SAHMU Team BLACK (closed group)



  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Didnt do a whole lot today, just some playing outside with my little guy and some steps. Also got my arm exercises in this morning. Yesterday was a severe diet flub for me, went to a party to watch some football games and celebrate college football season starting and ate pizza, and a little more then I should have! Feeling pretty gross today, pizza is my biggest weakness! Stayed on things today so far. Hopefully this doesnt throw me off too badly!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Thanks everyone for the kinda words on my photo! Isn't it funny how we always see something in the mirrir that others don't see. I still see a tummy and jiggly thighs, even though I know how far I've come. Thanks again for all the support!

    Isn't that how it always is? I'm the same way about myself! You do look fabulous by the way! :wink:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Didnt do a whole lot today, just some playing outside with my little guy and some steps. Also got my arm exercises in this morning. Yesterday was a severe diet flub for me, went to a party to watch some football games and celebrate college football season starting and ate pizza, and a little more then I should have! Feeling pretty gross today, pizza is my biggest weakness! Stayed on things today so far. Hopefully this doesnt throw me off too badly!

    I get the trigger foods; for me it's peanut butter (can't have the stuff in the house in jar form, only single serving packets for the kids' sandwiches)... I think just being aware is an NSV and a first step to control; And I think that you did do a lot today- perhaps not a mega-cal burn but you did accomplish a lot (play, arm exercise, honesty, logging in to MFP)... way to go!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Sunday Check-in!

    I got in the calcium today with the help of a multi-vitamin!
    I did not do the strength or stairs today.
    It was a busy day today with tiling the floor. I had a hard time calculating all that I did with the tiling project but I think I got it as close as possible. Tomorrow I really need to push it on the cals burned to make up for 2 days of no exercise! O.o

    Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday weekend! :)

    Tiling, huh? I want to see the finished project! Way to go on getting the calcium in; I'm finding that tough... Hope you are having a great weekend too!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Just checking in... today I stayed under my cals even though I spent the day at an amusement park! And got some serious walking in too! :happy:

    Here's my stats for today (I also posted on the main week 7 thread):
    SU 9/4
    Calcium = 104%
    Strength: none
    Stairs: yes
    Log on to MFP = yes
    Check in on the cal. burn spreadsheet= yes
    Keep on track of your points/ report = yes
    Post an encouraging note = yes
    CURRENT Points =
    (Nutrition – 0 point , Strength – 2 points, Cardio – 3 points, Calorie – 1 point, Emotional – 0 point, Commitment – 0 point)

    Take care everyone; have a wonderful rest of the holiday weekend!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    I am failing SOOO badly at keeping my calcium up! Even with a supplement!
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Happy Labor Day! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I can't wait to get back to routine tomorrow!

    Today I did my arms and stairs!
    I did NOT make the calcium today. :(
    I did enter in my cals burned on the sheet. Sadly I am not gonna make my goal. Those 2 days early on really messed me up. *sigh*

    Those two defeats aside ... I did loose a pound this week! Yeah! :)
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Had a busy day. We went down to the Fort Worth stock yards and walked around for a few hours, it was a beautiful day and really mild temperatures so we took advantage of it! Lunch was not so victorious today buc McDonalds was the closest thing on our way home and that dollar menu was just so appealing. But since I stayed healthy for the rest of the day and walked so much I dont feel so guilty! I mean I could have had a big double quarter pounder with cheese and french fries and a coke instead of water! Baby steps! Hope everyone had a good Labor day!!!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Didnt do a whole lot today, just some playing outside with my little guy and some steps. Also got my arm exercises in this morning. Yesterday was a severe diet flub for me, went to a party to watch some football games and celebrate college football season starting and ate pizza, and a little more then I should have! Feeling pretty gross today, pizza is my biggest weakness! Stayed on things today so far. Hopefully this doesnt throw me off too badly!

    I get the trigger foods; for me it's peanut butter (can't have the stuff in the house in jar form, only single serving packets for the kids' sandwiches)... I think just being aware is an NSV and a first step to control; And I think that you did do a lot today- perhaps not a mega-cal burn but you did accomplish a lot (play, arm exercise, honesty, logging in to MFP)... way to go!

    I never thought of it that way! Thanks!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Happy Labor Day! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I can't wait to get back to routine tomorrow!

    Today I did my arms and stairs!
    I did NOT make the calcium today. :(
    I did enter in my cals burned on the sheet. Sadly I am not gonna make my goal. Those 2 days early on really messed me up. *sigh*

    Those two defeats aside ... I did loose a pound this week! Yeah! :)

    Disappointing, yes but think of it this way... you did something! You are headed in a healthy direction; maybe not worth a point but definitely worth a "way to go!" (an NSV in my book) :wink:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Didnt do a whole lot today, just some playing outside with my little guy and some steps. Also got my arm exercises in this morning. Yesterday was a severe diet flub for me, went to a party to watch some football games and celebrate college football season starting and ate pizza, and a little more then I should have! Feeling pretty gross today, pizza is my biggest weakness! Stayed on things today so far. Hopefully this doesnt throw me off too badly!

    I get the trigger foods; for me it's peanut butter (can't have the stuff in the house in jar form, only single serving packets for the kids' sandwiches)... I think just being aware is an NSV and a first step to control; And I think that you did do a lot today- perhaps not a mega-cal burn but you did accomplish a lot (play, arm exercise, honesty, logging in to MFP)... way to go!

    I never thought of it that way! Thanks!

    So glad I could help! Hope you are having a good day!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Have a devil of a migraine; can't stand being on the computer any longer- will finish my update tomorrow... I hope everyone is feeling great and having a good day! Even if you're not, know that someone's out here thinking about you!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Have a devil of a migraine; can't stand being on the computer any longer- will finish my update tomorrow... I hope everyone is feeling great and having a good day! Even if you're not, know that someone's out here thinking about you!

    I hope the migraine went away! I haven't been feeling to well either. I hope we both shake it soon and feel better.

    I too hope everyone is doing great and had a wonderful and safe holiday weekend! On that note, I'm crashing now.
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Hope you ladies are feeling better today, I got a late start on my workout but got in 700 calories including 30 minutes of steps! Its so nice outside I think I may go for a run later today. I noticed today that my normal workouts arent leaving me out of breath anymore, usually I have to take a break during the steps and walking but today I just flew through it and felt good the whole time! Its pretty amazing feeling a difference in myself in more ways then just inches and pounds!
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Hope you ladies are feeling better today, I got a late start on my workout but got in 700 calories including 30 minutes of steps! Its so nice outside I think I may go for a run later today. I noticed today that my normal workouts arent leaving me out of breath anymore, usually I have to take a break during the steps and walking but today I just flew through it and felt good the whole time! Its pretty amazing feeling a difference in myself in more ways then just inches and pounds!

    WTG!! That's a total NSV!! Yay!
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Happy Labor Day! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I can't wait to get back to routine tomorrow!

    Today I did my arms and stairs!
    I did NOT make the calcium today. :(
    I did enter in my cals burned on the sheet. Sadly I am not gonna make my goal. Those 2 days early on really messed me up. *sigh*

    Those two defeats aside ... I did loose a pound this week! Yeah! :)

    Disappointing, yes but think of it this way... you did something! You are headed in a healthy direction; maybe not worth a point but definitely worth a "way to go!" (an NSV in my book) :wink:

    Thanks! :happy: I That's what I was thinking too! I hope you feel better soon! Headaches are the pits and I hear Migranes are really sucky! {{{HUGS}}}
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Tuesday Check-in!

    Arm exercises - Done
    Stairs - Done
    Calcium - met! On the dot too! not over, not under but right on the nose! hahahaha!

    Hope y'all had a great day! Catch ya tomorrow!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Checkin' in for today (& finishing up from yesterday): ** posted on both main thread & Team Black Thread **
    MO 9/5
    Calcium = 100%
    Strength: yes
    Stairs: yes
    Cardio: Kickboxing
    Log on to MFP = yes
    Check in on the cal. burn spreadsheet= yes
    Keep on track of your points/ report = yes
    Post an encouraging note = yes

    CURRENT Points =
    (Nutrition – 1 point , Strength – 3 points, Cardio – 3 points, Calorie – 1 point, Emotional – point, Commitment – 1 point)

    TU 9/6
    Calcium = 100
    Strength: no
    Stairs: no
    Log on to MFP = yes
    Check in on the cal. burn spreadsheet= yes
    Keep on track of your points/ report = yes
    Post an encouraging note = yes
    My note to my self...
    "You are a person of amazing inner strength & courage" (posted in a note on my phone & on my bulletin board)

    CURRENT Points =
    (Nutrition – 1 point , Strength – 3 points, Cardio – 3 points, Calorie – 1 point, Emotional – 1point, Commitment – 1 point)

    Week 7 Weight = 152

    Take care everyone,
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Ok heres my pts total for this week.

    Calium-0pts I just couldnt get it up there where it needed to be

    Strength-3 pts
    Cardio-(stairs)3 pts
    Emotional challenge-1pt
    Commitment challenge-1pt

    9 pts total
    no loss for me this week still sitting at 244.9, sad and a little frustrated but I know that working hard with no loss and no gain is better then doing nothing and gaining it all back! This is my 3rd week in a row without a loss, I know that this happens and eventually I'll get over this hump and have a bigger loss, hopefully this week will be that week!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Ok heres my pts total for this week.

    Calium-0pts I just couldnt get it up there where it needed to be

    Strength-3 pts
    Cardio-(stairs)3 pts
    Emotional challenge-1pt
    Commitment challenge-1pt

    9 pts total
    no loss for me this week still sitting at 244.9, sad and a little frustrated but I know that working hard with no loss and no gain is better then doing nothing and gaining it all back! This is my 3rd week in a row without a loss, I know that this happens and eventually I'll get over this hump and have a bigger loss, hopefully this week will be that week!

    No change again here too!! It's so frustrating!! You work so hard and nothing!!! (beats head against wall)
    Have you taken measurements? If not maybe you should. For the last two months I haven't seem as much change as I would have liked, but when I checked my measurements again there was a big change!
    I'll bet your body is changing and it's just not showing up on the scale yet!!!
    Keep up the hard work, that damn scale is gonna have to go down soon!!!
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