Labor day losers July 11th - September 5th (closed group)



  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    I'm reading this thread and I just want to say I love you all!! I dont know any of you personally but you have touched me with your openness and your commitment to your selves. I have been so buried in a cocoon for the last three years of my life and meeting some of you and observing you has been a great motivation and contributing factor to this transformation that I am experiencing! I cannot begin to say how thankful I am for you ladies.. Mommy Challenge was my first and really helped me as I'd just joined MFP... and now, to continue on this with you is amazing! LaToya, you are an awesome woman and I thank you for being you! Nicole (Lovecola), I'm glad I met you!! Reyna, you are special.. and to the rest of you wonderful ladies who I have not interacted with very much or not at all, YOU ROCK!!!

    Thanks for being so special... this group is the best!! (for me at least) :happy:

    I second this! I joined the first mommy challenge and it has been a great addition to my daily routine.. checking out the thread and reading everyone's statuses. I love motivating each other and knowing that someone out there truly understands my journey. I too am thankful for each one of you ladies and yes there are a few of you that really hold a special place in my heart for your consistent efforts, kind words and encouraging efforts day in and day out! tear :heart: :heart:

    Awww... **hugs** :smile:

    I agree with you both!! I would not be where I am or end where I need to if it is not for you all!!! I am blessed to have you all in my path!!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    I'm reading this thread and I just want to say I love you all!! I dont know any of you personally but you have touched me with your openness and your commitment to your selves. I have been so buried in a cocoon for the last three years of my life and meeting some of you and observing you has been a great motivation and contributing factor to this transformation that I am experiencing! I cannot begin to say how thankful I am for you ladies.. Mommy Challenge was my first and really helped me as I'd just joined MFP... and now, to continue on this with you is amazing! LaToya, you are an awesome woman and I thank you for being you! Nicole (Lovecola), I'm glad I met you!! Reyna, you are special.. and to the rest of you wonderful ladies who I have not interacted with very much or not at all, YOU ROCK!!!

    Thanks for being so special... this group is the best!! (for me at least) :happy:

    I second this! I joined the first mommy challenge and it has been a great addition to my daily routine.. checking out the thread and reading everyone's statuses. I love motivating each other and knowing that someone out there truly understands my journey. I too am thankful for each one of you ladies and yes there are a few of you that really hold a special place in my heart for your consistent efforts, kind words and encouraging efforts day in and day out! tear :heart: :heart:

    Awww... **hugs** :smile:

    I agree with you both!! I would not be where I am or end where I need to if it is not for you all!!! I am blessed to have you all in my path!!

    Awwww! I agree 100% ladies! Thanks Nicolarah for the extra love today :love: its good to have support during such a hard journey! You guys hold me accountable without even being here with me; when i sneak a cookie i feel you guys watching and saying "tsk tsk" lol:happy: thanks for all of your support in this challenge it was one of the best decisions i have made in this journey! You guys are irreplaceable. :flowerforyou:
  • Becreed
    Becreed Posts: 83 Member
    Agree with everyone!!! Especially the feeling accountable. I was 5 calories over yesterday and 1 today and I am so bummed!!! But I am thankful to have this group to support me and push me along, without it I wouldn't have anyone to answer to for those extra calories! Thanks again!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    I love that even though our set goals were, 15lbs by labor day, 64oz of water, 3000 cal burn, and stay under cals, that we are each making our own personal goals. It is so nice to have a group of us working together as well as working towards our own goals! Latoya you will break the 150s your doing awesome! I too hope to get out of the 150s! Both times nursing i have never gotten below 152!! Im starting to hate that number! I know I should be happy with the fact that all my prepreg clothes fit, but I tend to be in love with that dang scale number :blushing: So my goals so far, drink 10 glasses/80oz water a day, burn 3000 cals a week, stay under calories everyday(which this weekend will be hard @ a festival in town :frown: ) And get into the 140s! Originally i hoped to get to my prepreg weight of 142, but since i have lost nothing in 3 weeks... I dont see myself losing 10lbs this month. Oh well whatever I lose, I look forward to losing it all with you guys! And heck maybe on labor day Ill start round 3 of the Shred! Shred always gets my scale moving!

    Now that I have rambled on, hope you all have a wonderful tuesday!!! :flowerforyou:

    my loss the month was nonexistnent as well:frown: im staying positive though :ohwell: august will bring big change! why dont you start shred again in august?

    I considered starting in August, but after 2 rounds so far this summer I really burned myself out. Im going to try to stick with just cardio for a little bit and see what that does for my weight loss. In september my 4 year old starts preschool so 5 days a week Ill have 2 hours with out him home and that will be a great time to get it in. He tends to be distracting when he is home! haha. If you have the dvd Id love to have you join me! It always moves the scale for me! Have you ever done it?

    Yep; i actually did it when you did your 1st round; its why we added each other as friends :happy: the dvd jumpstarted my weight loss in a big way! I am going to do Ripped in 30 after Insanity.

    Oh yeah! Is it bad that my 1st round seems so long ago? LOL Im actually looking forward to the 3rd round. Im pretty well sticking to cardio this week to see if it helps but if it doesnt then ill be reallly looking forward to the shred!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    I'm reading this thread and I just want to say I love you all!! I dont know any of you personally but you have touched me with your openness and your commitment to your selves. I have been so buried in a cocoon for the last three years of my life and meeting some of you and observing you has been a great motivation and contributing factor to this transformation that I am experiencing! I cannot begin to say how thankful I am for you ladies.. Mommy Challenge was my first and really helped me as I'd just joined MFP... and now, to continue on this with you is amazing! LaToya, you are an awesome woman and I thank you for being you! Nicole (Lovecola), I'm glad I met you!! Reyna, you are special.. and to the rest of you wonderful ladies who I have not interacted with very much or not at all, YOU ROCK!!!

    Thanks for being so special... this group is the best!! (for me at least) :happy:

    I second this! I joined the first mommy challenge and it has been a great addition to my daily routine.. checking out the thread and reading everyone's statuses. I love motivating each other and knowing that someone out there truly understands my journey. I too am thankful for each one of you ladies and yes there are a few of you that really hold a special place in my heart for your consistent efforts, kind words and encouraging efforts day in and day out! tear :heart: :heart:

    I must agree with you both! I am thrilled that even though labor day losers says closed group, that i looked into it! This is a great group of gals and I love being a loser with all of you!!!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Well yesterday the husband called and said how fast can you pack up the boys were going to LaPine?! WE had been planning to go all week but due to working late, or we thought hed be working late we had canceled out over night trip. Needless to say yesterday that is why I disappeared and have been gone all day! It was a very nice little break. Not sure what the break was from since i took my husband, dog and both babies with me! :laugh: But it was nice. Even with the mosquitos, hard floor we slept on in the uncles motor home, 2 hr drive there, 2 hour drive back, and the yucky food, it was great. Happy to be back to reality where I can work out and drink all the water i want!! :drinker: Due to typically bbq/camping food that i ate today i had to squeeze in some work out to keep from going over calories. It was a time burn but it got rid of the 43 calories i was originally over! Anyhow missed you ladies and happy to be back reading up on how you all have been doing! :smile:
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Just a thought, I would love for everyone to post their first names. People like Latoya & myself are obvious since its in our screen name, but everyone else please tell :wink:
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    Just a thought, I would love for everyone to post their first names. People like Latoya & myself are obvious since its in our screen name, but everyone else please tell :wink:

    Good call girlie!! My name is Lori :) and I used my kids names as my screen name to remind me of one major reason I began this journey. I never really thought I would get this involved on here and that people would want to know my real name. I am very thankful that this is now the situation!! Thanks for all of you ladies supporting me!!!!
  • nicolerah
    nicolerah Posts: 440 Member
    Just a thought, I would love for everyone to post their first names. People like Latoya & myself are obvious since its in our screen name, but everyone else please tell :wink:

    Mine is Nicole!! lol.. my last name is Rahaman.. that's where the Rah comes from! No big science in it! lol.. :drinker: (<<<<water)

    Hi Lori! ^
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 358 Member
    Just a thought, I would love for everyone to post their first names. People like Latoya & myself are obvious since its in our screen name, but everyone else please tell :wink:

    My name is Michelle, my friends calls me Mimi, and I consider you all friends! so Mimi, it is :)
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thank you Nicole, Mimi, & Lori!!! :tongue: Drink your water:drinker: , burn those cals, and stay under calorie goal, and have a wonderful FRIDAY!!!! :bigsmile:
  • lovecola06
    lovecola06 Posts: 180 Member
    Just a thought, I would love for everyone to post their first names. People like Latoya & myself are obvious since its in our screen name, but everyone else please tell :wink:

    Hey everyone! My first name is also Nicole - cola is a nickname that I used as a teenager.

    I hope everybody has a wonderful weekend with their families! Make good, healthy choices this weekend. Remember, enjoy everything using MODERATION:wink:

    We're all doing soo well! I feel sooo blessed to have come across this group of ladies- You guys definitely keep me pushing myself harder than I ever imagined possible:flowerforyou: See you all on Monday for a great weigh-in!
  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 313 Member
    So today my trainer got his website up and running and he posted me on his website. I know that I have lost 50 lbs. I see it in my clothes but since it has been so gradual, I guess I didn't realize just how big the difference actually is. When I saw the web site today I cried. Cried for the miserable person in the first picture and cried for all the hard work the girl in the second picture has done to re-find herself. The first picture was taken in January 2010 but was the same as my start weight in March 2011 when I started this journey which was 280. The second picture was last week at 234. I am now at 229.


    Everyone have a great weekend with their families. Enjoy the weather, drink your water.
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Just a thought, I would love for everyone to post their first names. People like Latoya & myself are obvious since its in our screen name, but everyone else please tell :wink:

    Good thought! My name is Bridgette (my screenname is my maiden name). Sorry I haven't posted in a while; been logging but having a really rough week. The baby is not sleeping and mommy is really really tired especially since I have to go to a full time, demanding, stressful job on top of that. :yawn: :yawn: I'm really wondering why I'm still working; everyday I think maybe I should quit and stay home.
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    So today my trainer got his website up and running and he posted me on his website. I know that I have lost 50 lbs. I see it in my clothes but since it has been so gradual, I guess I didn't realize just how big the difference actually is. When I saw the web site today I cried. Cried for the miserable person in the first picture and cried for all the hard work the girl in the second picture has done to re-find herself. The first picture was taken in January 2010 but was the same as my start weight in March 2011 when I started this journey which was 280. The second picture was last week at 234. I am now at 229.


    Everyone have a great weekend with their families. Enjoy the weather, drink your water.

  • Becreed
    Becreed Posts: 83 Member
    Well Bridgette, I hear you about being tired and not having a great week! My little guy is teething and has a cold, which has meant very little sleep. Today I was DONE and exhausted. I did make it to stroller jam but caved to an extra slice of pizza at dinner. :( I have done really well this week and am disappointed but moving on. I hope your weekend gets better.

    Oh and my name is Becca. Have a great weekend!!
  • Becreed
    Becreed Posts: 83 Member
    Lisa awesome!!! That is so exciting, you are doing amazing!
  • Becreed
    Becreed Posts: 83 Member
    Off topic. I am looking for a new stroller. We have the Baby Jogger FIT, which was a gift, but I would like something with a swivel wheel. Does anyone have any experience with the Baby Jogger CIty Elite or the Baby Jogger City MIni? Thanks!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    New month, new week!! Lets do it!! How did everyone do on last week's challenge? I did ok. I plan to do awesome this week incorporating all of our weekly challenges. By the way..we dont have a challenge for the week!! Quick mommies, someone throw a challenge out there! My weight this morning is 156. July did nothing for me; i am not happy with my results but i can think of numerous things that i need to change in order to fill fully commited. Its awesome that August starts on a Monday. I will give this month my everything and shake thes 150's once and for all!
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Ugh! Up 2 pounds just from Friday. :grumble: I think it's mainly water weight, need to hit the water hard today. :drinker. I need to get back on track after the weekend, didn't eat so good although I think I stayed under calories. Didn't log anything though --- Sorry, don't have a challenge suggestion right now, except maybe adding to the others? maybe drink 10 glasses of water and burn more calories?

    Here's to a great week for all of us! :flowerforyou: