DITR Round4 Week2



  • hwilliams519
    hwilliams519 Posts: 428
    Friday QOTD: Being Friday I have an easy one for you guys.... I just want to get to know you guys a little better, Please list 3 facts about yourself.

    1. My name is Heather and I have been married to my awesome husband Brandon for 4 years. We dated 4 years prior to that, so that gives us 8 wonderful years together.
    2. I have a degree in Interior Design. (Really wish I had a design job.)
    3. I have a wonderful big dog named Duke, who is like a child to me.
  • clarech
    clarech Posts: 157 Member
    1: my names Clare I'm from the UK and I have three children aged 6,3 and 10months one girl and two boys and I've been with my other half for 5years

    2: I like walking and playing at the park with the kids and if you haven't guessed from my username I'm a complete bike nut and any free time me and my other half get we are out on his bike together and when the kids are older im going to get my own.

    3. Um I have a massive dragon tattoo on my back that i got done years ago and I regret getting it done as its so tacky lol.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Friday QOTD: Being Friday I have an easy one for you guys.... I just want to get to know you guys a little better, Please list 3 facts about yourself.

    1. My name is Heather and I have been married to my awesome husband Brandon for 4 years. We dated 4 years prior to that, so that gives us 8 wonderful years together.
    2. I have a degree in Interior Design. (Really wish I had a design job.)
    3. I have a wonderful big dog named Duke, who is like a child to me.
    Interior Design sounds fun... I watch a show called Nate Berkus (not sure if I spelled the last name right) but he does home design and is really inspirational. He likes to use stuff from second-hand stores and garage sales so his ideas are affordable. I love that show!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    1: my names Clare I'm from the UK and I have three children aged 6,3 and 10months one girl and two boys and I've been with my other half for 5years

    2: I like walking and playing at the park with the kids and if you haven't guessed from my username I'm a complete bike nut and any free time me and my other half get we are out on his bike together and when the kids are older im going to get my own.

    3. Um I have a massive dragon tattoo on my back that i got done years ago and I regret getting it done as its so tacky lol.
    I love tatoos! I only have a few small ones but my husband has tons of them. He has a huge dragon on his arm... its still a work in progress though.
  • hwilliams519
    hwilliams519 Posts: 428
    1: my names Clare I'm from the UK and I have three children aged 6,3 and 10months one girl and two boys and I've been with my other half for 5years

    2: I like walking and playing at the park with the kids and if you haven't guessed from my username I'm a complete bike nut and any free time me and my other half get we are out on his bike together and when the kids are older im going to get my own.

    3. Um I have a massive dragon tattoo on my back that i got done years ago and I regret getting it done as its so tacky lol.

    I have two tats. Both butterflies. I love the one on my back, but regret the one on my foot. Sometimes it's too hard to cover up and for some reason most people have a hard time telling what it is- which I don't get. So I eventually want to either have it removed or covered up / added to.
  • clarech
    clarech Posts: 157 Member
    1: my names Clare I'm from the UK and I have three children aged 6,3 and 10months one girl and two boys and I've been with my other half for 5years

    2: I like walking and playing at the park with the kids and if you haven't guessed from my username I'm a complete bike nut and any free time me and my other half get we are out on his bike together and when the kids are older im going to get my own.

    3. Um I have a massive dragon tattoo on my back that i got done years ago and I regret getting it done as its so tacky lol.
    I love tatoos! I only have a few small ones but my husband has tons of them. He has a huge dragon on his arm... its still a work in progress though.

    I love tattoos but I wish I had put more thought into mine instead of just thinking dragons are cool lol if you have ever seen the cover of the book girl with the dragon tattoo its like a bigger version of that.
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    Friday QOTD: Being Friday I have an easy one for you guys.... I just want to get to know you guys a little better, Please list 3 facts about yourself.

    1) My name is Pam and I've been married to Ernie for 23 years and have an 18 year old daughter, Nikki
    2) Transplanted farm girl - grew up on a farm but am now a city girl but have lived in Indiana my entire lift
    3) we have 2 dogs - Daisy and Gold Angus, aka Goldie... Both are labs. I made the mistake of being a smart aleck when we got Goldie when Nikki was 13 and she wanted to name her after a rock musician (preferably a drummer like she is). Because she was using boring first names of drummers she liked such as Neil (Peart) or Chas (Smith), I told her if she was going to use a rocker name she needed to pick an interesting name like Angus and of course it stuck!
  • carteremma
    carteremma Posts: 52 Member
    Friday QOTD: Being Friday I have an easy one for you guys.... I just want to get to know you guys a little better, Please list 3 facts about yourself.

    1) I live in Edinburgh, Scotland in an old converted warehouse by myself.

    2) I am an absolute TV junkie!! At the moment I can't get enough of the Real Housewives (OC, New York, Beverly Hills... all of them!!) and I love american teen dramas like Gossip Girl and Pretty Little Liars.

    3) I also have a tattoo on my back of a tribal turtle that I love. I spent 3 months in the Solomon Islands before I went to university and I remember seeing a tutle swimming ad it was so beautiful.
  • CaptObvious
    CaptObvious Posts: 117
    Friday 07/29/11 QOTD: Being Friday I have an easy one for you guys.... I just want to get to know you guys a little better, Please list 3 facts about yourself.

    1. I've been married for 20 years and have 4 children - 18, 17, 16, 13. The oldest two graduated high school in May. Yay!
    2. I am a professional musician and music theorist, specializing in Russian music.
    3. I speak 5 languages besides English - Russian and French fluently; Italian, Spanish, and German at varying degrees up to proficient.
  • journey2size10
    Friday QOTD: Being Friday I have an easy one for you guys.... I just want to get to know you guys a little better, Please list 3 facts about yourself.

    wow, 3 things huh, decisions decisions, what to say, what to say?? lol

    1) My name is Trina and I am one of those "weird" females that has never wanted children, so my babies are two doggies....ms. mona-lisa and mr. teddy-bear
    2) We are saving and plan on moving into my FIRST house right before christmas this year! Can't wait to decorate MY house :love:
    3) I am overly organized and very much anal. Everything in its place at all times. Lists for everything including shopping lists and coupons. Very neat and tidy...snore, but I am a very efficient person because of it.
  • lasttimelooser
    lasttimelooser Posts: 74 Member
    Friday QOTD: Being Friday I have an easy one for you guys.... I just want to get to know you guys a little better, Please list 3 facts about yourself.

    1. I live in Orange County California. I have 2 kids, my daughter will be 19 tomorrow and my son will 9 in December.
    2. I am a Mama's girl. Maybe because I am the only child.
    3. Friday's are my drinking nights, but I an only handle 2 drinks. Today I am not doing that, instead I'm taking my son to Knotts Berry Farm after work. Good thing they close at 10 so he will have some fun.
  • TwinMom12409
    Friday QOTD: Being Friday I have an easy one for you guys.... I just want to get to know you guys a little better, Please list 3 facts about yourself.

    1. My name is Meghan and I am a SAHM to 19 month old twin boys.
    2. My husband and I have been married nearly 3 years. We were married after being engaged for less than 24 hours, and after dating for less than 2 months. He is my soul mate. No question about it. <3
    3. I have two tattoos- a pair of calla lilies on my ankle and a celtic knot on the top of my left foot. I want one more- a Down syndrome awareness ribbon with my sons' names around it.
  • Mommyof3loves
    Friday QOTD: Being Friday I have an easy one for you guys.... I just want to get to know you guys a little better, Please list 3 facts about yourself.

    Well let's see:

    1) I am married to my husband for a little over 8 years and we live in the armpit of NY (my mom refers to it as the croch of NY lol)

    2) I have 2 beautiful daughters 10 and 4 both of which have ADHD so it gets very frustrating from time to time but I know they can't help it.

    3) I have 2 tattoos(dolphin jumping over a ying yang on my back shoulder and tigger on my right arm), my belly button pierced since 1997 and my tongue pierced since 1999 and my ears a few times :-)
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    Friday QOTD: Being Friday I have an easy one for you guys.... I just want to get to know you guys a little better, Please list 3 facts about yourself.

    Great Question!

    1) I have been married to my husband for almost 2 years, we have a 6 year old son (mine, from a previous relationship) and we live WAYYYY up North in British Columbia, Canada.

    2) I am a crazy busy (I like to just say dedicated) Nursing Student, who just finished exams this past week! Woo! I graduate in November.

    3) I have some pretty brutal demons in my past, but I have overcome and am PROUD to say I have been clean for 8 years come August!!
  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    Friday QOTD: Being Friday I have an easy one for you guys.... I just want to get to know you guys a little better, Please list 3 facts about yourself.

    1. Yesterday was my husband and my 10 year anniversary.
    2. I have two absolutely adorable little boys (4 & 2) who are my entire world and the thought of them growing-up brings tears to my even when it is not my TOM. :embarassed:
    3. I love vanilla: ice cream, diet coke, cookies, vodka, etc.
  • michelle_eiz
    michelle_eiz Posts: 100 Member
    Friday QOTD: Being Friday I have an easy one for you guys.... I just want to get to know you guys a little better, Please list 3 facts about yourself.

    1.) I have been with my husband for almost 7 years...married for 4-1/2 years.
    2.) I have two daughters (ages 3 yrs and 4 months.) I also have 2 stepdaughter (12 yrs and 10yrs)
    3.) We have been trying to sell our house for about 3 years now (on and off), with no luck!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Friday QOTD: Being Friday I have an easy one for you guys.... I just want to get to know you guys a little better, Please list 3 facts about yourself.

    Its kind of hard not to copy someone else's answers (at least topic wise) but I loooove this QOTD.

    1) I have been with my sigoth for 4.5 years and we have no particular desire or intention of getting married. We don't hate the idea but we don't see a point.

    2) We are house shopping, I have seen 5 so far, and I already hate it - we are about 50k short of homes that we could both really agree on so we're having to find a home we can both settle for (for a sense of the scale on that a crappy starter home in a not-great neighborhood is 300k out here, welcome to California!)

    3) I eat almost every meal out, literally - we generally eat 2 meals a day and I'd say 75% are take out or restaurants. This can make it a little hard to be sure how many calories I have so I tend to assume high.
  • clarech
    clarech Posts: 157 Member
    QOTD Saturday: happy Saturday everyone ! What is the best bit of advice that you have learnt since starting you journey?

    Mine would have to be eat more to lose weight . I was eating 500-800cals a day when I started here and everyone kept telling me the reason I had stopped losing was because I wasn't eating enough. It took me quite a while to get over the fear of eating as in my head eating =fat but its the best thing I ever did.
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    sorry I was out until late last night and literally falling asleep trying to complete diary so..

    Friday QOTD: Being Friday I have an easy one for you guys.... I just want to get to know you guys a little better, Please list 3 facts about yourself.

    1) My husband & I spent over 10 years on the journey out of infertility - we are still amazed and blessed that we now have two girls.
    2) I performed in a ameteur theatre show when I was eight months pregnant with my first, playing a pregnant woman with two other small children and a useless husband @ christmas time.
    3) I have had four personal goals I wanted to achieve in my lifetime : to swim with doplhins - which I did thanks to a wonderful friend in october 1999, to touch a tiger - I got to do this in August 1989 - i actually held a 12 week old cub.
    I have two left to do :- raise enough money to sponsor a hearing dog for the deaf or a guide dog for the blind.
    and to get my degree as I didn't get to go to university after school. - this one I have started I am on my first year of four and I am doing it in such a way that my employer is picking up the costs!

    QOTD Saturday: happy Saturday everyone ! What is the best bit of advice that you have learnt since starting you journey?

    For me I think it is Every day is a new day, just because things didn't go right yesterday it doesn't mean you have to give up on today, you can try again, you don't have to be perfect just human.
  • claeysm
    claeysm Posts: 85
    1. My names Megan and i'm from Liverpool, England.
    2. I go to college but currently live at home with my mum and little brother, George.
    3. Umm..... I broke my foot the other day so now cant ecercize (expect a HUGE slow in weight loss)