Labor day losers July 11th - September 5th (closed group)



  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    This is an awesome challenge :) 50 sit ups, 25 'girl' push ups and I'll add 25 jumping jacks.. grand total of 100 :)

    Ill second those jumping jacks!

    Me too!!
  • Becreed
    Becreed Posts: 83 Member
    Great job ladies!! Love the new addition to the challenge. I agree Monday is a tough day to weigh in, but it keeps me somewhat accountable over the weekend! Looks like there are a lot of posts I need to catch up on. Been trying to get on all morning and was having problems with the website. I will come back probably tomorrow and catch up. We are going out for our first date night to a baseball game tonight!! First night our little guy will be with a sitter!!! Trying to eat light so I can splurge a little at the game. Have a great day!! Check back tomorrow!

    7/11 159.6
    7/18 156
    7/25 155.4
    8/1 154.3

    I too am sooo ready to be out of the 150's!
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    Well as I stated in my post for the morning I think I am done! I am not being successful anymore and am inching to the 200's again:( I think that this stress is far worse than just being upset over being fat! I think its just time for me to give in and ralize that this is my fate and I need to stop fighting it. But thanks for all your help and supposrt over this time

    Week 7/11/11-- 195 lbs
    Week 7/18/11-- 191.8
    Week 7/25/11-- 197.1
    Week 8/01/11-- 197.4
    Week 8/08/11--
    Week 8/15/11--
    Week 8/22/11--
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss: ______lbs

    NO I WILL NOT LET YOU! I will not allow you to give up on yourself! You have come too far to let yourself down!!! Today you will drink your 8 glasses of water, you will take your children outside and play with them, and will read a motivational quote to get you out of this funk! one step at the time!

    Lori I agree with Mimi! You can not and will not give up! You are too worth it to give up!

    Thanks ladies. This has been a bad 2 weeks for me and it just seems to be getting worse. I am thankful for people caring! I am doing this weeks challenge, all 100 of them.....we will see how things go?!?!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    This is an awesome challenge :) 50 sit ups, 25 'girl' push ups and I'll add 25 jumping jacks.. grand total of 100 :)

    Ill second those jumping jacks!

    Me too!!

    Me three!!!
  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    Daily? If so, I think I could add these in to my normal routine! So make that four!!! :bigsmile:
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Daily? If so, I think I could add these in to my normal routine! So make that four!!! :bigsmile:

    5X this week.
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Had a great 1st day of August; im remotivated and rededicated! I did not get around to the challenge though :frown: going to get that going tonight! Drink plenty of water :drinker: burn at least 1500 calories this week, stay within your calorie range, and get to jacking, pushing, and ups!!! Wow, if we do all of that we will be hot tamales in no time!!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Week 7/11/11-- 123.0 lbs
    Week 7/18/11-- 124.4
    Week 7/25/11-- 122.4
    Week 8/01/11-- 120.2
    Week 8/08/11--
    Week 8/15/11--
    Week 8/22/11--
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss: ___2.8___lbs

    My goal was to be 120 lbs by August first. 120.2 is pretty darn close!! I was actually 120.0 on Friday morning, but we had a party here yesterday so I wasn't really expecting it to drop lower than that. In fact, I'm just pretty happy I only went back up 0.2 lbs! I am super happy, happier than I've ever been! I bought a size 2 skirt on Saturday that actually fits! Four months ago I was a wearing a 10 and a year ago (just after I had my daughter) I was wearing a 12. I have 5 more pounds to go for my goal weight, and just under 6 weeks is my goal to get there!!

    woot woot!! u are almost there!
  • nicolerah
    nicolerah Posts: 440 Member
    Wow... Good morning ladies!! You all are on fire! Loss or no loss your spirits are soaring and THIS is what its all about!!

    I have slacked last week on my exercise. I only worked out on Monday last week and that was it! Nothing else, nada, zip, zero.!! Yesterday was a holiday here and whilst I didn't do a workout I did some cleaning and pretended to be a mason, doing some plastering of concrete walls etc.. lol... but I didn't log it.. Anyways, I did eat fairly well so even without exercise I still lost... not as much as I usually do but heck whatever it is I'll take it!

    So here's my updated stats:

    Anyways, here are my stats thus far:
    Week 7/11/11-- 140 lbs
    Week 7/18/11-- 139 lbs
    Week 7/25/11-- 137.5
    Week 8/01/11-- 136 (1llb closer)
    Week 8/08/11--
    Week 8/15/11--
    Week 8/22/11--
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss: ______lbs
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 358 Member

    It got cut a little bit, sometimes this a little harder than I expect.. lol.. so next time I will shrink it so that we can see the weight lost to date :)
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Thanks for posting that! I was wondering how much I'd lost since the beginning. We're all doing such a great job!! Keep up the good work! :bigsmile: :drinker: :drinker:
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member

    It got cut a little bit, sometimes this a little harder than I expect.. lol.. so next time I will shrink it so that we can see the weight lost to date :)

    Thank you MiMi!!! You are awesome! Nicolerah, I gave the info to MiMi before i had your weigh in, i apologize that your weight for this week is not posted! It will be on the next sheet.
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member

    It got cut a little bit, sometimes this a little harder than I expect.. lol.. so next time I will shrink it so that we can see the weight lost to date :)

    Thank you MiMi!!! You are awesome! Nicolerah, I gave the info to MiMi before i had your weigh in, i apologize that your weight for this week is not posted! It will be on the next sheet.
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member

    It got cut a little bit, sometimes this a little harder than I expect.. lol.. so next time I will shrink it so that we can see the weight lost to date :)

    Yay thanks for doing this Mimi its so awesome to see all of us laid out like that!!! We are rocking it!

    Latoya, I LOVE the 'All About Me August' you got this!!! Buh bye 150s! For a lot of us! This morning the scale said 151.5! So close I could almost taste it!!!!
  • lovecola06
    lovecola06 Posts: 180 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Thanks soo much Mimi for your hard work with the spreadsheet! It's so great to see on the spreadsheet how far we all have come as a group. Even if the scale hasn't budged as much as we all would have liked, we are making healthy/active choices daily. Everyone is working so hard to get to their goals. I am certain that the results will come!

    I love the new mini-challenge. 50 situps, 25 push-ups, 25 jumping-jacks 5X/week will really force me to branch out a little bit from my typical routine. It's nice to change up the workout routine and "shock" our bodies into submission :tongue:

    Have a wonderful week ladies!!
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    you girls are so motivating. everytime i read through the message boards i get revamped and excited to be on this journey with everyone! ok so this week is 64 oz of water, 1500 cal exercise burn, and 50 situps/ 25 pushups /50 jumpingjacks. and there should be one more but i was off line for a week and missed it. so if somebody wants to tell me- great otherwise i will be keeping up w the other three goals.
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 358 Member
    no worries everyone! and I wanna give a shout out to Latoya who actualy put it together, I just simply posted it :) TEAM WORK at its best :)
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    you girls are so motivating. everytime i read through the message boards i get revamped and excited to be on this journey with everyone! ok so this week is 64 oz of water, 1500 cal exercise burn, and 50 situps/ 25 pushups /50 jumpingjacks. and there should be one more but i was off line for a week and missed it. so if somebody wants to tell me- great otherwise i will be keeping up w the other three goals.

    stay within calorie limit! the toughest one, lol!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member

    It got cut a little bit, sometimes this a little harder than I expect.. lol.. so next time I will shrink it so that we can see the weight lost to date :)

    Yay thanks for doing this Mimi its so awesome to see all of us laid out like that!!! We are rocking it!

    Latoya, I LOVE the 'All About Me August' you got this!!! Buh bye 150s! For a lot of us! This morning the scale said 151.5! So close I could almost taste it!!!!

    Kristyn you are so close!!! I am so excited for you! I cant wait for you to say "149" woot woot!!
  • Becreed
    Becreed Posts: 83 Member
    Thanks Latoya and Mimi for the chart! Krysten you are soo close! Just finished my sit ups and push ups and exercise (just walking, with stroller). Having some friends over for lunch and then we are heading out of town in the morning. I won't be back on until Monday. Wish me luck! I will do my best to stay on track! Have a great week!!!