Girls in their 30's....let's be friends!



  • abudrow
    abudrow Posts: 1
    36, busy mom of 3 boys 19, 12, and 1. current weight is 227 @ 5' 5". NEED to lose weight but can't seem to find time to work out or the will power to keep food out of my mouth! I'm gonna need some serious help! I have a friend who limits herself to 1200 calories a day and works out 5 days a week. She just met her goal of losing 50 lbs in 3 months. (she has no kids)
    I have been using "myfitnesspal" to track my food intake over the past few days and wonder I'm overweight. Does anyone have any ideas on how to limit my calories without starving? And to incorporate some exercise into my busy schedule! :) Thanks for any ideas!

  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    31 and decided it was time to get my act together! Recently married to a wonderful man. Long way to go but well on my way! Feel free to add me to all!
  • stacey782
    stacey782 Posts: 2
    Hi all im nearly 33 and have 2 boys aged 1 and 3. Need to lose baby weight plus bit extra so just been recommended this site by a friend. HAve an underactive thyroid problem as well which slows weight loss down dramatically but still trying so any motivation is good motivation. Add me if you like will be on here daily
  • jterry03
    jterry03 Posts: 33 Member
    33 year old wife and mom of one wokring full time trying to lose baby weight 20 lbs..... Add away
  • 33runnergirl
    33runnergirl Posts: 80 Member
    I'm in my 30's with about 50lbs to lose too! Feel free to add me!
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    I'm 38! I feel like it snuck up on me. I'm pretty new here but have lost 7lbs already. Feel free to add me!
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    32 years old. Married, no biological kids, but have 2 step-daughters. Full-time work, part-time student. Marathon runner.
    JENIFER_AZ Posts: 235 Member
    WOOT WOOT! I'm 35!!!! Add me!
  • crzymom04
    crzymom04 Posts: 14
    I am 31 married with four kids, I just joined a gym so I am hopeing my weightloss with get a little bit better. Have a wonderful day
  • jeniferclark
    jeniferclark Posts: 19 Member
    I would love to add friends! I am 34 and have used MFP for a while but haven't added anyone:) If anyone is interested please add me. :tongue:
  • soariels
    soariels Posts: 33 Member
    I'm a 36 year old mom and have been on the Slow Carb Diet (4 Hour Body) for 6 months. The results are terrific but very slow (I've lost 22 lbs). I love that there's a full-blown cheat day once a week! Feel free to add me :-)
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    @abudrow: As far as limiting calories without starving, I am eating a lot of fresh veggies and fruit. Most fresh veggies have little calories, so you can eat them until you are full. As far as working out goes, I have a stationary bike. I ride it 30 minutes every morning before the kids get up. It gives me a good burn and although I dread doing it every morning, I feel so much better when I'm done!
  • rnstolz17
    rnstolz17 Posts: 13
    31 here
  • harm30
    harm30 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! I am still coming to terms with turning 30 but am fast approching 31 in Nov! EEK! I have 2 lovely girls a 1yr old and a 3yr old. Finally had enough of always being a UK size 16/18 and decided to lose some weight. Got a minimum of 64lbs to lose.

    Been using MFP for about two weeks now but this is my first post. I am loving this website and have read some very inspirational posts. Hopefully one day I will be posting my own sucess story! I don't have time for the gym so am currently relying on workout DVD's and my Zumba Wii which my daughters love doing with me :o) Hoping to start the 30-Day shred on Aug 1st.

    It's all about changing our habits for the better! Goodluck to everyone on their weightloss journey! :o)
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    Hello! I am still coming to terms with turning 30 but am fast approching 31 in Nov! EEK! I have 2 lovely girls a 1yr old and a 3yr old. Finally had enough of always being a UK size 16/18 and decided to lose some weight. Got a minimum of 64lbs to lose.

    Been using MFP for about two weeks now but this is my first post. I am loving this website and have read some very inspirational posts. Hopefully one day I will be posting my own sucess story! I don't have time for the gym so am currently relying on workout DVD's and my Zumba Wii which my daughters love doing with me :o) Hoping to start the 30-Day shred on Aug 1st.

    It's all about changing our habits for the better! Goodluck to everyone on their weightloss journey! :o)

    I also don't have time for the gym...I have an 18 month old, and my hubby works evenings. So I've been doing workout DVDs, but have been wanting to try Wii zumba.
  • navynique
    navynique Posts: 2
    Hello! I'm a 30 year old single mom of a 4 yr old little boy. I've been in the Navy 12 years, but started a desk job recently and its really started to make the pounds start to add on. (7 lbs in 3 mos!) So, now I'm trying to reverse the trend and get down to a far healthier weight. I'm currently 165 lbs and want to get to 120 lbs since I'm only 5'4"! I'd love to have some friends along for support, so please add me! I just started MFP yesterday, and so far, LOVE it. Changing eating habits and got the gym membership which I plan on using 5 days a week... Good luck to all of you on your journeys as well!!!!
  • twigsmom06
    twigsmom06 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Ladies

    I'm 31 and a single mom to 1. I work at Cracker Barrel and want to lose some weight and eat healthier.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    I find that it's really hard now that I am in my 30's to lose it. When I was younger, before my first child and even after, if I exercised like I am now, it would fall off.

    I have been walking for 4 months. First on flat surfaces, then hills, now I have added biking to my mix and it's not falling off.

    I wish I knew then (in my 20's) what I know now! I had my twins one year ago and in between my oldest and the twins, let myself go. I wish I hadn't done that!
  • minussam
    minussam Posts: 127 Member
    36, busy mom of 3 boys 19, 12, and 1. current weight is 227 @ 5' 5". NEED to lose weight but can't seem to find time to work out or the will power to keep food out of my mouth! I'm gonna need some serious help! I have a friend who limits herself to 1200 calories a day and works out 5 days a week. She just met her goal of losing 50 lbs in 3 months. (she has no kids)
    I have been using "myfitnesspal" to track my food intake over the past few days and wonder I'm overweight. Does anyone have any ideas on how to limit my calories without starving? And to incorporate some exercise into my busy schedule! :) Thanks for any ideas!


    I hear you. Even though I have only one boy I seem to always be busy with him or work.
    Squeezing at least a little bit of walking in during coffee break helps - and gets me motivated to do something when he's finally asleep...
  • minussam
    minussam Posts: 127 Member
    33 (even though I don't really believe it) and mom of a toddler, working full time and always busy.
    But I need to get rid of that baby fat and want to be in a better shape
    Anybody feel free to add me