August Day by Day Challenge (OPEN): 1 year anniversary!!!



  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    Okay gonna try this again... got sidetracked with life.. lol
    Today's goals

    1. Finish charger's challenge of 75/150 leg raises/crunches - makeing 50 of them together.

    2. 5 bottles of water

    3. Pull weeds in my front yard (totally hate monsoon season - only time of the year when the desert gets weeds)

    4. going for 1.8 miles on the elliptical today in the 30 min... almost made it last wed.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    yay! bratty so glad to see your message! Good job setting goals. I know you can do it!

    Shanae! I'm so proud of you. I bet you feel great! I remember that moment. And it just drives you to keep working harder and harder to set new milestones for yourself
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    I was gone for the weekend camping and today was spent getting everything actually put away from camping and clothes washed. Had a good time camping with my in-laws. We got rained on but it wasn't that bad actually. :happy:

    Goals for Tuesday
    1. walk/something from my on-demand (maybe both)
    2. eat way better than today(been a very bad day of eating for me)
    3. water with mio:) I love this stuff!! lol

    1. wash sheets
    2. clean kitchen
    3. clean living room

    Hope you all have a good evening!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Mondays goals:

    1. Under on calories - Done
    2. Water - Done
    3. Run - Done
    4. Work on bits for friends wedding - Yup
    5. OCme back on here tomorrow post more goals - Ta-dah!

    A few more days like that please Kim.

    Congratulations Shanae, thats a great acheivement!

    Rav - Glad to hear you had fun camping.

    Tuesdays Goals, same again:
    1. Under on calories
    2. Water
    3. Run or if it rains JM DVD
    4. Carry on with wedding bits
    5. Back here tomorrow.

    Have a great day!
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    Okay gonna try this again... got sidetracked with life.. lol
    Today's goals

    1. Finish charger's challenge of 75/175 leg raises/crunches - making 50 of them together.

    - did 125 together then did 50 crunches on their own

    2. 5 bottles of water

    - got in 7 bottles

    3. Pull weeds in my front yard (totally hate monsoon season - only time of the year when the desert gets weeds)

    - got all the ones in the big section of the yard pulled.... rocks should not grow weeds... sigh

    4. going for 1.8 miles on the elliptical today in the 30 min... almost made it last wed.

    - well the gym with that elliptical had that area closed off and for all week so instead we did treadmills at the other gym and I did 1.25 miles on random hills in 30 min... which i think was good.

    Now for today's goals

    1. Do at least 10 of the 200 tricep dips for real from charger's challenge...

    2. Get in 5 bottles of water.

    3. Stay with in 200 calories of my allowed. - Today is the first day of my classes I will be at school all day, healthy choices are not really an option ( i mean seriously have you seen college students - can't miss them here they're the ones without any clothes on cause its the desert - and hot)

    Thank you Leela... I still think this is an awesome idea... and I hope to continue with it... but homework will determine how well i stick with any of this in about 3 weeks.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Aug. 22:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Exercise for 20 minutes.--Yes.
    3. Stay on plan.--Close.

    Well, after a couple of weeks of dry weather it is rainy again. supposed to clear up again by tomorrow, though.

    Shanae--Congrats on being under 200! That's great!

    Bratty--Try, try again, right? We only fail when we stop trying!

    Goals for Aug. 23:
    1. Water.
    2. Exercise for 20 minutes.
    3. Sta on plan.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Monday's goals:
    1. eat clean, including no soda. yes, its going on day 3 without soda. and I miss it a little, but not a lot.
    2. workout early (this has been a struggle for me lately) it wasn't as early as I'd like, but still earlier than usual.
    3. finish laundry that's lingering from the weekend. yes, finally done!

    Tuesday's goals:
    1. Do something nice for myself (not sure what that something is, but I deserve it!)
    2. eat according to plan.
    3. drink my weight in water! (including green tea and crystal light)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Thank you Leela... I still think this is an awesome idea... and I hope to continue with it... but homework will determine how well i stick with any of this in about 3 weeks.

    You did a great job on your goals yesterday. When school starts back, maybe you can set up your goals on Monday for say, Monday thru Thurs and then check in at the end of the week and set up your goals for Fri thru Sunday. Just a thought.

    I think its an awesome idea too, Nicole really grew such a great concept into a MFP empire! She's a full time college student too and she just checks in when she can!

    Also, when I cant log on to the board, I will still take a post it and write 3 goals on it and post it somewhere so I can see it. So you can still stay accountable, its just cool to share it with out people because they will always motivate you when you fall off the wagon!
  • Shanaedunn
    Shanaedunn Posts: 171 Member
    [GREAT MORNING!!! Guess what guys! I am less than 200 pounds HOT DOG!!!!!! Now to keep it up!
    I also pushed this weekend Leela and ran for 6 minutes (not all together but total) LOL Thanks for your ideas!!!

    August 22 Goals:

    1. Workout 5 miles of walking with 4 minutes of running thrown in] - YES and Did the running
    3. Be very watchful of calorie count and food today a few bad choices could take me backwards. - YES STAYED UNDER

    Non Fitness

    My babies will be home on Saturday!

    Make sure everything is ready for first day of school which for mommy's is a giant task......

    Have a great day!

    August 23 Goals:

    1. Workout today Walking 2 hours with running
    3. Watch the late day Carb fit!

    Have a blessed day!!!

  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    Thank you Leela... I still think this is an awesome idea... and I hope to continue with it... but homework will determine how well i stick with any of this in about 3 weeks.

    You did a great job on your goals yesterday. When school starts back, maybe you can set up your goals on Monday for say, Monday thru Thurs and then check in at the end of the week and set up your goals for Fri thru Sunday. Just a thought.

    I think its an awesome idea too, Nicole really grew such a great concept into a MFP empire! She's a full time college student too and she just checks in when she can!

    Also, when I cant log on to the board, I will still take a post it and write 3 goals on it and post it somewhere so I can see it. So you can still stay accountable, its just cool to share it with out people because they will always motivate you when you fall off the wagon!

    thats a really good idea.. i will think about that... i'm so afraid of letting this fall off again.... and i dont want to but i can't make fitness my priority while in school.. so yes its great to have people help keep you accountable

    and pmjsmom yep we only fail when we quit... thanks for that...
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Tuesday's goals:
    1. Do something nice for myself (not sure what that something is, but I deserve it!) yes I ordered a new zumba shirt!
    2. eat according to plan. yes I even stayed away from the peanut butter cookies
    3. drink my weight in water! (including green tea and crystal light) yes and i'm regretting it now.

    Wednesday's goal:
    1. run, zumba, train.
    2. stay hydrated all day.
    3. eat healthy all day, including no soda!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Tuesdays Goals, same again:
    1. Under on calories - No
    2. Water - Yes
    3. Run or if it rains JM DVD - No
    4. Carry on with wedding bits - Yes
    5. Back here tomorrow. - Yes


    I was so tired yesterday, and I overslept by an hour and a half this morning! I think I'm just a bit rubbish in general at the moment but the only thing to do really is to just keep trying.

    Wednesday's Goals:
    1. Under on calories
    2. Water
    3. Run
    4. Drop samples off
    5. Early night
    6. Back on here tomorrow.

    Have a lovely day!
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Goals for Tuesday
    1. walk/something from my on-demand (maybe both)done
    2. eat way better than today(been a very bad day of eating for me)-did better but not great
    3. water with mio:) I love this stuff!! lol-had plenty of that:)

    1. wash sheets-fail
    2. clean kitchen-fail
    3. clean living room-fail

    No goals for today just try to make it through the day. Got bad news last night that a cousin of mine died in a car accident. Going to my parents house today to try to comfort my dad as this cousin was the same age as him and his best friend. Last night when my dad called me to tell me(after my mom already had so at least I alreadyu knew) and he broke down on the phone I can't bare the thought of him being in so much pain. He sounded almost as bad as when my grandmother passed away.. :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :frown: :frown: :frown:

    Hope you all havea good day...........
  • Shanaedunn
    Shanaedunn Posts: 171 Member
    August 23 Goals:

    1. Workout today Walking 2 hours with running - YES
    2. WATER WATER WATER - Somewhat only 3 cups
    3. Watch the late day Carb fit! - YES

    Have a blessed day!!!


    August 24 Goals

    2. Must reamin in Numbers due to no workout
    3. Make sure to track food as accurately as possible!
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    Now for today's goals

    1. Do at least 10 of the 200 tricep dips for real from charger's challenge...

    - I cant do the tricep dips as my chairs slide so until i get a workout bench... I used 10 lb weights to work the triceps, only got in 30.

    2. Get in 5 bottles of water.

    - Got in exactly 5.

    3. Stay with in 200 calories of my allowed. - Today is the first day of my classes I will be at school all day, healthy choices are not really an option ( i mean seriously have you seen college students - can't miss them here they're the ones without any clothes on cause its the desert - and hot)

    - Failed this one miserably. Ate Panda for lunch, even though I knew it was loaded with cals. But wasn't feeling the pizza or BK... and panda at least has some veggies in the chow mein. Tried to compensate at dinner and just couldn't, my body was like nope you need a few extras. So went over by 600 cals


    1) Finish looking at senior design projects (there are about 50 to weed through for a EE)

    2) Pull the weeds in the larger small patch.

    3) Stay with in cals - to counter yesterday.

    4) 6 bottles of water.

    5) Almost forgot charger's challenge which is 150 mountain climbers. I'm going to go for getting the proper form on these and doing half of them
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    No goals for today just try to make it through the day. Got bad news last night that a cousin of mine died in a car accident. Going to my parents house today to try to comfort my dad as this cousin was the same age as him and his best friend. Last night when my dad called me to tell me(after my mom already had so at least I alreadyu knew) and he broke down on the phone I can't bare the thought of him being in so much pain. He sounded almost as bad as when my grandmother passed away.. :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :frown: :frown: :frown:

    Hope you all havea good day...........

    aww lots of hugs and prayers for you and your family during this time.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Aug. 23:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Exercise for 20 minutes.--No.
    3. Stay on plan.--No.:grumble:

    Sometimes I think something is the matter with me. Why can't I seem to stay on plan for more than a day or two? I eat regular food so it's not a weird fad diet but I just don't seem to be able to stick to it! VERY frustrating. :frown: Starting over ONCE AGAIN!!!
    Everybody here keeps me going--I was ready to give up this morning but I read this thread and I am ready to DO THIS!!! I WILL conquer my bad-carb habit (that's my downfall so I am going to try lower carb--I need to break this vicious cycle!)

    Ravyn--Prayers for you and your family. I am SO sorry this happened!

    Bratty--Here's the nutritional info for Panda Express: (you'll have to copy and paste)

    I love that place and there are some not-so-bad choices there!

    Goals for Aug. 24:
    1. Water.
    2. Exercise for 30 mintes.
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    thanks for the panda info.. I do actually have that at home... sigh.. but i just loooovveee the orange chicken lol... i dont concern myself so much with the sodium (as I sweat too much and tend to be low on that area).... but the carbs and fat put me over every time..

    but maybe if i continue to eat there .... hmm...i could do oc as a treat once every few weeks and the mixed veggies or something else the other part... i just wish there was some kind of lunch i could bring that was small and didnt need to be refrigerated..

    they do have papa jons pizza in the food court that i wouldnt go over with, but the amount of grease.. yuk.. and burgers and fries just dont do it..... which leaves bagels...geat except i eat that for breakfast.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Wednesday's Goals:
    1. Under on calories -Yes
    2. Water - Yes
    3. Run - Yes
    4. Drop samples off - Yes
    5. Early night - Fairly
    6. Back on here tomorrow. - Yes

    Thursdays Goals
    1. Under on calories
    2. Water
    3. Run
    4. Early night
    5. Back on here tomorrow

    Have a great day!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Wednesday's goal:
    1. run, zumba, train. no, yes, no
    2. stay hydrated all day. yes
    3. eat healthy all day, including no soda! yes, yes

    So I didn't run as much as I would have liked to yesterday. just a few blocks. I didn't train because I worked on some new choreo with my zumba instructor for her party tomorrow night.
    Staying hydrated has really helped me lately. I've kept a water bottle literally strapped to my hip!
    I did give in to a peanut butter cookie and later thought, why did I do that? But I didn't consider it a failure because it was just one and done and I recovered well. still haven't had soda, just green tea and crystal light.

    Thursday's goals:
    1. restock on some key ingredients that I need to make it through the week.
    2. clean the kitchen top to bottom.
    3. follow meal plan.
    4. run after taking my daughter to the bus.
    5. cont. the search for a job.