

  • chorgi
    chorgi Posts: 221
    Coconut Pancakes - a Primal Treat for Brekky!


    1/4 cup coconut flour
    1/4 cup coconut milk
    4 eggs
    Pinches of cinnamon and nutmeg
    1tbsp of honey
    A teensy drop of vanilla essence
    Your choice of topping - strawberries were delicious!

    Mix all the ingredients together! YUMMMY! Then pop them on the pan like you would a normal pancake. They DON'T bubble on top like reg pancakes do, so keen an eye on them to make sure they don't burn.

    Honey is a great natural sweetener - just use it sparingly. And you may want to up the coconut milk, because coconut flour can be a little dry.

    Bon appetit!

    This is more out of professional curiosity than anything (former professional chef), but how is baking with coconut flour?

    Personally have not done any baking to replicate things like pancakes, muffins, cookies, bread etc. Some have done this, but I've found it easier to just abandon that whole concept. Very hard at first because I used to love baking, having been a 'totally homemade' freak all my life. The stand mixer sits forlorn (sniff) and the pasta machine gathering dust. I'm considering getting a dehydrator for both jerky and making crackers from juicing pulp, and kale crisps, etc. Using a spiralizer for making veg noodles to replace pasta--you get the idea. In other words learning and creating a whole different way of enjoying food. Part of the reason I don't try to replicate baked goods is I *know* how fricking amazing a good Belgian chocolate mousse, fresh pasta, focaccia, limoncello sponge cake, and the like, can taste and nothing will ever compare ... Not even avocado blended with dates and cocoa to make chocolate pudding. Gone forever. Unless I want to feel like total cr*p. So, like the smoker giving up the last stick, the alcoholic dumping the last drink, I've turned a page to a different chapter. Sometimes, all too frequently, I have a glass of wine, piece of chocolate, spoon of sugar in my coffee ... Those are lingering habits yet to be dealt with. YMMV

    I know what you mean about how trying to replicate and conform previous ideas and habits into your lifestyle can be a bad idea. It is important to turn the page. I've been trying to look at my unhealthy food habits as addictions. Carb addiction and over eating, mainly. Anytime an addict thinks they can control them self and keep the unhealthy thing in their life they are simply fooling them self. You have to eliminate the unhealthy habit altogether. I could see how trying to replicate a cake or pastry would really be psychologically defeating. It would make you feel deprived and could lead to you giving in and eating the "real" thing. I do believe it's best to turn the page and find new and different foods to enjoy and look forward to.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    is constipation a common beginning paleo side effect? read down into the comments too, see the mentions of "The Fiber Menace".

    Yes, some people have trouble in this area. It may be something else you are eating causing the distress (besides just gluten/grains).

    Edit for newbies: not necessarily "common" but some do experience this.

    I've read both these books and well opinions are opinons. Meat, vegetable, fruits and yes WHEAT/CORN grains, legume have sustained humans for centuries. Humans are not carnivores we are onmivores. The only things we shouldn't be consuming is processed foods and processed doesnt mean milled foods. Miling as well has been around for centuries on end. Oil doesnt come from corn naturally. Lard and butter are natures oils/fats.

    We should be using them over anything else. Processed foods are FAT bombs. I bought a Grandito burrito out of the food machine the other day and glanced at the label and i saw 360 calories. I said to myself thats alot of calories for so little food then later i checked and that was just for half a burrito. So the whole burrito was worth 720 calories and thats about 250 cals above largest daily meal and i eat plenty. That reason alone is why their are so many fat people in the USA.

    The only diet you can sell me on is the one that mother nature makes. I call Paleo or Primal the Fred Flintstone diet. I could never live a life on a paleo diet or reccommend it to anybody.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member

    The only diet you can sell me on is the one that mother nature makes. I call Paleo or Primal the Fred Flintstone diet. I could never live a life on a paleo diet or reccommend it to anybody.

    Anybody else find this somewhat oxymoronic? Only what Mother Nature made, but can’t do a Paleo/Primal diet, which is based on what Mother Nature makes. Call it Fred Flintstone if you like, I call all other diets the DA diet.
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member

    The only diet you can sell me on is the one that mother nature makes. I call Paleo or Primal the Fred Flintstone diet. I could never live a life on a paleo diet or reccommend it to anybody.

    Whatever anyone wishes to call eating vegetables, meat/poultry/fish, fruit, nuts (an omnivorous diet if there is one) eating this way is sustainable and healthier than one that includes the recent additions to the diet of homo sapiens--grains, soy, sugar, dairy.

    Suggesting that a few thousand years is sufficient time to alter our genome to accommodate these foods is not considering the research contradicting such an opinion. An opinion it is--unsupported by science.

    Recommend you read the research cited in this interview. Http:// This is not opinion. It is science.
  • queenbcronen
    queenbcronen Posts: 158 Member
    I just want to post real quick. The primal/paleo is something I've been following loosely and it has TREMENDOUSLY helped my diabetes. I'm also down 21lbs. I'm finding this thread so enlightening and helpful. Thank you!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Hey Paleo/Primal Peeps! I just wanted to bump this thread and say have a great week!
  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    Hey Paleo/Primal Peeps! I just wanted to bump this thread and say have a great week!
    You, too! :D
  • chorgi
    chorgi Posts: 221
    Hey Paleo/Primal Peeps! I just wanted to bump this thread and say have a great week!

    Hope you have a great week, as well!
  • queenbcronen
    queenbcronen Posts: 158 Member
    Have a great week!
  • candiigraham
    candiigraham Posts: 53 Member
    bump for my topics~
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    is constipation a common beginning paleo side effect? read down into the comments too, see the mentions of "The Fiber Menace".

    Yes, some people have trouble in this area. It may be something else you are eating causing the distress (besides just gluten/grains).

    Edit for newbies: not necessarily "common" but some do experience this.

    I've read both these books and well opinions are opinons. Meat, vegetable, fruits and yes WHEAT/CORN grains, legume have sustained humans for centuries. Humans are not carnivores we are onmivores. The only things we shouldn't be consuming is processed foods and processed doesnt mean milled foods. Miling as well has been around for centuries on end. Oil doesnt come from corn naturally. Lard and butter are natures oils/fats.

    We should be using them over anything else. Processed foods are FAT bombs. I bought a Grandito burrito out of the food machine the other day and glanced at the label and i saw 360 calories. I said to myself thats alot of calories for so little food then later i checked and that was just for half a burrito. So the whole burrito was worth 720 calories and thats about 250 cals above largest daily meal and i eat plenty. That reason alone is why their are so many fat people in the USA.

    The only diet you can sell me on is the one that mother nature makes. I call Paleo or Primal the Fred Flintstone diet. I could never live a life on a paleo diet or reccommend it to anybody.

    woahs. Well my constipation is cured and maybe you didnt mean to quote me but my constipation had nothing to do with lack of legumes and soy I haven't eaten either of those is 7 years I am highly allergic to both of them and I wasn't selling anything Just trying to not feel sick all the time. Ive spent most of my high school and now life throwing up small amounts of bile I have to carry a container with me so as not to bio hazard the floor im standing on. My doctor is concerned I might get throat cancer due to the amount of irritation its causing. GOOD NEWS I haven't thrown up in 2 days Ive only been doing the paleo for 1 week and only positive things have come to me. This life style may not be right for everyone and Im sure it wouldn't be a great "diet" ive gained 2 lbs but Im feeling better and thats what really matters.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Hi folks. I thought I would reach out here for some support because I've been putting more and more thought into trying a more "paleo" or "primal" way of eating. (I dislike putting labels on any way of eating because it conjures up notions of fad diets no matter what the specifics are....)

    I already eat fairly low sugar and not a lot of flour (though the "cheap carbs" have been creeping back in more and more). But here's the thing, a little over a year ago, I was eating a lot of animal products -- lots of egg whites, chicken breast, etc. and I just sort of snapped! I didn't want to eat meat any more so I stopped in one weekend. My husband and I both started eating more of a plant based diet (lacto-ovo vegetarian, if you must). I started replacing animal protein with beans and legumes (which I LOVE). And now I guess I'm having a hard time wrestling with the idea of incorporating so much meat back into my diet. Has anyone else out there made a similar transition?
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    I've read both these books and well opinions are opinons. Meat, vegetable, fruits and yes WHEAT/CORN grains, legume have sustained humans for centuries. Humans are not carnivores we are onmivores. The only things we shouldn't be consuming is processed foods and processed doesnt mean milled foods. Miling as well has been around for centuries on end. Oil doesnt come from corn naturally. Lard and butter are natures oils/fats.

    We should be using them over anything else. Processed foods are FAT bombs. I bought a Grandito burrito out of the food machine the other day and glanced at the label and i saw 360 calories. I said to myself thats alot of calories for so little food then later i checked and that was just for half a burrito. So the whole burrito was worth 720 calories and thats about 250 cals above largest daily meal and i eat plenty. That reason alone is why their are so many fat people in the USA.

    The only diet you can sell me on is the one that mother nature makes. I call Paleo or Primal the Fred Flintstone diet. I could never live a life on a paleo diet or reccommend it to anybody.

    Wheat, corn and grains are still new to the human diet, either way you look at it, have *nothing* that is necessary for human consumption. In fact, there are many reasons not to eat it, including spiking insulin, irritating our guts, messing with hormones, and preventing absorption of important nutrients.

    "The only diet you can sell me on is the one that mother nature makes." When was the last time you saw mother nature make a loaf of bread? I'm pretty outdoorsy and have never stumbled across a loaf of bread on my outdoor adventures. Unless you eat the wheat stalks, I guess.
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    FYI - thank you for starting this thread. I love it. Been doing Primal for over a year now.

    I actually especially love the fact that there are so many of you that are new to it and getting on board. To me this means the word is getting out and that people are realizing the benefits of it.

    Anyways, I hope this thread stays alive. :)

    Also, I haven't read through the whole thread yet, but what the heck is a tough mudder?
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member

    woahs. Well my constipation is cured and maybe you didnt mean to quote me but my constipation had nothing to do with lack of legumes and soy I haven't eaten either of those is 7 years I am highly allergic to both of them and I wasn't selling anything Just trying to not feel sick all the time. Ive spent most of my high school and now life throwing up small amounts of bile I have to carry a container with me so as not to bio hazard the floor im standing on. My doctor is concerned I might get throat cancer due to the amount of irritation its causing. GOOD NEWS I haven't thrown up in 2 days Ive only been doing the paleo for 1 week and only positive things have come to me. This life style may not be right for everyone and Im sure it wouldn't be a great "diet" ive gained 2 lbs but Im feeling better and thats what really matters.

    Please keep us in the loop with this! I would love to hear if that goes away. My brother gets that sometimes so I would love to be able to tell him that it's worked for others.
  • CavewomanCoby
    CavewomanCoby Posts: 253 Member

    The thread is great - I love the diverse opinions and the way that people are approaching their own hybrids of Paleo and Primal.

    I LOVE this way of life - I am dropping weight and have never felt better. And there is not a single part of me that misses pasta and bread.

    Thanks guys!
  • CavewomanCoby
    CavewomanCoby Posts: 253 Member
    FYI - thank you for starting this thread. I love it. Been doing Primal for over a year now.

    I actually especially love the fact that there are so many of you that are new to it and getting on board. To me this means the word is getting out and that people are realizing the benefits of it.

    Anyways, I hope this thread stays alive. :)

    Also, I haven't read through the whole thread yet, but what the heck is a tough mudder?

    The ultimate challenge - but something that is very condusive to a Paleo diet and crossfit style training (like I'm doing)

    Here it is, in all its glory!
  • CavewomanCoby
    CavewomanCoby Posts: 253 Member
    Another 3lbs bit the dust today, thanks to Paleo and some good Cavewoman work outs! YAY!

    Hope you fellow Paleo Tough Mudders are killing it too!
  • Meganne1982
    Just foudn this thread, and wanted to make sure I BUMP it.

    Been doing Paleo/primal for most of 2011, it was an easy transition and made a lot of sense to me. I was a former vegetarian, even former raw food vegan, and was fat and sick from it. My mother introduced me to low-carb living (she started atkins about 15 years ago and has never stopped). So when I discovered paleo/primal eating concepts, I was pretty much already there eating low-carb and as natural as possible. I've just been cutting out more and more dairy and legumes. (Going by the 80/20 principle, my 20 tends to be dairy and legumes).

    These really can be life changing concepts. Living the paleo/primal way is reversing horrible health problems for many of my family members as well, and it's a wonderful thing to see :)
  • jamesdelong
    jamesdelong Posts: 177 Member
    I'm signed up for the Dec Tough Mudder in Florida and going to train via a local crossfit class here in Tampa.
    I was told to try the zone or paleo for eats and found a site which I joined yesterday for Paleo and went shopping last night.

    Going to the whole food store is expensive but I eat out for lunch and dinner everyday that I am sure that even the little bit higher costs for organic food is still going to be much cheaper than me going out, plus it is way healthier for me.

    I will keep you posted with the Paleo diet after the next two weeks of seeing how my body adjusts to it.