Why flirting on MFP is a bad idea..



  • CallMeMamaBoo
    this could be a potentially great place for people to meet....seeking a common healthy lifestyle is a great way to start a relationship BUT I think along this journey it's different for men and women. Women can't feel real sexy with the lights on... and most men don't care until they can't find certain things...even with the light on. Jussayin' Some people (men) might think this place is the perfect pick up site... (who wouldn't with all the half naked pictures you see!)...while some women would rather die a painful death than let their future love interest see them 'less than perfect' in a 'more to love' sorta way... with all that being said....

    who the freak cares? let people make their own mistakes...what good is a good lesson without doing something a little dirty along the way?

    (I'm married so what would I really know about this anyway?)
  • RockinHorseRanch
    I'm the Ms, these are mine.. I'm looking for Mr. like I said.

    Now that...is hot. Ummm, would you settle for Mr Right Now ;)

    Have fun lady. There are tons of great people on this site. Life isn't meant to be serious.

    Now beer is calling me...

    LOL you sound like a sweety, enjoy your drink!:drinker:
  • mamijujuphat
    mamijujuphat Posts: 407 Member
    Ok wait ...so are we talking about flirting or hooking up?..haha...either way to each their own...lol
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    I run a fairly small dating advice forum, and have three marriages from people who met on the site itself. Plus countless others who dated. One who realized she was at very least bi after meeting another forum member. They didn't sign up to meet someone, just to talk about dating and other off topic things. (My main site is a dating humor site, so some folks only joined for the laughs.) But in the course of reading each other's posts, they realized they had some things in common, started private messaging each other, met in person and fell in love. Similarly, a couple who I'm friends with met on Yahoo Games.

    It happens. If I were single, I wouldn't actively LOOK for someone on MFP or any other forum, but I think any way to meet is great. There's certainly nothing wrong with seeing someone's true self with their guard down, as opposed to putting on a front and being on your best behavior like when most people first start dating. :wink:

    My daughter met the love of her life on My Space. She never in her wildest dreams thought it would work out. They are getting ready to celebrate 4 yrs of marriage in November.
  • sagisun1969
    Oh I know we're all beautiful! That's why we're trying so very hard to change what we look like...

    I am beautiful and I want to continue to age gracefully....that's why I'm on here.
  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    I'm not single, but if I were... I think MFP would be the last place I'd be looking for love!


    OMG this literally made me laugh out loud!!
  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    I met my fiance on myyearbook.com...... totally was not looking for love lol we'll be together for 2 years next weekend <3
  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    The Strokes anyone, to Meet Me in the Bathroom?

    I've been fat, I've been skinny, I've been Goth, 'Mrs. Cleaver', preppie... and through it all, I've been me. Does this mean that my ex-husband, the boyfriends, lovers, friends and family haven't known ME except for when I'm skinny?

    I love the pole dancing bunny in your signature lol
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I run a fairly small dating advice forum, and have three marriages from people who met on the site itself. Plus countless others who dated. One who realized she was at very least bi after meeting another forum member. They didn't sign up to meet someone, just to talk about dating and other off topic things. (My main site is a dating humor site, so some folks only joined for the laughs.) But in the course of reading each other's posts, they realized they had some things in common, started private messaging each other, met in person and fell in love. Similarly, a couple who I'm friends with met on Yahoo Games.

    It happens. If I were single, I wouldn't actively LOOK for someone on MFP or any other forum, but I think any way to meet is great. There's certainly nothing wrong with seeing someone's true self with their guard down, as opposed to putting on a front and being on your best behavior like when most people first start dating. :wink:

    My daughter met the love of her life on My Space. She never in her wildest dreams thought it would work out. They are getting ready to celebrate 4 yrs of marriage in November.

    I met the love of my life on Yearbook.com. Would I have ever thought I'd meet someone online, fall in love with them and now live with them?

    Uh. No.

    But. You never know where love will find you. *shrug* To each their own, I say.
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    Oh I know we're all beautiful! That's why we're trying so very hard to change what we look like...

    I am beautiful and I want to continue to age gracefully....that's why I'm on here.

    I have been married to the same amazing man for 37+ yrs. I am here to get healthy. At 56 yrs of age I am on the verge of all the diseases of older Americans. I don't want to live my life out of the medicine cabinet.
  • ziggiezed
    ziggiezed Posts: 36
    Lol, very puzzled?????????????
  • ebramlett
    ebramlett Posts: 306 Member
    Hell I like to have a good time and cut up! Call it what you will.

    I am not very PC and dont want to be. I think its awesome if someone finds their special someone on here. Way cool!

    Now that that has been said, I have a few cold Sammys (Sam Adam Summer Ales ) calling my name! Cheers
  • wanttogetskinny
    Oh I know we're all beautiful! That's why we're trying so very hard to change what we look like...

    Well, I'm sorry you feel that way about yourself, but lots of people actually have good confidence and self-esteem. Hopefully you will feel better soon.

    Honey,did you miss all of the before and after pictures? that's what this site is all about, making a wonderful change, sorry you didn't understand that.

    That's only part of it. There are MANY people here who aren't here to make a change in how they look. Rather they are here to learn how to get fit, how to eat right, to maintain their weight, or *SHOCKER* gain weight. It is NOT all about heavy people getting 'skinny'. And many of those who ARE heavy aren't getting skinny to feel 'better about themselves' but rather because they want to be healthier and avoid health complications.

    Yes, many people post pictures....but that is one TINY part of the journey, and for many it's not even one of the important ones.
  • pmorgan813
    pmorgan813 Posts: 135 Member
    I am newly single, and excited about meeting Mr. right and enjoying life. Even though I've noticed some flirty remarkes on this site, It's still reeking with " Forget about dating signs" I have come to the conclusion that it's like "bathroom meet.com" When you're at your worst, trying to recapture the "better you" and you are staring your potential love in the face, Well what's romantic about that! Another way to look at it, we're in a factory being prepped and honed & transformed into wonderful, attractive, beautiful people. Just not done yet. Oh I know we're supposed to be beautiful as we are, I'm just saying...

    Do you work for UPS? Well you keep checking out my package...

    Do you think guys who use pick up lines think with their d*icks? You do? Well, can you blow my mind then?

    Listen, I get what you are saying (and no, I'm not drunk. Yet.) However, given physical appearance is only one small component of attractiveness I don't think there's any point waiting until you reach some mythical, magic goal weight. If you are single you are best off getting flirting quicker than a rat up a drainpipe (pardon the pun.) Perfect practice makes perfect.

    And yes. I totally googled "bathroommeet.com"

    I so wanted to google "bathroommeet.com" - did you learn anything worth while there?
  • ebramlett
    ebramlett Posts: 306 Member
    Ok wait ...so are we talking about flirting or hooking up?..haha...either way to each their own...lol

    Awesome! Agreed! hahaha
  • Summer_Rose
    This thread has been an interesting read. I think that some guys, as well as some women may want to hold off a possible relationship until they are in better shape, or just plain feel better about themselves. I know of one MFP guy that would not post his picture until he lost 40 pounds. He was divorced, but just not ready to flirt, or date, or whatever until he got close to his goal. most folks on here are in a coasting mode to better themselves, nothing more.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I am newly single, and excited about meeting Mr. right and enjoying life. Even though I've noticed some flirty remarkes on this site, It's still reeking with " Forget about dating signs" I have come to the conclusion that it's like "bathroom meet.com" When you're at your worst, trying to recapture the "better you" and you are staring your potential love in the face, Well what's romantic about that! Another way to look at it, we're in a factory being prepped and honed & transformed into wonderful, attractive, beautiful people. Just not done yet. Oh I know we're supposed to be beautiful as we are, I'm just saying...

    I'm confused.
    I can't tell if you're upset that you've been flirted with on MFP but noone's asking you out on a date? Or you're annoyed that you've been flirted with, or not flirted with?

    Thus, why I am confused. :huh:

    I'm on MFP to get fit and healthy. I don't get your comment about people being here to transform themselves into wonderful attractive people--I already think my friends on here are wonderful attractive people, and I think I'm a wonderful, kind, attractive, smart, friendly, funny person--losing a few pounds isn't going to change that about me. :love: I don't look at MPF as a dating site, but if I happened to click with someone I talked to on here, I would not automatically reject it because that person may have "seen" me at my worst--it would be no different than if I met them anywhere else in my life. It's all about being open to the possibilities.
  • elsham
    elsham Posts: 549 Member
    Hey if someone wants me as I am now, all my craziness and insecurities and fat and whatnot, that's love man. When I first started this journey a year ago it was totally all about losing weight and looking good for other people. I'd say about 4 months in I said F everything, this is about ME, and stopped caring about how I appeared to others.That was when I started really enjoying every day, having fun, and meeting amazing people b/c I wasn't uptight and so conscious (did I spell that right?) of myself that I couldn't even do anything. Life's too short to wait until you're perfect to start living (says the 20 yr old, but hey, it's true!).

    Bathroommeet.com? WTF?! The Strokes have a song called "meet me in the bathroom," does this have anything to do with that?

    Promises, something something They'd say THATS OOOOK Long as we can celebraaaate ladidadida MEET ME IN THE BATHROOM THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!!!! *dances out*


    EDIT: sorry to the lady above who mentioned The Strokes. I didn't read through everything before I posted.
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    Damn, if flirting is a bad idea then I am in BIG trouble here.
  • RockinHorseRanch
    I'm confused.
    I can't tell if you're upset that you've been flirted with on MFP but noone's asking you out on a date? Or you're annoyed that you've been flirted with, or not flirted with?

    Thus, why I am confused. :huh:

    I'm on MFP to get fit and healthy. I don't get your comment about people being here to transform themselves into wonderful attractive people--I already think my friends on here are wonderful attractive people, and I think I'm a wonderful, kind, attractive, smart, friendly, funny person--losing a few pounds isn't going to change that about me. :love: I don't look at MPF as a dating site, but if I happened to click with someone I talked to on here, I would not automatically reject it because that person may have "seen" me at my worst--it would be no different than if I met them anywhere else in my life. It's all about being open to the possibilities.

    Now you have me confused.. you said on your profile that you want to; step out from behind the camera for a change and look good in front of it, but now your' saying you're here to get fit and healthy. So I really can't tell if you want to be healthy or just look good in front of the camera. Well I'm guessing it's a combination, so would it be fair to assume it's a combination of events that led the OP to say flirting on MFP is a bad idea?