for members fasting ramadan -start august 1 st



  • smb0701
    smb0701 Posts: 234
    As-Salaamu Alaykum everyone, i just ran this thread. i am glad to see so many Muslims participate in MFP. i actually thought i was the only one. every year during Ramadan i mess up and stop logging, but this year i decided i would make it my business to log in everyday. and so far so good:) i really enjoyed reading the posts. this year i have not had any sweets at all, i think it is mainly because i haven't been going out for the iftars yet, although at home i still have sweets around for my children i haven't eaten any. and i also have not had a problem with that. i think that is mostly due to me eating so much watermelon, it is my absolute favorite. as long as i have a sweet melon i have no desire for the other things. this Ramadan i have been eating a lot of watermelon. i hope everyone can get the benefit of Ramadan and stay on track. i actually have just started back doing a little bit of weights early in the day, and i try to stay active with my children, who really don't give me choice, even when i am starting to feel a tired and run down they will say no sleeping mommy, so that kills my nap time. btw my kids are 12mths, 3yrs, 6yrs. i also have two older children18 and 13, who claim they try to fast but, ma'shallah. i will definitely be following you guys. i haven't been working out as i used to but i plan to start back. in'shallah.
  • thinthought
    thinthought Posts: 99 Member
    DiyyahBloom--what is a TOM-- and 2 lbs is 2lbs don't short change yourself

    Concealedpearl--LOL... I totally thought as I wrote 'eh?'.... "that was so Canadian"

    As for the thoughts of not being on MFP while fasting, taking care of our body is totally something we will be accountable before Allah. I don't think our intention for Ramadan should be to lose weight, but I also don't think that because Ramadan is here we should throw those goals out of the window. There is time for ibaddah and focusing on health and then also making your focus on health an ibaddah.

    As for the birkini... don't own one but have certainly seen some for sale here in Turkey that are not tight. Not tights or even lycra. They look more like a track suit. Have not seen them wet, but it is a thought.
  • thinthought
    thinthought Posts: 99 Member
    lol--- just figured out TOM.
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    okkk.. i'm expecting TOM as well .. and i'm feeling like falling of the wagon .. didn't workout and feel tired and sleepy .. and started really messing up with the food.
    i mean i have all the good and healthy stuff - but .. i have all the stuff and not really measuring it .. my belly was the measure for the past 2-3 days :(
    So not happy with myself.

    I admit i can't focus on this while fasting- i 'm trying to do the focusing on ibadah .. ths was always my struggle.. i feel like " split " if i do one i can't do the other one - and it SHOULD be a life style and it should be natural for me to do both ..i'm struggling but i'm trying .. ugh.. now i remembered my trainer..
    whenever i would say " i'm trying " she would yell at me
    " there is no trying- do it or do it not but don't try !

    the warm water is such an easy task and always so hard for me to stick too.. so i think i should pick that challange allong with some other during the next month insha Allah.
    sis smb0701- welcome to the therad- and you are not the only one who thought " i'm the only one here " heheh how could you know ? i was surprised how many mmbrs showed up when i started this topic. So now we know.. that ramadan doesn't have to be a reason to forget our goals - scale wise.. - don't mind me- i did. but look at the other strong sisters that have lost weight and exercised on a regular basis. ! they are the proof it can be done
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    just checking in i did day 1 level 1 30day shred today it didnt leave me thirsty like i thought it would but boy do i ache now

    hope everyone is ok in sha allah
  • Walaikum aslaaam sis smb....welcome to the thread. Yep, I was surprised and so happy to see so many Muslims on MFP! Alhamdulilah! :)

    I didn't exercise yesterday 'cuz I was in a lot of pain. :( Insh'Allah, today will be better. I did miss suhoor this morning though, so it will be a long day for me.

    Alhamdulilah it's Friday I will be going to Jum'ah, insh'Allah...and that always makes me feel good. :)
  • just checking in i did day 1 level 1 30day shred today it didnt leave me thirsty like i thought it would but boy do i ache now

    hope everyone is ok in sha allah

    Congrats! First day is tough but keep pushing through. Try stretching longer than she does in the video that will help.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    just checking in i did day 1 level 1 30day shred today it didnt leave me thirsty like i thought it would but boy do i ache now

    hope everyone is ok in sha allah

    Congrats! First day is tough but keep pushing through. Try stretching longer than she does in the video that will help.

    thanks it wasnt what i was expecting but i enjoyed it my legs still feel like lead now tho but worth it
  • hunny73
    hunny73 Posts: 112 Member
    Jumaa Mubarak eveyone. Hope everyone is well. Just wanted to share that i've managed to do some form of exercise every single day of this Ramadan ( thanks to this thread). That's quite an achievement for me personally.

    I would love for this to continue after Ramadan too.

    Question does anyone know if the 30 Day Shred DVD is available in the UK? I've heard so many good reports about it.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    Jumaa Mubarak eveyone. Hope everyone is well. Just wanted to share that i've managed to do some form of exercise every single day of this Ramadan ( thanks to this thread). That's quite an achievement for me personally.

    I would love for this to continue after Ramadan too.

    Question does anyone know if the 30 Day Shred DVD is available in the UK? I've heard so many good reports about it.

    im in UK and started it today amazon is selling for £6 and ive seen it in HMV but it was more expensive
  • hunny73
    hunny73 Posts: 112 Member
    Jumaa Mubarak eveyone. Hope everyone is well. Just wanted to share that i've managed to do some form of exercise every single day of this Ramadan ( thanks to this thread). That's quite an achievement for me personally.

    I would love for this to continue after Ramadan too.

    Question does anyone know if the 30 Day Shred DVD is available in the UK? I've heard so many good reports about it.

    im in UK and started it today amazon is selling for £6 and ive seen it in HMV but it was more expensive
  • hunny73
    hunny73 Posts: 112 Member
    thanks monkeysmum! and dexters!
  • chrisc31
    chrisc31 Posts: 137 Member
    I'm so excited! My husband is coming home tonight insha'Allah after being away since June on business! Since he's last seen me I've lost another 22.4 lbs! But having him home always disrupts my routine because he likes to eat out a lot! Here's praying that I don't undo the hard work I've done. His flight arrives late which means I'll be breaking my fast as I'm driving to the airport to pick him up. I still haven't decided what I'm going to eat. And I don't know if he is fasting today or not (I know he's excused because of his travel but he said he might try to). routine is already out of sorts!
  • fit_healthy
    fit_healthy Posts: 89 Member

    Still doing the shred, now on D12 Level 2. I did however miss one day, but i made it up the next day. Went for a short walk today also.

    Fasting going well but today, i felt really light headed, and now i have a headache. Hope i don't feel like this tomorrow.
  • I'm so excited! My husband is coming home tonight insha'Allah after being away since June on business! Since he's last seen me I've lost another 22.4 lbs! But having him home always disrupts my routine because he likes to eat out a lot! Here's praying that I don't undo the hard work I've done. His flight arrives late which means I'll be breaking my fast as I'm driving to the airport to pick him up. I still haven't decided what I'm going to eat. And I don't know if he is fasting today or not (I know he's excused because of his travel but he said he might try to). routine is already out of sorts!

    My family likes to eat out as well. What I've discovered is that most restaurants have nutritional guides on their websites, so maybe you can look up their menu in advance and check the nutritional values before you go out to eat. This way you already have a plan in place as to what you will order and how many calories, etc it is. Also, many restaurants have an additional menu with foods that are lower calories.

    Other than that....yay! I'm happy for you that your hubby is coming home! I know you must be excited. :)
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member

    Still doing the shred, now on D12 Level 2. I did however miss one day, but i made it up the next day. Went for a short walk today also.

    Fasting going well but today, i felt really light headed, and now i have a headache. Hope i don't feel like this tomorrow.

    MashaAllah u r so close to ur goal weight!
  • fit_healthy
    fit_healthy Posts: 89 Member
    Morning everyone,

    I have missed my morning workout, so i will probably do it the the afternoon, or after iftar.

    Last night, i had a few many sweets, oops. I just can't help myself. But today is a new day, so lets see if i can control, or at least say within my calories today.

    @dexters_dexterity, yes only 1lbs left !!!!!!! But i may just change my goal, as i want to reduce my body fat. I have a feeling that i may add a couple of pounds after fasting :S
  • hunny73
    hunny73 Posts: 112 Member
    okkk.. i'm expecting TOM as well .. and i'm feeling like falling of the wagon .. didn't workout and feel tired and sleepy .. and started really messing up with the food.
    i mean i have all the good and healthy stuff - but .. i have all the stuff and not really measuring it .. my belly was the measure for the past 2-3 days :(
    So not happy with myself.

    Don't be too hard on yourself. I always make allowances around my TOM because i know i'm going to feel, moody, tired and want all the foods that i shouldn't eat (Chocolate! and lots of it). i then try and make up for it afterwards.

    I admit i can't focus on this while fasting- i 'm trying to do the focusing on ibadah .. ths was always my struggle.. i feel like " split " if i do one i can't do the other one - and it SHOULD be a life style and it should be natural for me to do both ..i'm struggling but i'm trying .. ugh.. now i remembered my trainer..
    whenever i would say " i'm trying " she would yell at me
    " there is no trying- do it or do it not but don't try !

    Am glad to hear your trying. because if you are trying, you are doing it!

    the warm water is such an easy task and always so hard for me to stick too.. so i think i should pick that challange allong with some other during the next month insha Allah.
    sis smb0701- welcome to the therad- and you are not the only one who thought " i'm the only one here " heheh how could you know ? i was surprised how many mmbrs showed up when i started this topic. So now we know.. that ramadan doesn't have to be a reason to forget our goals - scale wise.. - don't mind me- i did. but look at the other strong sisters that have lost weight and exercised on a regular basis. ! they are the proof it can be done

    warm water is a good idea. i used to do it with a few drops of lemon and honey.
  • hunny73
    hunny73 Posts: 112 Member
    Sorry! can't quite figure out this quote thing!
  • Assalamualaykum Everyone...
    Last night I completed Day 13 of the was really tough since I did it close to 1am. I broke my habit of doing it after iftar everyday for 12 days. I hope I don't do the same tonight because 1am workouts are not fun at all.

    Just wanted to know if any of you are having any constipation issues...This always happens in Ramadan because lack of too much greens, fiber and water. Any tips people, I am going to buy a tub of pitted prunes today, those always help.