for members fasting ramadan -start august 1 st



  • hunny73
    hunny73 Posts: 112 Member
    i'm also still here. had a few bad days foodwise. gave into temptation. not exercising at the gym for now but still walking on work days and on the treadmil if i can squeeze it in. Although, i must say just reading tarawee works up a sweat for me! :)

    I just recommended "Psyillium Husks" (not capsules) for constipation to one of my firends and thought it may be beneficial to share with you guys too. It is the husk of the seed of the Plantain and is used to add fibre to the diet, also in weight control and in general intestinal health. It contains a spongy fiber that reduces appetite, improves digestion and cleanses the system. I normally take a teaspoon or two in quarter of a glass of orange juice first thing in the morning as and when needed. But i have read that some people take it before every meal. theres lots of info online if you want to know more about it.

    Day 18 of Ramadan today. Just 12 blessed days left for us to take advantage of. Remember us all in your dua's.
  • concealedpearl
    i am still here still trying ive had a couple days where i couldnt fast i felt so ill but in shaa allah i feel better now not quite my usual self but better than i was i have been doing 30 day shred today will be day 6 its not what i expected for me i find the worout easy i dont get thirsty or overly hot sweaty i also dont feel like ive really worked out as im used to alot more cardio but any exercise is better than none

    OMG you must be extremely fit mashaAllah I've never met anyone who thought the 30DS was too easy. I've done crazy intense cardio and it does not compare. I drip in sweat after each workout. I just finished day 18 and it still gets me winded. I also use 5lb and 8lb weights..only use 3lb weights for one move.
    If you get a chance, get her Banish Fat Boost Your Metabolism DVD...that one is intense.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    i am still here still trying ive had a couple days where i couldnt fast i felt so ill but in shaa allah i feel better now not quite my usual self but better than i was i have been doing 30 day shred today will be day 6 its not what i expected for me i find the worout easy i dont get thirsty or overly hot sweaty i also dont feel like ive really worked out as im used to alot more cardio but any exercise is better than none

    OMG you must be extremely fit mashaAllah I've never met anyone who thought the 30DS was too easy. I've done crazy intense cardio and it does not compare. I drip in sweat after each workout. I just finished day 18 and it still gets me winded. I also use 5lb and 8lb weights..only use 3lb weights for one move.
    If you get a chance, get her Banish Fat Boost Your Metabolism DVD...that one is intense.

    i didnt think i was that fit some days i get out of breath walking upstairs but my usual workout is slow wii jogging on my sports trampoline for at least 1hr a day that gets me thirsty and hot and sweaty this shred im not sure im not as impressed as i thought id be but it isnt what i was expecting either i was thinking it would be alot of cardio and small amounts abs and strength maybe im not doing it right we will have to see in shaa allah i will get a result
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    I think u should take a break ur having problems wid back n knees swimming is option for both of these so try to look for water aerobics just for ladies
    I'm seriously bummed today. :( I was supposed to go to a free zumba thing tonite that a friend of mine was leading. But there is just no possible way for me to zumba right right knee has been in so much pain. I know I mentioned my knee was hurting last started feeling a bit better Sunday and Monday. So, yesterday I decided it was feeling better so I woke up before suhoor and I did some jump rope and then I did my stair-climber-thing....BIG mistake!!!!! I don't think the jumping rope was an issue, but the stair climber...yeah, my knee is VERY angry with me today for that. *sigh* I almost fell trying to get out of bed this morning 'cuz the pain was so bad, subhan'Allah. Insh'Allah, I will go to the doctor tomorrow for it. It truly is very painful. So, I'm bummed because I wanted to go zumba...and I want to exercise more....and right now, just about any quick movement is painful. :frown: My fiance called me this evening and he reminded me that my body has rights over me and that I need to let it heal, whatever it is that is wrong.

    Oh...and I've GAINED weight. :noway: My official weigh-in isn't til Friday...but, I decided to check my weight today. I know I've not been exercising nearly as much as I'd like...but I've been keeping my calories under what is suggested. Yet I've gained 3lbs. :sad:
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    ok- i was not really focusing on anything this past few days.. it was those days where the hormones got me ..
    now it's "the time"..and i'm super busy..
    i'm using now those days to prepare iftar dinnars for friends - so i have a lot of cooking ahead.

    Spent my entire day today cleaning my home !!! Can't believe it i'm dead tired. And i'm still not done with the kitchen- left it for tomorrow .. but the rest of the house .. phewww.. it took forever to get everything polished and vacuumed each lil' corner..
    the blinds on the windows take me forever.. and they always collect dust..
    and i hate to take the curtains of the windows - but it had to be done.. after the washing - comes the ironing .. and than putting them back up on the windows.. making sure the " look good " again.. fitting and fixing each end .. it's so much work- but they smell now so fresh..
    i think i'm done with cleaning for the next few weeks .. ( other than the regular everyday little cleaning )
    I'm exhausted.. this is worse than working feet hurt !
    I hope my kids won't mess up the house before i finish with all of the invitations.. through out the next few days..
    Warned them today.. KEEP THAT HOUSE CLEAN or else !!! .. .. i mean it !

    now don't think that my house usually is super messy , it's just that i do have a history of " OCD " .. so my messy i know is not what other people consider messy .. - it's not easy to be obsessed with cleaning.. :( .. but i'm doing much much better compared to how i was .. - i had to stop it . bc it took all of my time away i didn't get anything else done bc of the ecsesive cleaning..

    ok.. enough for today .. btw does 12 hours of cleaning count as exercise ? :)
  • AakifahSiebert
    Salaam...jazak'Allahu khairn to everyone for their support. I went to the doc today and he said that I just need to rest and ice my knee but that it's nothing serious, alhamdulilah. He said the most important thing is to listen to my body. He said that in a few days I should be okay to be back to doing my regular workout, but in the meantime, walk. He said if I rest TOO much, what that will do is just make it stiff and even more sore. He suggested taking advil before working out to help prevent swelling...he said it's the inflammation that is making it hurt so much. Today my knee is still a bit sore but a WHOLE lot better than yesterday, alhamdulilah.

    My food intake for today (well, technically yesterday since it's after midnite) is shot. We had a club iftar (there's an Islamic club at my college), and I have no idea what the ingredients were in half the stuff I not sure how to calculate any of it. Insh'Allah, tomorrow will be better.

    Sis is actually a category on the exercise list (under cardio). :happy:
  • chrisc31
    chrisc31 Posts: 137 Member
    That much cleaning is definitely an exercise! I wear my HRM when I do my whole house cleaning. I've seen ppl debate that it is something that we do regularly so we shouldn't count it...but I know me: I don't clean everyday and when I do I am sweating so going to count it! :)
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    Now another question...

    We all have goals for weight loss, exercise etc, when it co mes to that we don't really leave room for coincidence, we research, learn, prepare, ask, write down, do the work- sweat , go shopping for the right food, prep -cook it.. eat it on time..
    so who can say that we don't spenda whole lot of tme for this ? and that throughout the whole year. For what ? Well that's obvious, to be healthier, better looking, having better fitting clothes, etc.

    Now another question.
    How long ago have we started to prepare for ramadan ? .. I doubt that any of us have really done any preparation and goal settings. You know - we are in the " last 10 days " of the ramadan.

    "Edited by Arewethereyet"
    I hope i don't bother you all .. but i want to remnd myself and you .. before the time is up. I know young people that were fasting last month, but this one they didn't get to live for.. they are on the other side. Don't let your " young years " cheat you.. and tell you " i have time " .. you and i don't have a guarantee that we will live to old age.. or even till tomorrow. So - use today. for that is all that we have.

    I have edited this post directly related to the rules.

    13) Topics about politics, religion, or sexuality are not allowed and will be deleted. This includes posting images or signatures. Unfortunately, we have seen that topics about either of these subjects are highly likely to result in heated arguments and disputes. If you really wish to discuss either of these topics, please google political forums, religious forums, etc. - there are plenty of other places to express your views
  • concealedpearl
    Thanks for the reminder Bosanka, everything you said is what we all need to hear. The 10days are here so inshaAllah let them not pass us without getting anything out of them.
  • chrisc31
    chrisc31 Posts: 137 Member
    Very nice reminder sis Bosanka! Thank you!
  • hunny73
    hunny73 Posts: 112 Member
    Masha'Allah!! thank you for the reminder sister. I have just heard some sad news of the death of a 35 year old brother today by heart attack. This news and your very well written reminder just reiterate the importance of our religion in our lives and also looking after our health. You're right no body knows what the next day holds let alone the next minute. Lets take advantage of this precious time and use it to review our lives in light of Islam and strengthen our Imaan and inshallah this will follow through into the rest of our life and continue after Ramadan and help us overcome our issues with our weight.
  • daad13
    daad13 Posts: 68
    Salam everyone!
    You all seem to be doing fantastic this Ramadan, AlhamdulilAllah. I had a quick question, when do you think is the best time to weigh myself in order to find out my true weight? Usually I do it in the morning right after I go to the bathroom but with Ramadan, I often don't have an empty stomach in the morning because Suhoor makes me full even after I wake up so I expect to be heavier. Would you say the best time is right before Iftaar?
  • chrisc31
    chrisc31 Posts: 137 Member
    Salam everyone!
    You all seem to be doing fantastic this Ramadan, AlhamdulilAllah. I had a quick question, when do you think is the best time to weigh myself in order to find out my true weight? Usually I do it in the morning right after I go to the bathroom but with Ramadan, I often don't have an empty stomach in the morning because Suhoor makes me full even after I wake up so I expect to be heavier. Would you say the best time is right before Iftaar?

    Salaam sister! I have switched when I'm weighing in to exactly like you mentioned. Outside of Ramadan I do it first thing in the morning but in Ramadan I've been doing it prob about 3 hours before iftar (only because that's when I get home from work). I think it's been working well. Alhamdulillah I've lost 11.7 pounds since Ramadan started. I know it's not the focus of the month but it's been a nice bonus to it!
  • daad13
    daad13 Posts: 68
    Oh okay, thanks! It seemed to make sense to me because that's when I think I'm at my emptiest/lightest weight. Wow, that is such great progress, great job! InshaAllah, you'll continue this success throughout the year.
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    everyone got so quiete.. ? is that a good or bad sign ?

    i have not exercised for over a week- at all ..
    i'm tired.. maybe lazy, not focused on it .. had guests, having more guests.. etc.

    whre's everyone with their own challenge- anyone still doing it ? how far have you come ?
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Ramadan Kareem from a non-faster in Bahrain, you all have my support and admiration!

    Everyone here stays up most of the night so I imagine going for a gentle walk after iftar or a light workout would be a fab idea. Most ladies I know don't do the day time gym classes, but there are plenty on at night at the moment.
  • ehte_h
    ehte_h Posts: 293 Member
    We're in the last 10 fasts here, so everyone is focussing on prayers etc... and family members are hosting iftaar as much as possible, so I am busy with that. I am off work from Thursday until after Eid so I will be more active here then
  • concealedpearl
    Salam everyone!
    You all seem to be doing fantastic this Ramadan, AlhamdulilAllah. I had a quick question, when do you think is the best time to weigh myself in order to find out my true weight? Usually I do it in the morning right after I go to the bathroom but with Ramadan, I often don't have an empty stomach in the morning because Suhoor makes me full even after I wake up so I expect to be heavier. Would you say the best time is right before Iftaar?

    Salaam sister! I have switched when I'm weighing in to exactly like you mentioned. Outside of Ramadan I do it first thing in the morning but in Ramadan I've been doing it prob about 3 hours before iftar (only because that's when I get home from work). I think it's been working well. Alhamdulillah I've lost 11.7 pounds since Ramadan started. I know it's not the focus of the month but it's been a nice bonus to it!

    WOW 11.7lbs that is awesome, that is a big bonus. Keep up the good work inshaAllah.
  • salmanajmal
    salmanajmal Posts: 93 Member
    Salam all,

    initially i had also decided to complete 114 miles during ramadan but due to some reasons i couldnt do that, however, i have lost 3.5 kgs since the start of ramadan and intend to make it 5 kg by the end of it.

    all of you take good care of yourselves
  • chrisc31
    chrisc31 Posts: 137 Member
    Salam everyone!
    You all seem to be doing fantastic this Ramadan, AlhamdulilAllah. I had a quick question, when do you think is the best time to weigh myself in order to find out my true weight? Usually I do it in the morning right after I go to the bathroom but with Ramadan, I often don't have an empty stomach in the morning because Suhoor makes me full even after I wake up so I expect to be heavier. Would you say the best time is right before Iftaar?

    Salaam sister! I have switched when I'm weighing in to exactly like you mentioned. Outside of Ramadan I do it first thing in the morning but in Ramadan I've been doing it prob about 3 hours before iftar (only because that's when I get home from work). I think it's been working well. Alhamdulillah I've lost 11.7 pounds since Ramadan started. I know it's not the focus of the month but it's been a nice bonus to it!

    WOW 11.7lbs that is awesome, that is a big bonus. Keep up the good work inshaAllah.

    Well TOM has come again and we had cake and cupcakes for my birthday on Friday and Saturday combined with loads of sodium and not enough water so I'm not seeing that same fantastic loss as just a few days ago! LOL I've drank a lot of water today trying to flush it all out of my system. And then I have vacation coming up next Friday for a week so I'm going to try to not undo all this!