SAHMU Team BLACK (closed group)



  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    I added my stuff to the spreadsheet. Not such a good week for me as far as the challenges go. I blame Irene and my love for fatty foods! LOL!

    Nutrition Under Fat ~ Fail.
    Strength Superman pose ~ Done!

    I did not make my goal for cals burned. >.< I would have if I did the shoveling I had planed to do though! Ugh!! I need to move grave back into the ruts left by Irene in my gravel road. I hope to get to that today though! Hahaha! Even though I did not do well on the challenges, I did manage to drop a pound!! Yay!

    Starting MFP Weight : 171
    Starting SAHMU Weight : 169
    Week 1 Weight : 169
    Week 2 Weight : 170 ( at TOM)
    Week 3 Weight: 168
    Week 4 Weight: 167
    Week 5 Weight 166
    Week 6 Weight 165
    Change this week : -1
    Goal Weight : 140

    I have lots to do today. School is short on Wednesdays here and I have some errands to run this morning before I have to get the kids at the bus stop. Have a Happy Hump Day and I'll catch up with you later! :)
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Alrighty ladies don't forget that tomorrow is weigh-in day! Please post your points, weight, and calories burned on the charts.

    As for myself, i still have my emotional challenge to complete so here goes! I may have already said this in an intro .. i forget so forgive me!

    What was your moment of clarity? What was it that made you say "Enough is enough; I am taking control of my life?" and how does remembering that help you through the emotional and life changing journey of taking off the weight?

    For me it was not just one moment that brought me to my ENOUGH IS ENOUGH moment! They were three or four distinct moments that snow balled into each other.

    The first was when I went to see my family overseas for the first time in a long time. The expression of shock, concern, and sadness on their faces when they saw how much weight I had gained engraved itself in my brain! Not to mention that most of my family, especially cousins are very slender and image conscious. I hated feeling like the fat girl in the group, and couldn't participate in the clothing shopping and exchanging of clothing ... or even feeling okay on the beach. It was terrible!

    Then the country where my family lives started a revolution and during this revolution my grandmother died. I realized how short life is, and also how I wanted my family to see me healthy and happy ... not as how they saw me that last summer.

    Next came my doctors visit. I had been contemplating weight-loss surgery and had gone to one of the informational sessions and realized that I wasn't there yet ... and I wanted to try to do it the old fashioned hard way. So I went to my doctor seeking assistance for my diet and exercise and also wanting her to check my vitals. Her response to me was that "for people of your size, weight-loss surgery is really the only option." I remember feeling angry at her, but it was more because she had this rigid perception of obese people and so I had this urge to prove her wrong ... and so I put my foot down and insisted that I was going to first at least try through diet and exercise.

    The final thing that happened was that of love. The man I had loved and wanted to be with for so long ... was finally in a place where he was ready for marriage and children. How lucky was I to have the love of my life now want the same things I wanted? Yeah, it was great in theory until I realized how insecure I was and filled with such self-hate. He wants me to move with him to his next post, and go on vacations to Tahiti and have me join him on his south pole marathon ... but how could I possibly do that with the way I am? I kept doing everything to push him away and he has kept holding on. But for how long? I knew that if I kept this up that I would lose him as well.

    So, there it was all this stuff piling up on me quickly and I said enough is enough. I'm not this person, I'm stronger then this ... and I started my pursuit of happiness and health. These things are what run through my head when I want nothing more than to not exercise that day, or eat whatever I want and not count calories. These are the things that allow me to get in a pool or a treadmill and go for hours ... pushing through pain and fatigue.

    The life that i will have ... and the peace i will give myself and my loved ones .. is worth every ache and pain I go through every day. It is worth not eating that pizza or cheesecake ... It's worth it because I know now I'm worth it. It's not just wight lost, it is a life gained.

    That is a powerful AHA moment! I just want to say that some doctors are so full of it its just awful! IDK exactly where your starting weight was but I know I've seen lots of people lose the weight naturally. Surgery is not ever the "only" option! Im also a firm believer in loving yourself because you can be loved, but it sure does make it easier if someone is already there loving you even if your not quite ready for it! Congrats on this journey, so proud of you!!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    I'm trying my first recipe from skinnytaste, crockpot taco chicken chili, looks really good. So now I have to keep my carbs low all day, since I'm going to have rice with it. I'll post tomorrow how it turned out, oh and there was a new recipe for whole wheat pancakes that I think I'm going to try this week-end. I love pancakes, but I don't have them too often since they are all carb, but theses are high in fiber so I'll give them a try.

    So where is everyone?? Been kinda quiet on the thread lately....I hate being quiet!!! (yes, I was the none stop talker in class).
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Alrighty ladies don't forget that tomorrow is weigh-in day! Please post your points, weight, and calories burned on the charts.

    As for myself, i still have my emotional challenge to complete so here goes! I may have already said this in an intro .. i forget so forgive me!

    What was your moment of clarity? What was it that made you say "Enough is enough; I am taking control of my life?" and how does remembering that help you through the emotional and life changing journey of taking off the weight?

    For me it was not just one moment that brought me to my ENOUGH IS ENOUGH moment! They were three or four distinct moments that snow balled into each other.

    The first was when I went to see my family overseas for the first time in a long time. The expression of shock, concern, and sadness on their faces when they saw how much weight I had gained engraved itself in my brain! Not to mention that most of my family, especially cousins are very slender and image conscious. I hated feeling like the fat girl in the group, and couldn't participate in the clothing shopping and exchanging of clothing ... or even feeling okay on the beach. It was terrible!

    Then the country where my family lives started a revolution and during this revolution my grandmother died. I realized how short life is, and also how I wanted my family to see me healthy and happy ... not as how they saw me that last summer.

    Next came my doctors visit. I had been contemplating weight-loss surgery and had gone to one of the informational sessions and realized that I wasn't there yet ... and I wanted to try to do it the old fashioned hard way. So I went to my doctor seeking assistance for my diet and exercise and also wanting her to check my vitals. Her response to me was that "for people of your size, weight-loss surgery is really the only option." I remember feeling angry at her, but it was more because she had this rigid perception of obese people and so I had this urge to prove her wrong ... and so I put my foot down and insisted that I was going to first at least try through diet and exercise.

    The final thing that happened was that of love. The man I had loved and wanted to be with for so long ... was finally in a place where he was ready for marriage and children. How lucky was I to have the love of my life now want the same things I wanted? Yeah, it was great in theory until I realized how insecure I was and filled with such self-hate. He wants me to move with him to his next post, and go on vacations to Tahiti and have me join him on his south pole marathon ... but how could I possibly do that with the way I am? I kept doing everything to push him away and he has kept holding on. But for how long? I knew that if I kept this up that I would lose him as well.

    So, there it was all this stuff piling up on me quickly and I said enough is enough. I'm not this person, I'm stronger then this ... and I started my pursuit of happiness and health. These things are what run through my head when I want nothing more than to not exercise that day, or eat whatever I want and not count calories. These are the things that allow me to get in a pool or a treadmill and go for hours ... pushing through pain and fatigue.

    The life that i will have ... and the peace i will give myself and my loved ones .. is worth every ache and pain I go through every day. It is worth not eating that pizza or cheesecake ... It's worth it because I know now I'm worth it. It's not just wight lost, it is a life gained.

    Don't put a lot of value in your doc opinion, GP's aren't always up to date on the best weight loss methods. Can't blame them, it's not what they went to school for.
    You CAN do this, you've made it through 7 weeks of this challenge! Just remember, you didn't put the weight on over night, it won't go away over night (I wish). !!!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Wk6-246 (TOM)
    Weight loss- +1.7lbs
    Total Points-16

    Makes me so angry when I really feel like I've made progress and then TOM comes along and ruins it for me. Atleast I know I did NOTHING wrong to have this gain, and will just look forward to next week!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Wk6-246 (TOM)
    Weight loss- +1.7lbs
    Total Points-16

    Makes me so angry when I really feel like I've made progress and then TOM comes along and ruins it for me. Atleast I know I did NOTHING wrong to have this gain, and will just look forward to next week!

    I need to make a small change to this, I did not gain 1.7lbs I only gained .6 HUGE difference! Logged 726 calories for today, and finished my first round of strength challenges!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member

    Don't put a lot of value in your doc opinion, GP's aren't always up to date on the best weight loss methods. Can't blame them, it's not what they went to school for.
    You CAN do this, you've made it through 7 weeks of this challenge! Just remember, you didn't put the weight on over night, it won't go away over night (I wish). !!!

    Oh, I don't really pit much stock in what they usually say. I actually have several doctors in my family who aren't GP's ...but I just thought it was sad that this is the kind of advice they are giving patients. I think that they should at least give patients ALL options available and see where they feel most comfortable. Fortunately, i'm working with a different doctor for the time being.

    And thank you for the support i know I AM and WILL continue to do it :) it's a great time for me just to focus on my weight-loss goals ... so until the new New Year comes I'm gonna just live and breathe it. lol. :-)
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Wk6-246 (TOM)
    Weight loss- +1.7lbs
    Total Points-16

    Makes me so angry when I really feel like I've made progress and then TOM comes along and ruins it for me. Atleast I know I did NOTHING wrong to have this gain, and will just look forward to next week!

    I need to make a small change to this, I did not gain 1.7lbs I only gained .6 HUGE difference! Logged 726 calories for today, and finished my first round of strength challenges!

    That is a HUGE difference! Congrats! I really dislike TOM too and disrupts things... But just keep doing what you are doing and you will get back on track and he will be on his way!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member

    That is a powerful AHA moment! I just want to say that some doctors are so full of it its just awful! IDK exactly where your starting weight was but I know I've seen lots of people lose the weight naturally. Surgery is not ever the "only" option! Im also a firm believer in loving yourself because you can be loved, but it sure does make it easier if someone is already there loving you even if your not quite ready for it! Congrats on this journey, so proud of you!!

    My starting weight back then was I believe 365lbs (May) and then after a month of just changing my diet I had only lost like 3 or 4 lbs .. so exercise sure did make a difference! LOL And, you are so right about love making the difference .. his love keeps me going and has a smile on my face all day and apparently gives me a glow!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    I'm trying my first recipe from skinnytaste, crockpot taco chicken chili, looks really good. So now I have to keep my carbs low all day, since I'm going to have rice with it. I'll post tomorrow how it turned out, oh and there was a new recipe for whole wheat pancakes that I think I'm going to try this week-end. I love pancakes, but I don't have them too often since they are all carb, but theses are high in fiber so I'll give them a try.

    So where is everyone?? Been kinda quiet on the thread lately....I hate being quiet!!! (yes, I was the none stop talker in class).

    Sounds delicious! Please do share the recipe if it turns out well! I'm always looking for new thins to try.

    It is kinda quiet in here, but that has always seemed to be the trend. I hope the silence is because people are working out so hard! LOL. And, you can certainly be the chatty Cathy because I love it!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    I added my stuff to the spreadsheet. Not such a good week for me as far as the challenges go. I blame Irene and my love for fatty foods! LOL!

    Nutrition Under Fat ~ Fail.
    Strength Superman pose ~ Done!

    I did not make my goal for cals burned. >.< I would have if I did the shoveling I had planed to do though! Ugh!! I need to move grave back into the ruts left by Irene in my gravel road. I hope to get to that today though! Hahaha! Even though I did not do well on the challenges, I did manage to drop a pound!! Yay!

    Starting MFP Weight : 171
    Starting SAHMU Weight : 169
    Week 1 Weight : 169
    Week 2 Weight : 170 ( at TOM)
    Week 3 Weight: 168
    Week 4 Weight: 167
    Week 5 Weight 166
    Week 6 Weight 165
    Change this week : -1
    Goal Weight : 140

    I have lots to do today. School is short on Wednesdays here and I have some errands to run this morning before I have to get the kids at the bus stop. Have a Happy Hump Day and I'll catch up with you later! :)

    Awesome job seeing a loss this week...even with all the "fatty food." :) Just keep busy as you have been and you will continue to see the loss! I mean just think about this ... you are only 25lbs away from your goal! You can easily get there before the New Year and start it off with a bang! :)
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Weigh-in time!

    CSW: 353
    Week 5 Weight: 335
    Week 6 Weight 330
    Week 7Weight: 323.8
    Change this week : -6.2
    GW: 150

    Oh, I'm so happy with that result ... now if only TOM wouldn't make an appearance that would be so lovely!

    I'm so confused with our weeks on the charts! I went back in the thread and counted the weigh-in's and it's not matching that we are on week 7.. *shrugs*
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    WEEK 7 Challenge:

    Nutritional Challenge:
    Calcium – meet or exceed your calcium goal every day. Worth 1 point

    Strength Challenge:
    Build muscle tone in your arms as well as bone strength to help prevent osteoporosis

    Complete full workout (all 8 exercises, 3 x a week, with one day’s rest in between workouts) each workout = 1 point for a maximum of 3 points.
    Added bonus, keep this as part of your routine to see some serious definition within 4-6 weeks!!

    Cardio Challenge:
    Burn Baby Burn! Cardio this week is all about stairs, stairs, stairs! Did you know that jogging up and down stairs for 5 minutes burns approx 130 calories? Add some stairs into your normal routine. 5 minutes x 3 days this week (do it on your rest days from the strength challenge!) each workout = 1 point for a maximum of 3 points.

    (If stairs are too high impact substitute another exercise that burns a similar amount that is outside your regular routine. I just like stairs because it's such a fast way to burn a decent chunk of calories)

    Calorie Challenge:
    Set your goal in the spreadsheet created by Karie don’t just meet it, exceed it! If you’re up for a challenge, increase your goal by 5% from last week. Remember something as simple as running those stairs will significantly boost your calories for the week = 1 available point

    Emotional Challenge:
    We’ve all been working hard for weeks. We’ve all lost weight. And hopefully, we all feel empowered by our demonstrated self control, we feel connected to our fellow SAHMUers and we feel optimistic about the future. But at the same time, I’m willing to bet we all have moment’s where we feel like giving up. Why? Because this is HARD!!! So this week’s challenge is to write yourself a note. Something short and sweet that you can keep in your wallet, or stick to your mirror, something you can pull out to remind yourself of how far you’ve come. Think of that girl you were before starting your weight loss journey. Think about how much better you feel now and give yourself a freaking compliment! Cuz you deserve it!!! Worth 1 point.

    Commitment Challenge:
    Log on to MFP every day! Check in on the calorie burn spreadsheet daily once you have completed your workouts. Keep on track of your points and report in daily to show all your fellow teammates how committed you are to your team (not to mention making it easier on your captain to add up the final tally)! Post an encouraging note on the main thread or your team thread everyday! Report daily 7 days a week to earn 1 available point.

    Total Available Points: Max 10
    Nutrition – 1 point
    Strength – 3 points
    Cardio – 3 points
    Calorie – 1 point
    Emotional – 1 point
    Commitment – 1 point
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    I looked at the chart too, I think its because THIS week will be week 7 and the weigh-in was our pounds lost for week 6. I was a little confused at first too! I dont know how Im going to do that calcium not really good with milk and stuff like that. Any ideas ladies?
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    I looked at the chart too, I think its because THIS week will be week 7 and the weigh-in was our pounds lost for week 6. I was a little confused at first too! I dont know how Im going to do that calcium not really good with milk and stuff like that. Any ideas ladies?

    Well calcium comes from many foods .. obviously dairy like cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt. There are alternative milks as well like soy and almond milk.

    hazelnut, walnuts, sunflower seeds, almonds having the most.
    Sesame seeds
    Spinach, Kale, Mustard Greens
    Figs (may be difficult this time of year)
    Tofu and Soybeans
    Salmon (bone in has higher amounts apparently)
    Chinese Cabbage
    Bok Choy
    Baked Beans, Black-eyed Peas, garbanzo beans, navy beans
    Lima beans, black beans, split peas, pinto beans.. sooo beans!
    Collard greens
    Turnip greens
    Mustard greens
    Romaine Lettuce
    Calcium fortified orange juice
    Carrot juice
    Oats, rye flour, whole wheat flour, corn meal, brown rice, quinoa,

    Alrighty, that should start you off.. haha
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    I looked at the chart too, I think its because THIS week will be week 7 and the weigh-in was our pounds lost for week 6. I was a little confused at first too! I dont know how Im going to do that calcium not really good with milk and stuff like that. Any ideas ladies?

    Well calcium comes from many foods .. obviously dairy like cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt. There are alternative milks as well like soy and almond milk.

    hazelnut, walnuts, sunflower seeds, almonds having the most.
    Sesame seeds
    Spinach, Kale, Mustard Greens
    Figs (may be difficult this time of year)
    Tofu and Soybeans
    Salmon (bone in has higher amounts apparently)
    Chinese Cabbage
    Bok Choy
    Baked Beans, Black-eyed Peas, garbanzo beans, navy beans
    Lima beans, black beans, split peas, pinto beans.. sooo beans!
    Collard greens
    Turnip greens
    Mustard greens
    Romaine Lettuce
    Calcium fortified orange juice
    Carrot juice
    Oats, rye flour, whole wheat flour, corn meal, brown rice, quinoa,

    Alrighty, that should start you off.. haha

    WOW, Thats a whole lot of stuff lol, I only really knew a few of those. THANKS!!!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    I looked at the chart too, I think its because THIS week will be week 7 and the weigh-in was our pounds lost for week 6. I was a little confused at first too! I dont know how Im going to do that calcium not really good with milk and stuff like that. Any ideas ladies?

    I just added my multi vitamin to my diary, I never add it but since I'm a little low on my calcium I figured I'd add it to show that I am getting it.

    Oh, and eggs have calcium too.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    I made the chicken taco chili last night (from skinnytaste .com) and it was great!!! here is the link:

    I didn't add the chili's or the cilantro (I HATE cilantro, tastes like soap to me :sick: ) and I drained and rinsed the beans before adding them. Tomorrow night I'm trying the baked zucchini sticks and Sat or Sun morning I'm making the whole wheat pancakes.
    I also spyied a Chicken and spinach rolatini that I might add to next weeks menu.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Okay, I'm posting a photo....why am I so neverous about doing this?? I wear this damn bikini to the waterpark, so this should be easy. I have to say the lighting makes me look worse.
    This is from this morning, I have one from when I started at 152, just have to find it in all the other photos on my computer.

    darn photos....second attempt to post photo coming soon!


    second attempt, success!! (almost, now there is a white box around the photo, oh well)