Labor day losers July 11th - September 5th (closed group)



  • angelacasey736
    angelacasey736 Posts: 249 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I did my situps and pushups (modified hehe) last night but completely forgot the jumping jacks! Guess I will be doubling up tonight :smile: I love this part of our challenge - it helps me spice things up a little from my usual routine. Hope you all have a wonderful week!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Glad to hear everyone is liking this weeks challenge!!! I love it! So here is where i am at for all of our goals so far this week!!

    daily water= 64/64oz
    weekly cal burn= 743/1500
    100jack/push/sit= 2days/5days
    under food cals= 1/1 (so far so good!)

    How is everyone else doing?

    Edit- Just a little NSV I just had, the WII fit finally said i am in a normal BMI!!! I was only into the normal by .1 but hey Ill take it!!! :tongue:
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    :smooched: daily water= 48/64oz
    weekly cal burn= 248/1500
    100jack/push/sit= 0 days/5days
    under food cals= 1/1 (so far so good!)

    Geezzzz i need to step it up! doing my jacks/push/sits 2 nite and insanity...that should bring me up to speed :bigsmile:
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    daily water= 40/64oz
    weekly cal burn= 442/1500
    100jack/push/sit= 1days/5days
    under food cals= 1/1

    on it!! havent workout just yet today. was going to do it while my little man was sleeping but my lady bug said to me " mommy you can work out at night, just snuggle me in your bed while caden sleeps" who could resist that one! so a late night work out it is:) already informed the hubs that i will be working out and maybe leave bedtime to him!!!
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    :smooched: daily water= 48/64oz
    weekly cal burn= 248/1500
    100jack/push/sit= 0 days/5days
    under food cals= 1/1 (so far so good!)

    Geezzzz i need to step it up! doing my jacks/push/sits 2 nite and insanity...that should bring me up to speed :bigsmile:

  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    Glad to hear everyone is liking this weeks challenge!!! I love it! So here is where i am at for all of our goals so far this week!!

    daily water= 64/64oz
    weekly cal burn= 743/1500
    100jack/push/sit= 2days/5days
    under food cals= 1/1 (so far so good!)

    How is everyone else doing?

    Edit- Just a little NSV I just had, the WII fit finally said i am in a normal BMI!!! I was only into the normal by .1 but hey Ill take it!!! :tongue:

    great job on the stats AND on the healthy BMI!!! woohoo!!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    daily water= 40/64oz
    weekly cal burn= 442/1500
    100jack/push/sit= 1days/5days
    under food cals= 1/1

    on it!! havent workout just yet today. was going to do it while my little man was sleeping but my lady bug said to me " mommy you can work out at night, just snuggle me in your bed while caden sleeps" who could resist that one! so a late night work out it is:) already informed the hubs that i will be working out and maybe leave bedtime to him!!!

    :smooched: Aw that is too sweet, definitly worth skipping the work out till later!!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    :happy: Good Morning Ladies!!!

    Dont want to seem like I am braggin :blushing: but I couldnt be happier this morning! Jumped on the scale again, cuz Im addicted, and...... 150.4!!!!! I kind of couldnt believe my eyes! Switching it up and sticking to cardio the last week and a half has broken this annoying plateau that I have been stuck at for a month! But i suppose next week ill have to lay off the cardio a bit to keep the weight comeing off! :laugh: Lets hope this sticks come monday so i can log it on here!! Thanks to all of you for keeping me going and holding me accountable!!!! Now go drink so water!!! :drinker:
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    :happy: Good Morning Ladies!!!

    Dont want to seem like I am braggin :blushing: but I couldnt be happier this morning! Jumped on the scale again, cuz Im addicted, and...... 150.4!!!!! I kind of couldnt believe my eyes! Switching it up and sticking to cardio the last week and a half has broken this annoying plateau that I have been stuck at for a month! But i suppose next week ill have to lay off the cardio a bit to keep the weight comeing off! :laugh: Lets hope this sticks come monday so i can log it on here!! Thanks to all of you for keeping me going and holding me accountable!!!! Now go drink so water!!! :drinker:

    thats awesome!!!!!!! brag away too !!!!!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member

    It got cut a little bit, sometimes this a little harder than I expect.. lol.. so next time I will shrink it so that we can see the weight lost to date :)

    Just realised we are missing a monday on here, nextmonday 8/8 :smile:
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    here i am today so far:

    daily water= 32/64oz
    weekly cal burn= 857/1500
    100jack/push/sit= 2days/5days
    under food cals= 2/2

    those 6 pounds of random eating for a week are almost gone!!! then onto the real fat!!!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Good morning mommies! You are almost there Kristyn! So exciting! The jump/push/situps are brutal definitely a needed change. I did my 1st set last night, therefore i have to do them everynite until monday to make the weekly goal. I have slacked on water a little so i am going to focus on that also.

    daily water= 16/64oz
    weekly cal burn= 550/1500
    100jack/push/sit= 1days/5days
    under food cals= 3/2
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    great job kristyn and madyncaden ! ok so heres my stats
    water - met 3/7 days
    cal burn- 700/1500
    jack/pushus/situps- 1/5 days
    calories- :( hmmmm. prob 0/7 days. (i will try better today and for the rest of the week :)
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    and i have a suggestion for next week- try to eat 5 servings of fruit and veggies (combined, not each)
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Sorry ,haven't been updating my stats. I have consumed all of the water (plus some) all 3 days and I think I've burned about 900 out of the 1500 calories. I did the jacks,crunches and push-ups 2 out of 3 days; missed last night (except for the crunches - did 50 of those). I'm having trouble with my back so I'm trying not do alot of exercises that might put strain on it. :(
  • nicolerah
    nicolerah Posts: 440 Member

    It got cut a little bit, sometimes this a little harder than I expect.. lol.. so next time I will shrink it so that we can see the weight lost to date :)

    hey mimi... I see a blank for this week's loss for me, but I recorded a lost of 1lb.. As of Monday 1st August I logged 136... I know its only a llb but I dont see it recorded on your table... Thanks for posting this up though.. you are amazing!
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    here i am today so far:

    daily water= 16/64oz
    weekly cal burn= 1038/1500
    100jack/push/sit= 2days/5days
    under food cals= 3/3

    woohoo!! and i lost all of the 6 pounds I gained!!!!! now for the real fight of the fat!! the weekend is almost here and this is where i usually take a nose dive!! but i am taking latoyas motto for the month "it's all about me" thanks for this girl! i have stole it and think of it often:) have a wonderful day mommies!!
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    Sorry ,haven't been updating my stats. I have consumed all of the water (plus some) all 3 days and I think I've burned about 900 out of the 1500 calories. I did the jacks,crunches and push-ups 2 out of 3 days; missed last night (except for the crunches - did 50 of those). I'm having trouble with my back so I'm trying not do alot of exercises that might put strain on it. :(

    go girl:)
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    great job kristyn and madyncaden ! ok so heres my stats
    water - met 3/7 days
    cal burn- 700/1500
    jack/pushus/situps- 1/5 days
    calories- :( hmmmm. prob 0/7 days. (i will try better today and for the rest of the week :)

    lookin good and thanks :)
  • mrswilson0511
    mrswilson0511 Posts: 132 Member
    Hey everyone!!!

    Sorry I have been MIA on posting, sicne I am working both jobs this week my only time to post is at work and it has been insanely busy!!! Im all caught up on the thread though!! Everyone is doing fantastic job!!!! Such inspiration and support from everyone its so great! I am loving this weeks challenge feeling the burn. I am so worried for this weekend, saturday is my family renunion and its a huge potluck, lol I look forward to it every year. Im going to get a great hard work out in before I go down there so I have some budge in waht I can eat. The problem I have is since I didnt make the food, Ill have no idea what is in it all, so should I just guess in how to log it?

    Im hitting all the challenges this week!! mainly with sneaking in lunch time work out, I am feeling great and like I am back on solid track!!
