Labor day losers July 11th - September 5th (closed group)



  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Hi ladies! Weigh in this morning of 171, believe that's 1.5 down from last Monday but up from Friday as usual. I hate weighing in on Monday - I'm always over. :ohwell:

    5 servings of fruit and veggie - ooh that will be a little difficult. Not sure I can mange but I'll try. I didn't do so hot with the exercises last week, was fighting a sore back so I did what I could. I think it's getting better so I should be able to get at least the 25 in.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful week full of fruit and veggies! :bigsmile:
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    Week 7/11/11-- 166.8
    Week 7/18/11-- 166.9
    Week 7/25/11-- (7/22/11) 164.6
    Week 8/01/11-- 164.4
    Week 8/08/11-- 163.0
    Week 8/15/11--
    Week 8/22/11--
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss: ______lbs
  • mrswilson0511
    mrswilson0511 Posts: 132 Member
    I overslept this morning and didnt have time to weigh. I had 15 minutes before I had to leave and 10 of the i spent trying to shower as fast as i could. I will ahve to weigh tomorrow!

    I hope everyone had a good weekend.
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!! I hope you all had a great weekend and are having a good monday so far. Looking forward to this weeks challenge!!! And looking forward to working hard at all the previous challenges! Looks like we all agree that Mondays are not good weigh in days! I am down from last monday, but up a pound from last friday. Probably due to the fact we spent the weekend at the lake and I pretty much ate nothing but sub sandwichs, chips & beer! ugh! I did however avoid the dip, may seem small but i was the type to eat a whole tub of dip before! haha But I did manage to have a salad for dinner both friday and saturday night so i did get in some veggies. Lets make this a great week!!! Looking forward to seeing all our new numbers on the chart, looks like we are all down, even if only a little bit! :wink:

    Week 7/11/11-- 153.7
    Week 7/18/11-- 153.7
    Week 7/25/11-- 153.1
    Week 8/01/11-- 152.5
    Week 8/08/11-- 151.6
    Week 8/15/11--
    Week 8/22/11--
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss= 2.1 lbs
  • MeliF
    MeliF Posts: 41 Member
    Hello hot mamas! I have been MIA, so has my energy!
    Two weeks ago I weighed in at 224. For the last two weeks (including today) I have been at 225.5...I wish I had the energy to workout because I think that would help with the weight gain.
    Oh well!

    Looks like all of you are doing a great job, congrats!!
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    So I'm wondering what constitutes a 'serving' of fruit or veggie?
  • lovecola06
    lovecola06 Posts: 180 Member
    Happy Monday Mommies!!

    Here's my numbers for this week:

    Week 7/11/11-- 149.0 lbs
    Week 7/18/11-- 151.2 lbs
    Week 7/25/11-- 148.2 lbs
    Week 8/01/11-- 145.0 lbs
    Week 8/08/11-- 144.0 lbs
    Week 8/15/11--
    Week 8/22/11--
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss = 5.0 lbs

    It looks like everyone has made some progress towards their goals this week. I think I am the rare person who appreciates the Monday weigh-ins because it keeps me from getting too carried away with indulgences over the weekend:blushing: I feel that it would be very fair to use your Friday weight instead of the Monday weight if there is a significant difference, but don't go and gain 5 lbs over the weekend!:tongue:
    I got all the challenges done this past week, and I'm looking forward to our new challenge of fruits/veggies. I am probably right on the border of 5 now, so this will keep me honest. I like to drink a daily glass of V8 anyway

    btw, I think that a fruit/veggie is 1 cup veggies or one medium piece of fruit. I hope that's right?

    I noticed that the thread is not as active lately too. I haven't been on MFP as much lately b/c work has been keeping me really busy, but I check-in at least once daily to keep my motivation (and others) high. Even if we're not checking in as much as before, I know that everyone is doing their best to reach our Labor Day goals:wink: I think it has a lot to do with it being Summer & people taking lots of vacations/ trips..

    I hope everyone has a wonderfully healthy & active week!!!
  • Becreed
    Becreed Posts: 83 Member
    Hi ladies!!! I have been out of town on vacation and just got back this evening. I will weigh in tomorrow and catch up. I hope you all are well!
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 358 Member
    So I'm wondering what constitutes a 'serving' of fruit or veggie?

    After searching online, this is what I found.

    The United States Department of Agriculture sets a serving size for fruit or vegetables to be equal to about one-half cup. Greens like spinach and lettuce have a serving size equal to one full cup. One serving of sliced fruit is equal to one-half cup; however a single piece of fruit, such as an apple or an orange counts as one serving

    Here are some typical serving sizes for fruits and vegetables:


    one banana
    six strawberries
    two plums
    fifteen grapes
    one apple
    one peach
    one-half cup of orange or other fruit juice


    five broccoli florets
    ten baby carrots
    one roma tomato
    3/4 cup tomato juice
    half of a baked sweet potato
    one ear of corn
    four slices of an onion
  • quiarga
    quiarga Posts: 408 Member
    Week 7/11/11-- 123.0 lbs
    Week 7/18/11-- 124.4 lbs
    Week 7/25/11-- 122.4 lbs
    Week 8/01/11-- 120.2 lbs
    Week 8/08/11-- 118.0 lbs
    Week 8/15/11--
    Week 8/22/11--
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss: 5 lbs
  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 313 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! Almost hestitant to post todays weigh in - i was pleasantly surprised - just hope the number sticks :-)

    SW - 175.4
    7/18 - 172.4
    7/25 - 172.0
    8/1 - 170.4
    8/8 - 167.4

    Total Loss to date - 7 lbs

    Hope you all have a great week!

    Awesome job...we totally got this 15 lb. challenge.
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Happy Monday Mommies!!

    Here's my numbers for this week:

    Week 7/11/11-- 149.0 lbs
    Week 7/18/11-- 151.2 lbs
    Week 7/25/11-- 148.2 lbs
    Week 8/01/11-- 145.0 lbs
    Week 8/08/11-- 144.0 lbs
    Week 8/15/11--
    Week 8/22/11--
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss = 5.0 lbs

    It looks like everyone has made some progress towards their goals this week. I think I am the rare person who appreciates the Monday weigh-ins because it keeps me from getting too carried away with indulgences over the weekend:blushing: I feel that it would be very fair to use your Friday weight instead of the Monday weight if there is a significant difference, but don't go and gain 5 lbs over the weekend!:tongue:
    I got all the challenges done this past week, and I'm looking forward to our new challenge of fruits/veggies. I am probably right on the border of 5 now, so this will keep me honest. I like to drink a daily glass of V8 anyway

    btw, I think that a fruit/veggie is 1 cup veggies or one medium piece of fruit. I hope that's right?

    I noticed that the thread is not as active lately too. I haven't been on MFP as much lately b/c work has been keeping me really busy, but I check-in at least once daily to keep my motivation (and others) high. Even if we're not checking in as much as before, I know that everyone is doing their best to reach our Labor Day goals:wink: I think it has a lot to do with it being Summer & people taking lots of vacations/ trips..

    I hope everyone has a wonderfully healthy & active week!!!

    i know my posts have dwindled; im in that lack of motivation phase again. I'm a little sick of counting and logging, sorry for negativity :frown: love u guys, hate the weight loss many ups and downs!!!:explode: its a down week for me...i am not sticking to any of my exercise programs due to boredom, i cant do what i love consistently because of schedule (treadmill and elliptical); just a litte over it.............but i am going to keep it going because i DO want to lose weight and people like you show me that its possible.
  • Becreed
    Becreed Posts: 83 Member
    7/11 159.6
    7/18 156
    7/25 155.4
    8/1 154.3
    8/8 155.9

    Well i had a gain, but am not terribly worried about it. I made much better decisions than I usually do when I am at our family cabin and usually come back 5 to 8 lbs. heavier, so 1 and a half pounds isn't bad. I worked out almost every day we were there, got in my water and sit ups and push ups. I am really trying to make a lifestyle change and feel like that is showing in the change in my usual eating habits. Great job last week ladies!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    I wi say that I went to the fair last night and after my workout before going, eating moderatly and having "dinner" at the fair I still had 50 cals left for the day!!!!!!!! I only ate two handfuls of carmel corn, a wonderful huge cheese burger and a few swigs of homemade lemonade from the kids and hubbys cup. i felt so good when I came home and we had a blast. I realized that things are still fun without all the fat and grease! I had fun and indulged a bit with the fat burger I had!!! I did want to get something sweet but I just kept thinking of you all and your encouragement and the fact that this is ALL ABOUT ME......thanks Latoya!! Hope you all are having a great weekend!! See you at weight in on monday:)

    :smooched: needed to read this! thanks, and yes its ALL ABOUT U!!!!
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 358 Member
    Well I had been avoiding posting my progress as I know that I did not do well last week and I started this week sorta blah. After completing my run I weigh myself, and it was not as bad as I expected (specially at night). Thank goodness for each one of you for your support and for my amazing coworkers/friends that have decided to join me in like 4-5 different 5K's in preparation for greater milestones to come.... life is good.

    just feeling a little blue, I had to ground my 5 year old for the second time this week :-| he has gotten into the bad habit of saying bad words and I must put an end to it... hurts my heart!

    Week 7/11/11-- 155 lbs
    Week 7/18/11-- 154.7 lbs
    Week 7/25/11-- 154 lbs
    Week 8/01/11-- 152.9 lbs
    Week 8/08/11-- 153.4 lbs
    Week 8/15/11--
    Week 8/22/11--
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss: __1.6____lbs
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Sounds like all of us have had a rough start this week... :frown:
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Well I had been avoiding posting my progress as I know that I did not do well last week and I started this week sorta blah. After completing my run I weigh myself, and it was not as bad as I expected (specially at night). Thank goodness for each one of you for your support and for my amazing coworkers/friends that have decided to join me in like 4-5 different 5K's in preparation for greater milestones to come.... life is good.

    just feeling a little blue, I had to ground my 5 year old for the second time this week :-| he has gotten into the bad habit of saying bad words and I must put an end to it... hurts my heart!

    Week 7/11/11-- 155 lbs
    Week 7/18/11-- 154.7 lbs
    Week 7/25/11-- 154 lbs
    Week 8/01/11-- 152.9 lbs
    Week 8/08/11-- 153.4 lbs
    Week 8/15/11--
    Week 8/22/11--
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss: __1.6____lbs

    mimi!! scale is moving in right direction!!!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Sounds like all of us have had a rough start this week... :frown:

    good morning!! definitely a rough start:frown: but today is already a better day; i am determined to continue to pick myself up and keep going! so here is to our weekly goals! :bigsmile:
  • angelacasey736
    angelacasey736 Posts: 249 Member
    7/11 159.6
    7/18 156
    7/25 155.4
    8/1 154.3
    8/8 155.9

    Well i had a gain, but am not terribly worried about it. I made much better decisions than I usually do when I am at our family cabin and usually come back 5 to 8 lbs. heavier, so 1 and a half pounds isn't bad. I worked out almost every day we were there, got in my water and sit ups and push ups. I am really trying to make a lifestyle change and feel like that is showing in the change in my usual eating habits. Great job last week ladies!
    That is such a wonderfully positive attitude!
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    I have been MIA, but this dumb computer would not let me on to MFP!! I had a great come back week after my melt down! I think that I am back and ready to go again this time! I know I will probably have more ups and downs but such is life. I hope that I finally have my job situation set, I had to go bid on a new job AGAIN! Our district is such a mess!! I am also ready to get back into the swing of things with work and school because it will make this weight loss thing a whole lot easier! Have a great week lafies!!

    Here are my numbers:

    Week 7/11/11-- 195 lbs
    Week 7/18/11-- 191.8
    Week 7/25/11-- 197.1
    Week 8/01/11-- 197.4
    Week 8/08/11-- 191.0
    Week 8/15/11--
    Week 8/22/11--
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss: ______lbs