Atkins Support Group



  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Hey gang! Having a stall, so I spent the weekend eating the old way, and felt bloated and fat! I know that Atkins is the right thing to do, I'm jut stuck. Need help!!

    Can you open you diary so we can see where to help you?
    When I stall I have to go back to strictly watching my carb counts and measurements.
    Also, I up my water, and make sure I'm not eating to much protein or sugar (like my stall a few weeks ago was probably because I was eating Peanut Butter like it was going extinct.)
    Some people get tripped up by eating too many sweeteners, like Splenda, or by drinking too much caffeine.
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Hey gang! Having a stall, so I spent the weekend eating the old way, and felt bloated and fat! I know that Atkins is the right thing to do, I'm jut stuck. Need help!!
    Without being able to see your diary, it's difficult to offer any advice. How many calories are you eating each day? How many carbs? And so on. For example, under-eating while eating very few carbs will make a lot of people stall.

    I've had several bad weekends lately. The problem is, this time of year is when everything happens here. The weather is finally cooling down to bearable levels so that people actually want to be outdoors for any length of time. I have to be good this week, though, because I have a Halloween party on Saturday night and then my 10K race on Sunday.

    The entire season from Halloween to New Years Day is a detriment to my diet! It's going to take sheer willpower to get through these holidays, especially since I'll still be making my favorite Sweet Potato Casserole, but not able to eat it!
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    The WF was nice to me since I had surgery last week, and she came to pay me a visit! She left with 2lb ;)
  • HeartLunger
    Oh, that bloated feeling! How I hate it!

    The family and I went to visit my brother and his wife last week in SC. The wife and I had a few cheat days - the worst was when we went to a seafood buffet. I so love deviled crab! Also, Sunday was a bad day as that was when we made the 9 hour drive home. Needless to say I woke up yesterday with the bloats! Started induction and by noon the feeling had mostly subsided. I think cheat days are good every so often - they help you remember just how bad carbs make you feel! ;)
  • jbix1958
    jbix1958 Posts: 9 Member
    Holy crap! Yesterday was Day 1 of Phase 1 for me. I say Phase 1 but I'm doing a slight modification...a blend of two low-carb diets. Phase 1 says to keep below 20 net carbs for each day. Without trying too hard (I never went hungry the whole day) I only took in 12 net carbs for the whole day! Is there such thing as not enough carbs in Phase 1???

  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    Holy crap! Yesterday was Day 1 of Phase 1 for me. I say Phase 1 but I'm doing a slight modification...a blend of two low-carb diets. Phase 1 says to keep below 20 net carbs for each day. Without trying too hard (I never went hungry the whole day) I only took in 12 net carbs for the whole day! Is there such thing as not enough carbs in Phase 1???


    You can get constipated if you're too low on the carbs. So try to get as close to 20 as you can. I tend to say between 18-22 is fine
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    Holy crap! Yesterday was Day 1 of Phase 1 for me. I say Phase 1 but I'm doing a slight modification...a blend of two low-carb diets. Phase 1 says to keep below 20 net carbs for each day. Without trying too hard (I never went hungry the whole day) I only took in 12 net carbs for the whole day! Is there such thing as not enough carbs in Phase 1???


    You can get constipated if you're too low on the carbs. So try to get as close to 20 as you can. I tend to say between 18-22 is fine

    Just add veggies to up the count. Some days I can't go over 15, so I add veggies. I also take psyllium husk to help things move along!
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    The entire season from Halloween to New Years Day is a detriment to my diet! It's going to take sheer willpower to get through these holidays, especially since I'll still be making my favorite Sweet Potato Casserole, but not able to eat it!

    I feel ya on that!! They're already bringing in high-carb, gooey "goodies" in my office!! This time of year is when I usually fold, and the outcome is always the same...weight gain...feeling like crap....angry and irritable...hmmm.

    I really need to stay strong!
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    The WF was nice to me since I had surgery last week, and she came to pay me a visit! She left with 2lb ;)

    That's great! She swung by my place and left with half a pound :laugh: I miss seeing big numbers but I'm close to goal so I'll take what I can get!
  • jbix1958
    jbix1958 Posts: 9 Member
    A couple people said with no gallbladder it could be possible to have "loose bowel movements"....and sure enough......

    So, for right now, constipation is the least of my worries! But yep...I'll increase my veggies to up the carb count. Headed to the cafeteria now to get a salad with some good low-carb veggies on top. With the menu I picked out today I was headed for another 12 net carb day. Today I should be able to get that up to 20 with no problem.
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    A couple people said with no gallbladder it could be possible to have "loose bowel movements"....and sure enough......

    So, for right now, constipation is the least of my worries! But yep...I'll increase my veggies to up the carb count. Headed to the cafeteria now to get a salad with some good low-carb veggies on top. With the menu I picked out today I was headed for another 12 net carb day. Today I should be able to get that up to 20 with no problem.

    Have you tried ground/milled flaxseed? It's full of fiber and make great muffins. I put some in my 'pancakes' to hold them together better and add fiber. This has become my main source of fiber.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    A couple people said with no gallbladder it could be possible to have "loose bowel movements"....and sure enough......

    So, for right now, constipation is the least of my worries! But yep...I'll increase my veggies to up the carb count. Headed to the cafeteria now to get a salad with some good low-carb veggies on top. With the menu I picked out today I was headed for another 12 net carb day. Today I should be able to get that up to 20 with no problem.

    Have you tried ground/milled flaxseed? It's full of fiber and make great muffins. I put some in my 'pancakes' to hold them together better and add fiber. This has become my main source of fiber.
    As another without a gallbladder and chronic diarrhea for the past decade, I might caution against the flax muffins. While I LOVE them, I'm learning that I have to keep my fiber really low if I want to stay out of the bathroom for any length of time. :( Despite what some doctors have suggested, adding fiber to my diet only makes things worse for me.

    Jbix, you might try adding a little more fiber, but if you don't need it to keep things moving, as it were, then don't worry about it.
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I know more fiber can back things up, that's too bad it doesn't work for you! I'm very irregular, even with high fiber and 64oz water daily.
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    Hi all, just wanted to let ya'll know that I've posted some new recipes on my blog. URL is in my sig below :)
    Have a great, low carb, day!
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Thanks! I'll check them out!
  • Loves2snack
    Loves2snack Posts: 112 Member
    I would love to join. Im still going to eat my vita tops every morning though :)
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Welcome! What is a vita top?
  • BBBombshell
    Hey all Atkins-er that a word LOL.....with the occasional HCG round for good measure....happy to have found the group :)
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Hey all, just popping my head in here for a quick second to say HI and let's keep everything moving onward and downward!!!
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Hey all, just popping my head in here for a quick second to say HI and let's keep everything moving onward and downward!!!

    Hey, Grokette! Welcome BBBombshell!
    I'm de-venting from an earlier post. Why can't the stupid calorie counters stay off threads that are specifically asking for advice on low-carb diets? Drives me crazy!!! Those misinformed energy balance guinea pigs need to go back to their little wheels and spin, spin, spin....