Atkins Support Group



  • mdmarcha
    Is this the safe haven for Low Carbers from the tyranny of the carb pushing facists on the regular forum?

    Yes, low-fat calorie counters need not apply!

    Thank goodness. Gonna start reading thorugh this thread. Somebody pass the bacon?
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    I've wondered where they are too, thanks. Might have to look into that..would be nice to know for sure if I'm doing this right!

    I've never used the Ketone strips. TMI, but I can tell I'm in ketosis when I have a terrible taste in my mouth in the morning, and also the consistency of my poop.

    You'll start noticing little differences with your body, and the Ketone strips will just confirm what you suspect.
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    umm... can i join u guys? :embarassed:
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    umm... can i join u guys? :embarassed:

    Low carb? Absolutely! :)
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    The more the merrier!

    I have my gallbladder out so the consistency thing doesn't work for me..also I can't tell if I just have some hot morning breath :laugh:

    I hope everyone had a great weekend! I went on a picnic Saturday where food was provided. None of which was low carb so I just took a small sample of each. Got right back on track that night. I made a low carb 2 serving pepperoni pizza last night, it's quite tasty! Used eggs, cheese, and seasonings for the crust.
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    thanks!! i'm def low-carb :tongue:

    tryin 2 lose weight 2 for the military so hopefully i will ship out to trainin in early nov :happy:

    been doin low carb for 3months now :smile:
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    Good luck Sian, I'm sure you'll be able to make your goal!

    I enlisted 10 years ago, I didn't pass weight but I did pass the taping. They changed it awhile ago so the weight standards are a bit more fair. I'm out now, but you certainly get pretty fit during training. :smile:
  • jbix1958
    jbix1958 Posts: 9 Member
    Joining here today also. Have read several low carb books including Dana Carpender's book. Starting off with a hybrid diet - a mix of Atkins Phase 1 & Protein Power. Basically allowing myself between 20-30 net carbs a day to ease myself into the transition of a low carb eating plan. I have a SEVERE carb addiction - breads, pastas, sweets ruled my life forever....NO MORE! I fear going cold turkey onto the Atkins plan by itself (<20 carbs per day) will only spin me into severe carb withdrawal and it will be too easy to reach for a twinkie or a roll to satisfy the carb craving. We'll see how this progresses.
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    Welcome! I think you will find after a couple days on low carb you won't crave the things you used to. Good luck :-)
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    Good luck Sian, I'm sure you'll be able to make your goal!

    I enlisted 10 years ago, I didn't pass weight but I did pass the taping. They changed it awhile ago so the weight standards are a bit more fair. I'm out now, but you certainly get pretty fit during training. :smile:

    THANKS!! :happy:

    yeah i won't b able 2 make weight but i should b able 2 make tape. i only have abt an inch to lose. i've lost 26lbs doin atkins so far
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Welcome to our newcomers!

    Also TMI, but I can tell when I'm in ketosis because my urine smells different when I pee. I don't have to "check"; it's pretty strong. LOL Funny thing about having the gallbladder out... since I had mine out in December, that smell has changed. I think that once you use the strips, you'll notice something else that coincides with being in ketosis and then you won't need them any longer to tell.
  • jbix1958
    jbix1958 Posts: 9 Member
    I've heard that mentioned a couple times now...gallbladder being out. I had mine removed a couple years ago. How will having no gallbladder change things or is there something I should/should not be doing???
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    For a lot of people with their gallbladders out, digesting a lot of fat can cause loose stools. My digestion didn't change much luckily so this doesn't affect me. This was just told to me by my doctor. I've had mine out for a year and a half now.
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    I've heard that mentioned a couple times now...gallbladder being out. I had mine removed a couple years ago. How will having no gallbladder change things or is there something I should/should not be doing???

    Some people get a sort of 'short gut syndrome'-like behavior in that increased fat intake will cause a lot of loose stools. I had this problem prior to atkins. The decrease in carbs actually fixed the problem for me! LOL
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    It's so funny that you say that. Just like night, I was having dinner with my sister-in-law. She was complaining of the same thing--gas, bloated feeling, tummy aches. She is eliminating diet sodas and foods that contain fructose and sugars. She's done that for a week, and said she feels a lot better! I mentioned that she should consider a low-carb or Atkins diet, and she pooh-poohed me, though. "I can not do that diet. I can NOT live without starches and grains." Oh, well, I can only offer to help....

    If only people could take a leap of faith and at least try not eating grains for a bit and instead focus on chowing down on some delicious meat and fat and veggies and a little fruit for dessert along with some luscious heavy cream or coconut milk.
    They'd see how quickly their cravings for carbs would stop, excessive hunger goes away, you feel satiated for longer and, at least for me, weight loss is easier to manage. I don't feel restricted when I eat this way but I sure feel like a slave to food when I try to "moderate" eating carbs.

    I think the tide is changing though, and soon more and more people will realize that they "can NOT live WITH starches and grains."

    I'm not eating Atkins style but am eating primal/paleo.
    I just wanted to chime in because of your post and give my 2¢. :flowerforyou:
  • MjDavis1981
    MjDavis1981 Posts: 63 Member
    Hey gang! Having a stall, so I spent the weekend eating the old way, and felt bloated and fat! I know that Atkins is the right thing to do, I'm jut stuck. Need help!!
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    Hey Malena-

    What exactly are you stuck on? Food choices, carb counts, etc? I had a carb filled lunch on Saturday, and although I only sampled a little of each thing, I was VERY bloated.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I went off Atkins this weekend in a baaad way but I did enjoy my meals :). It's just still a learning curve and that's a very good excuse. This week is just forrecover. I hope I will go back to my last friday weight. Since I'm on Atkins, I actually eat more
    veggie than before.

    Malena, go back to induction. How long you have a stall tho?
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Hey gang! Having a stall, so I spent the weekend eating the old way, and felt bloated and fat! I know that Atkins is the right thing to do, I'm jut stuck. Need help!!
    Without being able to see your diary, it's difficult to offer any advice. How many calories are you eating each day? How many carbs? And so on. For example, under-eating while eating very few carbs will make a lot of people stall.

    I've had several bad weekends lately. The problem is, this time of year is when everything happens here. The weather is finally cooling down to bearable levels so that people actually want to be outdoors for any length of time. I have to be good this week, though, because I have a Halloween party on Saturday night and then my 10K race on Sunday.
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    It's so funny that you say that. Just like night, I was having dinner with my sister-in-law. She was complaining of the same thing--gas, bloated feeling, tummy aches. She is eliminating diet sodas and foods that contain fructose and sugars. She's done that for a week, and said she feels a lot better! I mentioned that she should consider a low-carb or Atkins diet, and she pooh-poohed me, though. "I can not do that diet. I can NOT live without starches and grains." Oh, well, I can only offer to help....

    If only people could take a leap of faith and at least try not eating grains for a bit and instead focus on chowing down on some delicious meat and fat and veggies and a little fruit for dessert along with some luscious heavy cream or coconut milk.
    They'd see how quickly their cravings for carbs would stop, excessive hunger goes away, you feel satiated for longer and, at least for me, weight loss is easier to manage. I don't feel restricted when I eat this way but I sure feel like a slave to food when I try to "moderate" eating carbs.

    I think the tide is changing though, and soon more and more people will realize that they "can NOT live WITH starches and grains."

    I'm not eating Atkins style but am eating primal/paleo.
    I just wanted to chime in because of your post and give my 2¢. :flowerforyou:

    It may be called Atkins, but it's very similar to Paleo...I think Paleo people take it a little further with the whole foods concept, which I agree with!
    I also think that the tide is turning, and more people are seeing the truth about low-carb diets!