SAHMU Team BLACK (closed group)



  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Su 9/11 (posted on team Black & main thread)
    CARDIO: nope; didn't make it...
    Calories Burned = 0

    CARDIO Part 2:
    Goal =
    Add a minimum of a 100 calorie burn each day playing with my kids
    Burn an average of 500 calories/ day
    Go for a walk with my husband every day that he does not work (approx. 4 days)
    Completed? no

    200 sit-up's (125 completed)
    100 lunges (75 completed)
    100 push-ups (60 completed)
    200 squats (75 completed)

    Under Carbs? yes

    Wish stress counted as a calorie burn...
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    I finished up my challenges today, tomorrow I rest!!! Wish I could rest today, already put in a full days work amd it's only 10 am.
    Still have to finish setting up my Etsy account, then more housework, there is always something to do!
    Hope everyone had a great week-end!!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    My goal for the week is to burn atleast 700 calories per day and to stay motivated even on days that I feel like nothing I do makes a difference.
    Wednesday-814 calories

    200 sit ups
    Wednesday-50 sit ups done
    Thursday-50 sit ups done
    Friday-50 sit ups
    Monday-50 situps

    100 lunges-
    Wednesday-20 lunges done
    Thursday-20 lunges
    Friday-20 lunges
    Monday-20 lunges

    100 push-ups
    Wednesday- 20 push-ups done
    Wednesday-20 push-ups
    Friday-20 pushups
    Monday-20 pushups

    200 squats-
    Wednesday-50 squats done
    Thursday-50 squats
    Friday- 50 squats
    Monday-50 squats

    Wednesday-stayed under carbs
    Thursday-stayed under carbs
    Friday-stayed under carbs
    Saturday-under carbs
    Sunday-under carbs
    Monday-under carbs

    My wii remote batteries are dead so I have to workout on my own! I was a little lost but I did 1 hour of steps and 20 minutes of jogging in place, plus cleaning and rearranging some furniture. Got my calories in, even though I wasnt very into it today. Feeling a little stuck right now, like im not doing enough or the right things, and getting a little frustrated. Tomorrow is another day though and hopefully Wednesdays weigh-in will show some progress.
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    I hope y'all had a great weekend! :) I know I did! Back to the weekday grind and schedules! I love schedules! Hahahaha! Here's my updated stats from the weekend!

    Cardio part 1: (1 point)
    Wednesday ~ 354 cals burned!
    Thursday ~ 275 cals burned
    Friday ~ 421 cals burned
    Saturday ~ 268 cals burned
    Sunday ~ 298 cals burned
    Monday ~ 564 cals burned - some of that was mowing the lawn ;)
    Tuesday ~

    Cardio part 2: ( 1 point)
    To get in Yoga at least 3 times this week.
    Burn at least 250 calories per day.
    Wednesday- 250+ cals burned
    Thursday- 250+ cals burned and yoga workout done.
    Friday- 250+ cals burned
    Saturday- 250+ cals burned and yoga workout done.
    Sunday- 250+ cals burned
    Monday- 250+ cals burned

    Strength:( 4 different strength workouts = 4 points)
    150 sit-up's
    Thursday ~ 25 done
    Friday ~ 25 done
    Saturday ~ 25 done
    150 lunges (per leg)
    Thursday ~ 25 done
    Friday ~ 25 done
    Saturday ~ 25 done
    Sunday ~ 25 done
    Monday ~ 25 done
    Tuesday ~
    150 push-ups (Modified due to wrist strain issues ~ Will be done against a wall.)
    Thursday ~ 25 done
    Friday ~ 25 done
    Saturday ~ 25 done
    Sunday ~ 25 done
    Monday ~ 25 done
    Tuesday ~
    150 squats
    Thursday ~ 25 done
    Friday ~ 25 done
    Saturday ~ 25 done
    Sunday ~ 25 done
    Monday ~ 25 done
    Tuesday ~

    Food: (1 point)
    Stay under Carbs atleast 4 days.
    Wednesday ~ Under!
    Thursday ~ Under
    Friday ~ Under
    Saturday ~ Under
    Sunday ~ Under
    Monday ~ Under
    Tuesday ~
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Monday's report...

    Mo. 9/12 (posted on team Black & main thread)
    CARDIO: yes
    Calories Burned = 572

    CARDIO Part 2:
    Goal =
    Add a minimum of a 100 calorie burn each day playing with my kids
    Burn an average of 500 calories/ day
    Go for a walk with my husband every day that he does not work (approx. 4 days)
    Completed? yes

    200 sit-up's (150 completed)
    100 lunges (100 completed)
    100 push-ups (75 completed)
    200 squats (125 completed)

    Under Carbs? yes

    Need MORE sleep!!! :yawn:
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    What has this challenge meant to me: It has helped me push myself a little harder than I normally would have. It's also held me accountable since I'm part of a team, I don't want to let anyone down by not holding up my part of the challenge. There have been a few times that I've set my goals to a level that was just not for me (Thanks Redheadhen for setting me straight), to complete them I burned myself out!! On the other hand, I pushed myself harder during my strength training and found that I could (and should) lift more than I was. I also have to remember than I just need to find the right balance and I CAN get the things that need to be done, done ( housework and such), and keep time for the things I want to get done ( cardio, strength training, & long hot showers).
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Well .. here you go! All done! :)

    Cardio part 1: (1 point)
    Wednesday ~ 354 cals burned!
    Thursday ~ 275 cals burned
    Friday ~ 421 cals burned
    Saturday ~ 268 cals burned
    Sunday ~ 298 cals burned
    Monday ~ 564 cals burned - some of that was mowing the lawn ;)
    Tuesday ~ 373 cals burned

    Cardio part 2: ( 1 point)
    To get in Yoga at least 3 times this week.
    Burn at least 250 calories per day.
    Wednesday- 250+ cals burned
    Thursday- 250+ cals burned and yoga workout done.
    Friday- 250+ cals burned
    Saturday- 250+ cals burned and yoga workout done.
    Sunday- 250+ cals burned
    Monday- 250+ cals burned
    Tuesday- 250+ cals burned and yoga workout done.

    Strength:( 4 different strength workouts = 4 points)
    150 sit-up's
    Thursday ~ 25 done
    Friday ~ 25 done
    Saturday ~ 25 done
    Sunday ~ 25 done
    Monday ~ 25 done
    Tuesday ~ 25 done
    150 lunges (per leg)
    Thursday ~ 25 done
    Friday ~ 25 done
    Saturday ~ 25 done
    Sunday ~ 25 done
    Monday ~ 25 done
    Tuesday ~ 25 done
    150 push-ups (Modified due to wrist strain issues ~ Will be done against a wall.)
    Thursday ~ 25 done
    Friday ~ 25 done
    Saturday ~ 25 done
    Sunday ~ 25 done
    Monday ~ 25 done
    Tuesday ~ 25 done
    150 squats
    Thursday ~ 25 done
    Friday ~ 25 done
    Saturday ~ 25 done
    Sunday ~ 25 done
    Monday ~ 25 done
    Tuesday ~ 25 done

    Food: (1 point)
    Stay under Carbs atleast 4 days.
    Wednesday ~ Under!
    Thursday ~ Under
    Friday ~ Under
    Saturday ~ Under
    Sunday ~ Under
    Monday ~ Under
    Tuesday ~ Under
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    What has this challenge meant to me: It has helped me push myself a little harder than I normally would have. It's also held me accountable since I'm part of a team, I don't want to let anyone down by not holding up my part of the challenge. There have been a few times that I've set my goals to a level that was just not for me (Thanks Redheadhen for setting me straight), to complete them I burned myself out!! On the other hand, I pushed myself harder during my strength training and found that I could (and should) lift more than I was. I also have to remember than I just need to find the right balance and I CAN get the things that need to be done, done ( housework and such), and keep time for the things I want to get done ( cardio, strength training, & long hot showers).

    WAY TO GO!! I love what the challenge has done for you- :wink:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    LAST check in for this challenge, so here it goes!

    Tu. 9/13 (posted on team Black & main thread)
    CARDIO: no
    Calories Burned = 0

    CARDIO Part 2:
    Goal =
    Add a minimum of a 100 calorie burn each day playing with my kids
    Burn an average of 500 calories/ day
    Go for a walk with my husband every day that he does not work (approx. 4 days)
    Completed? no
    200 sit-up's (200 completed)
    100 lunges (150 completed)
    100 push-ups (100 completed)
    200 squats (200 completed)

    Under Carbs? yes (but adjusted loss per week calories to accomadate a TOUGH day)

    Need MORE sleep!!! Ditto comment from yesterday & also need less stress! I'll post my weigh tomorrow AM...
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Cardio- done
    Food- stayed under carbs every day

    Wk 7 wt- 244.9
    Wk 8 wt- 242.3
    Total loss--2.6 lbs
    60 day challenge weight loss-15.7 lbs
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    MFP S/W = 212.5
    SAHMU S/W = 160.5
    Wk 1/W = 159, Wk 1/BF% = ~ 28
    Wk 2/ W = 158
    Wk 3/W = 156.5
    Wk. 4/W = 156.5, Wk. 5/W = 157.5
    Wk. 6/W = 154.5
    Wk. 7/W = 152.0 BF% = ~23]
    Wk. 8/W = 151.5
    G/W = 148, G/BF% = 20

    TOTAL Loss for the SAHMU Challenge = 7.5# & decrease of BF = 5%

    Not too shabby! Thanks to everyone for the support!