Strange baby names?



  • DSteele83
    DSteele83 Posts: 7
    My first name is Diamond (which really isn't that bad), but I have 2 brothers and a sister all with "normal" names Jamie, Ashley, Kenny. Growing up I was always asked if I was a stripper or if it was my real name. I have even had to go as far as showing my driver's license to people just so they would believe me. When I got married my last name changed to Steele. I was on the phone the other day and was asked my name I said Diamond Steele and the lady said "No really". Anyway I love strange names or names spelled differently, my sons name is Kallen (Colin), I have a nephew whose middle name is Merritt, and my neice's name is Reghan. And if I'm ever blessed with a little girl her name will be Delaney Page.:smile:
  • megskin15
    megskin15 Posts: 94

    I'd much rather hear "strange" baby names than another John, Joseph, Chris, Jason, Taylor, Tyler, Brian, Ashley, Megan, Elizabeth, Ann, etc...

    Hey- I'm a Megan....... I did graduate with 4 other Megan's though (or variants of the same name)
  • eml48341
    eml48341 Posts: 88 Member
    ha ha these are all funny! My cousin named his son Rocket. They are tatted up musicians so it actually kind of works. Speaking of names, I won't tell you crazy internet ppl what my name is but I will tell you that I share the same name as my father, brother, grandfather and greatgrandfather....then I went and married my husband who also shares the same name as me...and his father, grandfather and greatgrandfather. We have absolutely NO plans of keeping with tradition ;)

    I love girls with boy names! I want to name my first girl after my great-grandfather and my husband (they share the same name). I also wanted to tell you that I love your quote. I haven't seen that one before, but it is really great! :-)
  • TooFit2Quit
    Twin boys named Lemonjallo and Oranjallo for Lemon Jello and Orange Jello. No joke!
  • eml48341
    eml48341 Posts: 88 Member
    Anyone remember the people who named their kid Espy? There was also an online article a while ago about a couple who named their child Espn. Seriously...
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    I went to high school with a Ben Dover, and at my first job we had a regular customer named Pinky Ho. Not kidding.

    If my sister has a son, she plans on naming him either Xerxes (Persian King, she's very much into ancient history) or using our great-great-great grandfather's name, Zaddock. I also have a cousin who named her daughter after her mother (her mom, my aunt's name is Sherry) but she spelled it Schaerrie. Yeah.

    Oh and Atticus is the name of the father in To Kill A Mockingbird. Atticus and Scout (the daughter in the book) have become pretty popular again. I had a customer at work who named her two kids Dashiell (son, after Dashiell Hammond) and Bronte (daughter, after Charlotte Bronte) because she and her husband are both writers and each got to name a child after their favorite author. I did think that was pretty cool, unusual but not too out there.
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    My name is Sunshine Jasmine.... Is that strange enough?
  • hiimshadoe
    hiimshadoe Posts: 122
    Options name is shadoe
  • hiimshadoe
    hiimshadoe Posts: 122
    My sisters name is shalene
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Lets see ... for the repetitive names ... I went to school with a John John (I was in like 3rd grade before I figured out that was his first and last names)

    And on the "what were you thinking" names how about ...

    Richard (yep went by the short name) Butt and his wife Susan -- we used to always joke that Susan must have REALLY loved her husband to take his name.

    Harold Allen Hole ... yep Harry A. Hole ... he is deceased now, but he named his son Richard ... we once asked him why and he said "I need someone to share in the joke"

    And the worst I ever saw ... Dr. Richard Head a neurosurgeon. According to one of my patients, he walked into the room and introduced himself "Hi Im D&*K Head MD neurosurgeon... " and according to the patient he did not seem to understand why that might be funny...

    If my parents named me Richard I would be going by Rich or Rick or Richard ... and not the other choice!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    One of my best friend's middle name is Echo....

    My 2nd daughter's name is Eden...thought that was kinda different.

    There is a lil girl who goes to school with my oldest named that!

    The other day I was watching the news and a chick getting interviewed...her name was Butterfly...weird!

    I also like boys names for Dylan, Aryn, Elliot....

    If we have another baby and it is a girl...I love Britton Jade.
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member
    I used to be an insurance verifier for a group of cardiologists when I lived in Texas. I saw a ton of weird names. There are 2 that I will never forget.....
    Ima (first name) Mann (last name.... her married name) Sweet little old lady :)

    KIttyporn (first name) don't remember her last name. She was in her mid 80's and looked like she was a former hooker... ewwww LOL
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Mine! Starla. Well, not super strange, but unusual. I've only met two others in my 27 years

    I've actually known two Starla's over the years ;)
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    My friend's aunt is a pre-k teacher, and had a student named Pajamas.

    I used to be a preschool teacher...had everything from Prince to Destiny to Nevaeh (Heaven backwards) to Precious to King Marcus (?)...and a whole lot of extra letters and unusual spellings...I figured the kids might learn to spell their names by 6th grade ;)
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I have a friend who named her baby boy Dartagnane (i guess its pronounced Dattanion) I was told he is the 4th musketeer idk. I think its a dumb name lol but his moms name is ayla so i guess its ok. Oh yeah the last name is Van riper. Dartagnane Van Riper....

    ah yes I had a student named Dartanyon....and he was NOT a good little musketeer, he was MEAN :)
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    My mom's old bass player had kids named Nico and Nigel.

    I also know lots of hippies. One of them has gone with strange names for their kids (Star, Rain, etc.) I am a somewhat of a hippie myself but never considered elemental names.

    my parents were wannabe hippies but skipped the crazy names lol...but growing up in Boulder Colorado I had classmates with some odd names...Sunshine and Rainbow are two sisters I remember....Mithra (boy)...Shemryn (boy) Thaddeus...Ludwig...and like 12 Jennifers, Amys and Susans :) They always got called by their last initial so there was less confusion for the teacher...
  • brndygrl98
    brndygrl98 Posts: 196 Member
    I am in healthcare and we see all kinds of crazy names. One little boy (and I am NOT kidding) is named Lil Robert...yes, like as in little Robert even pronounced Lil ! There's also Cheetara, Sherclitia, Germia, Thor, Kal-El (just like Nick Cage's son, but this kid had it first), Jachavious, Dontravious, and even someone named Cocaine (what was his mama thinking?)....the list goes on and on.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    When my son was 5 years old his very first little girlfriend's name was Paris Fall. If I remember correctly, her last name was Glaser.

    my first crush, at age 7, was my classmate/friend Sasha Paris...he was adorable...but I suspect he got beat up a lot ;)
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    BUMP because this is so entertaining I wanna come back later and read more...
  • LisaCFSF
    LisaCFSF Posts: 258 Member
    When I was in college, I worked at a local grocery store with a girl who named her daughter Yoshika (after a brand of camera) because she "liked the way it sounded" while watching a commercial in the hospital after her daughter's birth. She did call her Shika at least...

    One of my son's friends named his first daughter Cloud and another friend named his son Kylar. I also have a friend who named his son Garak after a Klingon on Star Trek...

    My husband's first name is Clyde after his father, although he goes by his middle name.

    My grandmother's name was Zadie and her brothers and sisters were named Herman, Herschel, Dorthol, Ophelia (Phelie), Earnestine, Geraldine, and Pauline; some are more unusual than others.

    My grandfather's first name was Verlie.