Labor day losers July 11th - September 5th (closed group)



  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    COMPLETELY slacking on water today... ugh 6:30pm and only 7 glasses so far! :drinker: I know Ill hit my 8 but I usually have closer to 15 glasses! How is everyone doing on their exercise calories burned so far this week? So far I'm at 1267. I want to try to get in 2 work outs tomorrow, i hoping to get as close to the 3000 as possible. But I'll be happy with 2000! My personal goal till labor day is to get at least 20 minutes a day 6 days a week. And the 20 minutes have to be more then a walk, I need to be sweaty and have a high heart rate! :wink:

    Anyone else have any personal goals they are trying to acheive before our labor day weigh in??

    i want to rededicate myself and complete insanity by september 16th; i quit after 2 weeks :embarassed: and starting doing a hybrid...i need to complete it the right way :bigsmile:
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    COMPLETELY slacking on water today... ugh 6:30pm and only 7 glasses so far! :drinker: I know Ill hit my 8 but I usually have closer to 15 glasses! How is everyone doing on their exercise calories burned so far this week? So far I'm at 1267. I want to try to get in 2 work outs tomorrow, i hoping to get as close to the 3000 as possible. But I'll be happy with 2000! My personal goal till labor day is to get at least 20 minutes a day 6 days a week. And the 20 minutes have to be more then a walk, I need to be sweaty and have a high heart rate! :wink:

    Anyone else have any personal goals they are trying to acheive before our labor day weigh in??

    i want to rededicate myself and complete insanity by september 16th; i quit after 2 weeks :embarassed: and starting doing a hybrid...i need to complete it the right way :bigsmile:

    thats a great goal! You can do it!!!
  • nicolerah
    nicolerah Posts: 440 Member
    COMPLETELY slacking on water today... ugh 6:30pm and only 7 glasses so far! :drinker: I know Ill hit my 8 but I usually have closer to 15 glasses! How is everyone doing on their exercise calories burned so far this week? So far I'm at 1267. I want to try to get in 2 work outs tomorrow, i hoping to get as close to the 3000 as possible. But I'll be happy with 2000! My personal goal till labor day is to get at least 20 minutes a day 6 days a week. And the 20 minutes have to be more then a walk, I need to be sweaty and have a high heart rate! :wink:

    Anyone else have any personal goals they are trying to acheive before our labor day weigh in??

    i want to rededicate myself and complete insanity by september 16th; i quit after 2 weeks :embarassed: and starting doing a hybrid...i need to complete it the right way :bigsmile:

    You can do it LaToya.. we believe in you!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey everyone!!! Hope your all having a great week, and tomorrow is Friday!!! Where is everyone at today with water and calorie burns? Are you finding it easier to burn more or is it harder then you thought?

    Water= 9 glasses/72oz
    cals burned= 1849(week)
  • Becreed
    Becreed Posts: 83 Member
    You can do it Latoya! Insanity looks crazy, is it soo hard? Krysten (sp?) great job on the exercise this week! So, Latoya do I get a prize for guessing next week's challenge? LOL. I agree if we are getting the water, the exercise and staying within the calorie range we will be on fire! I am still struggling a little to figure out what to add with the breastfeeding, so I have given myself a little bit of a break. I am only feeding a couple of times a day now though, so probably shouldn't even be giving myself any extra, hmm?!

    Have a great evening!
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Hi ladies! Well, I am on a roll. 96oz of water today (so far) and I've got 1365 calories burned. I am thinking I need a rest day though; I've been doing some sort of exercise every day for a couple weeks and I think my body is just getting worn out. :yawn: Either that, or I'm just worn out. My baby kept me up all night last night; struggling with her not napping during the day and going to bed too early. I hope tonight is better; managed to keep her up till 7:30. Anyway, let me get off here and head to bed myself. :bigsmile:

    Keep up the good work everyone!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    alright ladies. i have kinda been bummed this week bc we had vbs at church 3 nights this week and this weekend and end of the week are going to be hectic and full too so i have not had much time to exercise. but up to this point i think i have burned 1200 calories and i will burn another 300 between today and sat so i think i will have that goal met and as far as water goes i always drink at least 100oz a day and prob more than that. and on a very positive note- i have lost 51 pounds and am now in the healthy bmi range- 24.9. you all are very motivating and uplifting. i hope i am the same for you. oh and i weighed in early bc we are going on vacation sunday. i am going to jog everyday for 20-30 min while we are there. you ladies keep up the great work and i will check in when i get back :)

    Week 7/11/11-- 166.8
    Week 7/18/11-- 166.9
    Week 7/25/11-- (7/22/11) 164.6
    Week 8/01/11--
    Week 8/08/11--
    Week 8/15/11--
    Week 8/22/11--
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss: ______lbs
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    oh imeant to post this too- anyone got any tips on weaning a 17 month old from breastfeeding? he nurses at night before bed, on the weekends at nap time, and usually in the morning as i try to sneak in a few extra minutes of sleep. he is for the most part sleeping in his bed. (whenever he wakes up and cant get back to sleep i will bring him in my bed and nurse him back to sleep). i am kinda torn too if i should even worry about it yet but we r planning to try for #3 in jan. and i really dont want to do the whole new baby AND TODDLER nursing thing- what should i do?
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 358 Member
    Great to read about everyone's hard work this week, I continue to have at least 10 cups of water a day and I am at 2084 calories burned for the week so far! Im hoping to get a jog in either tonight or tomorrow morning :) This week's challenge has really encouraged me to stay on task with my workouts! and eventhough I do not see the scale moving at all, I noticed my old thinner clothes fitting me a lot better!!!
    @Amanda421--congratulations on reaching such an amazing milestone, a healthy BMI!!!!!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Congrats Amanda! I healthy BMI is what we are all reaching for! Mimi the work out challange has been great for keeping me going as well, I feel like i need to get all my work outs in so I can report back. This is why I love these threads so much! Each time Ive done the shred ive started a thread so Id have member to keep me going! Hope this weekend doesnt throw any of us off. Im a little nervous for mondays weigh in, ive worked out a lot this week and have quite a few sore muscles and it is showing on the scale... up a couple lbs. I plan to not work out saturday so maybe that will give my body a little rest before monday! Great job to all of you, enjoy your friday!!!
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    thnaks yall have a great weekend and we and i will see u when i get back :)
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    i have juggled between 155 and 158 all month; no real weight loss; ugh so frustrating!!! its time for a change. i want to hit 148 really bad!!! help!!! i can honestly say i do go over my calories, but not by much!! I am going to focus on strict counting and not eating back my exercise calories to see if i get a boost. ugh!! weighing in today because i cant stand for another heartbreak on monday. my weigh in for the 25th is 158.4. :frown:

    7.11 157
    7.25 158.4
  • quiarga
    quiarga Posts: 408 Member
    latoya if you eat too few calories, your body goes into starvation mode and won't let go of anything because it's not sure when it's going to get enough of what it needs next! Just make sure your giving your body enough! With this weeks challenge, I'm hope everyone is eating enough and drinking enough to resupply their bodies!!

    I've been sick the last few days, and we cheated a bit because I didn't feel like cooking. I'm worried about Monday's weigh in this week because I already gained at the last weigh in from cheating last week for my birthday. I'm going in the wrong direction and need to get back on track now!!
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Ok ladies how did everyone do with the calorie burn? I burned 1,995 - can't believe I was only 5 short of 2000! I'm not looking forward to weighing tomorrow - always seem to be up on Mondays.:grumble: Hope everyone has a great week!!
  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 313 Member
    Week 7/11/11-- 239.0 lbs
    Week 7/18/11-- 236.80 lbs
    Week 7/25/11-- 231.0 lbs
    Week 8/01/11--
    Week 8/08/11--
    Week 8/15/11--
    Week 8/22/11--
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss: __-8.0____lbs
  • MeliF
    MeliF Posts: 41 Member
    Still at 224 - didn't gain anything this last week! :smile:

    I hope you all are doing great!
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    hi there mommies!! i had a huge set back with my job and at my moms so i had a struggle last week!! i didnt do well at all and am upset, for a minute. I am so ready to get back on and get into the game!! i hope i can do this this time i have no choice its lose it or get really fat and unhealthy and lose out on my family and friends. i am hoping for the first and am trying to focus that way. i am ready to get on track today for the rest of this long haul. thanks for all your help, support and motivation. hope you all had great weekends and here is my disgusting weigh in for the week.....oh and i didnt get my goal of even 1500 cal burned :( i feel stupid for even assuming i could do 2000 to 3000 :( this will get better.....right????? YES!!!

    Week 7/11/11-- 195 lbs
    Week 7/18/11-- 191.8
    Week 7/25/11-- 197.1
    Week 8/01/11--
    Week 8/08/11--
    Week 8/15/11--
    Week 8/22/11--
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss: ______lbs

    this kills me to even admit this. i thought about not even posting today, but i need to be honest with myself and being accountable on here is helping me heal and do the right thing. :sad: :cry: :sick: :embarassed: :frown: :grumble: :explode:
    i only have myself to be mad at tho!!!
  • nicolerah
    nicolerah Posts: 440 Member
    Good Monday morning ladies!! I hope you all have been well! How are the little ones??

    Its another Monday and that means weighing in... this morning I fought with the scale for almost 10 minutes trying to ensure that the reading was correct. I think we need a new scale.. and I think I wanna buy a digital one cause I hate only getting readings in halves.. I need a more accurate reading! Anyways, for what is worth, I lost, thankfully.

    As for challenges last week, I'm usually great with my water intake but the exercise challenge, well!! I managed to only do 1597 for the week, and that's with missing three days. I know if I really committed I could do more, but last week I was so tired a lot of times. I will make a greater effort this week.

    Anyways, here are my stats thus far:
    Week 7/11/11-- 140 lbs
    Week 7/18/11-- 139 lbs
    Week 7/25/11-- 137.5 (lost 1.5)
    Week 8/01/11--
    Week 8/08/11--
    Week 8/15/11--
    Week 8/22/11--
    Week 8/29/11--
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss: ______lbs

    PS.. .I'm seeing a couple mommies who are upset with themselves. I hope you take that negative energy and channel it into your workouts and don't allow yourself to get mad with yourself!! Use the emotion for a positive and get back on it! We are all in this together and we will fall from time to time, but the greatest victory comes when we rise up again!! Let's kick it!!!
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 358 Member
    i have juggled between 155 and 158 all month; no real weight loss; ugh so frustrating!!! its time for a change. i want to hit 148 really bad!!! help!!! i can honestly say i do go over my calories, but not by much!! I am going to focus on strict counting and not eating back my exercise calories to see if i get a boost. ugh!! weighing in today because i cant stand for another heartbreak on monday. my weigh in for the 25th is 158.4. :frown:

    7.11 157
    7.25 158.4

    OK my love!!! This is it!!!!! we will not let these numbers define us any longer!!! I hate it soooo much just like you, the scale is our worst enemy. We are doing everything right and we are diligently working on this new lifestyle. We will break through this plateau and succeed on our journey.... We will not give up, we will not let it define our day or our week instead we will allow it to motivate us to hit our goal!!!!!
    That frown is for the birds! WE.GOT.THIS!!!!!
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    We all did awesome this past week! We are kicking butt! :bigsmile:

    Ok so I'm down from last Monday, Yay!

    7/11 - 176.5
    7/18 - 175
    7/25 - 174

    I wish these pounds would come off faster! My husband was bragging last night that he lost 10 pounds since the 4th. Why is it so easy for men to lose weight? :grumble: But I am very happy for him though! :bigsmile:

    So the challenge this week is to stay under calories right? I might have a problem with this over the weekend; got family coming in. I'll just have to be extra good this week!