Labor day losers July 11th - September 5th (closed group)



  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Latoya & Kristyn, there MUST have been something in the air last nite b/c my 8-month old kept me up all nite too. Fortunately, I don't have anything "bad" in the house or I probably would have been very tempted. I usually munch on watermelon chunks or grapes when I get the mid-morning munchies. Don't beat yourself up over the oreos, water & exercise will do just fine:wink: Latoya, Good for you getting in a workout right away, that type of attitude will keep your progress moving well.

    I too think sometimes that being a mommy, wife, employee can really get overwhelming in addition to diet and exercise. But, that's why it's great to have a place like MFP where all of us are going through the same stuff & can encourage one another:flowerforyou: If nothing else, it's a great place to vent our frustrations, right?

    Becca, I am eating about 2000 calories now & I'm still having issues with my supply. It's kinda tricky to pinpoint an exact number of extra calories that we need to keep it up, especially when you factor in exercise calories... Make sure you're also getting enough water (which you probably already do). Whenever my supply gets low, i just up my current calories by 100-200 to compensate and that has been working just fine for this baby and with the last one (nursed till he was 14-months old). Good luck, but if you decide to stop breastfeeding at 8 months you've already done a wonderful job!

    This is crazy - my 8 month old has been keeping me up at night for the past week!!! She just keeps waking up and wanting a bottle; even if she just had one! :huh: I've been one exhausted mommy these last few days!!

    My daughter went through the same thing at about 6-7 months. My doctor said when she was taking 32 oz. per day and not satisfied that I needed to add a little cereal to her night time bottle. I did and it worked like a charm.

    Thanks Lisa. I do feed her 3 meals along with her bottles (that is when she chooses to eat them). My husband and I think it's more of a comfort or habit for her.
  • MeliF
    MeliF Posts: 41 Member
    Well my starting weight on 7/11 was 222 - back where I started for the first Mommy challenge! Oh well, going to try and maintain this number for awhile!
    I have my first ultrasound tomorrow. Please keep your fingers crossed for me that we see a baby and healthy, strong heartbeat!
    Good luck hot Mama's! :happy:
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Well my starting weight on 7/11 was 222 - back where I started for the first Mommy challenge! Oh well, going to try and maintain this number for awhile!
    I have my first ultrasound tomorrow. Please keep your fingers crossed for me that we see a baby and healthy, strong heartbeat!
    Good luck hot Mama's! :happy:
    Good luck!! We are with you the whole 9 months!
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    congrats melif!!! have a happy healthy pregnancy and after that get back on the weight thingy!! we'll still be here after you have the baby!!!!! good luck with the ultrasound!!! keep us posted :)
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    hey yall. just checking in. reading through the posts makes me smile and relax to know that i am not in this boat alone. i have 2 boys (15 months and 2 1/2 yr) and life Can be so hectic at times. wow. if there is anything in my house, sugar/junk, sometimes i could dive head first into the box. but alas, it does not solve anything to use food as a cruch. and i try to remind myself of that often and i also try to keep my "make me feel better" foods OUT of the house. (right now there are graham crackers, in bulk :0(, in my cupboards though) but i have found that if i allow myself a little each day, i dont find myself overinduldging AS BAD as i could (or used to). so- i love the positive attitudes on here. and i am so glad i found u ladies for support and a good laugh at times :0)
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Dropping weight steadily this week while not working out... hmmm... hate taking a week off, but that may need to be part of my plan. Always seems to jump start me again. I dont know if MFP doesnt allow me enough calories cuz maybe i do actually have a fast metabolism or the nursing... I dont know... Oh well after this crazy week of blisters on my palms and my best friend going into labor, its back to working out next week even if i dont watch my diet. Good news is I am 10lbs away from my prepreg weight. With my first son, while i was nursing i could not break the last 10lbs. When i let my milk dry up lost the 10lbs in a week! No milk drying anytime soon though! Enough about me, how are all you Mommies doing today? Lets get that water in!!!
  • Becreed
    Becreed Posts: 83 Member
    Hi ladies, I hope everyone is doing well and getting that water in. I am constantly thirst so water is not a problem, calories on the other hand is a different story. I went to movies and lunch today with some girlfriends (first time since baby was born) and while I planned ahead and new exactly what I was going to eat I still only have 110 calories left and haven't eaten dinner!

    Krysten, congratulations on being 10 lbs. away from pre-preg. weight. As for drying up, I think I am there! I tried to pump before the movies and got like a half an ounce! As I said earlier I am fine with this as it is getting harder to feed my very active, big boy while he is pulling my hair, grabbing my face and so on.

    Again I hope everyone is doing well and getting closer to their goals!
  • MeliF
    MeliF Posts: 41 Member
    Water is never my issue either! I easily drink 100 oz a day! :drinker:
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Good morning Mommies,

    I have a hate/love relationship with water so this challenge was needed. I am definitely getting into the habit of 8 cups a day! :drinker: Congrats Kristyn for being so close to pre baby weight; that is such a great feeling! I hope everyone is well; lets rock this second half of week 1!:glasses:
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    hello all!! i have had an awful but life changing morning!! lots gone wrong but i took the high road this time with my diet and i am so happy i did. i wont bore you with all the details, i already spilled it all on my feed but I wanted to share on here too. I am very thankful for this challenge and appreciate you latoya for all you do to keep it going!! we are all awesome mommies and deserve to have our lives and bodies be what we want!! if i cna be of any help or encouragment to any of you let me know i am here, helping you helps me :) no water yet today , but im on it now!! have a blessed day!!!
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Hi ladies! Hope everyone had a wonderful week. I am sooo looking forward to the weekend! I need some rest, been a long week. Has anyone thought about our challenge for next week? I was thinking about some sort of calorie burn challenge - say set a number of calories to burn in the week. I really want to up my 'burnage' and this might give me the incentive to do it. :happy: We are rocking the water challenge - I know it's helped me increase my intake.:drinker: Hope everyone has a wonderul weekend - looking forward to our weigh in on Monday.
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    I too love the weekly challanges but think we should keep the water challenge every week! Cal burn challange sounds great to me! Hope everyone is well!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Just a thought, who all would be interested in making there profile pic a pic of themselves at their goal weight??? Beccas awsome profile pic gave me the idea!!
  • angelacasey736
    angelacasey736 Posts: 249 Member
    Hi ladies! Hope everyone had a wonderful week. I am sooo looking forward to the weekend! I need some rest, been a long week. Has anyone thought about our challenge for next week? I was thinking about some sort of calorie burn challenge - say set a number of calories to burn in the week. I really want to up my 'burnage' and this might give me the incentive to do it. :happy: We are rocking the water challenge - I know it's helped me increase my intake.:drinker: Hope everyone has a wonderul weekend - looking forward to our weigh in on Monday.
    A few of us on here are actually doing a 3500/week calorie burn challenge - it is definitely keeping me in line with excercising and think its a great idea!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Hi mommies!!! Its Friday!!!! wooooohooooooo!!!! im so excited for the weekend! Our 1st weigh in (techinically second) is Monday so i am going to work hard (and play hard) this weekend. Thank you ladies for continuing the ideas for weekly challenges. As stated before i think its best to just take the 1st suggestion and since the 1st suggestion for the week is calorie burn, then calorie burn it is!!! So next weeks challenge is to burn :3000 calories next week through excercise. You can do it ladies!!! this is 500 calories a day for 6 days and 1 day of rest or it can be broken up how you like of course :smile: I also think that since each challenge is a life changing goal, we should strive to keep it going throughout the whole challenge. We can look at it as a running challenge with a new one added weekly. This way on Labor Day, we would have made 8 amazing changes towards our healthy lifestyle!! So keep drinking more water :drinker: and get ready to start burning next week!! Im interested in everyones workout plan for next week. Mine is a hybrid of Ripped in 30 and Insanity. What's yours? Once again thank you mommies for keeping me on track.. when i fall off i feel as if im disappointing you all as well as myself which keeps me motivated to take this all the way :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Sounds great! Does the calorie burn challange start sunday or monday?
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Sounds great! Does the calorie burn challange start sunday or monday?

    Starts Monday !
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Awesome!!! Not sure I can make 3000 but I will give it my best shot. Still a little difficult to find time with work and my 8 month old not sleeping at night. :frown: I'm still on the 30DS, I do a little Wii Fit now and then (boxing and running) and then walk on weekends. Hmmm - maybe I'll try by Zumba Wii??? We'll see
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Thanks! Monday it is! The shred gets me a little over 300 cals burned so ill just have to add in some Wii, my exercise bike, and maybe even a walk here and there!!! Gets get to drinkin :drinker: & burning ladies :blushing: ! Hope all you losers have a great weekend!!! :happy:
  • mrswilson0511
    mrswilson0511 Posts: 132 Member
    So my friend recommended this group, i know it says closed but I was wondering if I could get added, Im not a mommy yet but am losing the weight to first of all be healthier and second of all so we can get preggo! I have been stuck lately and trying to be able to squeeze in a workout on the days where I am working two jobs. If I can join then i totally understand. Let me know thanks and if anyone wants feel free to add me. I need all the support i can get.