to us was an Asian commercial actor who was getting a lot of work for a while. I'll have to figure out what his name is cause it is kind of driving me crazy not knowing. After dinner we stood on the balcony and watched my favorite show ever, Fantasmic!

    So that is the latest on my end, and like I said I plan on getting in here tomorrow morning to catch up with everyone.

  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Thanks ladies

    And Jen I am with you on the happies. Day 15 today, so counting down now not up by tomorrow :)
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Cazz... we'll kick your hiney anytime we need to! But until then.. enjoy the slave driver!!!!

    Jenn... great job on finishing the shred!!! It's tough, but it really does work! What's your plan for after you're done? Do you think you'll do it again???? Good luck with whatever you choose.

    Christine... my brother-in-law got married the same day as you! I tend to forget as I can't stand his (third) wife... she's just not nice at all. It's alright, I still love my brother (I was friends with him before I met his brother who is now my husband of 8 million years!) and I can ignore the cranky *****. Congratulations on your anniversary and glad you enjoyed Disney!

    BJ... keep up the great work on the shred! You can do it!!!!

    I took the day off work, so I'm going to get out and enjoy some beautiful cooler weather before my girls night out tonight!!!! See ya'll later!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    cazz - why only a few more months with the slave driver?

    Because my ex-boyfriend paid for her! I stretched the amount he paid (which was a lot!) into a year by only seeing her once a week. He made some kind of deal with her when we hired her so he prepaid. At first I saw her 3x/wk... then 2x/wk then once a week so I could get the most bang for the buck after we broke up. There is NO WAY I can afford her. SO when it's over, it's over. :frown:
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    Jen - it sounds like you've had a good week! New shorts that fit, pants that are so close, and you've rocked the 30DS! That's awesome! Are you shredding again or trying something new?

    BJ - congrats on the loss and being in the 130s! That's such an accomplishment! Are you quite close to your goal weight?

    Nikki - I totally understand about running in the morning. I'm not even managing to run as far, but by the time you're home from work, you're tired and the last thing you want to do is go for a run! I find the cooler mornings are more refreshing too, as the evenings lately have remained fairly warm and humid here. We've had thunderstorm warnings most days lately. I hope you have a blast with the girlfriends!

    Cazz - it's great that you've stretched out your sessions with the SD but think of how much you've learned and how much you've accomplished! You can totally do this on your own, and maybe on your last session she can make you a plan for a few months. Maybe you could buy just one session every 3 months or so to update your plan? But if not, there are so many resources on the internet that you could use I'm sure you'll totally be able to keep up the progress.

    Christine - WOW! I just looked up Club 33 and I'm extremely impressed that you ate there! Only 487 people are members - that's amazing that they can run the place. I took a photo tour on an unofficial website and it looks great. What did you eat?? Was it fabulous? And what did you drink with it? Did you dress up?

    I've been stressed out since yesterday with family stuff (parents vs. husband), but I think we've got it sorted out. So one sleepless night, one headache and many phone calls later, I can presumably relax. I'm a bit sore from a massage I got yesterday but this morning I went for a run anyway. I figure the run and the stretching after will help the muscles...a good theory. The run was good for clearing my head and taking some stress away though.

    And yesterday I had a nice, and unexpected, shopping victory. I was in a store looking at their dresses that were discounted for end of season, and I found a beautiful red dress, but it was a size 4. But with an a-line shape, I thought it might work. And it was $175 on sale for $60, so I had extra motivation! So I put the dress on, zipped it up without a problem, and it fit! I know my lower body is larger, more like a sz 8, but thank goodness for a-line dresses! Now I just have to get my husband to take me out so I can wear it somewhere...if only Winnipeg had a Club 33!

    Tomorrow I'm meeting a new running buddy at my gym at 7am for a run. It wouldn't be so bad but my gym is right next to my work, which is 40 minutes away. I'm going to have to leave around 6 to make this happen - if I didn't REALLY want a running buddy there's no way I'd be doing this! Wish me luck!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Lisa, good luck with the running buddy! I've been trying to find someone to run my short runs with as well, not sure I want company when I'm trying to push out 10 miles, but on 2-4 miles it would be nice to have a partner even once in a while!

    I did have a blast with my girlfriends last night, but drank a few more than I should have and stayed out way too late!!!! I did my 8 miles this morning, but it hurt. I know better, it's my fault, but I had fun and I did the run. Now I'll try to remember next time to plan better, drink less, eat more and go to bed earlier!!!! Remind me of this next weekend when I go to 2 concerts in 2 days!!!! LOL!

    I'm actually ok with the fact I didn't lose or gain this week. Still right at 135, and after all the beer last night, I'd say that's just fine! I'm still hoping to lose another 5 or so and maintain that for a while. So fun to be the size I was just after high school!!! Haven't tried on my jeans from senior year again lately, maybe I'll do that soon. I was probably 120 the last time I wore them, so I have no idea if I'll even get them on!!!! I keep them in the closet for motivation, but I'll never wear them in public since the style went out back in 1990!!!!! LOL!

    Keep up the good work, girls! I'm getting close to my running goal... hope I make it!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Hello ladies!

    I am here..just lurking. Busy work week...census is our friend. Ha! On antibitoics now for cellulitis or an abscess on my boob...WTH??
    Of course, it is sitting right near my underwire. Cannot go to work without a hotter holder...I would seriously trip over the droopy girls...haha!

    Been doing some walking in this beautiful weather. Going to a baseball game Sun...hope they win one this time! Go White Sox!

    Also, I had been thinking about going back to school for my bachelor's degree and I have been accepted to Purdue! All online, FANTASTIC price. They have some sort of agreement with my employer so we get like 70% off tuition..will be about 7000 instead of 20000. We have tuition reimbursement at work so that will just about pay for it. I start Oct 31....

    Hey Nicki...I am thinking about going Grand Rapids in November. My daughter wants to attend a concert there. This group is not playing near us...so it can be a girls trip!

    Great work to all my friends rockin the exercise...you are AWESOME!

    Will check in again...gotta rest for my 12 hr adventure tomorrow...
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Nikki - I hope your son finds his way on a straightened path after this court debacle. What a lousy thing to go through. :( And seriously...there is a very fine line between trouble maker and police officer. You need to understand the mind of the criminal to be good at law enforement! You never know! WTG on rocking the size 6 pants!! That's phenomenal! 10 mile runs...you're getting REALLY good at this whole running thing! I am amazed that you ran the day after your girly night out. *bow* Boo on that cranky b*tch sharing my anniversary with me...but since you say the BIL is OK, I'll let her slide. ;)

    Crystal - Sorry to hear about the demise of your computer. :( I don't know if you believe in astrology, but Mercury is in Retrograde right now and when that happens, holy cow, electronics and contracts/agreements just go haywire! I never believed in the stuff until I worked for my Hollywood boss who was all into astrology and had our offices feng shui'd and I actually do think something is off kilter in the universe when Mercury is in Retrograde. Weird crap just seems to happen. Anyway, that was wordy. Hope you get your 'puter up and running soon!

    Lisa - IKEA needs to hurry up and open! They really are being unreasonable for not opening so you can furnish your basement. Jeez, heathons!! :tongue: I loved reading your vacation update. I'm so jealous, every little bit of your trip sounds wonderful! From the fudge to the pizza to the s'mores to the hikes. So glad your hubby is going to hop on the wagon with you! That's exciting.

    And to answer your Club 33 questions...yes the food was fab!! Appetizers: seared scallops and caremlized balsamic watermelon (SO. GOOD.). Entree: chateaubriand with some fancy mashed potatoes and glazed veggies of some kind. Dessert: creme fraiche creme brulee with orange cake. There's a strict dress code so we went to the parks in our casual clothes and brought fancy stuffs and shoved 'em away in a locker. We changed and then headed over to dinner. You'd think they'd have a hard time keeping the place going with so few members, but Disney execs and celebrities (unfortunately...and I say that because they don't usually give a rat's *kitten* about the once-in-a-lifetime special dining experince they're having and don't realize how many Disney geeks would give anything to eat there) are able to get in quite often. I started off with a lemon drop and had a glass of La Crema pinot noir with the food. Club 33 is the ONLY place in Disneyland had serves alcohol. Walt wanted a dry family-friendly park, so that is why there's no liquor in Disneyland. Disney California Adventure, on the other hand, has beer, wine, and liquor available all over the place!

    I'm SO excited for your gorgeous red dress! Please take a picture, I'm sure you look absolutely smashing in it. I think you should get all dolled up and get dressed and just walk up to hubby and say "I look awesome, you're taking me out to dinner." See if that works.

    Jen - I'm so happy for you that you're keeping at 30DS. And big time YAY on the too-small pants in January are now buttonable!! That's a fantastic NSV!

    BJ - Look at you dropping lose pounds like they're hot. You're doing an amazing job!

    Cazz - You've learned a lot from the slave driver and she's helped shown you what you're capable of. Just tell us when you need us to pull out the whips and tough love and we'll do whatever you need us to do to keep you in line. Like that song from "Hairspray":

    I know we've come so far
    But we've got so far to go
    I know the road seems long
    But it won't be long 'till it's time to go
    So, most days we'll take it fast
    And some nights lets take it slow
    I know we've come so far
    But baby baby
    We've got so far to go

    We're here for you!

    Linda - YAY for going back to school! That is such a great idea and a fantastic choice! You're going to be an amazing student. What will your major be?
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Linda - YAY for going back to school! That is such a great idea and a fantastic choice! You're going to be an amazing student. What will your major be?

    Getting my bachelors in nursing...already have the associates. I am a little nervous...we shall see!
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    Hi all a quicky today -

    it sounds like you are all doing awesomely
    Alegria I am glad you got the Hubby vs. parents fight sorted out - I feel your pain- I was in the middle of a bad one last year that almost led me to divorcing my hubby and disowning my mother!

    speaking of which I will try to stay in touch but as of tomorrow morning hubby and I are off to the states to visit my mom ( I would add the rolling eyes smiley but it does not seem to be working!)

    actually am really looking forward to this visit

    exercise comments: I intend to do the shred again but probably not until mid september (after vacation and a wedding in spain) when I get back home at the end of August I will try out my shred it with weights DVD and then go back to 30DS after wedding

    When in the US I will also pick up the Ripped DVD and a Leslie Sansone boot camp or similar

    hope you all have a fab weekend!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Hello Ladies!!

    How are you all doing? Great, as usual right? Sorry I haven't been here to support you so much lately. I have been doing some soul searching for the past couple months. Over the past couple months, I have found my passion in life, and it is Photography. As you have seen some of my work.. :) It keeps getting better.. I am hoping to make that my full time job in the future.. :) I have also, made amends with my siblings on my dad's side. For once we are all able to talk.. :) And I have put together a little get together for us next month. I sooo can't wait for that.. Although it would seem that I have fallen off the bandwagon, I really didn't, I just jumped off for a short amount of time. The couple months prior to jumping off, I wasn't doing very good anyways. So I decided, that it was time to remove myself from myfitnesspals, and my weight loss for just a little bit. Now I feel that I can finally go at it full force. I have fixed the things that I thought were consuming me. Although I have gained some weight since I backed down, I plan on losing that and then some. I feel that now i am completely happy. My plan is to work on losing weight, so that it can help me get pregnant, and thru my pregnancy I will continue to work on losing weight, I just wont over do it. I have a new program, I want to try that I saw in a magazine. In Prevention, you can see the same thing if you go to prevention.com.. :) It looks like it could be effective, so I'm going to try it. I have tried the 30 Day Shred, and i think I don't stay to it because I have to put it in the Dvd player, which is a pain in the *kitten*.. So I'm going to try this.. :) And I'm going to start taking advantage of my ondemand workout videos.. No reason not too.. :) I thank you all for being there, even though it may seem like Ive abandoned you guys.. I haven't.. I just needed some time to myself, to get ME back. Ive been a mess for the past 6 years, I slowly became less of a mess, but Ive never been past whats happened to me.. :( And for once, I'm finally there.. Love you ladies soo much.. Lets do this!! :) April Val, is BACK!!!!

    Here are a couple pictures to share with you.. :) Sorry for the size at first, it will take them a little bit to resize.. :( Darn photobucket..

    -This is Kayla, Ive known her since she was a baby.. Shes due to have her baby in the next 3 months. This photo shoot was a good experience for me.. :)

    -This is Nikki & Robert, Ive known them since I was little.. This shot was Really hard to get.. Because I don't have a lens that zooms in close like I wish I did.. But the way there bodies are laying it looks like they are forming a Heart.

    -This is Gabby, I work with her Mom at Walmart. This was taken a couple days before her 3rd birthday.. She was a trooper and helped me experience my first Cake Smashing photo shoot.

    Enjoy.. :)
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Welcome back April :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Thanks pinky & Bj.. Happy to be back.. :) Missed you guys!! hope you guys are doing well.. Ive been deep cleaning today.. One and a partial room down.. while cleaning, I made it benefit for my working in the near future.. Made my livingroom where I have room to do workouts & play my Wii again.. Yay!! :) Excited, once I get my house back in order.. Hoping to be more Organized all together.. :)
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    April, more gorgeous pics!!! So glad you found your calling... it's amazing to love what you do and I hope soon you can do that full time and permanently!!!

    Linda, if you are coming to GR, you have to let me know. There's a remote possiblility I may be hitting Vegas in November, but I'll be letting ya'll know if that happens. Who are you coming to see???? Oh, and yay for the college student! Sounds awesome, and you'll do great because you have so much experience to draw on!

    Just a quick check in today, I had a nice meeting with the case worker this morning for my son and things are smooth so far. We have another meeting in two weeks after the prosecutor looks over the charges that my son denies. He does admit to one, but not the other two. I was proud of him for not crying today, but the case worker was really nice, and that really helped us both feel better. Still no real answers, but there's every reason to believe that he will just get some fines and court costs but probation is not out of the realm of possibility either, so we have to wait and see.

    Ten more miles tomorrow.... I have to work 8-12 so I'll have lunch and wait a couple hours before I run, provided we don't get a thunderstorm!!! Fingers crossed on that one!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Thanks Nik.. :) Thanks for the compliments on the pictures.. & I hope that will be my permanent jobs in the long run.. We will see.. :) Checking in, while taking a small break from cleaning.. Making Tacos.. then after dinner gonna get back to cleaning.. :)
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    About time you got your *kitten* back in here April! So glad to see you!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Nursee.. Lol.. thats funny.. Yes.. Ive been busy.. But im back.. Sorry it took soo long.. :(
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    OMG, muscles below my butt are killing me today.. :( Always happens when I clean like that.. :( hope everyone has a beautiful Saturday.. I have about 2 more hours of cleaning to do before the house is clean..