Sexy in Six Week 4



  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Hey ladies!

    Went to the gym and was there for a lil over 2 hours..I was a lil slow today, but still had 1,335 burnt..well, minus like 200 for what my body would have burned by just sitting around.

    Snack was cheese string, and baby carrots...lunch- saltine cracker(unsalted tops) with some PB on them and some cream of ckn soup...dinner small small piece of steak, salad and 1/2 baked potato.

    Im just hanging out studying now...Spanish test Monday- yay!

    May go to a friends for a lil bit- or I may stay home and go to bed early! Stayed up way late last night!

    Well going grocery shopping now..

    Have a great evening Ladies!!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Good for you Katy! You really tear it up at the gym! I love my Saturday morning sessions because I get my class then the extra time to work myself. Such a great feeling to put in the time and see such a great calorie burn! Even better on weeks when I'm NOT compensating for impromptu pizza dinners, but life is for living right?! :wink:

    Well, another day under my belt and on schedule. Feels good! I have just over 400 calories left over today but that was on purpose to buffer the pizza. Since the pizza was at night and the work out in the morning it works.

    Here are my plans for tomorrow:

    1: 3/4 cup organic fat free peach yogurt w/ 1/3 cup fresh organic strawberries & 1/4 cup org blueberries, 1 tbsp ground flax seed
    2: 1/2 sprouted grain bagel w/ 2 tbsp almond butter
    3: protein shake after gym
    4: baby mixed green salad w/ olive oil (1 tsp), balsamic vinegar (1 tsp) & toasted sesame seeds (1 tsp)
    5: Luna bar
    6: 1/2 organic turkey burger (burger only), 3/4 cup baked sweet potato & 1 cup steamed broccoli (supper left-overs... LOVE IT!!)
    7: 1 cup apple sauce
    8: 3oz baked wild spring salmon fillet, 1/4 cup (uncooked) black japonica rice, 1 cup steamed carrots & 1/4 cup red seedless grapes
    9: 6 cups air-popped popcorn

    workout: C25K week 2 day 1, 55 minute step class.

    One thing I'm really pleased with is that these days when I'm planning my meals I've been able to have a small handfull of cals remaining and the rest of the categories SO close to zero. Tomorrow, for example, I have 6 left for carbs, -2 for fats, 4 left for protein, 782mg of sodium for the day and 37g of fibre. It's like a game to me to try to have it all come out as evenly as possible :tongue:

    Off to watch a movie with hubby!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Just popping in to say good morning... I'm off to the gym but no one has been on so, whoever gets on here next and to everyone else is SISland, HAVE A GREAT DAY!!! :flowerforyou:
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Wow Katy & Pedal, You both are burning so many calories. I don't know how you manage. I hope I can find some of those berries & sweetners. They sound like a healthy alternative.

    I am sitting here wondering why I am feeling more hungry this morning than usual. I am also starting to get a headache (this usually happens when I diet). I did not have a coffee this morning that has slowly been becoming a habit. I usually only have 1 maybe 2 per morning. Could this be the reason for my hunger and my headache?

    My daughter is sick. She sounds terrible, I hope that is not something I am getting. I will have to get some of those zinc drops soon. I am not feeling like working out today, but will try to do the shred dvd.

    1: biscuts & gravy Bad Bad Bad
    2: skim milk & 100 cal snack
    3:popcorn & apple
    4: sweet potato
    5: chicken stir fry
    6: bran muffin & skim milk

    Have a great day.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    evening all.
    well i sure hope i don't get sick now. there have been a few on here with this bad flu thing going around. **please don't breath on me, thanks:wink: **, granddaughter was here last night with a 104 temp. now my MIL just came over to see if we had anything for what ever she thinks she has. she said she has been vomiting all day and had to pull over to get sick driving here. she lives maybe a mile from us. DH isn't feeling well. i have been telling myself i am on penicillian, and started drinking agni (sp) berry juice:drinker: so i shouln't get sick. we shall see.
    went over calories today. i did a short walk this morning, didn't count the calories burned for it. i think i am even out. it's only 275 over.
    well, off to close up the house for night and take a bath with my book.
    been downing the water to wash out this stinkn' medication. won't be the last time a medication does this to me.
    drive by later.
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    :flowerforyou: Hey all!!

    Seems like everything is starting to go around!!! I will make sure to keep my germ x at hand and make sure to wash my hands!!!

    Today no time. So I guess today is my rest day.

    Went to nephews bday party- ate spoonful of potatoe salad, handful of chips, spoon of baked beans and half of a burger with no cheese. Didnt eat cake! So that was lunch/dinner.

    Breakfast was fiber one cereal, with vanilla almond milk(soo yummy!), a snack size cottage chz and some fresh strawberries...snack was south beach dark chocolate covered soybeans, and kashi pumpkin spice flax granola bars.

    I wasnt going to eat anymore since I wasnt able to exercise today- but I am a lil hungry and when I get hungry now, my stomach starts bothering me bad (probably due to the suspected stomach ulcer). I guess I will have some fruit, or something..not sure yet!!

    Well tomorrow morning Im going to the gym before class yay! May have time to check in before class, but not sure!!

    Well hope everyone has a great evening and a great start to the week :heart: :heart:
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hey ladies!!!

    I missed you all so much this weekend!! Sorry I didn't have more time to check in. The wedding was great and it was even better to be back in the city where I went to undergrad and see friends I haven't seen in a few months! kept the calories fairy under control even with the wedding cake and *gasp* homemade cream cheese mints.

    will post more tomorrow, I am now going to unpack, do laundry and hopefully shred later tonight. Hope everyone had a great weekend, cannot believe we are almost on week 5!!! EEK! I better step it up!!
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hello again,

    I am up too early for my own good!! But I am starting a new running program today so i had to get up and get moving!! And the funny thing is, I just realized that it is the one that Pedal has been starting!! haha, I just never thought to abbreviate it C25K.

    Pedal - how have you been tracking these workouts on MFP? Do you separate the minutes of jogging and the minutes of walking? or do you just enter calories?

    off to have yummy oatmeal, run and maybe shred later. be back soon!! :happy:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    ~~run amylou run~~
    i am doing a simular thing. i don't seperate mine. you would be writing all this down and not concertrateing on the workout. when i go to the gym this monring i am going to keep my cardio and weight training together as one. it's too hard for me to write down what i did on treadmill and than go to the machines and record that one. i want things simple. they all workout to be exercise calories. that's all i want, is a total.

    the scale seems to be somewhat settled down with the meds. still up but i have a piece of mind about it. i know that it will come off when the meds stop. my last day is thursday. i will still weigh in on tuesday. nothing planned for today.

    where are all the girls at? if you have had a few bad days DON'T let it stop you. you are worth it to go to the end. are people giving up because of the holidays around the corner. that's when we need each other the most. what do you think of starting tomorrow we each list a trick we use or have heard of and want to try, to get us through this part of the year.

    well, off to dress and get to the gym and get this workout over with.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey gals. I'm alive...not feeling so positive...but alive. I didn't really keep track of things this weekend. Friday was okay. Went over by around 200 cal as planned. Saturday...breakfast was normal, small snack, no lunch but we had a wedding at 2, then shared a spin dip appetizer as a group as we waited for the reception to start and I had a *gulp* margarita. husband and I got in a fight, we went to the wedding and I got TRASHED on wine! I don't even remember what I ate at the wedding, but not much. Completely forgot about my back hurting and danced for hours. Yesterday, woke up feeling like I had been hit by a bus. We layed on the couch ALL day, ordered chinese food and fell asleep early. So...needless to say, I have all my cleaning and laundry still waiting for me to start on this evening.

    Today will be better. My back is feeling much better. I thihk tomorrow I will go to the gym and walk/slow jog on the treadmill. Tonight I really need to get caught up on some things at home, but tomorrow long as I still feel okay. But unfortunetely I won't be lifting weights for a while.'s the meal plan for today:

    Strawberries - Raw, 0.5 cup, halves 24 cal
    Multi Grain Cheerios & Banana, 1 meal 255 cal
    Old Orchard - Healthy Balance Pomegranate Cranberry, 8 FL OZ 29 cal
    308 total breakfast cal

    AM snacks
    Coffee - ground, 2 cup 0 cal
    Nestle Coffee Mate - Coffee Creamer (Sugar Free Vanilla Caramel), 2 tbsp 30 cal
    Kashi Tlc - Soft Baked Ripe Strawberry Cereal Bar, 1 bar (35 mg) 110 cal
    140 total AM snack cal

    Diet Coke - Soft Drink, 12 fl. oz. 0 cal
    Carrots - Baby, 14 pieces 35 cal
    Ae Yo-Lite Yogurt - Yogurt, 6 oz 80 cal
    Tuna Salad Sandwich w/cheese, 1 meal 205 cal
    320 total lunch cal

    Afternoon snacks
    Kashi - TLC Chewy Granola Bars - Cherry Dark Chocolate, 1 bar 120 cal
    Apples - Raw, with skin, 1 medium (2-3/4" dia) (approx 3 per lb) 72 cal
    192 total afternoon snack cal

    This will be a stir fry...beef with broccoli and caulifower and maybe some rice or a baked potato on the side. I will figure out and report back later.

    Total: 960 cal
    Your Daily Goal: 1,200 cal + 200 = 1400 cal
    Remaining: 240 + 200 = 440 cal

    So...I think this will be fine for today. Still not planning on weighing in tomorrow, but hopefully I can start back on exercise tomorrow for week 5. I can hope. Have a fabulous day ladies and I'll check back later!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    AmyLou, YAY!!! I am LOVING C25K. Cass was going to start it so I looked it up and started right away! My knees have a really hard time with running but I have a tendency to push myself really hard physically and I've never been good at starting off as moderately as I ought with running. So far this is going GREAT! I only just started week 2 but I still LOVE it. I can't wait for running days in my week :wink: As for tracking, I wouldn't even consider separating the running and walking. In fact, these days at the gym I've been doing what Cathy does; I just time my whole workout as one and enter it as "gym". And of course I take my 19 calories off for every 10 minutes of exercise. (I got this number for myself by wearing my HRM while sitting watching TV. Usually people are between 15 and 25 cals in 10 mins.) I've also been using consistent speeds on the treadmill (5.6 for running and 4.1 for walking so that I'm still walking quite quickly). Glad the wedding was fun!

    Katy, did you get your workout in this morning??

    Cathy, good idea for the pep talk - I was thinking I would offer one of those today too. Seems everyone has dropped off the face of the planet!!

    Kristin, I'm sorry you're feeling so blue hon :frown: You've had a lot of challenges this past week. Just keep the faith. When you're feeling bummed like this it can seem like this is how things will be forever. But just try to remember that in a few weeks when this is far behind you you'll be able to get to the gym as much as you want, feel that control again over your menu, get back into some weights and realize that this was a very frustrating but totally temporary and surmountable challenge :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Cass, I know you're having a rough go right now too but don't leave us - I hope you're still lurking :wink:

    Amy, how's your family? Everyone feeling better??

    Well, I'm going to be out tomorrow until after I've had a couple of my meals so I decided to weigh in today. I'll copy and paste this entry later tomorrow on the new thread but here it is for now:

    Week 1: 181
    Week 2: 178.4lbs (2.6 lb loss)
    Week 3: 178.2lbs (0.2 lb loss)
    Week 4: 180.0lbs (1.8lb GAIN)
    Week 5: 176.4lbs ... 3.6 lb loss :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: And I've been busting my butt to prove it :wink:
    Goal weight: 169lbs (unofficial) 173.2lbs (official)
    Lbs to go: 7.4 (unofficial) 3.2lbs (official)

    I don't have my meals planned for today but they'll be similar to yesterday. I'll check back later!
  • pdxmomof2
    Good morning and happy monday to all!

    Its like a ghost town here this morning! My kids are gone until tomorrow. My in-laws surprised us and took the kids to the beach yesterday and are coming home Tuesday. The kids are out of school the next 2 days for teacher planning and Veterans day. I had already committed to helping out a friend and watching her kids today. They are girls. Should be fun. With all males in my house including the dog and the cat, I dont get much opportunity to have a girl day. If I didnt have them though I could kick butt on the exercise. Oh well, what to do!

    I dont have food planned today. Breakfast was some really yummy apple cinnamon oat bran muffins that I made. Usually oat bran gets too dry for me but these are super moist and yummy. I am needing the extra fiber boost these last few days for some reason. :ohwell:

    I think that my dh and I will hit the gym tonight since there are no kiddos to worry about!

    Well, I will check back later to see if anyone else has checked in.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Cathy, I do the same. I'll put down the total time I worked out under "walking" (or whatever my cardio was) even though it includes my strength training time. It skews the numbers, but like you I'm concerned with total calories burned.
    ~~run amylou run~~
    i am doing a simular thing. i don't seperate mine. you would be writing all this down and not concertrateing on the workout. when i go to the gym this monring i am going to keep my cardio and weight training together as one. it's too hard for me to write down what i did on treadmill and than go to the machines and record that one. i want things simple. they all workout to be exercise calories. that's all i want, is a total.

    I haven't been posting much lately. I'm sticking to my plan as much as possible although this week is my TOM so I've been eating sweets and unhealthy foods like a pig recently. Didn't even bother to log foods yesterday-- it was a trainwreck. Back on track today.

    I know I sabotauge myself BUT the scale is still on the downward swing, and as long as I'm not gaining, I'm still on the right path. But instead of losing a pound in a week, it takes two or three weeks. I'm okay with that. Slow and steady, slow and steady. For me, denying food will lead to a binge and throwing in the towel on exercise/proper diet. I can't take that risk, so when the urges hit to eat badly, I allow wiggle room for it. It's what works for me, and I'm so happy just to KNOW what works for me, to keep me from gaining the weight back. If I never lost another pound in my life, but maintained, I'd be happy. I'm still 25lbs from "healthy" but I've come so far. I am not saying I'm done -- those 25lbs are still my goal, but .... I think I'm just realistic about my holiday expectations. I hope to lose a couple pounds between now and year end, but as long as I maintain, I will be satisfied.

    I hope you are all having wonderful Monday's. Tomorrow is Veteran's Day (in the states) and a banking holiday! Thank goodness for silly banking holidays (silly in that I get a paid day off work, not a silly holiday by any means). The kiddo will be shipped off to daycare (she loves school, so keeping her at home would be like a punishment for her!) and hubby & I will have a day to ourselves. Should be nice.

    Means I should weigh in today. Oh boo.:embarassed:

    Anyhow, positive thoughts and happy wishes to you all!
  • pdxmomof2
    Pedal- congrats on the awesome week!

    You deserve it!
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Cathy, Pedal, Lauryn - Thank you for the advice on how to count this, it is very helpful!!!:flowerforyou:

    So exercise so far today i s C25K Week 1: Day 1 and it felt pretty good!


    B: Oatmeal with light vanilla soy milk, ocean spray cran grape juice
    S: (after workout) handful (10) almonds
    L: scrambled eggs, green pepper, low fat sharp cheddar cheese, one slice wheat toast with I can't believe its not butter (as long as I don't get talked into going out for lunch after class!)
    S: Jello sugar free fat free strawberry cup
    D: Chicken and mixed veggies with brown rice maybe? not sure yet. :D

    Pedal - AWESOME week, look at you Rockstar!!!!

    Best wishes for a fantastic day everyone!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    go pedal...great job...i sure hope mine drops like that when these stupid pills are gone...:)

    thinking about something. this happens with me. when things go wrong, off course, out of our hands, what ever you want to call it. when life does get back to normal it doesn't feel like normal, the way it was. i than use the new life as a way to change things up. change the calories up/down, change the exercise up/down. i sometimes think that this is why our lifes can't stay the way we want them toooo. it's our sign to change things up. i think about this when i quit smoking, i had to change many things. now that i am having a hard time right now with meds, eating, joining gym. starting tomorrow i am changing things around for me. exercise routiune, changing my calories, things like this. that way this will become my new life. we can't get back what we once had. we can get close, but, never the same.

    off to shower. hope everyone is feeling better today and flu, cold free homes. i know shanell is home with poor baby skyler today. if your house has the bugs, hope everyone gets better soon.

  • pdxmomof2
    Well said Cathy!

    I have a question for all. This topic may have been brought up before but I just dont remember. Has anyone ever done a cleanse, be it dietary or pill form? If so how did it go for you. And for those of you who are all knowing on this, is there any health benefits to doing one?

    My neighbor is a naturopathic doctor and has one that she recommends to her patients. Once a year she gives us all a discount on the program. It is coming up after the holidays and I am just trying to figure out if I would like to do this. I have also seen alot of them out there in vitamin stores in pill form rather than diet form.

    Any feedback is well appretiated!

  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Hello everyone!!!!!!!!

    This morning I did billy blanks cardio and abs series( I'm in a taebo challenge if anyone wants to join)
    I'm currently doing the lemondade cleanse so that's my meal and water

    I'm going to take aerobic class tonight

    Really busy at work so have a good day and keep losing.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Amy, hype cleanses like pills or the lemon / syrup / cayenne cleanse and so on are just that - hype. There are amazing and healthier ways to cleanse your system nutritionally which is the best option. This way you don't mess with your metabolism, you just clean your body up :smile: Your neighbour will know way more than me, but I think it's a great thing to do annually. It's maybe a challenge to some since it usually eliminates things like gluten-containing grains, yeast, refined sugars of any kind, certain fruits & vegetables like corn, tomatoes, etc. But it's usually 3 to 4 weeks for dietary and it does totally depend on the practitioner who is setting it up! Then of course your neighbour may use a pill or formula. I'd definitely check it out though!!

    Thanks for all the kind words... I'm really happy about this week's progress! Who knows.. I may still make my official goal??
  • pdxmomof2
    Her cleanse it totally food based only. I did not do it last year but my sister in law did. She did say it was quite the challenge! Thanks for the info!

    You do still have a chance of reaching goal. That is awesome! It gives me hope to at least maybe loose some weight before the end of the challenge.