30DS start date 7/25/11 - Who's in?



  • bobbiedr
    bobbiedr Posts: 260 Member
    Did day 3, level 1 this morning after my 30 minute run. Not as bad as the 1st day when I did my 30 min run. I didn't feel like jello.

    I don't know if it's because it's getting easier, or if I actually let myself cool-down a bit after running.
  • megmcclure
    megmcclure Posts: 5 Member
    I just finished up day 3 and it seems to be getting a little easier. I only had to take one short breather during the 2nd set of push-ups. Oh, how I hate push-ups :) !!
  • joi1407
    joi1407 Posts: 79
    I hate push ups too, today was day 6 and the worst so far. I really want to take a rest day tomorrow, but i know I shouldn't.
    When are you all planning to go to level 2? do you know they have walk out push ups... scaaary!
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    I did day 4 yesterday and felt like hell afterwards. I struggled through the routine (I wasn't doing so bad day 2 or 3) and I hurt and ached and my joints were grumpy afterwards. Little did I know... I was getting sick. I woke up this morning with a full blown sinus infection. Yay... Day 5 is going to be FUN tonight.
  • amsarver
    amsarver Posts: 6 Member
    I just started today. Do you guys care if I still join?? I've tried 30 day shred before but didn't stick with it. I'm hoping this will keep me going!!! Still gotta lose some of my baby weight!!
  • emilyahsmommy
    I hate push ups too, today was day 6 and the worst so far. I really want to take a rest day tomorrow, but i know I shouldn't.
    When are you all planning to go to level 2? do you know they have walk out push ups... scaaary!

    push ups is what I hate the most.. im at day 3 and its some what better,
    I was told to you do 10 days with level 1 10 for level 2 and 10 for level 3.. Im not quite sure though.
    You can do it!
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Jillian says to do Level 1 until you feel ready to move on or have mastered it; I think most people try to do 10 days on each level b/c of the 30 days, but I think it makes sense to listen to your body and see if it feels ready to move on - you can always go back a level if it feels like too big of a jump, I'm sure!
  • g402gap
    g402gap Posts: 3
    I started the 30ds Monday too! Boy is my BODY hurting!!!!!
  • Ciara1977
    Ciara1977 Posts: 9
    Day 3 done. Push-up's are my weakness.
  • ardeornellis
    ardeornellis Posts: 198 Member
    Completed day 5 today, and I didn't have to modify the pushups!!!!! YAY!!! I am using 8lb weights and my arms are pretty sore, but I can tell that I am getting stronger.. Not sure if it's the 30DS or the C25k... Prob both.. 30 days straight is going to be rough!!
  • catalame
    catalame Posts: 40
    Day 4 done. Yay :).
  • joi1407
    joi1407 Posts: 79
    ooops, having a rest day today... wine as a meal replacement is not the best idea - silly me.
    I had saved up my calories for the eve to have a burger and couple of glasses of wine. the pub's kitchen was closed, so i had a bit more wine - not a wise idea, on such little food all day.
    Back to being good tomorrow, day 8!
    Oh no that means Level 2 on monday!!!

    Keep it up everyone!
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Did Day 5 yesterday. I wasn't as bad as Day 4 but it still wasn't easy. I think I probably will move on after 10 days, but I will likely be doing modified movements the whole time. I am doing full buttkicks and almost full jump rope now and I am able to do more modified push-ups... but no chance there for unmodified. I think I will do unmodified sit up/ ab stuff tonight.

    25 days to go!
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Last night was Day 4 for me. It definitely felt easier and I was less sore, but I also toned down my cardio earlier in the day to rest my sore hips. I did more of the cardio this time (fresher since I didn't work out as hard earlier) but still not the jacks - just not feeling them at this stage. Did replacement cardio and all the other cardio segments, but my calorie burn per session has gone steadily down with each workout even with increasing the cardio - must mean I'm getting more fit, eh? Haha.

    Good luck to the rest of you! Let's keep our dates with Jillian this month and see what she can do for us!
  • LG30
    LG30 Posts: 72
    Day 8 completed...only 22 more to go whooo hoo!!! :D
  • ardeornellis
    ardeornellis Posts: 198 Member
    I haven't done day 6 yet today... My body is SO tired and I have a 25 minute run in the morning.. I am fixing to just get it done... I am not sure about the 30 consecutive days, but I REALLY want to do it without a break...Just feeling a little wilted today... Can anyone relate??
  • ardeornellis
    ardeornellis Posts: 198 Member
    Just finished day 6! It was HARD for me today.. I did the modifiied push ups on the 2nd half of the second cycle of them.. I am planning to stay on level 1 for the full 10 days.. One more day down!! YAY!!
  • want_it_25
    want_it_25 Posts: 219 Member
    D4L1 completed. The cardio is getting easier by the day.
  • missjaeda
    missjaeda Posts: 22
    I've had a crazy week, so I'm just starting today. Everyone's posts are so motivating! Here goes Everything!
  • emmajane_2288
    emmajane_2288 Posts: 132 Member
    Day 4 complete! The shoulder raise and side lunges are the worst for me! I do the girly push ups, which I dont find too bad, but I cant do the proper ones yet! Hoping that I will be able to once this is all over :)