DITR Round4 Week2



  • claeysm
    claeysm Posts: 85
    Best thing I've learnt here is to change around your diet a lot, i used to never change it and was confused as to why i was staying the same (and even gaining weight)
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    Best thing I've learnt here is to change around your diet a lot, i used to never change it and was confused as to why i was staying the same (and even gaining weight)

    AGREED 100%:bigsmile:
  • Mommyof3loves
    QOTD Saturday: happy Saturday everyone ! What is the best bit of advice that you have learnt since starting you journey?

    Mine would have to be eat more to lose weight . I was eating 500-800cals a day when I started here and everyone kept telling me the reason I had stopped losing was because I wasn't eating enough. It took me quite a while to get over the fear of eating as in my head eating =fat but its the best thing I ever did.

    Mine is actually the same thing, I was eating around 900 calories a day and barely seeing the scale move. So I talked to my dr and she said I should be eating about 1600 calories, thought I was going to die with that one lol. So I changed my goals and I have 1520 a day, I may not make it but I am definitely over 1200 calories a day now so we'll see.

    I have also learned that having a support system going through the same thing that you are is so much better and motivates e even more....so Thanks!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    QOTD Saturday: happy Saturday everyone ! What is the best bit of advice that you have learnt since starting you journey?

    Huh.....I actually don't know, I pick up so many little things here and there reading the forums. I see a lot of people say they learned to eat more -- I knew that coming into this because I'd done a bit of south beach in college. If you've never done it there's this MEGA restricted list of food you can eat for the first 2 weeks, AND the suggested meals are ridiculously low in calories per meal. So we were eating probably 1000 calories at day at absolute best and then my roommate cracked and couldn't take it anymore.

    We also did weightwatchers, which was ok for a little longer and then I started kind of OBSESSING about how many points every single thing I put in my mouth was - I was constantly worried that I wouldn't have enough points later or something. I'm actually not sure WHAT the issue was, I just got to the point where I dreaded the hell out of calculating points every day.

    So I think I learned my big lesson from dieting in college (when I still weighed 150...siiiigh), which is that its much better to work out a system that you can sustain forever than it is to lose 2 lbs a week. I think about being in maintenance ALL the time - like more or less every day I will be able to share some dessert or fries (FRIES!!!!) or get a boba milk tea after dim sum or something at the taiwanese cake shop to take back to work with me. And I'll be able to eat what I eat now, but with treats!

    Right now I'm actually struggling with the above - I calculated it and in a whole YEAR (well, 45 weeks or so) when I turn 30 I still won't be at my goal weight. I would REALLY like to be at my goal weight then which means I need a few weeks of 2 lb weight loss to balance the 1lb and .5 lb weeks. Not sure what I should do about that. I'm hitting up a personal trainer today to see if I could stand to add 2 weeks of that to my exercise - hopefully that will give me more loss long term since I'll be able to eat more or less like I do now but burn more calories with my muscle.
  • hwilliams519
    hwilliams519 Posts: 428
    QOTD Saturday: happy Saturday everyone ! What is the best bit of advice that you have learnt since starting you journey?

    Good question!

    I've learned that being obsessed with weight loss is not a good idea. You don't want to be so consumed by it, that it's your main focus in life. You will miss out on so much more!
  • CaptObvious
    CaptObvious Posts: 117
    QOTD Saturday: happy Saturday everyone ! What is the best bit of advice that you have learnt since starting you journey?

    In addition to what everyone else has mentioned, the quality of my calories matters. I feel so much better when I eat whole foods vs. processed foods. I like to push hard in exercise so I have to remember that I'm eating to fuel my body rather than just satisfy hunger.
  • brit1329
    brit1329 Posts: 293 Member
    Friday QOTD: Being Friday I have an easy one for you guys.... I just want to get to know you guys a little better, Please list 3 facts about yourself.

    1. I have been married to my wonderful husband for almost 2 years and we have two beautiful little girls.
    2. We just moved into our first house and are excited about fixing it up and making it ours.
    3. I have two tattoos. One that I wanted since I was in high school and got almost as soon as I got to college, and one that I got because it seemed like fun at the moment....now, not so much lol.
  • journey2size10
    QOTD Saturday: happy Saturday everyone ! What is the best bit of advice that you have learnt since starting you journey?

    The best advice is that everything does not work for everyone...I hate it when I see people say its simple, calories in vs calories out, cuz thats some straight bull!! There are plenty of us that can attest to working out like crazy and eating less and being stuck at the same weight. As long as you are not doing any type of extreme dieting and putting your health in jeopardy, I say go for it...you have to find what works for YOU, not for everyone else! okay, rant is over..

    p.s. I just updated my ticker and I've done over 31 hours of exercise this month, with one day to spare I might add :noway:
    also in today's class, our main workout was to do as many rounds of the circuit in 20 mins, and I did the MOST rounds out of all the girls (it was like 8 of us)....I completed 11 rounds and had started on the next one...most guys did around 13 or 14 with the highest being 23 (what a jerk he is, lol)...anyways, I'm feeling stronger ladies and my running is improving too...okay that is all, off to do some schoolwork and then meet a friend for some socializing (and maybe a drink or two) have a great day everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    Friday 07/29/11 QOTD: Being Friday I have an easy one for you guys.... I just want to get to know you guys a little better, Please list 3 facts about yourself.

    1. I've been married for 20 years and have 4 children - 18, 17, 16, 13. The oldest two graduated high school in May. Yay!
    2. I am a professional musician and music theorist, specializing in Russian music.
    3. I speak 5 languages besides English - Russian and French fluently; Italian, Spanish, and German at varying degrees up to proficient.

    Wow!!! Good to hear abt U more :)
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    Friday QOTD: Being Friday I have an easy one for you guys.... I just want to get to know you guys a little better, Please list 3 facts about yourself.

    Oh this is a hard question to answer. So i'm jst going to plunge right in.
    1) I'm and 18 yearold who's just finished college here in the Uk. Finding it very hard to find work where i live. Unemployment's been high here since the 60's with the decline of heavy industry(steelwork shipbuilding etc). It's pretty depressing especially since my mum's lost hope of getting another job.

    2)I have mental health problems that haven't been diagnosed. I would probably tick most the boxes for Aspergers syndrome and have a real fear of new people, places and situations. Despite this i refuse to go back and see a psychiatrist because the first one i saw terrified me and made me feel like i was wasteing her time...It's one of the reasons i want to be a mental health nurse, to try and ensure that people are as comfortable and at ease as possible.

    3) I have a slight (read major ) obsession with the following: Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Black Butler, Horrible Histories and Axis Powers Hetalia. And can talk about any of the abouve for hours and hours. .

    hehehehe pretty long response.
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    QOTD Saturday: happy Saturday everyone ! What is the best bit of advice that you have learnt since starting you journey?

    The best piece of advice i was given was to tal about how i feel. I'm a big comfort eater and so this was massivly important. Over the years i've developed a habit of bottling stuff up until i couldnt take it anymore then binging. Talking more has meant that i've binged a lot less that i used to.
  • TwinMom12409
    QOTD Saturday: happy Saturday everyone ! What is the best bit of advice that you have learnt since starting you journey?

    I have learned that saying hateful things to myself when I have an off day is the fastest way to make me quit. I am trying to be gentler with myself instead of calling myself every awful name I can think of. This is so much better for me.
  • michelle_eiz
    michelle_eiz Posts: 100 Member
    QOTD Saturday: happy Saturday everyone ! What is the best bit of advice that you have learnt since starting you journey?

    The best piece of advice i was given was to tal about how i feel. I'm a big comfort eater and so this was massivly important. Over the years i've developed a habit of bottling stuff up until i couldnt take it anymore then binging. Talking more has meant that i've binged a lot less that i used to.

    That is awesome advice! So true too!
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    QOTD Saturday: happy Saturday everyone ! What is the best bit of advice that you have learnt since starting you journey?

    Kind of cliche but..tomorrow's a new day!!
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    QOTD Saturday: happy Saturday everyone ! What is the best bit of advice that you have learnt since starting you journey?

    Best bit of advice I have received thus far is that you're body won't do anything your mind doesn't tell it to do.
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
  • carteremma
    carteremma Posts: 52 Member
    QOTD Saturday: happy Saturday everyone ! What is the best bit of advice that you have learnt since starting you journey?

    The best piece of advice I think for me is to not beat myself up if I go slightly over my calories in a day. I think that if you are careful the overs and unders will even themselves up. I have to try adn keep telling myself this as if I start to think that I have screwed everything up and what is the point etc... Then 1 slightly over day has the ability to turn into a 3 day binge!!

    Don't sweat the small stuff!
  • twistedsista0408
    Sorry, I thought the results for week one was the results for week two, doh!
  • twistedsista0408
    Friday QOTD: Being Friday I have an easy one for you guys.... I just want to get to know you guys a little better, Please list 3 facts about yourself.

    I have 4 sons, Loren, age 28; Jay, age 27; Paul Jr, age 21; and Wyatt, age 15 - they are all awesome and are a tremendous support for my weight loss.

    I write training curriculum for such companies as Dell, Gateway, and Walgreens. I also write material to train the leadership staff of a big global telecommunications company.

    I am in my Junior year of college, seeking a Bachelor's in Education and Public Policy. My Associate's is in Business management.
  • twistedsista0408
    QOTD Saturday: happy Saturday everyone ! What is the best bit of advice that you have learnt since starting you journey?

    People have told me all my life what the best methods for wieght loss are and I ignored them and had to try it my own way. I'm finally here to say that they were right and I was wrong! The only path to true weight loss is the old fashioned way: measure your portions (don't eye-ball it), record all your calories, exercise more than you used to, and drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, in addition to other fluids, such as coffee or juice. That's the best advice and what I pass on to anyone who disagrees. Don't wait until your 48 to learn it! It gets harder to lose as you get older!