SAHMU Team BLACK (closed group)



  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Okay, I'm posting a photo....why am I so neverous about doing this?? I wear this damn bikini to the waterpark, so this should be easy. I have to say the lighting makes me look worse.
    This is from this morning, I have one from when I started at 152, just have to find it in all the other photos on my computer.

    darn photos....second attempt to post photo coming soon!


    second attempt, success!! (almost, now there is a white box around the photo, oh well)

    Okay now the photo I posted is a small box and you can't see the full shot??? Anyone know how to fix this??
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Okay, I'm posting a photo....why am I so neverous about doing this?? I wear this damn bikini to the waterpark, so this should be easy. I have to say the lighting makes me look worse.
    This is from this morning, I have one from when I started at 152, just have to find it in all the other photos on my computer.

    darn photos....second attempt to post photo coming soon!


    second attempt, success!! (almost, now there is a white box around the photo, oh well)

    Okay now the photo I posted is a small box and you can't see the full shot??? Anyone know how to fix this??

    I dont have a clue how to fix that Im not really good at doing this stuff, trying to post my before pic right now, you look AMAZING btw! Great job!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Did my normal workout today, and added steps back in 20 minutes of them. Did some crunches and pushups too just for fun! Attempting to post a before pic...its the best one I could find that Im not wearing a baggy black t-shirt and you can actually tell how big I am/was here goes nothing!

    Sorry if its HUGE idk how to fix that!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    You ladies are cracking me up with these pictures.. to post them that is! Maybe it's just me but they all seem fine and large enough?

    This before picture is going to be tricky! I haven't taken a pic of myself in YEARS and have only allowed a few to take a pic of me! *sigh* So, I'm going to have to find someone to take a pic for me or send it... I REALLY hate pictures of myself. *sigh*
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    You ladies are cracking me up with these pictures.. to post them that is! Maybe it's just me but they all seem fine and large enough?

    This before picture is going to be tricky! I haven't taken a pic of myself in YEARS and have only allowed a few to take a pic of me! *sigh* So, I'm going to have to find someone to take a pic for me or send it... I REALLY hate pictures of myself. *sigh*

    Just use your phone and a mirror, that's what I did. And I swear the pics keep changing every time I pull up the thread, first it was the way I posted it, but it had a white box around it. Then it was only showing the left top corner. Now it's the whole pic, not the cropped pic I had posted, and the one I posted had text on it, todays date and weight. How it's changing itself I don't know???
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Oh my goodness, im EXHAUSTED! Just logged 870 calories burned, did the arm exercises too! Plus some house cleaning that I had to to also. Havent been able to get my calcium intake up yet this week, im trying though!
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Happy Friday Team Black!

    Thursday I was over on Calcium! I did not exercise though ... I was in the ER for a good chunk of the day with my son. He smashed his finger in the door of my car right before the bus pulled up for school. Sooooo ... I had to take him to be seen by someone before sending him to school. Long story short .. we ended up at the ER for too long to find out that nothing was damaged. Thank God! No broken bones and all his muscles and ligaments are okay. Yay! But that kinda messed up my day and thus no work out.

    Today I did got back on track and did the arm exercises and the stairs! Boy those stairs are a true workout! LOL! I was also over on my calcium!

    Hope everyone had a great Friday!
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    You ladies are cracking me up with these pictures.. to post them that is! Maybe it's just me but they all seem fine and large enough?

    This before picture is going to be tricky! I haven't taken a pic of myself in YEARS and have only allowed a few to take a pic of me! *sigh* So, I'm going to have to find someone to take a pic for me or send it... I REALLY hate pictures of myself. *sigh*

    Just use your phone and a mirror, that's what I did. And I swear the pics keep changing every time I pull up the thread, first it was the way I posted it, but it had a white box around it. Then it was only showing the left top corner. Now it's the whole pic, not the cropped pic I had posted, and the one I posted had text on it, todays date and weight. How it's changing itself I don't know???

    They all look the same to me and you look MARVELOUS!! :)
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Sorry that I've been MIA for a few days- two friends & I took our annual trip to Yosemite & I thought I would be able to log in at least a few times, but no such luck! I will have all my missing logging/ posting updated tomorrow... I hope everyone us doing well; love the challenge this week- let's ROCK this one!

  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Didnt do a whole lot today, managed to get in 10 minutes of steps and some other small things. Just over 400 calories burned but im on a good pace to complete my goal for the week. Hopefully I can stay motivated over this long weekend to get up and get things done. Even if it is just a little at a time. Hope yall are having a GREAT weekend!!
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Saturday check in!
    Arms double work out today! Not only did I do some shoveling but I did the arm work out! The workout really helped my achy muscles believe it or not! Stairs done too!

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend! :)
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Did not get a cardio workout in today, I am just too sore from yesterday. I increased my weights yesterday, it was only a 5 lb increase but I can barely walk today!!
    I'll get back into it tomorrow, hopefully I won't hurt so much!!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Okay, I'm posting a photo....why am I so neverous about doing this?? I wear this damn bikini to the waterpark, so this should be easy. I have to say the lighting makes me look worse.
    This is from this morning, I have one from when I started at 152, just have to find it in all the other photos on my computer.

    darn photos....second attempt to post photo coming soon!


    second attempt, success!! (almost, now there is a white box around the photo, oh well)

    Okay, you look absolutely AMAZING!! They say a picture is worth a thousand words, then you are shoutin' out loud & clear; way to go!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Did not get a cardio workout in today, I am just too sore from yesterday. I increased my weights yesterday, it was only a 5 lb increase but I can barely walk today!!
    I'll get back into it tomorrow, hopefully I won't hurt so much!!

    Make sure that you stretch adequately after your workout and even before you go to bed; if you're still sore in the AM, stretch again (gently)... have you ever used a foam roller? I use one & it helps a lot!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Saturday check in!
    Arms double work out today! Not only did I do some shoveling but I did the arm work out! The workout really helped my achy muscles believe it or not! Stairs done too!

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend! :)

    Way to go!!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Didnt do a whole lot today, managed to get in 10 minutes of steps and some other small things. Just over 400 calories burned but im on a good pace to complete my goal for the week. Hopefully I can stay motivated over this long weekend to get up and get things done. Even if it is just a little at a time. Hope yall are having a GREAT weekend!!

    Definitely one step at a time! And YOU are worth every step! Hope you have a good weekend too!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I'm exhausted as well and kinda had a rough past two days. I'm trying to shake it so it doesn't discourage me. I'm doing well on my calories and keeping up with my workouts so that is good news I suppose. Hope everyone continues to enjoy their Labor Day Weekend! Stay safe!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    I was MIA on a trip to Yosemite back packing, so here is my "catch up" stats for the end of Week 6 and the beginning of Week 7 (through today); hope I didn't miss anything & that it's not TOO long... :wink: :

    ** Balance WEEK 6 **
    MO 8/29
    Under calories = 49 cals under
    25 Tricep Dips with Bent Knees

    TU 8/30
    Under Fat = 3 g under
    Hiking, climbing hill (20# load) 240 min.
    Hiking, climbing hill (20# load) 240 min.
    Superman pose - 5 reps, 30 seconds

    Week 6 WEIGHT = 154.5

    ** WEEK 7 **

    Calories burned goal = 3500

    W 8/31
    Calcium = 117%
    Hiking, climbing hill (20# load) 360 min.
    Strength: "8 exercises for women" using resistance bands
    Stairs: Yep!
    Log on to MFP = yes
    Check in on the cal. burn spreadsheet= couldn't
    Keep on track of your points/ report = couldn't
    Post an encouraging note = couldn't

    Th 9/1
    Calcium = 160%
    Hiking, climbing hill (20# load) 400 min.
    Strength: none
    Stairs: Yep!
    Log on to MFP = couldn't
    Check in on the cal. burn spreadsheet= couldn't
    Keep on track of your points/ report = couldn't
    Post an encouraging note = couldn't

    Fr 9/2
    Calcium = 136%2053
    Hiking, climbing hill (20# load) 240 min.
    Strength: "8 exercises for women" using resistance bands
    Stairs: Yep!
    Log on to MFP = yes
    Check in on the cal. burn spreadsheet= couldn't
    Keep on track of your points/ report = couldn't
    Post an encouraging note = yes

    SA 9/3
    Calcium = 119%
    Strength: none
    Stairs: none
    Log on to MFP = yes
    Check in on the cal. burn spreadsheet= yes
    Keep on track of your points/ report = yes
    Post an encouraging note = yes

    CURRENT Points = 6
    (Nutrition – 0 point , Strength – 2 points, Cardio – 3 points, Calorie – 1 point, Emotional – 0 point, Commitment – 0 point)
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Thanks everyone for the kinda words on my photo! Isn't it funny how we always see something in the mirrir that others don't see. I still see a tummy and jiggly thighs, even though I know how far I've come. Thanks again for all the support!
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Sunday Check-in!

    I got in the calcium today with the help of a multi-vitamin!
    I did not do the strength or stairs today.
    It was a busy day today with tiling the floor. I had a hard time calculating all that I did with the tiling project but I think I got it as close as possible. Tomorrow I really need to push it on the cals burned to make up for 2 days of no exercise! O.o

    Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday weekend! :)