Please stop "Banning" foods... It's killing my will to live.



  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    Personally, I agree with the OP. But if someone feels they are better off avoiding trigger foods, that's their business.
  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
    Im going to be an EXTREME VEGAN !

    I will not even drive through a town with the word HAM in it !

  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Im going to be an EXTREME VEGAN !

    I will not even drive through a town with the word HAM in it !


  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    What really triggered this is that someone I know (in real life) has decided that as of August 1 she's going to a raw foods only diet to drop weight. After 38 years of living on our amazing Italian food town, complete with meat, pizza, dairy, etc.... I don't find that to be a very sustainable approach to weight loss.
  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    I am with you on this. I prefer moderation. :drinker:

    When it comes to eating I am like a spoiled brat. Tell me I cannot have it and I want it all the more. :blushing:

    If I can make the decision that a food item is a 'no for me' then fine, but I will not fight my cravings. If I can sooth a craving with moderation and balance then great, because otherwise I end up trying to fill that void and end up over eating or being way to mean to myself.:noway:
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I don't ban foods, but I ban "food" items that aren't really food. Like...poptarts
    WTF? Poptarts aren't real food? *gasp*
  • Tuffjourney
    Tuffjourney Posts: 971
    I agree "banning" is just too hard. I told my husband, if you ban me from other men, it just makes me want more... If I keep it in moderation I should do ok...... Wait are you just talking about food????:devil:
  • javablondie
    javablondie Posts: 411 Member
    Im going to be an EXTREME VEGAN !

    I will not even drive through a town with the word HAM in it !


    Leaves more ham for me ;-)
  • javablondie
    javablondie Posts: 411 Member
    It seems to me that so many people are choosing to "ban" certain foods from their diets to lose weight... Carbs, Cheese, Pizza, Meat, Chocolate, Ice Cream, Goat, etc. It just bugs me. Eat what you like to eat. Eat it in moderation. Smaller portions. More exercise. Less often... whatever, but eat it. Count your calories for it, move on, and continue living life the way you enjoy.

    If you can be satisfied with a similar healthier option - such as whole grain pasta vs refined bleached white pasta - by all means, eat the healthier of the two! I'm not suggesting you don't make healthy choices and changes in your food choices. But "limiting" yourself, uprooting your entire lifestyle overnight, etc. is unlikely to be a life-long healthy solution.

    I see so many people say "I am going vegetarian" or something as a dieting tactic, yet they dam* well know they love bacon. Just... knock it off. Please. Eat a piece of bacon already.

    Hmm... What's really eating at you?
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    If you eat junk food all day... but stay "under" in calories... How does that help someone to adopt a healthy lifestyle? Have you ever heard the phrase "You are what you eat..." Well, there is something to that. I don't want to be made of bacon and ice cream... However yummy that sounds.

    Please explain what is wrong with bacon.

    I have no moral issues with bacon. [To quote from an AWESOME movie: "Pork chops taste GOOD. Bacon tastes GOOD." etc.]

    I just don't get it. The taste...the's so CLOYING. It fills up the entire house and makes it hard for me to breathe. And lately, bacon has become this weird phenomenon / fad food. It's even in ice cream, fergoshsakes!

    I love plenty of rich, yummy, not-good-for-me things...but I'm just flat out baffled by bacon.
  • javablondie
    javablondie Posts: 411 Member
    posting just failed - delete.
  • HotMamaByVday
    HotMamaByVday Posts: 343 Member

  • zookeepersuzy
    Hmmm....maybe I should try that bacon wrapped cupcake my husband keeps begging me to make....
    I found a recipe for Chocolate Bacon Cupcakes with Maple Frosting a while ago and I've avoided making them because I'm afraid I wont be able to stop at one. /drool.
  • JustBreathSB
    JustBreathSB Posts: 103 Member
    I don't ban foods. But some foods I have trouble to stop eating once I've example. I still eat them, and if I eat too much, I just call it a crap day and start new the next day.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I eat in moderation as well. I do not like feeling deprived. I'll a piece of cake if i want it, as long as its in my calorie..heck, ill have a slice of cake with my lunch daily if its presented with my meal at the free kitchen we have in doing this, staying under calories, still losing weight. I'm happy in both ways! Normally on the weekends, its my cheat weekends..bacon & pancakes saturdays, eggs and sausage sundays..:bigsmile:
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    Im going to be an EXTREME VEGAN !

    I will not even drive through a town with the word HAM in it !


    Doing anything to the extreme is a bad idea.

    I tried the extreme Caveman diet. I decided that I wouldn't eat any meat that I hadn't hunted and caught myself.

    The manager of the local Supermarket wasn't too happy when I started throwing spears at the meat counter.

  • Charger440
    Charger440 Posts: 1,474 Member
    Why would it matter if someone was on the Atkins diet and you weren't? Just eat what you like--if moderation works for you then great. For others, it might not...You don't haveta look at their food diaries!

    You know I think the original post comes from the one thing I have seen time and time again here. When someone posts about eating something that is not organic or "health food" some people go nuts talking about how bad they have been. I have absolutely no use for a tofurkey and no use for anyone that puts tofu and turkey together trying to convince people that this "turkey" is better for them than a turkey. As far as "unhealthy" food goes, there is absolutely NO reason why you can't enjoy a treat at the county fair or have cake and ice cream at your child's birthday party. In the big picture of weightless these events will not affect your wellbeing one way or the other. However, there are a lot of you people that will tell them how bad they have been for this incident instead of being supportive and letting them know that in the big picture that piece of cake really does not matter. How does my tofurkey fit in to this? Those are people that usually beat up on you for the cake. I had donuts at the county fair last night but I won't post on here that I did cause I'll have two dozen veg* people and health fanatics telling me how bad I been and that it will get better. How's it gonna get better, be like that? I think not! I do just fine the way I am. Don't bother "calling me out" on this as it will just further prove my point that us non-veg* people and non_health nuts must follow your plan or they will fail.
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    Why would it matter if someone was on the Atkins diet and you weren't? Just eat what you like--if moderation works for you then great. For others, it might not...You don't haveta look at their food diaries!

    You know I think the original post comes from the one thing I have seen time and time again here. When someone posts about eating something that is not organic or "health food" some people go nuts talking about how bad they have been. I have absolutely no use for a tofurkey and no use for anyone that puts tofu and turkey together trying to convince people that this "turkey" is better for them than a turkey. As far as "unhealthy" food goes, there is absolutely NO reason why you can't enjoy a treat at the county fair or have cake and ice cream at your child's birthday party. In the big picture of weightless these events will not affect your wellbeing one way or the other. However, there are a lot of you people that will tell them how bad they have been for this incident instead of being supportive and letting them know that in the big picture that piece of cake really does not matter. How does my tofurkey fit in to this? Those are people that usually beat up on you for the cake. I had donuts at the county fair last night but I won't post on here that I did cause I'll have two dozen veg* people and health fanatics telling me how bad I been and that it will get better. How's it gonna get better, be like that? I think not! I do just fine the way I am. Don't bother "calling me out" on this as it will just further prove my point that us non-veg* people and non_health nuts must follow your plan or they will fail.

    they sell donuts at the fair?..... cotton candy and a corn dog alll the way... and very nicely said
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If someone wants to avoid a certain food, great for them!

    But what bugs me is people asking, "Is it ok if I have _____?" You don't need our permission! Eat the pizza if you want the pizza. Eat the bacon. Eat the ice cream. Drink the vodka! No one else should ever tell you you CAN'T have something.

    I'm in this for the long haul. Using the old cliche, it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change. But lifestyle change doesn't mean prison sentence! It has to be something you can life with. You should enjoy every single thing that you pop in your mouth. I'm not saying I like broccoli as much as I like bacon, but I like it well enough. I don't like artichoke and I will not eat it even if it is touted as the world's healthiest food. It's gross and smells like armpits. :noway:

    We're all adults here. We all have access to the same tools, and can look up the nutritional value of anything we eat. We can decide for ourselves if the benefits outweigh the negatives.

    Now, if you want to know what's the best choice at a certain restaurant, or for a healthier alternative for something you enjoy, fine... but you do NOT need to ask if it's OK to eat something you want to eat! You don't need our validation and you don't need us to police you.
  • Alexandria1213
    Alexandria1213 Posts: 152 Member
    I don't really understand why people do that. I love chocolate I'm not going to cut it out of my diet completely because to me that isn't a realistic goal that I can keep for the rest of my life. What I do for instance with chocolate is instead of having a whole chocolate bar I'll have a couple of kisses and that way I still get my chocolate =P