H20~ Keeping the Pounds Falling Off



  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I'm so bummed... I got all ready for my run and headed out only to get caught in a thunderstorm and my hubby had to come pick me up after just 4 miles. I know I should be happy I got anything in, but while I was at work all morning the weather was fine... and normally that's when I run, so I'm totally disappointed I couldn't finish!!! UGH! I'll try again tomorrow, but it just won't be the same, you know? Oh well....

    Stupid thunderstorm steals my thunder... LOL!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Sorry that your run got shortened.. but atleast you got some sort of a workout in.. Just take it as it is, and move forward tomorrow.. :) Youve got alot of drive in you nik.. :) Its amazing!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Thanks April. I managed to get my butt out of bed early enough this morning to get my 10 miles in before heading to church to play in band! It was great, the weather was perfect (66 degrees and overcast) and there were lots of other runners out to say hi to! Felt really strong, pace was faster than planned, heart rate never got too close to max... overall, my best long run to date! Maybe I need to get up that early every weekend???? Yeah, that may not happen, but at least I know I can do it!

    Going to be lazy this afternoon and not do much other than a load of laundry or two.... but I earned it! Happy Sunday!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Nikki - you amaze me!!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Nikki - you amaze me!!

    Girl, you're making me blush... I'm just determined never to be that fat lazy girl EVER again!!!! Seriously....
  • sara46ward
    sara46ward Posts: 7 Member
    I enjoyed reading many of the entries of you different women. I'm not sure I understand everything you were talking about, but it was really interesting. When did the walk a certain amt. of miles by Labor Day start. I think that would be a fun thing to do. I just started on my diet and exercise program today. I'm really looking forward to the whole process. I'm a teacher and I start the fall semester TOMORROW! Yikes, I'm not ready. I've stocked up with good food and thrown all the bad stuff out. I have an inner joy at finally starting to take care of myself. It's so hot here in Sugar Land (outside of Houston) that I've just been sitting in front of a fan all summer, eating and watching movies. I never got to read the part about water keeping pounds from falling off. My elderly cousin sent me some information about water perhaps not being the great thing everyone has been preaching about for the last many years. Again, I enjoyed my visit into your group. Best wishes, Sara
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    I enjoyed reading many of the entries of you different women. I'm not sure I understand everything you were talking about, but it was really interesting. When did the walk a certain amt. of miles by Labor Day start. I think that would be a fun thing to do. I just started on my diet and exercise program today. I'm really looking forward to the whole process. I'm a teacher and I start the fall semester TOMORROW! Yikes, I'm not ready. I've stocked up with good food and thrown all the bad stuff out. I have an inner joy at finally starting to take care of myself. It's so hot here in Sugar Land (outside of Houston) that I've just been sitting in front of a fan all summer, eating and watching movies. I never got to read the part about water keeping pounds from falling off. My elderly cousin sent me some information about water perhaps not being the great thing everyone has been preaching about for the last many years. Again, I enjoyed my visit into your group. Best wishes, Sara


    What I feel the need to say is #1) Don't look at it as a diet... because it's a lifestyle change. Truly, diets don't work. If they did, there would be no fat people walking around... but there are PLENTY of them! And most of them have done EVERY diet known to man! (BTW, I still consider myself a fat person.) #2) Water IS required for your body to work properly. I am not so convinced about the 8 glasses a day being a requirement... but I DO know that it won't hurt you too drink that much! :) Most overeaters consume WAY more sodium than we should and water DOES help get rid of it PLUS excess water we retain BECAUSE of the excess sodium. I could explain the chemistry here but it would take too long!

    Good luck on your journey!
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    Nikki - I'm glad you had a great time with your girlfriends! You totally deserve a chance to cut loose and enjoy, and you're putting in to the miles to make up for a couple of drinks :smile: And it sounds like your son's case might not be so terrible - I hope it comes out with just minor fines, and that he's learned his lesson. Thank goodness for the running to de-stress!

    Linda - I think it's incredible that you're going back to school to get your Bachelor's degree! And the fact that you can be subsidized is huge! The money is such a deterrent for most people, so if you can get the courses for such a reasonable price, that's the best! Are you going to be able to continue with your current work part-time? Or will you be a full-time student?

    Christine - I seriously started salivating when I read what you ate - seared scallops and caremlized balsamic watermelon?? Are you kidding me?? That sounds so fantastic. And it's kind of depressing, because even if I came all the day to California, I'm not going to get to eat there! I'm going to try the watermelon at home, but I doubt it will be the same. But I have 1/2 a melon and some balsamic vinegar - maybe do that up and top it with some mint?? Hmm, I will try it and let you know. Oh, and I LOVE creme brulee! Was it fired right - with the crispy top that wasn't burnt? It's hard to do right, and a great test of a restaurant.

    OK, I'm hungry.

    Jen - good luck with the family visit! I hope you have a great time and no family fights :smile: I love how you're so casual dropping the "wedding in Spain" mention. I want to go to a wedding in Spain! That's so cool.

    April - it's so great to have you back! I'm glad you've found your passion and taken some time to devote yourself to it. Feeling completely happy is most people's goal in life, so the fact that you're there is awesome! You were sounding really stressed out a few months back, so I'm really glad you're doing better now. And the cake smashing photo is really cool! I love the colours and the movement.

    There was a lot of activity in our thread over the weekend! I think I'm caught up now. On Friday my husband and I took the day and finally moved the rest of my stuff from storage in a friend's basement to our house. My books (my poor books!) have been in storage for a year and now I finally have them back :happy: I feel like gollum because I was stroking their spines as I put them back on their shelves...my presssscccious!

    I made it to running club early on Saturday morning (waking my stepdaughter up at 7:30 to drop her off at my sister in law's house...running can be such work!), and spent the rest of the weekend opening boxes and sorting things. A bunch is going to the Salvation Army - I tried to be ruthless. I lived without a lot of this stuff for over a year, and some I didn't need any more. I even culled...wait for it...my shoes! Some of my more expensive (and rarely worn) shoes will go to consignment, and some of the more worn stuff got chucked. And my brown suede La Canadienne knee high boots zipped up with no problem at all - for the first time ever :happy:

    So my two favourite material things are now organized within an inch of their non-lives - my books and my shoes. It made me happy to see them all lined up so nicely, waiting to be read and worn, and the organization makes my husband happy!

    My other big news today was that I just finished signing up for a 10k race in October! It's my first race, and I'm really nervous about it, but it's exciting too. My gym is getting a team together and we will start training in early September (every Sat morning at 8:30 woo hoo). It's not a relay or anything, just a bunch of us training together, under the expert advice of my trainer actually!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Lisa, that's so awesome about your first race!!! You'll do great, and 10k has been my favorite so far... so GOOD LUCK!!!

    Just a quiet night at home after another busy day at work. I should be thankful I have a good job, but I'm so tired!!! I'm going to be changing up my routine a little this week because I'm going out of town Friday afternoon to Sunday early evening. I have 11 miles planned that I would do on Saturday, but I'm thinking I'll do them Friday before I leave so I don't absolutely have to run on Saturday. Then I can run a couple in the morning if I'm up for it, otherwise a little on Sunday... whichever feels good! Tickets to 2 concerts in 2 nights!!! Yay! I'm actually turning into a girl with a life... who knew???
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I enjoyed reading many of the entries of you different women. I'm not sure I understand everything you were talking about, but it was really interesting. When did the walk a certain amt. of miles by Labor Day start. I think that would be a fun thing to do. I just started on my diet and exercise program today. I'm really looking forward to the whole process. I'm a teacher and I start the fall semester TOMORROW! Yikes, I'm not ready. I've stocked up with good food and thrown all the bad stuff out. I have an inner joy at finally starting to take care of myself. It's so hot here in Sugar Land (outside of Houston) that I've just been sitting in front of a fan all summer, eating and watching movies. I never got to read the part about water keeping pounds from falling off. My elderly cousin sent me some information about water perhaps not being the great thing everyone has been preaching about for the last many years. Again, I enjoyed my visit into your group. Best wishes, Sara


    What I feel the need to say is #1) Don't look at it as a diet... because it's a lifestyle change. Truly, diets don't work. If they did, there would be no fat people walking around... but there are PLENTY of them! And most of them have done EVERY diet known to man! (BTW, I still consider myself a fat person.) #2) Water IS required for your body to work properly. I am not so convinced about the 8 glasses a day being a requirement... but I DO know that it won't hurt you too drink that much! :) Most overeaters consume WAY more sodium than we should and water DOES help get rid of it PLUS excess water we retain BECAUSE of the excess sodium. I could explain the chemistry here but it would take too long!

    Good luck on your journey!

    I agree with all this, I am so glad I love water :)

    My weigh in this week is the same as last 139lb and I am pretty sure being out all the time (school holidays) and not drinking all my normal water is one of the reasons I haven't lost.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Just a quick check in to say I ran the hardest three miles I've done in a while. My legs just felt heavy tonight.. if that makes any sense... but it's alright. I think it's just because I worked all day and a lot of that time I sat down at a desk, which I hate!!!! Anyway.. hope you all had a great Tuesday, I only have to work one more day and then I'm off for my long weekend!!! Yay!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Evening Ladies.. how did our Tuesday go? Good I hope.. Did you do something active today? If not get up off your butt and manage some kind of exercise, workout, or activity. :) I managed to ACTUALLY do my chores tonight.. :) Yep.. I stuck to it.. Hopefully it stays this way.. I went thru and picked everything up that needed cleaned and now Im waiting for dinner to finish. yeah I know its late, but I had to push back starting dinner and hour and a half so I could get my house work done.. :)

    Alegria - Thank you.. :) I love how the cake smashing turned out.. Yay for the running club, and sending some clothes to the salvation army.. :) Very good

    Nik - I hope changing up your routine helps you out.. :) maybe it will give you a little more of a loss? hopefully, right.. And i hope you have fun this weekend.. :) and its good to have a life.. Go Nik! Go!

    Bj- Although its not a loss, atleast youre maintain.. :) Hopefully you get some kind of loss soon hun.. :) Where here for you.

    Have a great night everyone.. Finishing up dinner so that I can eat, then Going to do the dishes from dinner, So I have tomorrow before work, free. For editing pictures & for a workout of some sort. Might try the workout that I found in the prevention magazine from june.. :) Gonna kick it.. :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Got my dishes done after dinner.. :) Which is something I fail at miserably normally.. :(

    Then, I went thru and put my food diary together for tomorrow.. I have my food ALL planned out.. :) I have to eat at least 100 - 200 more calories so I dont go into "starvation mode" But other than that.. I have it done.. :) I have LOTS of time to workout tomorrow.. :) no work until 4pm.. :)
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Got my dishes done after dinner.. :) Which is something I fail at miserably normally.. :(

    Then, I went thru and put my food diary together for tomorrow.. I have my food ALL planned out.. :) I have to eat at least 100 - 200 more calories so I dont go into "starvation mode" But other than that.. I have it done.. :) I have LOTS of time to workout tomorrow.. :) no work until 4pm.. :)

    One day of not having enough calories won't put you into starvation mode, April!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I'll come back tomorrow, but drive-by for tonight because it is my MFPversary! :D
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Got my dishes done after dinner.. :) Which is something I fail at miserably normally.. :(

    Then, I went thru and put my food diary together for tomorrow.. I have my food ALL planned out.. :) I have to eat at least 100 - 200 more calories so I dont go into "starvation mode" But other than that.. I have it done.. :) I have LOTS of time to workout tomorrow.. :) no work until 4pm.. :)

    One day of not having enough calories won't put you into starvation mode, April!

    I know.. it will depend on if im hungry yet or not.. Hopefully not.. ;)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I'll come back tomorrow, but drive-by for tonight because it is my MFPversary! :D

    Yay.. Happy MFPversary!! :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I'll come back tomorrow, but drive-by for tonight because it is my MFPversary! :D
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Hurtin' for certain - but it's a good pain! :bigsmile: Still... not liking the Slave Driver's new circuit!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Hurtin' for certain - but it's a good pain! :bigsmile: Still... not liking the Slave Driver's new circuit!

    You know you love it! Haha! :wink: