

  • amymoore728
    Drank water, did crunches, and under calories.
  • LouD76
    LouD76 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi Everyone..

    Sorry I haven't been on.. can only access MFP when at work.. Monday - Friday (was not here for two days).. I use my BB app to and make sure I keep track of my food and calories..

    OK so we on day 4..
    Monday I did the jumping jacks, on Tuesday I walked my 1.6km (1mile) and painted the bathroom (didn't log that as I am not sure how many calories that would burn), yesterday I did 50 sit ups.. so today its the "up and downs".. wow I checked out the link.. its going to take me a while to do them.. but will do them when i get home..

    I've been under my calories so feeling really proud of myself.. I drink lots of water everyday.. don't always remember to put that in, cause it is so automatic for me.. I walk around with a 750ml bottle all day and drink around 4 bottles every day.. (had kidney stones twice before so I keep the water coming all day long just in case) ...

    I think that was all I needed to report back on.. if there is anything I missed.. PLEASE email me.. give me a kick or something.. hahah... dames.louisa@gmail.com
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member

    OK Folks!! I did it - well - part of it! 10 down - 30 to go. It wasn't bad! I did them MUCH slower than the guy on the link. Still got me out of breath and got the heart rate up!!

    Additionally... Gary6030 posted the following:

    AUGUST CHALLENGE: If you have bad knees here is an alternative for the ups and downs exercise. 100 Toe Touches. Stand up straight arms straight above your head. Take your right hand down and touch your left foot. Alternate the left hand to right foot. Stand up Straight that = 1. Do 100 of those and you are set for today.! PUSH YOURSELF TO DO MORE!!! Your big weigh in is right around the corner. Its crunch time people. You are stronger than you believe so go go go go!

    YOU CAN MODIFY - NEVER FORGET!!! We are not out to get injured - we are out to get HEALTHY!!!

    Thanks for those that reported last night! Everyone have a GREAT DAY!!!
  • keeks8281
    Unfortunately I have been sick the past day and a half so August 2 & 3 I didn't finish water or do the exercises. Sorry team. Feeling better today so hopefully I can get back on track!
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    Thanks for letting me know keeks.

    Feel better!!
  • dk_runs
    dk_runs Posts: 106

    So - here is the link for the up/down exercise in case anyone wants to switch days...

    It is the VERY FIRST THING the guy does... from like 1:45 to 2:00 (on the timer). OHHHH MY!


    Thanks for the link. I am quite sure I won't be using a timer when I do mine...
  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    Weapons of Mass Reduction would like to challenge you to a new daily challenge for today! Are you up for it.
    50 mountain climbers!

    Before you ask...
  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    Water burpees completed. Float face down in deep enough water so you can not touch. Draw knees to chest, and with arms turn your self onto back (face up) Straighten legs. Take a deep breath, draw knees to chest and using arms turn your self over to face down, straighten legs, tuck up legs, and turn over again and breath. This uses mega core muscles and man do you get tired easily. When you go from face down to face up, do not roll from back to front via the side, but like a pendulum with the most verticle position with tucked feet and legs, with feet pointed down to bottom and top of the head facing the sky.

    If this does not count as burpees then I am out of luck for the day as we are out camping in the woods, and I am exhaused from canoeing, paddeling, and lots of swimming and portaging. I will only have internet for about 10 min each day... No cell phone service up here in the wilderness.

    All water consumed and will be consumed, and all food planned and will go under calorie limits.... and exercise will be all day long and well into the evening.

    I never did find out if the total calories must be under the suggested limit, or net calories under the limit.

    Untill tomorrow if I can get cell phone service.
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    Weapons of Mass Reduction would like to challenge you to a new daily challenge for today! Are you up for it.
    50 mountain climbers!

    Before you ask...

    Argh! Gary - I can't youtube at work!! Is this in addition to the up/downs?
  • susanleasings
    susanleasings Posts: 371 Member
    Ups and Downs DONE!!
    Stairclimbers DONE!!
    Broke a sweat within 15 minutes!!! Those Ups and Downs are booty-kickin!!! Geez!!!
  • nrtenagrl
    nrtenagrl Posts: 138 Member
    I didn't have a computer to post my info for Wednesday~ I was under calories, finished the 50 sit ups+ an additional 50 and drank all my water! :)
  • ShannGall
    ShannGall Posts: 69 Member
    Completed 40 up and downs!! HARD! Ran 20 minutes walked 60! Under calories and 8 glasses!
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    Completed up downs, over on water, & even though I haven't finished logging I will be under on calories.

    P.S. @ 500+ pounds, I had to modify exercise of course.:blushing:
  • Lanet27
    Lanet27 Posts: 127 Member

    50 up/down
    50 mountain climbers
    Regular routine
    under calorie goal
    80 onz water

    I'm sooo tired; I think we all going to sleep like babies tonight.... ;D

    Sleep Tight Y'all
  • faye_daisy
    faye_daisy Posts: 148
    both challenges done
    water check
    under calories check
  • dk_runs
    dk_runs Posts: 106

    Up/Downs = Done
    8 glasses of water = Done
    Calorie goal = Under

    Hope all is great with you Captain and you got that dog walked :tongue:
  • skbruewer
    skbruewer Posts: 144 Member
    Up & Downs are done
    water - 8 glasses
    under calorie goal
    I will finish the mountain climbers before the end of the evening
  • DLMcCutchen79
    DLMcCutchen79 Posts: 44 Member
    Day 4, week 1:

    Under Calories!
    8 cups of water today!!
    50 up downs complete!!! (man were they much worse than I expected)
    Just saw the challenge for the mountain climbers, I have not completed them yet but will before bed, will update once complete!
  • amymoore728
    Under calories
    Drank water
    Did 40 up/downs - that many of those... crazy hard!
    50 mountain climbers... do we need to challenge those guys back now??
  • ycc1964
    ycc1964 Posts: 699 Member
    Good evening all

    I'm under my calories for the day, however I did not eat as clean as I would have liked to. I completed my 40 ups/downs and have drank 9 glasses of water. I was only have to complete 30 minutes of the P90X Yoga it is very very very hard. So I did Zumba scuplting DVD in addition. I hope everyone had a good day.