Labor day losers July 11th - September 5th (closed group)



  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Guess it would help if I actually posted my weight - 172.5; it is down from last Monday.
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    did some major backsliding last week and i am surprised i have not gained. thanks for all the encouraging compliments ab reaching a healthy bmi. you ladies are the best. i've got a little catching up to do so i will drop back in later.

    Week 7/11/11-- 166.8
    Week 7/18/11-- 166.9
    Week 7/25/11-- (7/22/11) 164.6
    Week 8/01/11-- 164.4
    Week 8/08/11--
    Week 8/15/11--
    Week 8/22/11--
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss: ______lbs
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 358 Member
    First congrats Lisa! that is some amazing weight loss!!!!! and you look great :)

    For all the mommies out there! July was tough for a lot of us, so let's kick some butt in August and do what we do best :) I did well this past month with the challenges and I think they really helped me to finally break my plateau or at least that's what it looks like right now! I finally broke away from 154 :)

    Week 7/11/11-- 155 lbs
    Week 7/18/11-- 154.7 lbs
    Week 7/25/11-- 154 lbs
    Week 8/01/11-- 152.9 lbs
    Week 8/08/11--
    Week 8/15/11--
    Week 8/22/11--
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss: ______lbs
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    Well as I stated in my post for the morning I think I am done! I am not being successful anymore and am inching to the 200's again:( I think that this stress is far worse than just being upset over being fat! I think its just time for me to give in and ralize that this is my fate and I need to stop fighting it. But thanks for all your help and supposrt over this time

    Week 7/11/11-- 195 lbs
    Week 7/18/11-- 191.8
    Week 7/25/11-- 197.1
    Week 8/01/11-- 197.4
    Week 8/08/11--
    Week 8/15/11--
    Week 8/22/11--
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss: ______lbs
  • angelacasey736
    angelacasey736 Posts: 249 Member
    Good Morning Mommies!

    SW - 175.4
    7/18 - 172.4
    7/25 - 172.0
    8/1 - 170.4

    5 lbs down so far....

    Not sure I will hit the 15 by labor day but i will try my damnest!! Have a wonderful week everyone.
  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    First, my name is Stephanie. I :heart: No Doubt and thus my screen name. And it is easy to remember as it has been my email login for literally ten + years! :blushing:

    7/11 180.4
    7/18 175.6
    7/25 178.8
    8/1 175.4

    Good morning mommies! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend. I seem to have broken my little plateau :bigsmile: Now I know when you look at my numbers up top you see a 175.6 and probably think what plateau but that was taken at my final weigh in for the weight loss challenge and I went back up to 178-180 the next day (I didn't drink anything for 24 hours and worked out like crazy and sat in a sauna). So this is the real deal. I am actually at 175!!! Hurray!!! :bigsmile: This is a big thing for me. I am getting closer to my goal 165ish (give or take 5lbs) so I know I am going to start slowing down a bit. I am working on toning now more than straight cardio...but I am still doing cardio. Going to try to eat as lean and clean as possible but don't know how possible that will be. We need food but hubby doesn't get paid til Friday. So I am just going to do my very best. :blushing: That is all I can do!! I have a problem with not getting my water in until night time. So I am going to really try to get it in throughout the day. This is going to be a struggle for me. :grumble: I am doing well on the sodium intake and want to keep that up as much as possible. I am backing off on the workouts a bit this week. I will still go Monday-Friday but maybe not twice a day x3. My knees are kind of sore and I am still sore from last week!!! :laugh:

    Well mommies, let's get this week going and show our bodies that we are in control of not just our children and our house but them as well!!! I hope this week is filled with many blessings for you!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 358 Member
    Well as I stated in my post for the morning I think I am done! I am not being successful anymore and am inching to the 200's again:( I think that this stress is far worse than just being upset over being fat! I think its just time for me to give in and ralize that this is my fate and I need to stop fighting it. But thanks for all your help and supposrt over this time

    Week 7/11/11-- 195 lbs
    Week 7/18/11-- 191.8
    Week 7/25/11-- 197.1
    Week 8/01/11-- 197.4
    Week 8/08/11--
    Week 8/15/11--
    Week 8/22/11--
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss: ______lbs

    NO I WILL NOT LET YOU! I will not allow you to give up on yourself! You have come too far to let yourself down!!! Today you will drink your 8 glasses of water, you will take your children outside and play with them, and will read a motivational quote to get you out of this funk! one step at the time!
  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 313 Member
    First congrats Lisa! that is some amazing weight loss!!!!! and you look great :)

    For all the mommies out there! July was tough for a lot of us, so let's kick some butt in August and do what we do best :) I did well this past month with the challenges and I think they really helped me to finally break my plateau or at least that's what it looks like right now! I finally broke away from 154 :)

    Week 7/11/11-- 155 lbs
    Week 7/18/11-- 154.7 lbs
    Week 7/25/11-- 154 lbs
    Week 8/01/11-- 152.9 lbs
    Week 8/08/11--
    Week 8/15/11--
    Week 8/22/11--
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss: ______lbs

    Thank you. Still have a ways to go but just can't believe the difference. If I only encourage 1 person to take the time to make a change it will have been worth it.
  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 313 Member
    Week 7/11/11-- 239.0 lbs
    Week 7/18/11-- 236.80 lbs
    Week 7/25/11-- 231.0 lbs
    Week 8/01/11-- 229.6 lbs
    Week 8/08/11--
    Week 8/15/11--
    Week 8/22/11--
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss: __9.4____lbs
  • lovecola06
    lovecola06 Posts: 180 Member
    Good Morning Fellow Mommies!

    Here's my numbers for the week:

    Week 7/11/11-- 149.0 lbs
    Week 7/18/11-- 151.2 lbs
    Week 7/25/11-- 148.2 lbs
    Week 8/01/11-- 145.0 lbs
    Week 8/08/11--
    Week 8/15/11--
    Week 8/22/11--
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss: -4.0 lbs

    I am really excited to have recovered from my forced time off (2 weeks without exercise). I think that the long rest period followed by daily exercise shocked my body into submission:tongue:

    I am so glad to see everyone embracing this challenge. It looks like everyone is making really good progress. Congrats Mimi & Stephanie on finally breaking your plateaus. Those plateaus can sometimes seem impossible to break through, but you guys made it to the other side. YAY!!! For everyone who didn't lose as much as they would have liked in July, August is a brand new month full of new possibilities for loss. Forget about what happened or didn't happen in July & focus on August... AUGUST will be the month of great change for your bodies! We CAN do this - together every step of the way:flowerforyou:

    I know that sometimes it's easy to focus on the lack of progress, but please try to stay positive ladies. Think of how far you've come in your weight loss journey. You may not look the way you had hoped YET, but you are making progress- that's super important. Focus on the little changes - the NSVs... and fight the lil devil on your shoulder that tells you to give up or that it's just too hard. You are soooo worth the effort! We mommies put so much effort into caring for our childrens and husbands - why not take the time to care for ourselves?

    Let's have a great week filled with healthy eating & exercise! Remember, progress is more important than perfection... Healthy steps in the right direction.... Let's show the month of August who's the boss!!! :bigsmile:
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Well I guess I should be happy. Not a good weekend when it came to eating. I did log everything so that im being honest with myself, but man it aint pretty! Oh well down a little bit from last monday so I guess I should be thankful it isnt a gain. Monday is a bad weigh in day for me since i tend to fall off the wagon on weekends since my husband is home. Great job to everyone, looks like most of us had losses even if they are little ones! This week I still plan to stick to cardio/my bike, to see if this makes much of a difference. As for a goal for the week, I'll think on it but maybe we can so something like every day do 25 sits ups, 25 push ups, 25 jumping jacks, or something along those lines??

    Week 7/11/11-- 153.7
    Week 7/18/11-- 153.7
    Week 7/25/11-- 153.1
    Week 8/01/11-- 152.5
    Week 8/08/11--
    Week 8/15/11--
    Week 8/22/11--
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss= 1.2 lbs
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning Fellow Mommies!

    Here's my numbers for the week:

    Week 7/11/11-- 149.0 lbs
    Week 7/18/11-- 151.2 lbs
    Week 7/25/11-- 148.2 lbs
    Week 8/01/11-- 145.0 lbs
    Week 8/08/11--
    Week 8/15/11--
    Week 8/22/11--
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss: -4.0 lbs

    I am really excited to have recovered from my forced time off (2 weeks without exercise). I think that the long rest period followed by daily exercise shocked my body into submission:tongue:

    I am so glad to see everyone embracing this challenge. It looks like everyone is making really good progress. Congrats Mimi & Stephanie on finally breaking your plateaus. Those plateaus can sometimes seem impossible to break through, but you guys made it to the other side. YAY!!! For everyone who didn't lose as much as they would have liked in July, August is a brand new month full of new possibilities for loss. Forget about what happened or didn't happen in July & focus on August... AUGUST will be the month of great change for your bodies! We CAN do this - together every step of the way:flowerforyou:

    I know that sometimes it's easy to focus on the lack of progress, but please try to stay positive ladies. Think of how far you've come in your weight loss journey. You may not look the way you had hoped YET, but you are making progress- that's super important. Focus on the little changes - the NSVs... and fight the lil devil on your shoulder that tells you to give up or that it's just too hard. You are soooo worth the effort! We mommies put so much effort into caring for our childrens and husbands - why not take the time to care for ourselves?

    Let's have a great week filled with healthy eating & exercise! Remember, progress is more important than perfection... Healthy steps in the right direction.... Let's show the month of August who's the boss!!! :bigsmile:

    Cola! You are awesome and everything you say just makes me want to do better! Thank you for your words! :flowerforyou:
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Well as I stated in my post for the morning I think I am done! I am not being successful anymore and am inching to the 200's again:( I think that this stress is far worse than just being upset over being fat! I think its just time for me to give in and ralize that this is my fate and I need to stop fighting it. But thanks for all your help and supposrt over this time

    Week 7/11/11-- 195 lbs
    Week 7/18/11-- 191.8
    Week 7/25/11-- 197.1
    Week 8/01/11-- 197.4
    Week 8/08/11--
    Week 8/15/11--
    Week 8/22/11--
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss: ______lbs

    NO I WILL NOT LET YOU! I will not allow you to give up on yourself! You have come too far to let yourself down!!! Today you will drink your 8 glasses of water, you will take your children outside and play with them, and will read a motivational quote to get you out of this funk! one step at the time!

    Lori I agree with Mimi! You can not and will not give up! You are too worth it to give up!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    By the way, Cola, Lisa, Stephanie, & Angela.... You guys are killin this challenge!!! Great job!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    As for a goal for the week, I'll think on it but maybe we can so something like every day do 25 sits ups, 25 push ups, 25 jumping jacks, or something along those lines??

    That sounds great!! I already have to do jumping jacks today for another challenge I got involved with. Each day is something different ---
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    You guys are awesome! Thanks Mimi and Krysten for the suggestions!


    50 situps and 25 pushups 5X this week

    We can do it!
  • mrswilson0511
    mrswilson0511 Posts: 132 Member
    Week 7/11/11-- 275.5 lbs (weighed actually 7/15)
    Week 7/18/11-- 275.5
    Week 7/25/11-- 274.0
    Week 8/01/11-- 273.0
    Week 8/08/11--
    Week 8/15/11--
    Week 8/22/11--
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss: __2.5___lbs
  • quiarga
    quiarga Posts: 408 Member
    Week 7/11/11-- 123.0 lbs
    Week 7/18/11-- 124.4
    Week 7/25/11-- 122.4
    Week 8/01/11-- 120.2
    Week 8/08/11--
    Week 8/15/11--
    Week 8/22/11--
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss: ___2.8___lbs

    My goal was to be 120 lbs by August first. 120.2 is pretty darn close!! I was actually 120.0 on Friday morning, but we had a party here yesterday so I wasn't really expecting it to drop lower than that. In fact, I'm just pretty happy I only went back up 0.2 lbs! I am super happy, happier than I've ever been! I bought a size 2 skirt on Saturday that actually fits! Four months ago I was a wearing a 10 and a year ago (just after I had my daughter) I was wearing a 12. I have 5 more pounds to go for my goal weight, and just under 6 weeks is my goal to get there!!
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 358 Member
    This is an awesome challenge :) 50 sit ups, 25 'girl' push ups and I'll add 25 jumping jacks.. grand total of 100 :)
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    This is an awesome challenge :) 50 sit ups, 25 'girl' push ups and I'll add 25 jumping jacks.. grand total of 100 :)

    Ill second those jumping jacks!