**LADIES** P90x Challenge starting August 1st!!!



  • jamielynn1981
    jamielynn1981 Posts: 232 Member
    Kempo X today :)
  • Tracie65
    KenpoX done. Switchingsomw stuff around due to time this week, but getting it done! Kenpo is my favorite!! Week five almost done, everyone is doing such a great job!!
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Week 8 Day 5. Core Syn. Done. This workout kills my poor hip bones, even with a double padded mat. Silly bow/boat and superman/banana...
  • Melslifestylechange
    Week 5, Day 6, Kenpo X Done! Yesterday was my rest day. Kenpo X was so much fun, I could have continued for another hour. I'll be doing Yoga X tomorrow since I'll have more time and may need to switch things up a bit to ensure that I get all workouts done this week. Gotta have a plan.

    Keep bringing it ladies.
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Week 8 Day 6, Yoga not done. Haha, I wanted something a little higher impact so I went for a run and did a Bodyrock workout with my new 3kg medicine ball. I'm calling today my "rest day" and doing the Yoga tomorrow.

    Week 9 should technically start on Tuesday for me, but I'm going to Hong Kong/China for 2 weeks. I'm gonna keep doing other workouts, but I don't think I'll be able to keep up with the P90x, so I'm just gonna start back in on week 9 when I get back.
  • Melslifestylechange
    Week 6, Day 1, Yoga X Complete.

    The 3 things that I appreciate about this workout include:
    1. Tony provides great instruction and guidance.
    2. I have more control over my body and am thoughtful about every movement.
    3. Once I get into the balance poses (42 minutes left on the clock), the rest of the workout is rather enjoyable and calming.

    Happy Monday!
  • jamielynn1981
    jamielynn1981 Posts: 232 Member
    Stupid sinus infection today and feel like crap!! Glad I started week 6 yesterday instead of today, so I am going to take my rest day today and hopefully feel better in the morning at 5 am....HOPEFULLY
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Yoga x done for start of week 8(recovery week ).
  • jamielynn1981
    jamielynn1981 Posts: 232 Member
    Got 35 min in of Plyo this morning. Still not feeling 100% and didn't want to push myself too hard, so I'm happy with that.
  • Melslifestylechange
    Week 6, Day 2, Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps plus Ab ripper X. Feeling pretty good after today's work out. I hope to see an increase in my upper body strength when these 90 days are over.

    Get well soon garrettsmommy. Great job on pushing yourself even when you're under the weather.
  • Melslifestylechange
    Week 6, Day 3, Plyometrics. Check. This workout is still kicking my butt yet I know that it is worth it.
  • jamielynn1981
    jamielynn1981 Posts: 232 Member
    Back & Biceps/ARX done today :)
    Feel much better today!
  • Melslifestylechange
    Week 6, Day 4, Back, Biceps, and Ab ripper X Check! Doing the Mason twists at the end of ab ripper x felt so good today. I feel super charged and ready to start my day.

    Keep sticking with it ladies. I'm behind you 110%!
  • jamielynn1981
    jamielynn1981 Posts: 232 Member
    Went ahead and did some Plyo again today since I couldn't finish it on Monday. Really wasn't feeling yoga today!
  • jamielynn1981
    jamielynn1981 Posts: 232 Member
    Legs & Back/ARX-done!
  • Melslifestylechange
    Week 6, Day 5, Kenpo X - Done! I made yesterday my rest day because I did not wake up early enough to do Legs, Back, and Ab ripper X and now I'm spending the weekend with family. I'll have to get it in Sunday evening to complete week 6.

    We are getting a little bit closer to our goals every time that we press play. Let's make it happen!

    P.S. During this weekend, please take a moment to honor the tose who lost their lives on 9/11 and pray for their love ones.

    Take care.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Week 8 day 5- core synergistic day! Love this workout-works everything! Tomorrow is yoga then recovery week is done! Week 9 is Monday! Bring it!!!
  • jamielynn1981
    jamielynn1981 Posts: 232 Member
    Rest day today, getting ready to start week 7!! BRING IT!! :tongue:
  • Melslifestylechange
    Week 6, Day 6, Legs, Back & Ab ripper X, Done. Finally! I'm behind a day, so I'll have to double up one day this week to catch up. Hope you are all doing well.

    Happy Monday!
  • Melslifestylechange
    Week 7, Day 1, Chest, shoulders, triceps, ab ripper x Done. I've had a slow start to the week but I'm hoping to pick things up for the remainder of the week. Still trying to bring it. Wondering where all of my MFP's are this week.