SAHMU Team BLACK (closed group)



  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Had to get up super early this morning to get my workout in, weekends are so hard for me to stay on top of things when all I want to do is hang out with the family and be lazy, but I got in done and feel AMAZING!! Had a breakfast burrito this morning for breakfast but instead of having potatoes and beens and cheese and all that good/bad stuff I just had lean steak and a little egg. Proud for making a healthy decision LOL! Logged 509 calories but later I will be cleaning and grocery shopping so that will burn even more! Hope y'all all have a wonderful safe weekend! OH and I managed to stay under fat yesterday WOOHOO!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Had to get up super early this morning to get my workout in, weekends are so hard for me to stay on top of things when all I want to do is hang out with the family and be lazy, but I got in done and feel AMAZING!! Had a breakfast burrito this morning for breakfast but instead of having potatoes and beens and cheese and all that good/bad stuff I just had lean steak and a little egg. Proud for making a healthy decision LOL! Logged 509 calories but later I will be cleaning and grocery shopping so that will burn even more! Hope y'all all have a wonderful safe weekend! OH and I managed to stay under fat yesterday WOOHOO!

    Way to go; sounds like a GOOD day!!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    For SA. 8/27/11 (also posted on the main thread)
    Body Pump = 200
    Treadmill/ Running = 167
    Under sodium = waaaay over (573 mg. over) :grumble:
    50 Bridges

    I am really irritated with myself: I went to a friends for a BBQ; things were going well until dessert... ugh! Let the completely unplanned/ mindless snacking begin! Not the day I wanted or planned; gotta really look into that why- feel like I let someone down... I guess it's about refocusing, learning, and moving on; tomorrow's another day (I will keep saying that until I believe it).
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    For SA. 8/27/11 (also posted on the main thread)
    Body Pump = 200
    Treadmill/ Running = 167
    Under sodium = waaaay over (573 mg. over) :grumble:
    50 Bridges

    I am really irritated with myself: I went to a friends for a BBQ; things were going well until dessert... ugh! Let the completely unplanned/ mindless snacking begin! Not the day I wanted or planned; gotta really look into that why- feel like I let someone down... I guess it's about refocusing, learning, and moving on; tomorrow's another day (I will keep saying that until I believe it).

    Don't get too frustrated with yourself. I think that sometimes we put this pressure and belief that this lifestyle change means we should never have days where we fall off the wagon ... it's just not realistic! The key is really to start anew the next day and not allow it to become the norm.

    As for Sodium.. i too went over! it is the one area that I can never seem to get under control... so I make up for it by working out more! lol

    Hope the rest of your week goes well and that we have an awesome week!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    For SA. 8/27/11 (also posted on the main thread)
    Body Pump = 200
    Treadmill/ Running = 167
    Under sodium = waaaay over (573 mg. over) :grumble:
    50 Bridges

    I am really irritated with myself: I went to a friends for a BBQ; things were going well until dessert... ugh! Let the completely unplanned/ mindless snacking begin! Not the day I wanted or planned; gotta really look into that why- feel like I let someone down... I guess it's about refocusing, learning, and moving on; tomorrow's another day (I will keep saying that until I believe it).

    Don't get too frustrated with yourself. I think that sometimes we put this pressure and belief that this lifestyle change means we should never have days where we fall off the wagon ... it's just not realistic! The key is really to start anew the next day and not allow it to become the norm.

    As for Sodium.. i too went over! it is the one area that I can never seem to get under control... so I make up for it by working out more! lol

    Hope the rest of your week goes well and that we have an awesome week!

    Thanks so much Sarah! The past couple of days have been so tough; stress, stress, oh yes, & more stress... I think when I glimpse the mindless eating, it scares me that I will go back to the way I used to be, so I am working hard on the mind part of things, to reach out and not get stuck, not go back to the old self.
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    For SU. 8/28/11 (also posted on the main thread)

    Under carbs = 21 g under (surprising given how crappy I ate)
    50 Skater Squats (challenges my balance!)

    Today was another tough day; didn't take care of myself; I even knew it while I wasn't doing what I should have (drinking enough water, regular, healthy meals, bad food choices, too much snacking, no exercise, not enough sleep). I have to work my mind as much as my body to figure this out; I am better than today!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    For Sat:
    Sodium ~ under, how did I do that????
    50 bridges~ done

    For Sun:
    Carbs ~ under, no problem!!!
    50 skater squats~ done!

    What a busy week-end, I'm exhausted!! Hope everyone made it through Irene okay!!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    So i did a workout today, not my usual one but i got up and did something, feeling pretty sluggish today and working out didnt make it go away, just made it worse. Did some cleaning today which helped contribute to the calorie burn, and trying to stay active for as long as possible today. I've done all my strenght training and stayed under everything over the weekend. Took a peak at my weight today, and realized that even though I had a huge gain the day after weigh-in, i didnt gain any over the weekend I actually lost a pound. Not even gonna think about the scale again until Wednesday!
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    I made it through Irene! I am totally blessed to come through with NO damage to my property! I do have to fix the gravel hill tomorrow once I get the kids off to school. I have deep ruts in my hill and all the gravel is at the bottom of my driveway. *sigh* I think I will be shoveling and moving gravel tomorrow! Ugh ...

    So ... here are my stats from the weekend. Not good ... not good. :(

    Sat ~
    Under Sodium but no exercise. :(

    Sunday ~
    I did not log .. it was a busy day with storm clean-up. I did not do the exercise either. :(

    Under Cals and Tricep Dips done! :)

    I'm only under on cals because I came home from the fair and raked up the yard from Irene. Hahaha! I also counted the walking around I did at the fair since I am not usually walking around for that long!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Sometimes that is all we can do is just try to stay active as much as possible. I think it's a great idea to forget the scale until Wed! The scale makes my head hurt. lol
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    I made it through Irene! I am totally blessed to come through with NO damage to my property! I do have to fix the gravel hill tomorrow once I get the kids off to school. I have deep ruts in my hill and all the gravel is at the bottom of my driveway. *sigh* I think I will be shoveling and moving gravel tomorrow! Ugh ...

    So ... here are my stats from the weekend. Not good ... not good. :(

    Sat ~
    Under Sodium but no exercise. :(

    Sunday ~
    I did not log .. it was a busy day with storm clean-up. I did not do the exercise either. :(

    Under Cals and Tricep Dips done! :)

    I'm only under on cals because I came home from the fair and raked up the yard from Irene. Hahaha! I also counted the walking around I did at the fair since I am not usually walking around for that long!

    i guess Irene was good for one reason! i'm glad you enjoyed yourself at the fair .. I love fair season!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Morning All !
    For Monday:
    Calories~ under
    Dips~ done

    Didn't get in as much exercise as I had wanted, wanted to finish up last minute sewing ( my daughter decided she likes wearing dresses to school more than shorts, so had to make a few more uniform dresses), that plus laundry, bathrooms, windows and floors that needed to be cleaned....there just isn't enough time in the day!!!!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Sometimes that is all we can do is just try to stay active as much as possible. I think it's a great idea to forget the scale until Wed! The scale makes my head hurt. lol

    Me too! I kinda had an epiphany yesterday when I weighed, I thought man it took me almost a week to lose that 1 silly pound, but the quicker I lose the weight I've noticed its easier to rebound, so if it takes longer to drop it, it will be harder to put it back on. Maybe not a true theory but it makes me feel better!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    For Tues:
    Under fat~ done
    Superman~ yeah, I kicked his butt to, Like kryptonite!
    Another challenge DONE!!! Now hopefully I'll see a drop on the scale tomorrow.....
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Finished my workout strong today, feeling alot better then yesterday. Stayed under calories yesterday and hopefully will stay under fat today even though thats the hardest one to do, I see a grilled chicken salad in my future tonight! Had to cut it short a little today but managed to get in the strength challenge too. Have lots of cleaning and laundry to do today and hoping for a little bit of a loss tomorrow. Hope everyone is having a good day!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Alrighty ladies don't forget that tomorrow is weigh-in day! Please post your points, weight, and calories burned on the charts.

    As for myself, i still have my emotional challenge to complete so here goes! I may have already said this in an intro .. i forget so forgive me!

    What was your moment of clarity? What was it that made you say "Enough is enough; I am taking control of my life?" and how does remembering that help you through the emotional and life changing journey of taking off the weight?

    For me it was not just one moment that brought me to my ENOUGH IS ENOUGH moment! They were three or four distinct moments that snow balled into each other.

    The first was when I went to see my family overseas for the first time in a long time. The expression of shock, concern, and sadness on their faces when they saw how much weight I had gained engraved itself in my brain! Not to mention that most of my family, especially cousins are very slender and image conscious. I hated feeling like the fat girl in the group, and couldn't participate in the clothing shopping and exchanging of clothing ... or even feeling okay on the beach. It was terrible!

    Then the country where my family lives started a revolution and during this revolution my grandmother died. I realized how short life is, and also how I wanted my family to see me healthy and happy ... not as how they saw me that last summer.

    Next came my doctors visit. I had been contemplating weight-loss surgery and had gone to one of the informational sessions and realized that I wasn't there yet ... and I wanted to try to do it the old fashioned hard way. So I went to my doctor seeking assistance for my diet and exercise and also wanting her to check my vitals. Her response to me was that "for people of your size, weight-loss surgery is really the only option." I remember feeling angry at her, but it was more because she had this rigid perception of obese people and so I had this urge to prove her wrong ... and so I put my foot down and insisted that I was going to first at least try through diet and exercise.

    The final thing that happened was that of love. The man I had loved and wanted to be with for so long ... was finally in a place where he was ready for marriage and children. How lucky was I to have the love of my life now want the same things I wanted? Yeah, it was great in theory until I realized how insecure I was and filled with such self-hate. He wants me to move with him to his next post, and go on vacations to Tahiti and have me join him on his south pole marathon ... but how could I possibly do that with the way I am? I kept doing everything to push him away and he has kept holding on. But for how long? I knew that if I kept this up that I would lose him as well.

    So, there it was all this stuff piling up on me quickly and I said enough is enough. I'm not this person, I'm stronger then this ... and I started my pursuit of happiness and health. These things are what run through my head when I want nothing more than to not exercise that day, or eat whatever I want and not count calories. These are the things that allow me to get in a pool or a treadmill and go for hours ... pushing through pain and fatigue.

    The life that i will have ... and the peace i will give myself and my loved ones .. is worth every ache and pain I go through every day. It is worth not eating that pizza or cheesecake ... It's worth it because I know now I'm worth it. It's not just wight lost, it is a life gained.
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    For Tues:
    Under fat~ done
    Superman~ yeah, I kicked his butt to, Like kryptonite!
    Another challenge DONE!!! Now hopefully I'll see a drop on the scale tomorrow.....

    incredible job! You will see a drop on the scale and in inches I'm sure!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Finished my workout strong today, feeling alot better then yesterday. Stayed under calories yesterday and hopefully will stay under fat today even though thats the hardest one to do, I see a grilled chicken salad in my future tonight! Had to cut it short a little today but managed to get in the strength challenge too. Have lots of cleaning and laundry to do today and hoping for a little bit of a loss tomorrow. Hope everyone is having a good day!

    I'm so glad you are feeling better than yesterday! I am sure you will see some loss tomorrow, Hope you had a great day as well. :)
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Finished my workout strong today, feeling alot better then yesterday. Stayed under calories yesterday and hopefully will stay under fat today even though thats the hardest one to do, I see a grilled chicken salad in my future tonight! Had to cut it short a little today but managed to get in the strength challenge too. Have lots of cleaning and laundry to do today and hoping for a little bit of a loss tomorrow. Hope everyone is having a good day!

    I'm so glad you are feeling better than yesterday! I am sure you will see some loss tomorrow, Hope you had a great day as well. :)