Atkins Support Group



  • KavemanKarg
    Not strictly Atkins but thought if I vented on another of the message boards I would get the "eat what you want as long as you stick to your calorie count" brigade on my back!

    Was in a supermarket today and there was a stand with a woman offering free samples of some new "quick breakfast" called Belvita. Haven't heard of it before but suspect it's probably been available in the US for a while. I took one look... and it looked like a biscuit (cookie in the US?)... and ran a mile.

    Got home and Googled it and *****y h**l! It IS a biscuit, complete with massive amounts of sugar. It's horrifying to think that they're allowed to peddle this idea to people, who think they are doing the healthy thing by having a "wholesome" breakfast. What made me even madder was that the woman was telling someone that the biscuits are "medically proven to keep you full for four hours". Yes! So does a box of biscuits! Doesn't mean it is good for you.

    I don't always stick religiously to the Atkins way of eating (probably 80% of the time) but if it's taught me two things it's that:

    1. Sugar has absolutely no nutritional value whatsover and has really negative effects on your insulin levels and body
    2. Quick and easy breakfasts don't have to come out of a prepackaged box (eggs scrambled in two minutes, anyone? Or how about some slices of gammon on the run? Or celery sticks smeared with soft cheese or sugar-free peanut butter?

    There are those of us who got overweight despite knowing what was good and bad for us to eat and eating the bad stuff in large quantities anyway (I hold my hand up to this one) and those who got overweight because they really didn't have an understanding of nutrition. Those in the second group will no doubt be susceptible to the marketing rubbish spouted by manufacturers churning out "healthy" alternatives to breakfast.

    What really makes me fall over laughing, though, is that the Belvita marketing blurbs state that the biscuits can be part of a healthy breakfast... as long as you add a low fat yoghurt and a piece of fruit. Errrr, so the biscuit alone is not a healthy choice then?

    Phew! Rant over!
    I had to Google this because I haven't seen anything like it here in the US. We do have the Quaker Oats Breakfast Cookie, which is probably similar, but they are one big, chewy oatmeal cookie/biscuit.

    I haven't heard of Belvita either, but thanks for the warning! For breakfast this morning I had 3 pieces of bacon and 2 slices of cheddar cheese. I'm not hungry almost 3 hours later, and I was down another pound today.
    I completely hear you about "them" pushing sugar and carbs on an unknowing public. Makes me angry, too. Just arguing with people on MFP who would rather die than have an open mind to other ways of's very discouraging for me, too!


    The one that got me recently was a quaker oats instant breakfast "High fiber" version with "A good source of fiber" all over the box, along with the usual health check and heart foundation logos and BS.

    Reading the label gave the truth.

    33 grams carbs
    4 grams of fiber. FOUR!!! LOL

    Come on! That is like 1 third the fiber an apple has LOL, the rest? STARCH which is another word for sugar.

    Sure, oatmeal keeps you full longer, because your bowels and stomach have a hard time moving that sticky, glutinous mass through rapidly, but 4 grams of fiber and 29 grams of starch is NOT a high source of fiber in my books.

    I think the Fruit Loops had more fiber if I remember correctly.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    So true! I really had to bite my tongue the other day as one of my colleagues is always buying crap for her teenagers to eat - "A couple of pies when they get in from school before dinner is fine and they're young and still growing". Grrrrrrrr.

    The latest one she's doing is buying them these cheap and nasty instant flavoured noodles ("only 29p a pack and low fat too!"). I don't give a crap if it's low fat; what nutritional value does it actually have? It's just pure flavoured zero-nutrition processed carb.

    My bottom line with food is what nutritional value does it have? Is it giving my body the nutrients it needs? Am I getting a wide variety of food and does it genuinely taste good? The funny thing is, by eating like this and following instinct, I'm generally eating a fairly low carb diet with lots of veg, protein, fibre and vitamins.

    Kids are hungry after school? Give them some real convenience food - an apple and some nuts. It's not rocket science!

    It's no wonder kids are getting fatter.
  • welcomenuts
    welcomenuts Posts: 119 Member
    Hello low carb friends, I'm in need of some support today.

    I've been doing induction (20 net) for a while now and nothing. I'm not new to this rodeo, so yes, lots of water, lowered my sodium. MIM's for breakfast for the fiber, etc.

    I kept thinking the whoosh fairy would stop by, but no.

    The deal is, I've done induction off and on for what seems like forever. Is it possible that my body is just used to the level of carbs? Should I go ahead and jump into OWL?
    I have to go revisit the book since I have never done OWL. :) I've never slowly added more carbs in. I've always just given up.

    This is about the time when I would give up. I've been on MFP for 50 days and my ticker as never moved.

    Guess I am just looing for some support and for others to think that i am on the right track.
    Also, any idea as to how to add maybe 5-10 extra carbs a day would be appreciated. I've only done 20 or not tracked my carbs!


    My stats are, I'm 5'6" and average around 157lbs. I'm approx. a size 10 and carry all my weight in my middle.
    I walk on the treadmill every day for 45 min (that's tv time) I did more strength, but quickly gained 6 pounds and freaked out and stopped.

    Thanks for all the help and encouragement on this board. I like knowing that there is a safe place for people who aren't afraid of bacon and cheese on MFP. :)
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    Hello low carb friends, I'm in need of some support today.

    I've been doing induction (20 net) for a while now and nothing. I'm not new to this rodeo, so yes, lots of water, lowered my sodium. MIM's for breakfast for the fiber, etc.

    I kept thinking the whoosh fairy would stop by, but no.

    The deal is, I've done induction off and on for what seems like forever. Is it possible that my body is just used to the level of carbs? Should I go ahead and jump into OWL?
    I have to go revisit the book since I have never done OWL. :) I've never slowly added more carbs in. I've always just given up.

    This is about the time when I would give up. I've been on MFP for 50 days and my ticker as never moved.

    Guess I am just looing for some support and for others to think that i am on the right track.
    Also, any idea as to how to add maybe 5-10 extra carbs a day would be appreciated. I've only done 20 or not tracked my carbs!


    My stats are, I'm 5'6" and average around 157lbs. I'm approx. a size 10 and carry all my weight in my middle.
    I walk on the treadmill every day for 45 min (that's tv time) I did more strength, but quickly gained 6 pounds and freaked out and stopped.

    Thanks for all the help and encouragement on this board. I like knowing that there is a safe place for people who aren't afraid of bacon and cheese on MFP. :)

    I can't see your diary so I can't tell you exactly what to do, honestly. But if you haven't budged on induction, look at things like too much cheese, peanut butter, etc. If you're fine on all of that, then add in some new veggies to increase the carbs by 5.
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    Hi Suzandees!

    Feel free to add me for more support, I'm always looking for Pals :smile:

    Sorry to hear things aren't going well! Maybe since low carb hasn't been working you could benefit from the ketone strips they sell at pharmacies to check if you're in ketosis? When you're doing low carb do you count calories as well? I don't have much to lose but doing low carb plus staying in a deficit gets me about 1/2lbs a week on average. If I could see your diary I could offer more advice. Great job for not giving up!
  • simsba
    simsba Posts: 3 Member
    I started about a month ago on induction and have lost 8 lbs. It's much harder this time. Probably, age and medications I am taking. I am diabetic and hope to come of meds soon. I have always had numbers under control and at one time controlled it with diet. Doing Atlkins, I feel I can do it again with diet. I'm frustrated with the slow loss, probably not eating enough because I'm not hungry. Working on that though. I'm not going to quit, because I feel so much better.
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I started about a month ago on induction and have lost 8 lbs. It's much harder this time. Probably, age and medications I am taking. I am diabetic and hope to come of meds soon. I have always had numbers under control and at one time controlled it with diet. Doing Atlkins, I feel I can do it again with diet. I'm frustrated with the slow loss, probably not eating enough because I'm not hungry. Working on that though. I'm not going to quit, because I feel so much better.

    8 lbs in a month is great! All you can do is keep chugging along. This is a great place for support! I wouldn't venture out into the open forum with low carb questions though, lots of vultures out there! A lot of people refuse to understand that some are more sensitive to carbs than others. Welcome!
  • welcomenuts
    welcomenuts Posts: 119 Member
    Hi Suzandees!

    Feel free to add me for more support, I'm always looking for Pals :smile:

    Sorry to hear things aren't going well! Maybe since low carb hasn't been working you could benefit from the ketone strips they sell at pharmacies to check if you're in ketosis? When you're doing low carb do you count calories as well? I don't have much to lose but doing low carb plus staying in a deficit gets me about 1/2lbs a week on average. If I could see your diary I could offer more advice. Great job for not giving up!

    I've used the ketone strips. Usually go into ketosis after about 72 hours of 20 grams or less.
    I don't count calories,but since I track them, I usually net around 1500.

    I'll open the diary back up, but I have to admit, I didn't track dinner the last two days, if i have a chance, I will go back in and add them. It was a burger, no bun and a salad last night.

    I don't eat peanut butter, but would be happy to add that back in these days.
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    Hi Suzandees!

    Feel free to add me for more support, I'm always looking for Pals :smile:

    Sorry to hear things aren't going well! Maybe since low carb hasn't been working you could benefit from the ketone strips they sell at pharmacies to check if you're in ketosis? When you're doing low carb do you count calories as well? I don't have much to lose but doing low carb plus staying in a deficit gets me about 1/2lbs a week on average. If I could see your diary I could offer more advice. Great job for not giving up!

    I've used the ketone strips. Usually go into ketosis after about 72 hours of 20 grams or less.
    I don't count calories,but since I track them, I usually net around 1500.

    I'll open the diary back up, but I have to admit, I didn't track dinner the last two days, if i have a chance, I will go back in and add them. It was a burger, no bun and a salad last night.

    I don't eat peanut butter, but would be happy to add that back in these days.

    My suggestion is to back off of the cheese a bit. Dr Atkins mentions in his book that if wt loss has stalled, this is once place to check. Instead of using cream cheese on your MiM, try cinnamon butter :)
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    Looking at your diary I don't have a lot of advice! It looks like you're doing well. Maybe tweek some things like dittiepe suggested. I hope the scale moves for you soon!

    I'm hoping to see a loss Monday, but it's that time of month so who knows! I have noticed though that my water weight fluctuations during that time are not as bad. So that's a plus!

    I made a pumpkin mim earlier and topped it with sugar free chocolate fudge frosting. Oh man, it was so good! Making chicken wings tonight with blue cheese dressing. Have a great night everyone!
  • welcomenuts
    welcomenuts Posts: 119 Member
    Well, poo. I thought for sure someone here would have that MAGIC answer!! :laugh:

    I went ahead and upped my carbs for today. I purposefully went over by having a wonderful breve latte at Starbucks. It was wonderful. Yes, wonderful.
    I also oinked out on a handful of almonds and a cup of strawberries. They seemed like such a luxury after not having them.

    Ate my normal salad for lunch and a dinner of chicken breast smothered with cheese (I ate it before reading the replies!!!)

    I went to a halloween party and was able to bypass the cupcakes, caramel apples and even the pumpkin pie. I felt like that was an accomplishment after feeling so down about my weight today.

    I just remember how miserable that sugar makes me feel. I would look like I was four months pregnant tomorrow if I had indulged in all (or any) of that. It just wasn't worth how I would feel afterwards.
    Thanks for all your support. I know I feel better and it's nice to know that I'm not alone.
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    Great self control! I made my own low carb pumpkin pie, so I don't miss the real stuff! It's great when you can find alternatives. Makes you feel like you're not missing out. :smile:
  • fatcitizen
    fatcitizen Posts: 103 Member
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I had mixed berries with nonfat greek plain yogurt GOOD! I also bought cherry extract; it's my favorite flavor. I can't wait to make some mims with it! I hope you all had a fabulous weekend! I'm very proud of myself for staying on track.
  • SouLThinking
    SouLThinking Posts: 308 Member
    I had mixed berries with nonfat greek plain yogurt GOOD! I also bought cherry extract; it's my favorite flavor. I can't wait to make some mims with it! I hope you all had a fabulous weekend! I'm very proud of myself for staying on track.

    berries have to be my favorite fruit! I love strawberries just sliced up in a cup ..sometimes plain sometimes with some splenda sprinkled on top. Talk about yummy and so low cal and good carbs.

    I need to go to the store LOL
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Well, poo. I thought for sure someone here would have that MAGIC answer!! :laugh:

    I went ahead and upped my carbs for today. I purposefully went over by having a wonderful breve latte at Starbucks. It was wonderful. Yes, wonderful.
    I also oinked out on a handful of almonds and a cup of strawberries. They seemed like such a luxury after not having them.

    Ate my normal salad for lunch and a dinner of chicken breast smothered with cheese (I ate it before reading the replies!!!)

    I went to a halloween party and was able to bypass the cupcakes, caramel apples and even the pumpkin pie. I felt like that was an accomplishment after feeling so down about my weight today.

    I just remember how miserable that sugar makes me feel. I would look like I was four months pregnant tomorrow if I had indulged in all (or any) of that. It just wasn't worth how I would feel afterwards.
    Thanks for all your support. I know I feel better and it's nice to know that I'm not alone.

    I looked at your diary, and IMO I think you need to go to strict induction again. I just went back a week, but what jumped out at me is that you are not getting most of your carbs from salads and veggies. Strict induction will look like this:

    2 cups of salad/lettuce greens a day
    1 cup of other lower glycemic veggies from the Induction foods list
    No fruit yet, sorry. No strawberries.
    Less than 4 oz of cheese a day.
    Watch the sauces! You had one day with BBq sauce that contained 9 carbs. That's almost half your daily allotment!
    Careful with the almonds. They are acceptable, but it's easy to lose track. Use should only be having 1/4 cup a day on Induction.
    At least 64 oz water.
    Coffee is ok, but maybe heavy cream instead of half-n-half. Perhaps decaf. The caffeine may give you cravings for carbs.
    On the Ranch dressing, be careful of the sugars.

    I hope this helps! Don't give up! Maybe try strict induction again for 2 weeks--no cheating! Can you find a used copy of the Atkins book at a used bookstore? It would be very helpful to refresh how to do the diet!
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Well, poo. I thought for sure someone here would have that MAGIC answer!! :laugh:

    I went ahead and upped my carbs for today. I purposefully went over by having a wonderful breve latte at Starbucks. It was wonderful. Yes, wonderful.
    I also oinked out on a handful of almonds and a cup of strawberries. They seemed like such a luxury after not having them.

    Ate my normal salad for lunch and a dinner of chicken breast smothered with cheese (I ate it before reading the replies!!!)

    I went to a halloween party and was able to bypass the cupcakes, caramel apples and even the pumpkin pie. I felt like that was an accomplishment after feeling so down about my weight today.

    I just remember how miserable that sugar makes me feel. I would look like I was four months pregnant tomorrow if I had indulged in all (or any) of that. It just wasn't worth how I would feel afterwards.
    Thanks for all your support. I know I feel better and it's nice to know that I'm not alone.

    I looked at your diary, and IMO I think you need to go to strict induction again. I just went back a week, but what jumped out at me is that you are not getting most of your carbs from salads and veggies. Strict induction will look like this:

    2 cups of salad/lettuce greens a day
    1 cup of other lower glycemic veggies from the Induction foods list
    No fruit yet, sorry. No strawberries.
    Less than 4 oz of cheese a day.
    Watch the sauces! You had one day with BBq sauce that contained 9 carbs. That's almost half your daily allotment!
    Careful with the almonds. They are acceptable, but it's easy to lose track. Use should only be having 1/4 cup a day on Induction.
    At least 64 oz water.
    Coffee is ok, but maybe heavy cream instead of half-n-half. Perhaps decaf. The caffeine may give you cravings for carbs.
    On the Ranch dressing, be careful of the sugars.

    I hope this helps! Don't give up! Maybe try strict induction again for 2 weeks--no cheating! Can you find a used copy of the Atkins book at a used bookstore? It would be very helpful to refresh how to do the diet!

    At least 12 of your 20 net carbs should come from salads and veggies!!
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    Down a pound today! :smile:
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member

    I looked at your diary, and IMO I think you need to go to strict induction again. I just went back a week, but what jumped out at me is that you are not getting most of your carbs from salads and veggies. Strict induction will look like this:

    2 cups of salad/lettuce greens a day
    1 cup of other lower glycemic veggies from the Induction foods list
    No fruit yet, sorry. No strawberries.
    Less than 4 oz of cheese a day.
    Watch the sauces! You had one day with BBq sauce that contained 9 carbs. That's almost half your daily allotment!
    Careful with the almonds. They are acceptable, but it's easy to lose track. Use should only be having 1/4 cup a day on Induction.
    At least 64 oz water.
    Coffee is ok, but maybe heavy cream instead of half-n-half. Perhaps decaf. The caffeine may give you cravings for carbs.
    On the Ranch dressing, be careful of the sugars.

    I hope this helps! Don't give up! Maybe try strict induction again for 2 weeks--no cheating! Can you find a used copy of the Atkins book at a used bookstore? It would be very helpful to refresh how to do the diet!

    Atkins in a nutshell. Nicely put martinah4!
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Down a pound today! :smile:
