Hey guys!

I've been bugging numerous people on this site to start a thread where people doing any kind of paleo diet (whether you're Paleo Solution/Primal Blueprint) can jump in with ideas/recipes/support.

I started Paleo this week in conjunction with a Cavewoman training programe, which is basically like Crossfit. My challenge is to compete in Tough Mudder next year!

I'm not gonna lie, I'm getting headaches and I know I'm "withdrawing" from all those nasty sugary carbs... but if you're Paleo (or thinking about it, or have no idea what it is) jump on and join in.

I'd love to hear from you!

Coby x


  • CavewomanCoby
    CavewomanCoby Posts: 253 Member
    Any newbies check out this :
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    thumbs up.. I'm currently working on eliminating grains from my diet just startedd reading the primal blueprint
  • leilaniessence
    *bump*! Definitely want to see people's input on here also. I'm going to be going paleo as soon as I fly back home too!
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    bumping starting next week .... thanks darling will defo check out the link
  • CavewomanCoby
    CavewomanCoby Posts: 253 Member
    I tried cauliflower rice today with dinner. Just grated it fresh with some broccoli, cooked it for 3 mins and then served it with my coconut chicken curry. It ain't rice, but it feels a lot more "currylike" than just plain old steamed vege.
  • SarahJaneDeschamp
    SarahJaneDeschamp Posts: 359 Member
    bump thanks chick, im doing a cleansing week this week then starting it next week, thanks for the links xx
  • CavewomanCoby
    CavewomanCoby Posts: 253 Member
    For newbies :)

  • mmcperez
    mmcperez Posts: 72 Member
    Been doing Paleo for over a month now and I love it. No cravings for processed carbs and I don't feel hungry at the end of the day from just doing Paleo. Some good resources which I use.. (been cooking from mainly this site) (made a few dishes from here) (just found this site so haven't made anything from it yet) (tried all flavors and chocolate banana chunk is my favorite)

    The thing with Paleo is that it's all about high quality which means grass fed beef, free-range chicken, all organic veggies and fruit. I usually make all my food on Sunday and then eat it the rest of the week or cook more food the middle of the week. Eating out isn't that hard either when doing Paleo. Just make sure not to get processed carbs like bread, rice, potatos, etc. has recipes for everything including a Paleo pizza which gives you a variety of food to choose from.

    And that is my 2 cents.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I'm here!

    I'm loving it! I read Primal Blueprint last week and I'm reading The Paleo Diet and The Paleo Diet for Athletes right now.

    I'm really enjoying this diet. Even though it cuts a lot of things out, I've found it to be oddly liberating. Once I cut out all the carbs I have so many calories left to eat!

    I did cauliflower rice last week with coconut curry shrimp. Probably the best curry recipe I've made at home. It felt so decadent! I agree, the cauliflower is def. NOT rice, but it did taste good and you can't really have curry without it! (and I can't live without curry, so there you go)
    edited to add: I added way more spices. Ginger, coriander and cumin.
  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    Hi! I've been on a paleo style diet (I still eat small amounts of very dark chocolate) since October. It has totally changed my life. :D Paleo has helped me conquer so many health issues. I'm so glad that my rheumatologist suggested it. (In the process, he lost a patient...but I'm eternally grateful.) My goals for 2012: a full marathon by September and one Tough Mudder. :D
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    I just read the Paleo diet last week, and I'm thinking about going for it - mainly for infertility. The only problem is, I don't like a lot of veggies. It will take me a while to come up with a meal plan that I can eat without gagging (or end up bingeing).
  • CavewomanCoby
    CavewomanCoby Posts: 253 Member
    Been doing Paleo for over a month now and I love it. No cravings for processed carbs and I don't feel hungry at the end of the day from just doing Paleo. Some good resources which I use.. (been cooking from mainly this site) (made a few dishes from here) (just found this site so haven't made anything from it yet) (tried all flavors and chocolate banana chunk is my favorite)

    The thing with Paleo is that it's all about high quality which means grass fed beef, free-range chicken, all organic veggies and fruit. I usually make all my food on Sunday and then eat it the rest of the week or cook more food the middle of the week. Eating out isn't that hard either when doing Paleo. Just make sure not to get processed carbs like bread, rice, potatos, etc. has recipes for everything including a Paleo pizza which gives you a variety of food to choose from.

    And that is my 2 cents.

    I 2nd everydaypaleo, it's a great site.

    I struggle with sweet stuff at the moment, so I've been looking at paleo desserts. Thanks for the heads up on! <3
  • CavewomanCoby
    CavewomanCoby Posts: 253 Member
    Hi! I've been on a paleo style diet (I still eat small amounts of very dark chocolate) since October. It has totally changed my life. :D Paleo has helped me conquer so many health issues. I'm so glad that my rheumatologist suggested it. (In the process, he lost a patient...but I'm eternally grateful.) My goals for 2012: a full marathon by September and one Tough Mudder. :D

    Woooo Tough Mudder! Mine is September 2012 (although there is one in March which I might do as well).

    I'm so glad you've had success with Paleo, it makes the initial struggle worthwhile!
  • NineInchGirl
    I'm here!

    I'm loving it! I read Primal Blueprint last week and I'm reading The Paleo Diet and The Paleo Diet for Athletes right now.

    I'm really enjoying this diet. Even though it cuts a lot of things out, I've found it to be oddly liberating. Once I cut out all the carbs I have so many calories left to eat!

    I did cauliflower rice last week with coconut curry shrimp. Probably the best curry recipe I've made at home. It felt so decadent! I agree, the cauliflower is def. NOT rice, but it did taste good and you can't really have curry without it! (and I can't live without curry, so there you go)
    edited to add: I added way more spices. Ginger, coriander and cumin.

    There's mah gorgeous Dino!!! Roarrrrrrrr
  • NineInchGirl
    Pro protein for life baby!!!
  • CavewomanCoby
    CavewomanCoby Posts: 253 Member
    I just read the Paleo diet last week, and I'm thinking about going for it - mainly for infertility. The only problem is, I don't like a lot of veggies. It will take me a while to come up with a meal plan that I can eat without gagging (or end up bingeing).

    That's tough - if you can't stomach salads/vegies then I don't think Paleo is for you. Without those components, you fall into the trap of an Atkins/Zone diet which we know isn't healthy :-/
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I just read the Paleo diet last week, and I'm thinking about going for it - mainly for infertility. The only problem is, I don't like a lot of veggies. It will take me a while to come up with a meal plan that I can eat without gagging (or end up bingeing).

    That's tough - if you can't stomach salads/vegies then I don't think Paleo is for you. Without those components, you fall into the trap of an Atkins/Zone diet which we know isn't healthy :-/

    I agree. It's crucial. It's the variety of fresh things available that is what makes this a plan for life.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    I just read the Paleo diet last week, and I'm thinking about going for it - mainly for infertility. The only problem is, I don't like a lot of veggies. It will take me a while to come up with a meal plan that I can eat without gagging (or end up bingeing).

    I would challenge you to rethink that- the not liking many veggies part. I have a friend who says she doesn't like veggies but when we sat down and actually wrote down what she would eat it was more than she thought. Even 5 kinds of veggies is a place to start.

    And, while I was fine with veggies before beginning this WOE, the longer I did it, my tastes changed and I wanted to try more things, so I eat many more vegetables than I ever did before. I also have found that different cooking methods changed my opinion about foods. For example, brussel sprouts. I'd only ever had them boiled, gross. I love them now tossed w/ olive oil and roasted, it's a completely different experience. In fact, I love almost all vegetables tossed w/ olive oil and roasted.

    I've known a few people who have struggled with infertility and this WOE has really made a difference. I myself have endometriosis and I can tell you first hand this diet has greatly impacted my health. Please do consider it.
  • CavewomanCoby
    CavewomanCoby Posts: 253 Member
    That's great advice - thanks for the input!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I just read the Paleo diet last week, and I'm thinking about going for it - mainly for infertility. The only problem is, I don't like a lot of veggies. It will take me a while to come up with a meal plan that I can eat without gagging (or end up bingeing).

    I would challenge you to rethink that- the not liking many veggies part. I have a friend who says she doesn't like veggies but when we sat down and actually wrote down what she would eat it was more than she thought. Even 5 kinds of veggies is a place to start.

    And, while I was fine with veggies before beginning this WOE, the longer I did it, my tastes changed and I wanted to try more things, so I eat many more vegetables than I ever did before. I also have found that different cooking methods changed my opinion about foods. For example, brussel sprouts. I'd only ever had them boiled, gross. I love them now tossed w/ olive oil and roasted, it's a completely different experience. In fact, I love almost all vegetables tossed w/ olive oil and roasted.

    I've known a few people who have struggled with infertility and this WOE has really made a difference. I myself have endometriosis and I can tell you first hand this diet has greatly impacted my health. Please do consider it.

    I really like that = WOE
    So much better than diet!