Please stop "Banning" foods... It's killing my will to live.



  • lloydmel
    lloydmel Posts: 259 Member
    Is it me, or is it that Bacon is the ONLY food you can literally eat with anything... I'm talking anything... Even icecream... chocolate.... cupcakes (as someone mentioned earlier). I love bacon too much to give it up forever. I don't eat it every day or even every week for that matter; If I want to eat it more regularly I end up eating the turkey bacon, but the regular pork, salty (even the lower sodium kind is Grrreat) is sooo wonderful.
    I have learned to limit myself sort of when I eat it, and so glad that I have! Don't want to live the rest of my life without it!

    Now cheesecake, cheesecake is definitely one of those things I can't have in my house cause I'll eat the whole thing, but I definitely won't give it up for the rest of my life; I love life too much!
  • lloydmel
    lloydmel Posts: 259 Member
    Im going to be an EXTREME VEGAN !

    I will not even drive through a town with the word HAM in it !


    Baha.... I'm only gonna live in places that have fruit in the name.... Orange County.... etc.... that might actually work out to my favor though... lol
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    I went out with friends again today. I over-did the pizza... and enjoyed every minute of it :smile:

    I know we won't do it again for another week or two so I'm not even going to think about it. It was fun and the pizza was good.
  • ncwingnut71
    ncwingnut71 Posts: 292 Member
    I haven't "banned" anything. I like food...period. Last Friday, the kids and I went to see the new Harry Potter...I didn't eat the popcorn (too salty for me), but we went to Chili's afterwards...had an avocado burger. That night I did go over my calories by about 200, but I wasn't worried about it. I knew if I didn't eat what I wanted, I would eventually binge.

    And yesterday, I was dying for a taco salad. I had one, worked my butt off at the gym and was still under.

    Now, I have cut back on refined carbs - I LOVE bread. I let myself have some a few days a week and as long as I get my "fix" I am fine. But, I would never ban it.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    It seems to me that so many people are choosing to "ban" certain foods from their diets to lose weight... Carbs, Cheese, Pizza, Meat, Chocolate, Ice Cream, Goat, etc. It just bugs me. Eat what you like to eat. Eat it in moderation. Smaller portions. More exercise. Less often... whatever, but eat it. Count your calories for it, move on, and continue living life the way you enjoy.

    If you can be satisfied with a similar healthier option - such as whole grain pasta vs refined bleached white pasta - by all means, eat the healthier of the two! I'm not suggesting you don't make healthy choices and changes in your food choices. But "limiting" yourself, uprooting your entire lifestyle overnight, etc. is unlikely to be a life-long healthy solution.

    I see so many people say "I am going vegetarian" or something as a dieting tactic, yet they dam* well know they love bacon. Just... knock it off. Please. Eat a piece of bacon already.

    While I get your point, there are some foods with which even "moderation" won't work for me, unless one small bite is the moderation I'm shooting for. There are foods so carb-laden that even a half a serving would be more than my blood sugar will allow for. So when you see me having "uprooted my entire lifestyle," it's because I had to--I'm diabetic now, and that means my diet needed a major overhaul.

  • trishlambert
    trishlambert Posts: 213 Member
    I know what you mean. I have a solid past of weight loss attempts, and so many of them were about eliminating a whole bunch of foods I loved and forcing myself to eat stuff that I wasn't so crazy about. Surprise---I spent the time "white knuckling," beating myself up to keep from eating those verboten foods. Very unpleasant, and very unnatural. Not something I could sustain for a lifetime, that's for sure.

    I have trigger foods...the usual suspects. Just today I was considering buying a small jar of Nutella...part of me said, mm that would be good on toast for an evening treat, and the calories are very reasonable. BUT, the other part of me said, You love this so much, there's no way you'll be able to moderate yourself. Ditto ice cream (I don't care how calorie-reasonable it is) and a short list of other things (DQ Blizzard? Even a mini one? gets me back in an eating groove I don't want to be in).

    Over time....gradually...I've built up another list of foods that give me the same kind of gratification (serotonin release?) that my trigger foods give me. Who knew that snacking on grape tomatoes as finger foods would be so satisfying? Or a homemade pizza using a tortilla as the crust would be as welcome as the "other" type of pizza? Shirataki noodles and broccoli slaw allow me to indulge my pasta cravings (with my own homemade kick-butt tomato sauce). And I can still do ice cream--sort of. Take a couple of fudge bars, or WW latte bars, or fruit bars; let melt a tad, take out the sticks, and stir into a nice sized bowl of ice cream or sherbet that hits the spot and "costs" less than 200 calories.

    My transition has happened over time, and I am enjoying the pursuit of different eating habits. My cravings are still there, and I do indulge in a trigger food from time to time (then have to wean myself back off!), and there's not a white knuckle in sight!!!!