Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom - Group 2 - CLOSED THREAD

Ok - Group 2 - here we go! I am Nancy - I am honestly not totally sure whether I am captain or shelleilei is, but I see people looking for the thread, so I am starting it since I am up and running today! I will work on getting all of Chari's templates up and running as the day goes on, but I wanted to get us out here.

Thinking we could be Hot Moms Headed to Onederland, since that seems to be where we are all headed!! Please jump on here and introduce yourselves, also add each other as friends so we can motivate each other on our home pages as well!

Members of group 2 are:

Me - nlsalvatore
co-captain - shelleilei
summer of 69

Make friends, if you haven't already!

I am Nancy. I'm turning 42 next month. I have 2 children - a daughter who is 10 and a son who just turned 6. They are both in various activities & I spend alot of time driving them around! I am heading into my 20th year of teaching and am currently home for the summer. I joined MFP in January because I was doing a weight-loss challenge at my school, and a few of my coworkers had found this site and told me about it. I love it! I have lost 31 pounds so far, and have gone from a size 22 to a 16/18.

My SW in Jan. was 234.4, and my CW is 203.4. Intermediate Weight, which I assumed was the weight you would like to be halfway through this challenge, is 190, and my GW for the end of this challenge (12/31) is 178. I am shooting for a 25 pound loss, so I just divided it in half for the intermediate weight and rounded a little bit.

Good luck everyone! Looking forward to getting to know you and encouraging each other!! Let's get hot!!! Please post your SW, IW, and GW here on the thread, so we can get our chart completed.

Thanks & happy losing!


  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    What? This is the thread for members of the Who wants to be a hot mom? challenge. It's for group 2 but anyone in the challenge is welcome to comment.

    Ok group - warning - this is going to be totally corny, but I can't help it! Put the song in your head 'Walking in a Winter Wonderland" - We're on our way to becoming "hot moms in a winter Onederland!" haha! A little wintry thought on this extremely hot July day!!
  • AmberCHM
    AmberCHM Posts: 430 Member
    Thanks for getting the group up and running, Nancy!

    My name is Amber. I am 25 years old and a mom to 5 1/2 month old boy/girl twins. I have PCOS and struggled with infertility for two years and one early miscarriage before getting pregnant with my twins. I'm losing weight to be healthy for my babies, to hopefully be able to have another child in a couple of years (without fertility treatments!) and to feel and look good!

    My highest weight ever was 286.. I have no idea how I got there and don't even remember when it was but that number is burned in my brain! I wasn't even that heavy when I was pregnant with twins!!
    I started MFP June 1st of this year at 257.4 and am currently at 236.4. I started this weight loss journey with a goal of 60 lbs. Ideally, I'd like to lose more but I'm trying to give myself an attainable goal.

    So for this challenge my goal is 39 lbs...
    IW- 216.4
    GW- 197.4 (my 60 lb goal!)
  • shelleilei
    shelleilei Posts: 122 Member
    Hi everyone. I am Shelly. I am 29 years old and have a six year old son. My metabolism caught up with me a couple years ago and I started packing on the pounds. 5 pounds here and 10 pounds there equalled out to be ALOT of pounds everywhere. I am 211 starting out but my main goal is to go back down to 140 pounds. This is the highest weight that I have been and I REFUSE to buy anymore bigger sizes sooooo, here I am. Feel free to message me or friend me and I look forward to seeing all of us change for the better!
  • shelleilei
    shelleilei Posts: 122 Member
    P.S. I was thinking maybe we can post our before pics as well so that when the competition is done we can all see how far we have all come along.
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,152 Member
    thanks for setting this up

    i'm 30 and a full time mum to twin step daughters 11, two girls aged 2 and 4 and a boy aged 8.
    since having kids my weight has slowly crept up until new year i finally found the oomph to do something about it, i was 238lbs, I have lost 22lbs since then, 10 since joing MFP
    My goal for the end of this challenge is 176 so Onderland sounds like a great winter place!!
    anyone on here is more than welcome to message me or add me as a friend, we can all do it!
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Ok, so far I have noticed that the 3 of us who have posted so far are also in the Lean by Halloween challenge! Nice!
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Still working on how to post the chart.
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Awesome - chari did it!
  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108
    Your team is Group 2

  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108
    Please Captain edit your post, that table is for group 1 :ohwell:
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Please Captain edit your post, that table is for group 1 :ohwell:

    Yep - I was trying to figure out how to put it on here and ended up with the wrong one - thanks for posting our group! I was just about to message you and ask for help!:wink:
  • shelleilei
    shelleilei Posts: 122 Member

  • shelleilei
    shelleilei Posts: 122 Member
  • shelleilei
    shelleilei Posts: 122 Member
  • shelleilei
    shelleilei Posts: 122 Member
  • shelleilei
    shelleilei Posts: 122 Member
    Sorry for all the useless posts here. I was trying to test out some codes but they didn't work.
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,152 Member
    not sure about the before pics - i hate having my pic taken but if other people do i will too!
    are we having any challenges running ?
  • AmberCHM
    AmberCHM Posts: 430 Member
    I'll post a before picture if I can figure out how to do it from my phone. Unfortunately, it's the only way I have of getting online. I'm excited to get to know y'all! Can't wait til we're all in ONEderland!!
  • mindyrenee81
    mindyrenee81 Posts: 67 Member
    Hello! My name is Mindy, Im 29 years old. I have three children two boys ages 13 and 12, and one girl age 7. I have been married for 11 years, my husband is in the National Guard and set to deploy in September. My highest weight was 240 but I was pregnant with my youngest. Needless to say I never did lose weight after I had her. I havent always been heavy. When I was in high school I weighed 130 pounds, then I ended up pregnant with my oldest my sophmore year of high school. I gained close to 70 pounds with him. He weighed in at 10lbs 2oz when he was born and I lost all of my weight after I had him. After my second son I lost almost all of my weight from him but then I had gallbladder problems. I gained alot of weight with my last pregnancy due to stress and losing my grandmother to ovarian cancer when I was five months pregnant, I was extremely close to her. I didnt tell her that I was pregnant until a few weeks before she passed away. My ultimate goal weight is 140 pounds and my intermediate weight for this challenge is 180. If anyone wants to friend me feel free to do so.