August Day by Day Challenge (OPEN): 1 year anniversary!!!



  • Shanaedunn
    Shanaedunn Posts: 171 Member
    August 24 Goals

    1. WATER WATER WATER - Somewhat
    2. Must reamin in Numbers due to no workout - YES but I still picked up HOW IS THAT
    3. Make sure to track food as accurately as possible!- YES

    August 25

    1. Okay its offical I am begining the Walk/Run Program so I need you all to support me! Starting tomorrow.....
    3. Pilates workout today during my luch hour for one hour
    4. Accurately Log food

    Bratty II am praying for your family and your fathers piece of mind. As well as the ability for food options to open up in your favor!

    Leela looking good on your goals honey!

    PJ'S mom Everyday is a brand new day to start so lets look at it that way! If you start each day with the Enthusiasm that you had the first day each day is you are pumped. That is actually a GREAT IDEA! Let each day be like the first day! You can do this... You quit smoking and I know because I did it how hard that was!!!!!!

    Have a blessed day guys! I hope you reach your goals!

  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member

    1) Finish looking at senior design projects (there are about 50 to weed through for a EE)

    - Did this and picked the 5 I wanted to vote for only to discover due to an admin oversight I'm not yet allowed to vote.

    2) Pull the weeds in the larger small patch.

    - There were a lot more weeds in this little area then in the entire big area. I got 3/4 of this done and will try to finish tonight or tomorrow.

    3) Stay with in cals - to counter yesterday.

    - This did not happen... I will have to continue to work at this. This is my biggest downfall

    4) 6 bottles of water.

    - Got in 6.5 bottles

    5) Almost forgot charger's challenge which is 150 mountain climbers. I'm going to go for getting the proper form on these and doing half of them

    - I was able to get the form down and get in 80 of them.

    For today:

    1) charger's challenge is 300 pushups... - goal is to do all 300 with 25 being girly ones and the rest can be wall ones

    2) 5 bottles of water

    3) finish reading chapter 2 for school

    4) look at assignment for writing program

    5) try to make a better lunch choice at school
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Aug. 24:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Exercise for 30 mintes.--Yes+.
    3. HEALTHY CHOICES and LOG EVERYTHING!!!--Yes and yes.

    A good day. I plan on this being another. (I seem to say that a lot, don't I? Well, as someone has said:"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!" So, I PLAN on this being a good day!

    Thanks for the encouragement, Shanae! I appreciate it.

    Time to get moving! Have a great day, everyone!

    Goals for Aug. 25:
    1. Water.
    2. Exercise for 20 minutes.
    3. Healthy choices and log everything!
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    As I figured it would be, yesterday was a bad day. Still greiving and not motivated to do anything but I know that I must do something! So I'm going to give myself one goal today and just work from there.

    Goal for today Aug 25, I will clean. not fitness related but if I'm going to be going to PA I'm going to have to get this house in order for my hubby and daughter. They will need clothes and things while I'm gone. I'm hoping I can do this but its just so hard. I can only imagine what my cousins are going thru right now. I just can't even think of how it would feel if it had been my dad (who is the same age as the cousin I lost). Maybe I can get the energy to go for a walk. Might help me clear my head. Even a really slow one around my neighborhood would probably help. 52 is just too young to die......:frown:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Leela looking good on your goals honey!

    Thanks Shanae, I just try to keep pushing one day at a time!

    Bratty- that seems like a lot of push ups. how's the challenge coming for you?
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Just came back on for a little mid day check in to see where I'm at!
    Thursday's goals:
    1. restock on some key ingredients that I need to make it through the week. not yet
    2. clean the kitchen top to bottom. yes, with a little help from hubby.
    3. follow meal plan. so far, so good.
    4. run after taking my daughter to the bus. yes, a little slower than usual, but I feel great.
    5. cont. the search for a job. about to get on it now!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Thursdays Goals
    1. Under on calories - No
    2. Water - No
    3. Run - No
    4. Early night - Yes
    5. Back on here tomorrow -Yes

    Just keep trying. Its my mom's birthday today and we're going to have a chinese takaway for dinner so its going to be tough. Can't wait to see everyone though.

    Goals for Friday:

    1. Take the healthier options tonight at dinner
    2. Drink plenty of water. All that sodium!
    3. Have fun

    Have great Friday!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Happy Friday everyone!
    Goals are simple for today:
    1. do an official workout after my daughter goes to school.
    2. run errands early!
    3. have a fun workout in the afternoon.
    4. Party Hard!!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Aug. 25:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Exercise for 20 minutes.--Yes.
    3. Healthy choices and log everything!--Yes and yes.

    Had another pretty good day. I kept to whole grains and vegetables and fruit when it came to carbs yesterday--no processed, simpe ones (ie: no pop tarts!). I do feel better and more i control. I plan to do the same today!

    Ravyn--Take care of yourself, too. Sending you some hugs! (And I agree, 52 is WAY too young to die!)

    Goals for Aug. 26:
    1. Water.
    2. Exercise for 20 minutes.
    3. Healthy choices and log everything.
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member

    For today:

    1) charger's challenge is 300 pushups... - goal is to do all 300 with 25 being girly ones and the rest can be wall ones

    - I did 25 girly 105 wall push ups - yes Leela this is a lot, which is why I do them on the wall. I'm working on doing larger set numbers and converting to girly then hopefully full pushups. But its a challenge and a way for improvement

    2) 5 bottles of water

    - Got in 5

    3) finish reading chapter 2 for school

    - I did not do this. got to distracted by the senior project stuff and the lightning - which hit the palm tree at the house behind mine last night.

    4) look at assignment for writing program

    - did not do this either. loss inet after the lightning hit the palm... i believe the thunder scared my modem into hiding

    5) try to make a better lunch choice at school

    - i did - i went home to change for the sr. project interviews and ate a healthy lunch. This wont be normal as i live on the other side of town and is a waste of gas... not to mention almost dying cause an suv decided to cross lanes and stop in front of me while he was still perpendicular to the lane. If i hadn't been about to switch lanes already I would have tboned him and i was in my little car. - stupid people

    For today

    1) charger challenge is 50 planks. and since i can't watch the you tube video to ensure proper form, due to loss of inet and blocking of youtube at work. i am doing the ones I know which is on the side. I will shoot for 25 each side... with a goal of 50 each side.

    2) No other goals for today.

    Weekend goals - I will not be back to the forums till Monday

    1) Read Ch.2 for one class

    2) Read Ch. 1 & 2 for the other class

    3) Finish weeds in the front yard.

    4) Perform charger's weekend challenges

    5) Eat within 500 to 600 calories of my goal.

    Good luck to all of you.

    Way to go pmsjsmom on your control...

    Ravyn more hugs.. and prayers.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Happy Friday everyone!
    Goals are simple for today:
    1. do an official workout after my daughter goes to school. YES
    2. run errands early! YES
    3. have a fun workout in the afternoon. NO, RAN OUT OF TIME.

    8/27's goals:
    1. laundry....ugh I hate laundry!
    2. run w my daughter
    3. watch a movie w my daughter
    4. stay on task with my eating and drinking water all weekend.

    Let's end this month on a high note!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Aug. 26:
    1. Water.--Yes.
    2. Exercise for 20 minutes.--No.
    3. Healthy choices and log everything.--Mostly and yes.

    Had a good day and even though I had a piece of pizza for supper I only had a half serving and had a piece of chicken that was in the fridge. Also had a HUGE salad and I think I did pretty good--especially for a Friday! I did not snack after supper, either! (LOL! I just now realized that!)

    :heart: :flowerforyou: Ravyn--Take care!:flowerforyou: :heart:

    Have a good weekend, everyone! Anyone in Irene's path--be safe!

    Goals for Aug. 27:
    1 Water.
    2. Exercise for at least 30 minutes.
    3. Healthy choices and log everything.
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Going to have a rough next couple of days. Leaving at 6am on Sunday morning and will be heading back home on monday night.

    Today I'm focusing on getting everything ready for me to go.

    Goals are
    1. finish laundry
    2. get to bed early since I'm getting up so early.

    I want to thank you all for the thoughts and prayers and hugs. They mean a lot to me. I'll be jumping back into things when I get back on Tuesday but I probably won't be back on here between now and then. Have a good weekend everyone!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm still here, just been needing some time off from almost everything. This week has been a bad week. Hubby started a new job and has been gone all week (is coming home today), my daughter started 2nd grade, but was having some really really bad days (she's adhd with no medicine right now due to lack of insurance). I started a new job, yesterday was my 1st day....I didn't log anything last couple of days, so tomorrow at weigh in, i expect a bad weigh in. Hopefully I'll be returning next week.
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member

    For today

    1) charger challenge is 50 planks. and since i can't watch the you tube video to ensure proper form, due to loss of inet and blocking of youtube at work. i am doing the ones I know which is on the side. I will shoot for 25 each side... with a goal of 50 each side.

    - did not get this completed. i did four each side at 15 secs each

    2) No other goals for today.

    Weekend goals - I will not be back to the forums till Monday

    1) Read Ch.2 for one class

    not yet

    2) Read Ch. 1 & 2 for the other class

    all of one most of two

    3) Finish weeds in the front yard.

    not yet

    4) Perform charger's weekend challenges

    i wont be doing saturdays - will do sundays

    5) Eat within 500 to 600 calories of my goal.

    - nope didnt achieve this saturday eitber

    So i decided to check in today. I won't be doing some of chargers challenges the next couple of weeks, nor will i be doing any cardio these next two weeks either... this is very disheartening. I did not allow my sprained ankle to heal completely and have re injured and thus am down another couple of weeks. this makes me very grrrrrr........ but i shall still create daily challenges to achieve.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Aug. 27:
    1 Water.--Yes.
    2. Exercise for at least 30 minutes.--No.
    3. Healthy choices and log everything.--Not bad and no.

    Had a good day and got a lot done. Then my son and his girlfriend came home with fresh-baked apple pie and ice cream (no sugar added). Didn't do badly--regular portion of each.
    However, I didn't log the shots of tequila I had! I don't usually drink, though, and this was VERY GOOD tequila! AND I enjoyed it!
    We will be having a fondue dinner today--a cheese (Jarlsberg and white wine), a broth (veggies, chicken breast and steak) and a dessert one (fruit and pound cake for dipping). I have already researched the nutrition and I will do just fine as long as I stay away from the rest of the wine and tequila! (I will be having a glass of the wine--ONE glass!)

    Barb--Hang in there. We've been there (even the no-insurance for the kids thing! Not right at all!) Take one challenge at a time, okay? We are here for you!

    Bratty--take care of that ankle! You don't want to get to my age and at the end of the day be walking like you're 95 years old because you didn't take proper care of yourself! Now I would need surgery to repair the ankle but I don't have insurance so I'll just keep using the brace in the evenings! (Luckily it doesn't bother me too much until evening so my day is fine.)

    Everyone--have a great day!

    Goals for Aug. 28:
    1. Plenty of water.
    2. EXERCISE!!! for at least 30 minutes.
    3. Watch the alcohol at dinner and log everything!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302

    8/27's goals:
    1. laundry....ugh I hate laundry! YES, JUST HAVE SOME FOLDING TO DO
    3. watch a movie w my daughter YES, BUT OF COURSE I FELL ASLEEP, WE WILL FINISH IT TODAY
    4. stay on task with my eating and drinking water all weekend. YES AND YES, VERY SURPRISED HOW EASY ITS BEEN.

    Let's end this month on a high note!

    8/28's goals: (its a long list today)
    1. finish folding clothes
    2,. finish movie with daughter.
    3. go bike riding this afternoon.
    4. get daughter ready for next school week.
    5. eat any left overs before preparing next week's menu.
    6. look through classifieds for potential employment.
    7. strength train if time permits
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Kathy looks like it was just me and you yesterday. I hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    8/28's goals: (its a long list today)
    1. finish folding clothes YES
    2,. finish movie with daughter. YES
    3. go bike riding this afternoon. YES
    4. get daughter ready for next school week. YES
    5. eat any left overs before preparing next week's menu. YES
    6. look through classifieds for potential employment. YES NOT VERY SUCCESSFUL THOUGH
    7. strength train if time permits NO

    8/29's goals:
    1. am workout...already done
    2. prepare meals
    3. put clothes away
    4 .keep water bottle with me all day
    5. fill out more job applications
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Aug. 28:
    1. Plenty of water.--Yes.
    2. EXERCISE!!! for at least 30 minutes.--Yes.
    3. Watch the alcohol at dinner and log everything!--Yes and yes.

    The fondue dinner was really fun and good, too. Did very well at portion control and had LOTS of veggies and only a little of the cheese and dessert courses!

    Leela, I find it helps to get here every day if I can!

    Goals for Aug. 29:
    1. Water.
    2. Exercise for 20 minutes.
    3. Track my food and stay on plan.