Ripped in 30-Support Group-Starting in August



  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kory-I am glad to hear that your losses have started again....I sure hope now that I am finished with it mine do too!!! I soooooo can't wait to start this!!! keep me posted on how it goes....sounds killer!!!
  • Evotchka
    Evotchka Posts: 144 Member
    Yeeeee! Level1 Day 1 done! Unfortunately I don't have a HRM so I will just keep logging it under circuit training and just hope it's approximately accurate! So far I love ripped in 30! Level 1 was definitely harder than the Level 1 in 30 DS but doable! I love the energy of Jillian and I for myself don't mind her "badass" attitude. I read before that people didn't like her screaming at you but it helps me. Excited to see how I can push myself this time!
    I'm perfectly happy with having my day off on Sundays because I usually clean on this day anyway and so far I have been doing it sore and tired so maybe that'll change now :)

    korygilliam L1D1-Done! (07/31)
    Michele0912 L1D0 (plan to start Aug 3rd)
    pizzygirltx L1D6-Done!
    BeccyBerry L1D0 (plan to start on the 1st)
    Erica79 L1D0 (Aug 1st)
    Evotchka (Eva) L1D1-Done! (08/01)
    gd50cent L1D0 (plan to start Aug 1st)
    earthsember (plan to start August 1st)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (plan on starting Aug 24th)
    mariababe81(mariam) l1d1-Done!
    jojowink (Aug 1st or sooner)
    SDV219 (Aug1st)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    momofJandA (Tori)- (starting 8/5)
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    L1D1 done! It was really hard getting up this morning. It's been a couple of months since I did the shred and sad to say I've let myself go a little since. I've still been exercising but not nearly as much as I was when I did the shred. That's changing starting today! I'm hoping to get a jog in a couple days a week plus to ripped 5-6 times a week. Football starts tonight for my son so it's going to be hard to juggle everything. That's why getting up early is the best option for now.
    I didn't burn as many calories as I thought I was going to today. Only 155 and I felt like it was a lot more. I'm wondering if my HRM is working correctly. Either way I got a great workout this morning. Can't wait to feel it later :laugh:
    korygilliam L1D1-Done! (07/31)
    Michele0912 L1D0 (plan to start Aug 3rd)
    pizzygirltx L1D6-Done!
    BeccyBerry L1D0 (plan to start on the 1st)
    Erica79 L1D1- done!
    Evotchka (Eva) L1D0 (08/01)
    gd50cent L1D0 (plan to start Aug 1st)
    earthsember (plan to start August 1st)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (plan on starting Aug 24th)
    mariababe81(mariam) l1d1-Done!
    jojowink (Aug 1st or sooner)
    SDV219 (Aug1st)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    momofJandA (Tori)- (starting 8/5)
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    is everyone doing 6 days out of 7 for the RI30? i'll probably go with 6 days with 1 rest day if i can but may not stick to the same day off each week as i have a few things happening in august so would be beneficial to be flexible with my day off.

    took things a bit easier over the weekend - took a day off on friday and sunday - so i'll be glad to get straight back into a routine - seems to work better for me!

    looking forward to checking out level 1 later tonite so i'll probably stick my face in later and update the list then. :smile:
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    GD-doing 6 days, taking Saturdays off here (took Friday and Saturday off too! almost felt guilty, so helped me get started on RI30 last night :huh: )

    Erica-What was your average heart rate? Mine was 160, but my HR monitor had me burning 401 calories. I am hoping it wasn't a was the first day...will find out more tonight.

    I really like it that it does 3-30 sec strength moves instead of 1-30 sec and 1-1min move...
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    just updating as ive not started yet and the list has me at level one day one! oopsie!

    right so, im trying to take it easy on myself this month but not too much. Im on maintainance but my goals are mainly fitness focussed now rather than weight related. either way, my plan is to do RI30 3days a week and run after or vice versa and zumba once a week. so its not going to be 30 days straight. so will prob be taking 3 rest days. currently training for 5k as well!

    korygilliam L1D1-Done! (07/31)
    Michele0912 L1D0 (plan to start Aug 3rd)
    pizzygirltx L1D6-Done!
    BeccyBerry L1D0 (plan to start on the 1st)
    Erica79 L1D1- done!
    Evotchka (Eva) L1D0 (08/01)
    gd50cent L1D0 (plan to start Aug 1st)
    earthsember (plan to start August 1st)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (plan on starting Aug 24th)
    mariababe81(mariam) (start date 8th aug)
    jojowink (Aug 1st or sooner)
    SDV219 (Aug1st)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    momofJandA (Tori)- (starting 8/5)
  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member
    Took me a day to recover from L1D1!!! I have now completed L1D3- can NOT commit to saying I can do it everyday b/c *kitten* happens- but I'm certainly dedicated to doing more on days than off per week!!

    Love that my thighs and butt have started to understand that they are going to get an a** kicking over the next month:)

    I've been using 10 lb for the first two circuits, but then have to go to 5 lb for the last circuit- but thats ok with me!!!

    good luck to everyone & so glad I have this board b/c i was trying to come up with excuses at 6am to NOt work-out, then i remembered all of you!!! (CHEESE)

    korygilliam L1D1-Done! (07/31)
    Michele0912 L1D0 (plan to start Aug 3rd)
    pizzygirltx L1D6-Done!
    BeccyBerry L1D0 (plan to start on the 1st)
    Erica79 L1D1- done!
    Evotchka (Eva) L1D0 (08/01)
    gd50cent L1D0 (plan to start Aug 1st)
    earthsember (plan to start August 1st)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (plan on starting Aug 24th)
    mariababe81(mariam) (start date 8th aug)
    jojowink (L1D3) 8/01
    SDV219 (Aug1st)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    momofJandA (Tori)- (starting 8/5)
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    And we're off and running. Quite enjoyed that!

    korygilliam L1D1-Done! (07/31) 
    Michele0912 L1D0 (plan to start Aug 3rd) 
    pizzygirltx L1D6-Done! 
    BeccyBerry L1D0 (plan to start on the 1st) 
    Erica79 L1D1- done! 
    Evotchka (Eva) L1D0 (08/01) 
    gd50cent L1D1 done! (08/01)
    earthsember (plan to start August 1st) 
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (plan on starting Aug 24th) 
    mariababe81(mariam) (start date 8th aug) 
    jojowink (L1D3) 8/01 
    SDV219 (Aug1st) 
    Des92 (when DVD arrives) 
    momofJandA (Tori)- (starting 8/5)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    congrats to all of you who have started so far!! WOOT WOOT!!
  • SDV219
    SDV219 Posts: 106
    Wow, that was definitely a more intense workout then I had imagined! I started out with the 3 pound weights, and let me just say that my arms were BURNING!!! I was sweating all over by 10 minutes in! I'm interested to see what 30 days is going to bring to me. I too plan on doing 6 days with Sunday being my rest day! It seems crazy intense, but I'm going for it 100% ... got nothing to lose but the weight!! ;)
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    Today was already easier (day 2)...can use the 8# dumbbells for everything except for the the last two raises on circuit 3 (drop to 3# for those)...still can't do a full press push up, only do a 1/2 press for 1st round then have to change over to 'girly' push ups for round 2...but it's better than day 2 of the 30DS!.

    Also, thought it was funny that the plank hold is like a nice break after doing all of those plank moves in the 30DS...I was like SWEET! I can do this...what, I don't have to do mountain climbers while doing plank jacks??? :embarassed:

    korygilliam L1D2Done! (08/01)
    Michele0912 L1D0 (plan to start Aug 3rd)
    pizzygirltx L1D6-Done!
    BeccyBerry L1D0 (plan to start on the 1st)
    Erica79 L1D1- done!
    Evotchka (Eva) L1D0 (08/01)
    gd50cent L1D1 done! (08/01)
    earthsember (plan to start August 1st)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (plan on starting Aug 24th)
    mariababe81(mariam) (start date 8th aug)
    jojowink (L1D3) 8/01
    SDV219 L1D1-Done! (08/01)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    momofJandA (Tori)- (starting 8/5)
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    MomofJandA-Glad to have you with us...see you on the 5th!

    Beccy-better late than never! Welcome to the group

    Evo-yeah, at first I didn't like how she acted in this video, but I think it is funny now...and I need to be pushed, otherwise I wouldn't be overweight as it is :)

    Maria--hey, I am just happy to have you continue with us on the journey! You blast so many calories as is, I am sure 3 days a week will be just fine...but you are just maintaining and toning now anyways, so I applaud you for sticking with it and not 'let yourself go' and fall back into old habits

    jojo-Hope I can get to the 10# in this 30 days...will have to go buy them, only had 3/5/8. Glad you kicked your excuses butt and did the routine this morning...if it wasn't for the 30DS group, then I wouldn't have gotten this far (thanks tjradd!)

    gd-yeah, I like this routine...mostly

    SDV--Got nothing to lose but the weight...and don't forget the fat! It's amazing what can happen in 30 days!

    Keep it up...starting is the hard part, now we just have to finish strong!
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    Amazon's estimated delivery date is August 10th! Little longer than I had hoped but I'll play around with some other JM DVDs in the meantime. Still excited to start the day it comes in! Congrats to you guys who've already started!
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! L1D2 done! Ouch am I sore today! Almost didn't get up in time to workout. But that's my fault for trying to stay up to watch the bachelorette last night.
    I'm sticking with the 5# dumbells for now. I may need to get some 8# ones before the month is through but for right now I think it's sufficient.

    Kory my heart rate has been really low so far. I don't get up over 120 usually except for the running man. I know I need to work a little harder to get it up there but in the morning my heart rate is always really low to begin with.

    JoJo I can't wait to my thighs and butt realize it's time to get an *kitten* kicking! right now they are just begging me to take it easy. lol.

    korygilliam L1D2Done! (08/01)
    Michele0912 L1D0 (plan to start Aug 3rd)
    pizzygirltx L1D6-Done!
    BeccyBerry L1D0 (plan to start on the 1st)
    Erica79 L1D2- done!
    Evotchka (Eva) L1D0 (08/01)
    gd50cent L1D1 done! (08/01)
    earthsember (plan to start August 1st)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (plan on starting Aug 24th)
    mariababe81(mariam) (start date 8th aug)
    jojowink (L1D3) 8/01
    SDV219 L1D1-Done! (08/01)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    momofJandA (Tori)- (starting 8/5)
  • Evotchka
    Evotchka Posts: 144 Member
    Kory I think you're right, it was a lot easier already today. I like this Level 1 a lot better than the 30 day shred.
    TOM is visiting right now so I'm generally feeling a little bloated and uncomfortable but other than that I'm ready to get ripped!!
    Day 2 done!!

    korygilliam L1D2Done! (08/01)
    Michele0912 L1D0 (plan to start Aug 3rd)
    pizzygirltx L1D6-Done!
    BeccyBerry L1D0 (plan to start on the 1st)
    Erica79 L1D2- done!
    Evotchka (Eva) L1D2 -done !(08/02)
    gd50cent L1D1 done! (08/01)
    earthsember (plan to start August 1st)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (plan on starting Aug 24th)
    mariababe81(mariam) (start date 8th aug)
    jojowink (L1D3) 8/01
    SDV219 L1D1-Done! (08/01)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    momofJandA (Tori)- (starting 8/5)
  • Shani262
    Shani262 Posts: 68 Member
    I started RI30 last week and love it! Im stretching the weeks out to 2 though to give myself time to get stronger. Im starting week 2 Monday the 8th. Cant wait!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    kory: thanks missy! once u switch to maintainance you have to have something to keep you accountable. Exercise does that for me. the 'reward' of numbers going down on a scale no longer exist so you have to motivate yourself in other ways. getting toned and fit are the ones for me. I dont want to get any smaller as im happy being a uk size 8/10( us 4/6) and would like to keep my boobs and bum! if i lose anymore and those will disappear and my hubby will not be a happy bunny! lol! men! well done on the workouts! this thread is helpful to keep me in tune with whats about to come!

    sdv: its nice to know that u use the 3lbs as well! i do and good to know tht the workout is good. i briefly looked at the dvds and they look scary!

    des: we might be starting together! amazon ive found tend to be a little quicker with their deliveries but thats in the uk. not sure about the us.

    erica: wow! 8lbs! yikes, i think my arms would fall off! lol! Just a tip- the days i combined running and shredding- i ran first then shredded and burned loads as i was still pumped from the adrenaline rush you get from running! lol! not for everyone but worked for me!

    eva: yay for day 2!

    AFM: im still enjoying my 'rest week' no zumba for this week so will run three times and rest. Im off this week with my hubby and daughter and doing lots of day trips to park and beach etc!! lush weather for it too!
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    Day 2 in the bag. Bought new weights today as the 2.5lbs weights we had in the house just weren't heavy enough for some moves. Got through to the start of circuit 3 with 7.7lb weights today but had to switch to 4.4lb to finish. But it felt good using heavier weights! Although I certainly feel like I've had a workout and a half!

    My day off RI30 this week is tomorrow as I'm up at 6.30am to go to work then heading out to a concert straight after work so won't be home til late and I'll be drunk by the time i get home anyway! Lol. 

    korygilliam L1D2Done! (08/01) 
    Michele0912 L1D0 (plan to start Aug 3rd) 
    pizzygirltx L1D6-Done! 
    BeccyBerry L1D0 (plan to start on the 1st) 
    Erica79 L1D2- done! 
    Evotchka (Eva) L1D2 -done !(08/02) 
    gd50cent L1D2 done! (08/02) 
    earthsember (plan to start August 1st) 
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (plan on starting Aug 24th) 
    mariababe81(mariam) (start date 8th aug) 
    jojowink (L1D3) 8/01 
    SDV219 L1D1-Done! (08/01) 
    Des92 (when DVD arrives) 
    momofJandA (Tori)- (starting 8/5) 
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    erica--you must have better cardio conditioning than me, I stay around 160-180 for my heart rate and it averages around 155 (including the warm up/cool down) I use a Polar w/ chest strap. If you are winded during your routine, might want to spot check your heart rate by taking a carotid pulse and compare to make sure you don't need to change your batteries

    Shani-don't know if you were just popping in to say hi or if you were wanting to join the group for support...if you want to join us on this journey, please see my first post on how this list works and welcome on board!

    Evo--you too, huh? I think the 30DS shocked my body so it came back 2 days after I was done...with a vengence! :angry:

    gd--aww...I think you would be cute w/ little pink weights (oh, and don't forget the tutu) :bigsmile:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    HAHA Kory that would be super sweet wouldn't it!!!!??? I dare you gd50!!!!!