Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom - Group 2 - CLOSED THREAD



  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Mindy, where is your husband deploying to? I have a brother in the Army & he just returned from a year in Afghanistan. Nice to meet you!
  • AmberCHM
    AmberCHM Posts: 430 Member
    Ok, I can't figure out how to post a "before" from my phone...
  • mindyrenee81
    mindyrenee81 Posts: 67 Member
    Nice to met you too!! My husband is deploying to Afghanistan for a year. :( Its going to be hard especially with trying to lose weight. Thats why I joined MFP.
  • AmberCHM
    AmberCHM Posts: 430 Member
    Anyone know how to post pictures? I thought I had the right code for my picture...apparently not...
  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108
    Anyone know how to post pictures? I thought I had the right code for my picture...apparently not...

    Amber, just upload your pictures to http://imgur.com/
    then get the codes with IMG and change it for img lower case, it will show in your posts. Good luck! :wink:
  • AmberCHM
    AmberCHM Posts: 430 Member

    Ok, here's my before. This was taken a couple of months ago but it's pretty accurate. I'm 5' 7", so I've got some height on me but this weight doesn't look good on anyone! Hope everyone else shares their before :)

  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108
    Quote of the Day:

    "Don't exchange what you want the most for what you want right now!"

  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Hi all you hot moms! It's hot, hot, hot where I live! Drink up that water!! I wanted to share with you that I just saw another group starting that you might be interested in. It is geared towards people trying to reach Onederland by December! I know that we will be supporting each other right here, but I also don't know anyone working towards a weight loss goal who can't use more support & encouragement! So if you want to check it out, it's the Winter Onederland thread in Community.

    I had no chance to try and do a before pic today, but it you look at my profile picture, that's about where I am 10 pounds ago. Have a great night!
  • AmberCHM
    AmberCHM Posts: 430 Member
    Nancy, I joined the Winter ONEderland group with you. I sure hope I can make it :)
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Ok moms! As we head into the hot, hot, weekend, remember to drink your water, watch your portions, & stay movin'!! First weighin is on Monday morning! I weighed in today for a different challenge I am doing, and am down almost 2 pounds this week! Now, the trick is to maintain that over the weekend - always the biggest challenge for me! I used to be so frustrated - felt like I spent all week making up for the weekend! Well, I got tired of that - it was very self-defeating. We go out to eat alot on the weekend, so first thing was to not do that so much. The second thing I do now is try to plan ahead - if we are going out to eat, I look up the nutrition info. on the restaurant's website, and make my choices beforehand, then log them in to my food diary. What's your best tip for getting through our busy weekends? Please share!
  • AmberCHM
    AmberCHM Posts: 430 Member
    I really don't have any tips for making it through te weekend. I am so motivated this time that I don't want to cheat! I like seeing the weight drop way more than I would like my cheat food. I've earned 2 cheat days so far and haven't used them. I was waiting until I was really craving something to use them. Well, I guess I did "use" one of my cheat days...I traded it for a hot pink shake weight :) So instead of my yummy, high calorie cheat day, I got a shake weight :)

    Drinking enough water is definitely a challenge for me! I need to focus on that!
  • AmberCHM
    AmberCHM Posts: 430 Member
    We're not very active here ladies :(

    What's everyone's favorite way to work out?
    My FAVORITE is Dance Central on my XBox 360 with kinect. It's not what burns the most calories (my running does that) but it's so much fun!! It gets my heart rate up and I'm usually sweating after the first 2 dances! It's great to be able to work out and have fun doing it!
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,152 Member
    ok a couple of things, i will be weighing in on monday - it's when i weigh here and somewhere else, i always put weight on during the week then more often than not lose it by monday, should do a mid week weigh in too then my loss would be even more lol

    i don't mind drinking water as long as it's cold, i use a bottle with a sports type lid, fill it and put it in the freezer then usually forget and have to wait til it's defrosted but it's soo much nicer ice cold!

    my favourite work out is leslie sansone so far i have done up to 4 miles but keep doing it, need to try the 5 now, i've also got a biggest loser plan thing and have started that - the first one made me really sore but i'm going to keep going with it

    hope everyone does well and see you all around here
  • shelleilei
    shelleilei Posts: 122 Member
    Weekend Diet Tips c/o Men's Fitness


    IF YOU PLAN TO . . .

    . . . party:
    * Pencil in at least one longer workout later in the week to counteract the extra weekend calories you'll no doubt consume.

    * Take a break from your typical routine to cross-train or, say, attend a boxing class. You'll burn more fat as you put demands on different muscles. Take a swim instead of your typical stint on the elliptical machine; or play basketball or soccer. Maybe swap a short run for a longer one that includes sprints and hills.

    * Try to start Saturday and Sunday with a healthy breakfast, even if you're waking up later. It'll rev up your metabolism. Successful weight control is consistently linked to breakfast-eating.

    . . . chill at home:
    * Jump on the scale on Saturday morning, and plan to do it again on Monday. Researchers say people who weigh themselves are better at weight control.

    * Variety is the cornerstone of a healthy diet, but having too many options spells doom for persistent snackers. Restrict afternoon snacks to one healthy choice, such as almonds, popcorn, or pretzels. No refills!

    * Avoid mindless eating while you commune with your DVR. Leave food and drinks in the kitchen. When food's directly under your nose, you eat more.

    . . . barhop:
    * Head out with a full belly. Before hitting the bar, eat a meal with at least six ounces of meat, poultry, or fish and a cup or more of cooked vegetables. When you're full you're less likely to cave in to high-fat bar food.

    * Steer clear of mixed drinks, which can pack upward of 500 calories per. Stick with a 150-calorie beer or glass of wine. Or at least opt for something made with a low-cal mixer, like diet soda or diet tonic.

    * Budget. Set a limit on how much you'll spend on drinks before the night starts. Then alternate alcoholic beverages with mineral water or club soda. You'll drink less alcohol and maybe even come in under your goal.
    * Get your rest. Sleep deprivation can wreak havoc on your metabolism and makes it difficult to avoid overeating, especially after a long night of drinking.

    . . . eat out:
    * Order first. Set the tone for the meal by choosing a healthier entrèe.

    * Don't waste calories on mundane foods, like white rolls or baked potatoes. Save those calories for foods you don't eat very often or never make at home.

    * Drink with dinner, not before. A predinner drink lowers your resistance, making you much more likely to indulge on something you didn't really want.

  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Thanks for the tips Shelly!

    My favorite workouts are Wii related - I started out doing Wii Fit Plus, then tried a Zumba class - which I love & still attend twice a week as long as I can work out the babysitting since my husband got bumped to 2nd shift for a few months - I then got the Zumba game for Wii, and have recently added Gold's Gym Dance Workout for Wii to my collection! I just tried Turbo Jam - a friend gave me her DVD to try & I really liked that too. To me, these workouts are all a way to get a nice burn while having fun, and if it's not fun, I'm not likely to stick with it! I tried 30ds but didn't care for it. Today I did 30 minutes of Wii fit in the morning, then just did 45 minutes of Wii Zumba, and will be heading to the pool tonight.
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member

    Trying to figure out how to post a current picture from photobucket, which I have never used before now. And please ignore all the crap that is on my kitchen counter, which I did not have a chance to put away today! Anyway, this is me today, weight 201.1 - when I am on my other computer I will post a picture of me when I started MFP at 234.4.
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member

    Ok - here is my first attempt at our group chart. Please check your Intermediate Weights and Goal Weights for the challenge and let me know if I need to change anything. I will update and try to center it more after everyone weighs in this week. Have a great rest of the weekend! If you have ideas for weekly challenges, post on the thread, or PM your thoughts to me or to Shelly. My challenge for all of us for this week is for everyone in our small group to check in on this thread at least once and encourage each other!
  • mindyrenee81
    mindyrenee81 Posts: 67 Member
    Hello!! I would have to say that my favorite cardio workout would be the elliptical. My favorite workout dvd would be my kettlebell dvd. I havent had a chance to use my kettlebell dvd in the last few months. I have been waiting to drop 15 to 20 pounds before I start back up with it. I had foot surgery in November 2010. All the weight that I have on me right now aggravates my foot to the point that I cant walk after I do the workout on there..... Just so that everyone knows, I have been diagnosed with depression. I have been on medicine for it for almost a year now. At the present time my husband is gone for his summer training. My depression has started rearing its ugly head since he has been gone. I have a little over two months before he leaves for a year. Im going to need all the support that I can get. Im sticking with my weightloss goals and with this thread too. I want him to come back home to a hot *kitten* wife.
  • AmberCHM
    AmberCHM Posts: 430 Member
    Mindyrenee- I JUST got an elliptical and I really like it but, goodness, does it kick my butt!!! Hopefully we can all be super supportive for you during this difficult time. Yes, he's going to come back home to a smoking hot wife!! He'll be able to pick you up and spin you around and give you a movie worthy homecoming kiss :)

    Nancy- my chart looks right to me! You are so close to ONEderland!!!! Totally jealous :)
  • mindyrenee81
    mindyrenee81 Posts: 67 Member
    So its Monday I know that we are suppose to weigh in today. My weight hasnt changed any.:sad: My weight for this week is still 219. Im going to work my butt off this week to lose two pounds for next weeks weigh in.